It began here
and here
and now here:
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Canon Jeremy Pemberton (right) and his husband, April 2014 Photo BBC |
Is this the crunch and if so for whom?
Canon Jeremy Pemberton was refused a licence to work as a hospital chaplain because his 'marriage' was against the Church of England's teachings so he brought a discrimination case against his bishop giving the distinct impression that for some clerics sexual preference is more important than their priestly ministry. This is not equality, it is stupidity. A line needs to be drawn to avoid further haemorrhaging of Church members, something the ordination of women clearly failed to do.
Traditional Anglicanism in England and Wales has given way to self interest. Career choices, often second choices for middle-aged women, are represented as 'a calling' with what appears to be virtually automatic acceptance for female candidates while a young male candidate with traditional views about the ordination of women is rejected. That is discrimination.
After equality, 'love' has become the in-word but it is also used as a euphemism for lust. Advocates correctly claim that Christ commanded that we should love one another but that was not given as a license to pursue every conceivable twist of the word. If it had been, it would not have taken 2,000 years for people to understand the Bible.
Reaching a new low the House of Bishops of the US Episcopal Church (TEC) wants to change the definition of marriage in the canons so that any reference to marriage as between a man and a woman is removed. - Read Anglican Curmudgeon's 'Bishops bless blasphemy' here and the Archbishop of Canterbury's reaction here.
What happens in TEC has been used as a green light by revisionists to push for changes in the Anglican Church in England and Wales while ignoring the views of the wider Church. See "Pride Festivals Draw Liberal Clergy on Parade" (here) and "John Sentamu calls for harmony as Church of England rows over sexuality escalate" (here).
Same sex marriage has become the sticking point for many. The vote in Ireland and more recently by the Supreme Court in the US has turned tolerance and understanding into an absurdity. The Tory Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan warns, "Children who hold homophobic views [are] more likely to become extremists". Ms Morgan who is also Minister for Women and Equalities must be unaware that opponents of same sex marriage are branded homophobic simply because they hold to the traditional view that marriage is the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others.
Such views are not confined to the Conservative Party. Norman Lamb, a Liberal Democrat leadership contender has argued that children’s TV shows like Peppa Pig should feature gay characters. In line with fashionable thinking he said "Our broadcasters must realise that sexuality is not, fundamentally, about who you want to have sex with – but who you are, and who you love", an open sesame if ever there was one. As Melanie McDonagh put it in The Spectator, "If love now rules supreme, should incest and polygamy also be legalised"?
Labour leader hopefuls also talk of equality confusing equality with sameness. Andy Burnham whose LGBT credentials had been questioned now says that "faith schools should be forced to teach about gay relationships", forgetting the transient nature of childhood feelings: When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. A childhood crush is just that. Attempts to spread the gay agenda on TV and in our schools should be resisted, not supported.
These false views of equality should be seen for what they are, stupidity giving licence to lust masquerading as love. Again in the US, Diana Butler Bass, "an independent scholar and expert on U.S. religion" penned a piece for the Washington Post in which she reflected on Katharine Jefferts Schori’s tenure as Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. Regarded by many as a heretic there was nevertheless a glowing appreciation of the retiring Presiding Bishop which included a reference to innumerable indignities, "most noteworthy of which was a 2010 order by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams that she not wear a mitre (the hat worn by Christian bishops to symbolize their spiritual authority) when preaching in an English cathedral".
Predictably the facts were twisted. The other side of this incident can be read here. Jefferts Schori's called, "their canons about the ministry of clergy from overseas" nonsense and said, "It is bizarre; it is beyond bizarre", much like her ministry.
Diana Butler Bass is a leading voice in Progressive Christianity in which Christ's new commandment to "love one another" has become an excuse for every excess, ignoring Christ's example "as I have loved you". That is, no women Apostles, no gay agenda, no same sex marriage.
One would have hoped, even expected, that when the Church is so obviously being used for political advantage to the detriment of the body of Christ, the successors to the Apostles would have something to say about it. To their shame, those who do are more often part of the problem supporting the latest fad rather than defending the faith.
