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Wednesday, 7 December 2016

The Host

St Augustine's church Rumney, Cardiff                                                                                                                               Source: Twitter @CATACymru . Jul 17

There was a time in the Church in Wales when the the Host had nothing to to do with advancing secular causes. Male and female, gay and straight went to church as the Body of Christ even if in many parts.

Today the Church in Wales 'hosts' secular minority causes such as feminism and homosexuality from St Asaph in the North to Rumney in the South. The latest group to have their cause taken up by the secular elite known in Wales as the bench of bishops is Changing Attitude Trawsnewid Agwedd Cymru. Their goal, "full inclusion & equality of opportunity for LGBTQIA people in the Church in Wales & the Anglican Communion".

Given the prominence of gays in the church, 'inclusion & equality' has to be taken to mean dominance since their very presence at all levels proves that they are anything but excluded. The Archbishop of Wales is so keen on advancing the homosexual cause that he hoped that he would be able to consecrate a gay bishop before consecrating a woman bishop.

So absurd has this campaign become that while cancer sufferers have to beg for treatment which costs 43 pence, the Government chooses to offer gay men a daily pill costing £400 a month to support their life style.

As a gay recipient put it, "I've seen the panic on the face of previous boyfriends when they are awaiting their [HIV test] results - it's a huge fear and it affects everything you do. To be able to have sex without having that fear hanging over you all the time is huge."

"Changing history in the church!"                                                  Source: Twitter @FlintshirePride 

Welcome to the gay church of Wales - unless you are in the minority struggling to keep the faith. 

There is no 'inclusion & equality' for you.

Postscript [11.12.2016]

Readers clicking on the 'hosts' link in paragraph 2 will note that viewing the Iris Prize documentary All One in Christ is now confined to a private audience. An extract can be seen in a BBC clip here.

Given the purpose of the film was to educate people about the way gay people have been "ostracised and mistreated because of their sexuality" the exercise seems to have lost its point. As Dr Morgan put it, "I hope this powerful film will bring home to all the scale of the damage done and ultimately help change attitudes within the church." This farce indicates that his starting point should be with the Bench.


  1. The person sitting on the end of the fourth photo left Mr Briton. He appears to have brought a lovely little poodle with him into St Asaph Cathedral. A rapidly growing breed among the faithful. Wouldn't you agree?

    1. I think you are in for a surprise if you watch the film Carla but yes, I agree, poodles are very prevalent in the Church in Wales.

    2. A.B, is there a covert method of watching this film on line without my husband knowing about it?

    3. Get your archdeacon to neuter him, if you suspect that he is a poodle too.

    4. Surprise, surprise Carla, the film has been made public again!

  2. Poodles!!
    Bishop Andy tipped for Llandaff -poodle for +Barry in his retirement.
    He will be loyal to his master.

  3. Sad to learn that the bishop of Bangor has sent an email around his clergy today informing that he and his wife are separating. Bishop Andy is a firm supporter of same sex marriage and women bishops.

    1. Um....
      @Carla -is there a link between your two sentences above?

    2. Being liberal, I'm really not sure. Although my husband did hear that Andy is hoping for a magicians conjuring set for Christmas - Bless!!
      "And now,Ladies and gentlemen, for my next trick - the Amazing Moving Goalpost".

    3. This really isn't the place to be making comments like this. AncientBriton should not have published the comment about the Bishop's email regarding his separation in the first place. As for Simple Soul's comment, once again proven himself to be nothing more than a gossip. Shame on you.

    4. Gaychristian, I agree, gossip is horrible and unchristian. But then, the Church in Wales, (as an organization) has become just that. Take some time out to study how a certain Welsh bishop dealt with heterosexual gossip to compare with homosexual, and indeed, on occasions, criminal issues and allegations, even convictions, against some clergy.More than often,their fate is determined by their sexual orientation or the color of their eyes. Now that's corruption. Is it not?: scandal-and-offence-blog There's plenty of factual, none defamatory stuff on the Church in Wales within the public domain. Do what your bishop probably does when he?she needs some gossip - simply google it, or get a private detective to do it for you. What better Phd or D.LL topic for an aspiring lawyer. Wonderful client pulling power, would you not agree?

  4. I was at the cathedral...we had other videos too..made by Welsh schools about gay and transgender equality..followed by one about two Arab men in bed together who were later hung.

    lesbian clergy couples proudly held hands as they supped wine. The two lesbian Nuns even had their poodle with them, and the Bishop proudly commented that the African call to repentance was already repenting discrimination against gay people. However the Master of ceremonies proclaimed that this was equality for LBGTQI..lesbian, transgender, bisexual intersex, queer. please post as a comment.

  5. Robert, a historical factual public non defamatory comment,

    'The President of the Church in Wales''Provincial Court', His Hon Michael Evans QC, declared at Caernarfon HMCC buildings on 20 October 1997, "We continue as we please"'.

    Search the' archives to view.

  6. Why don't we now just get rid of governing body and the pretence that they make any difference? It costs a fortune. We also need to get rid of the group that meet to elect new Bishops as the decision has already been made, so why pretend?
    It does make sense if you wish to kill the put in a liberal lady in the most conservative diocese in Wales; and an evangelical Bishop in the most Catholic diocese.
    Regarding the gay issue, there is no talk at all about traditional and Scripture, which used to be important to our church. Now it is just my right to do whatever I feel like doing, so long as that is liberal and left wing. There is no point in getting out of bed on a Sunday for that product so the CiW declines...........

  7. Sad fact ..but it was declining as a conservative denomination. So is the Roman catholic Church in Wales..primarily because of pastoral incompetency.

    1. Even sadder still is that the the hubris Dr Morgan ignores any responsibility as he tours regional newspapers publishing his purpose written advertorials in search for sympathy votes. Soon, it will be the Welsh TV, Government and the House of Lord's turn to obey . The King is dead. Long live the king.

  8. I think the 'Rainbow Bishop' needs to read Mathew Parrish's article in the Times.
    We do not want such a man for ++.