Speaking at the discrimination case brought by Canon Pemberton against the Church, the Rt Rev Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham, described the Church of England's teaching that marriage is only between a man and a woman as "a lousy definition". This created outrage drawing in the Archbishop of York. However, the Dean of York, the Very Rev Vivienne Faull, "defended York Minster's support for a section of the community that frequently experiences discrimination and hostility" as she played the well worn victim card.
The 'victim card' has become an absurdity. The new victims are the very people who are accused of victimisation while the majority of bishops seek popularity by reflecting current trends in society rather than follow Christ's message: "Everyone will hate you because you are committed to me".
Meanwhile I see that the Venerable Ruth Worsley is to be the next Bishop of Taunton in the Diocese of Bath and Wells. On hearing the news she said: "I am surprised and amused to be chosen as the next Bishop of Taunton as I grew up in a non-conformist church where women held no roles of leadership". Par for the course in New Anglicanism!
Postscript [11 July 2015]
According to the Telegraph report, the Archbishop of Canterbury hopes that encouraging people to take part in frank, face-to-face discussions will help "break the deadlock over what has become one of the most toxic issues in the Church. A similar tactic led to breakthrough over the issue of women bishops which was finally agreed last year after decades of argument".
What is there to talk about? Homosexuality is already recognised as a fact of life. Civil partnerships have been welcomed as a significant advance in human rights but the current movement to put homosexual relationships on a par with the institution of Holy Matrimony designed for the procreation of children is a step too far. That the Church of England, along with the Church in Wales, even discusses the issue illustrates the extent to which Anglicanism has lost its way in this country. And at such a cost when children are going hungry!
Postscript [19 August, 2015]
From the 'Not Another Episcopal Church Blog': When to Leave a Church.
For 'Episcopal church' one could read Church in Wales.
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You will find that another woman has been appointed to the episcopate in England today (Suffragan Bishop of Aston). Byzantine Barry must crying into his soup that he can't share the spotlight. Hang on in there, +Wyn, please, whatever you do. We know how the Archmanipulator will stop at nothing to bulldozer St David's into accepting Peggy the Pilate or Wigley the Methodist spouse. Mind you, from what we read here, that might be preferable to translating Andy the Incompetent from Bangor.
ReplyDeleteOh please, St David's take Andy Pandy - and quickly. The Cathedral was half empty for the ordination, last Saturday. The numbers have been going down for a few years now (there was a time when the whole Diocese turned out to celebrate the ordainations) but last Saturday was pathetic. No, it was embarrassing. Rows of extra chairs were put out with no-one sitting in them. Nia Williams (who has just resigned as a Canon with no job to go to) did not robe with the other clergy but sat in the congregation. The cottaging Archdeacon of Meirionnydd looked like thunder throughout the whole proceedings. The spin on the Diocesan website ("as Bishop Andy is always reminding us, together everyone achieves more... that was certainly the case on Saturday) is a classic piece camouflage designed to put a brave face on a car crash in slow motion.
ReplyDeleteHave a look at the pictures for yourself. I even spotted the former Canon Chancellor sat sheepishly on the back row.
And today, there's an advert for Sour Sue's old job in the Church Crimes. The successful candidate will need to double-up as some sort of buildings surveyor (gosh, that should attract some good candidates) as well as prop up dead-in-the-water satellite churches. Interestingly, the successful candidate is required to communicate effectively in English AND Welsh. There's an admission of a recent failure. But hurry, applications need to reach Andy C*ap by noon on 23rd July. Don't all rush at once...
Unlike the sycophant 'Pasta Bake' Angelina of Tindaethwy and her gushing Daily Post letter, the learned Professor gives an accurate report of the ordination service last Saturday. Good man! You will not be forgotten. We can be sure, the 'Ice Maiden' sends lots of love.
DeleteA congregation of less than 100 by the looks of it. Certainly not a ticket only event! Wimmin-Church is hardly filling the pews, is it?
DeleteYes, that may be true Voxpop. Nevertheless, be prepared, 'His Insignificance' is significant in Andy's downfall. It will be his only opportunity for a woman bishop before retirement. Can't see + Wyn bach (St Davids) going before then. "The thief comes to kill steel and destroy".
ReplyDeleteDoes Andy C*ap (it's a horrible nick-name - but sadly accurate) want to attract a candidate of real quality to be Dean of Bangor? Having looked at the pathetic and down-beat advert, with its parochial tone, no mention of being in a university city, no expressed desire for the cathedral to become a centre of excellence, no vision for the future, just 'keep on plodding onwards' with a bit of building surveillance thrown-in for good luck, the answer is a resounding "No"! He might as well offer it to Randolph Ellis and have done with it. Why bother to spend time and money advertising, interviewing, redecorating the Deanery and paying a re-settlement grant. What a complete Plonker the man is. Completely inept. The Diocese is dying - and let's not forget who is ultimately responsible for this situation: Barry the B***ard, Cyanide Sue, Andrew-always-tell the truth-Jones and the manipulator par excellence, Alun Hawkins (who loves styling himself as Dean Emeritus). Tony Crockett must be turning in his grave.
ReplyDeleteQuote from the bishop of Monmouth (see previous entry): "Because of the economic stringencies we are facing at the moment, we have to have a clear understanding of how we manage the money, so that we can have the right resources in the right place. This will mean cutting the number of clergy down but hopefully having good teams which will enable us to go forward in the future."
ReplyDeleteTime to merge Bangor with St Asaph?
Bishop Gregory raised the question in response to the Church in Wales Review:
"Are we willing to commit ourselves to explore co-operation and possible merger between the dioceses of St Asaph and Bangor?"
So far the only action taken appears to favour keeping the bishops with their senior managers in the style to which they have become accustomed at the expense of dwindling congregations thus creating more financial problems for the hard pressed people in the pews.
Speaking of more financial problems for the hard pressed people in the pews, you should have seen bully boy Bazza's performance at the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral recent AGM!
DeleteHis ++Irrelevance arrives late all in a fluster to find his glove puppet sat "in the chair" has dared to start without him.
Bazza demands the floor and launches into a red-faced hot-under-the-clerical-collar tirade ranting about how HE is the Bishop and how HE decides what goes on and how HE is determined to get his own way and more such drivel ad nauseum.
(The root cause of all this is that the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral received a £400k bequest and are continuing to refuse to hand it over to His ++Darkness to squander.)
Back to the rant!
The money was left "to Llandaff Cathedral" and is needed NOW to massage the Cathedral accounts and to keep his sinking flagship afloat (along with the utterly inept Capon who is so cowed under the stare of his dark Lord that he makes no attempt to remind anyone who is actually supposed to be Dean - it wouldn't have happened in Bonaparte's time!).
The minutes will make interesting reading.
General opinion is that Bazza is having a nervous breakdown over the defiance of the Friends and his inability (not least due to the constitution of the Friends) to get his hands on their cheque book.
One hears he has been actively investigating the legal possibilities for having the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral "dissolved" but is getting nowhere in that direction.
Keep up the good work Friends of Llandaff Cathedral, do not succumb to the wiles of the arch snake in our midst, his time among us is coming to an end.
Now that IS interesting - and the Friends need to make sure that neither Byzantine Barry nor the former Golf Caddy get their hands on this money. That explains (yet another) begging letter in The Bell this month. Those who wish to compare the ghastly noise which passes for 'music' in Llandaff should attend services over the coming weekend (sung by Exeter Cathedral choir). It will be a reminder of what used to be the norm at Llandaff before the two 'acting' Deans made such a dog's dinner of the whole operation.
DeleteIf Byzantine Barry wants to bolster the Cathedral's failing financial state, why doesn't he dig into his discretionary fund? Oh, sorry, I forgot, he's going to squander that on his farewell jolly for his girl clergy in Oxford next summer. I wonder how many clergy will actually go, despite the usual 'threat' in the invitation (If there are overwhelming reasons why you cannot attend I want to know). This could be a wonderful opportunity to stick up two fingers at his disastrous grip on power.
I have concluded that it would be a total insult to so many of the Diocese's cash-strapped parishioners have been made contribute to this fund in economically deprived areas, while Byzantine Barry is wined and dined at High Table in the fattest college in Oxford.
DeleteFor those who might like to recall how Choral Matins sounds.
With a decent and proper Cathedral choir too.
It should prove to be quite a blast from a very long time past.
Another dose of Bielby's self-serving nonsense in this months edition of The Bell too.
Apart from Butler's sacking by Moorhouse he conveniently overlooks the weekend several years ago when Butler booked his Peterhouse choir to sing the services for one of the summer holiday weekends.
The only difference on that occasion was that neither Butler nor his choir showed up.
Two excellent counter-tenors indeed.
What a pity he can't find any to do the job regularly.
If anyone in Llandaff needed any proof that the Capon is quite literally a puppet, Darth ++Insidious delivered it in shovels full at the Friends AGM.
DeleteIf he had a pair he would have told his dark master where to go.
He allowed his own (all too little) authority as Dean of Llandaff Cathedral to be completely undermined. He was humiliated very publicly and his position is untenable but lacking a pair, he will do nothing about it. Pathetic.
His Darkness has been taking a personal interest in the ethics of business. ‘Ethical investment is now everybody’s business’ is the headline that accompanied His Darkness’ keynote speech
DeleteWe know that His Darkness is an exponent of high-end hypocrisy - witness the whiff of smelly stuff that continues to hang over his private, unaudited “discretionary” fund. Regarding the £400k bequest to the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral, which he is so desperate to get his hands on, perhaps he should start by following some of his own advice on the ethics of business? Come on Your Grace, rather than saying to the Friends, ‘Trust me, I’m the bishop, I’m in charge, hand over the cash’ why not put together a fully costed business plan to be assessed for due diligence and scrutiny? That’s the way the rest of us do business in the big wide world. Perhaps if His Grace ran his own outfit in a more business like way he wouldn’t be a little archbishop of such a little, insignificant and near bankrupt church?
Well one does continue to hear from the grumblings on The Green that the giving at Llandaff continues to plummet and that the prevailing attitude is that the bully boy can dig his hands into his unaudited 'discretionary' funds if his Cathedral is short of cash.
Delete@Llandaff Pelican
DeleteRather than saving money on the Cathedral budget, Bazza's golf caddy has to find the means to pay for the Ranstead agency workers he's imported to run his bloated admin department and Cathedral office.
There's an art to appearing to be busy in an empty Cathedral for which there is precious little to do.
The ears in the walls also report that his favourite Mr Toad has been sticking his wet nose into the running of the 'pop-up' Cathedral Cafe experiment to offer his own invaluable experience of the catering trade.
Suffice it to say that the ladies from St. Michelle's were less than impressed with his insights and told the slimy amphibian where to go, reportedly resulted in a p*ssing contest between senior management of St Michelle's and Capon.
As usual in matters concerning his authority as Dean, Bazza's glove puppet came second!
Apologies readers, one little titbit I forgot to mention.
DeleteDuring Bazza's rabid rant at the Friends' AGM he also happened to throw in for good measure a claim that the Organ Appeal fund raising efforts had resulted in a considerable financial loss to the Cathedral.
How such a thing might be possible when the new Organ is in situ AND we were provided with the invaluable reassurances of David Jones on pages 21 and 22 of the December 2013 edition of The Bell is a puzzle to me.
@Llandaff Pelican
DeleteTalking of ghastly noises, Bielby's "interim" appointment to cover a short interregnum seems to be dragging on interminably.
Following a polite round of applause at the installation of the new Canon recently (for the new Canon you understand) Bielby believed that the applause was in appreciation of the dismal performance of his scab singers!
What an arrogant berk!
@Llandaff Pewster – clarification is required. Did His Darkness deliberately and maliciously mislead the Friends AGM by suggesting that the Organ Appeal Fund had a detrimental affect on the finances of the cathedral? If he did make such an allegation, and it is not true, then he owes a public apology to those who organised and contributed so generously to the Organ Appeal.
Delete@Ding Dong!
DeleteI cannot confirm that His ++Darkness did not deliberately and maliciously mislead the Friends AGM by suggesting that the Organ Appeal Fund had a detrimental effect on the finances of the Cathedral.
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DeleteIt would seem all is not well at St. Michelle's despite the reprieve announced by the bench of bunglers last year.
7th July at 15:11
"A message from Stephen Adams, Dean of Ministry Development.
After almost ten happy years at St Michaels I am returning to parish ministry. At the end of September I will become Rector of Cowbridge (Y Bont-Faen) in the Vale of Glamorgan, west of Cardiff. I came to St Michael’s at the end of January 2006 after eighteen years as a parish priest. My role since then has been helping those preparing for ministry and resourcing those already in ministry, particularly those in their early years. There have been many challenges to face in that time and significant changes to negotiate. I have had magnificent colleagues at St Michaels and had the privilege of working alongside ministry officers and others (including students and course participants) who have been a source of inspiration and learning for me. For the last year or so I have been feeling that the time has come to consider how I might best use my remaining years before retirement. I once heard a wise priest say (after many decades of parochial ministry) that he had always felt called to be a parish priest and that he had found it to be the best job in the world. His words resonated with me then and still do."
9th July at 09:56
"Our congratulations to Mark Clavier on his appointment as Vice principal at St Stephen's House, Oxford. Mark starts his new post in January so we will not have to say goodbye quite yet."
It must be time for another annual review and those in the know are voting with their feet.
The No 2 and the No 1 announce their departure within days of each other.
The proverbial rats and the sinking ship come to mind but Swann Hellenic it's not.
DeletePieces of the jigsaw are falling into place.
Could it be that the signs of desperation to make the 'Pop-in' Cathedral Cafe experiment work are more to do with transferring employees from St Michael's so that fewer redundancy payments will have to be forked out?
The ears in the walls report that large numbers of the glove puppets congregations are boycotting his Cafe experiment due to their displeasure over access to and the use of the Prebendal House being restricted to the select few.
One hears rumours that the Bishop of Llandaff high school is running a deficit too.
It seems the darkness continues to spread
DeleteAs Oscar Wilde might have said,
"To lose one tutor may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose two looks like carelessness."
@Llandaff Pewster
DeleteThank you for the reminder.
Has anyone yet managed to obtain a copy of the "separate account for the solo organ, itemising each expenditure item, will be produced in due course and available to anyone on request." promised by David Jones in his letter?
Published at
DeleteI too have heard that Bazza's Bishop of Llandaff high school was in financial difficulty.
I also heard that this is how they are planning to plug the hole in their finances.
DeleteFollowing a little research the ears in the walls report that Bielby's stint as 'interim' Director of Music has been contracted for 2 years.
The obvious significance of the 2 year contract seems to be that after 2 years he would acquire employment 'rights' (and the Barry/Lucy Morgan school of employment law would not contemplate Cathedral musicians having 'rights').
@Llandaff Pewster (July 6)
DeleteI too heard His ++Darkness has been 'investigating the legal possibilities for having the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral "dissolved"' but all is not doom and gloom since the ears in the walls report that the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral constitution has him well and truly snookered.
Seemingly if the Friends' organisation is wound up, any monies still in the kitty at that time would have to be returned to the donor(s) or their estate(s).
Bully boy Bazza's rage grows in direct proportion to the length of time the Friends' money is burning a hole in his pocket.
Here's raising a double Rum Pansy to the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral and their defiance of the Arch squanderer.
The ears in the wall report that, following my post above dated 7th July concerning Bazza' claim at the recent AGM of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral (specifically "that the Organ Appeal fund raising efforts had resulted in a considerable financial loss to the Cathedral."), the duplicitous arch snake has been trying to deny that he ever said such a thing or anything remotely like it.
DeleteApparently His ++Darkness' comments have stirred up a hornet's nest of renewed interest in the Organ appeal fund alleged fraud.
Unfortunately for bully boy Bazza, the news on The Green today is that his entire rant at the AGM was tape recorded for posterity.
It couldn't have happened to a nicer primate.
The truth will out.
Suck it up Barry.
DeleteAt last it sounds like the long suffering people of Llandaff have woken up to the reality and realised that the Arch snake and deceiver in their midst needs to be dealt with by every possible means, including the use of technological marvels like the dictaphone, a truly objective, independent and irrefutable witness.
Here's hoping that the members of the Llandaff PCC, Fabric Committee, Development Committee, Stewards, Chapter etc also cotton on to the fact that this is the way to deal with bully boy Bazza, his coven and minions like the glove puppet.
The ears in the walls also report that at least one of the Lay Clerks had the foresight to record for posterity all the meetings held during the sham redundancy "consultation" process.
If only someone had enjoyed the same foresight during Bonaparte's reign perhaps matters might not have got so out of hand!
O come on! Why saddle +Gregory with 7 years of incompetence and neglect by Andy Pandy? On the eve of the 2008 electoral college in Bangor, the Diocese was in good spirits. They were grieving the untimely death of their bishop - a father, a visionary with a clear (and no-nonsense) sense of what would work in largely rural North-West Wales. Good quality clergy were coming in to the Diocese. There was a buzz in the parishes. Barry gets Cyanide Sue and her public toilet loitering friend to woefully discredit the obvious candidate, and now look at us! C*ap clergy. C*ap prospects for the future. C*ap bishop.
ReplyDeleteIf I were Gregory, the only terms of which I would contemplate a merger is if "the right resources are in the right place" - i.e. the current incumbent of the See of Bangor is shipped-off to Bongo-Bongo Land. Actually... come to think of it, perhaps that's where he is already?
I do hope the poor Bishop of Bangor (for as long as he is left with us) will find a suitable man-servant who will attend to his lack of ecclesiastical sartorial deportment. It really will not do to forget to wear his pectoral cross outside his chasuble. And, really, it doesn't look good in procession with a crozier in one hand and a hymn-sheet in the other - both splayed at 120 degree angles. At the best of times, he looks slightly awkward when in full vesture; but obviously his lady attendants at the ordination didn't know what they were doing either, or else they would have not let him leave the vestry looking so ridiculous. I doubt if his wife lets him out for his daily trot up Snowdon if his running gear is not in order!
ReplyDeleteVox Pop's observation that "Wimmin-Church is hardly filling the pews" is spot on. What a sad spectacle that ordination was.
ReplyDeleteBut what we now have in Bangor is worse than Wimmin Church - it's "Girl Church." Where ever you go to worship in the Diocese now, all you get is giggly clergy who think the liturgy is an opportunity to audition for a place on the X-Factor. It's all about "me, me, me" with absolutely no substance whatsoever. No wonder people stay away from such amateurishness.
Not all the churches in Bangor Diocese are as you are painting them. Visit the churches in the Bro Ogwen Ministryy Area and you will receive a warm welcome, faithful preaching and on a Wednesday morning in Llandegai, Morning Prayer followed by Eucharist and a get together over coffee and biscuits. We are fortunate to have an assistant priest, Christina, who bears absolutely resemblence to what you describe. She is a pleasure to share worship with and is nothing like the wimmin auditioning for tthe X Factor. And if you want to see positive signs then you have just missed the 3 Churches Fete in the vicarage garden in Pentir. A time to get together with friends and make new ones; to soak th vicar Fr John Matthews with wet sponges and to share fellowship with people from other churches in the ministry area. Not all parts of the diocese are moribund; we are working in our worship, our schools and in the community. Oh, and the Gospel is preached faithfully Sunday by Sunday. Come and join us in true Christian worship and fellowship
DeleteFr John Matthews is, of course, a rare exception now in Bangor - and it's good to hear that things are flourishing around Pentir and Llandegai. But these oases are thin on the ground. And when the person at the top is blundering and uninspiring, lacking vision, creating division, giving senior responsibility to a bunch of talentless no-hopers, while his most gifted (Welsh-speaking) clergy threw in the towel and moved to prestigious posts in the C of E, you have to wonder how long before the whole Diocese crumbles into the Menai Straights - despite the new Robert Townsend Directorate of Positive-spin Propoganda and the Vicar of Menai Bridge's cri de coeur in the local rag.
DeleteOf course, this has all happened under direct instruction from Llys Esgob, CF5 because Barry still thinks he is Bishop of Bangor - and St Davids, and Monmouth, and S&B and occasionally Llandaff, too. Sounds like he also thinks he is Dean of Llandaff. Has the man lost all sense of loyalty to the poor minion he sent in with a shovel to clear up the mess he created in the first place?
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DeleteOne suspects that this bullshit is more typical of what goes for ministry in Bazzaland nowadays.
Is anyone REALLY surprised that the pews are empty?
DeleteMore of the same tripe.
Finances are indeed a problem, though despite her sourness I'm told Dean Sue left Bangor Cathedral's bank balance in a healthy place. Will this remain the position now that additional staff are brought in to plug the gaps in the Precentor's performance?
ReplyDeleteOf more concern maybe is the Diocesan finances. Why did the finance officer suddenly resign earlier this year? Did she have concerns about what she was asked to do? And did she write to the Archbishop about matters?
We should be told, but will issues of confidentiality again be used to block any inquiries?
And so the finances should have been in good order. Sour Cyanide was a bank clerk in her former existence. She should have stayed with 'The Listening Bank' a continued growling at customers at the foreign exchange counter. And with all these people she's been sacking, she must have saved a fortune on the wages bill.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant comment Llandaf Pewster. The late Leonard Rossiter of TV sitcom 'Rising Damp' would be delighted to find that 'Mr Rigsby' had found his soul mate in the 'high profile' Metropolitan Archtickler, His Irrelevance, Barry Wonga. Gosh, these tablets are marvelous. Don't you think brethren?
ReplyDelete‘The journey’s end ...?’ To be sure, Ancient Briton, as ever you and your commentators have exposed the truth. The jungle drums on the Green are thumping out that the plumbing at CinW High Command in Cathedral Road is leaking that the positive publicity expected to be generated by His Darkness steering through the same sex ‘marriage’ motion at this September’s Governing Body, will be used to bury a dire set of membership and finance figures. These will be the most appalling set of figures ever published – every single indicator is negative and in free-fall. The brutal fact is that on paper hardly anyone goes to church on a Sunday. In fact the numbers are so low that the stats team thought it was statistical noise – statistically they show that averaged across the whole province nobody goes to church!
ReplyDeleteThis will be a bit of an eye opener for all those clergy who have dumped traditional values and jumped onto His Darkness’ liberal bandwagon. He and his Benchsitters will go into retirement with their pensions in tact. But for those clerics in their mid-fifties and younger the cupboard is bare. Cathedral Road is even suggesting that the model of full time employed ministry is dead and the clergy need to find outside employment to fund their salaries. Where possible, parishes will be asked to directly fund the stipends, as happens in other denominations. So it looks like the pewsitters may well have the last laugh – sorry, that should read, it looks like the ‘pewsitter’ (singular) may well have the last laugh.
If the latest edition of that rag The Bell is to be believed, nobody at all went to Llandaff Cathedral on Sunday 31st May!
DeleteBrethren, I am surprised that no mention had been made of the 'Hubris Syndrome'. From which there is no known cure. 'The Intoxication of Power'. David Owen.
DeleteThe arch snake didn't give a toss for the assistant organist and members of the Llandaff Cathedral Choir when he put them on the dole but pontificates once again.
Even the trendy, left-leaning Bishop of Willesden (Pete of the Purple Hair) diagnosed the Llandaff problem in last Friday's Church Times: "Get rid of the dynasty of people who have run the church for the last 40 years. Persuade them to stand down. Honour their contribution. They stop being part of the solution and become part of the problem when they block everything." What a wonderful description of the Byzantine One, the Ass, Peggy the Pilate and all the other Barry-adoring sycophants.
ReplyDeleteThe Cardiff Area Deanery clergy have the chance to get the ball rolling tomorrow. They are meeting for Clergy Chapter. They could pass a motion of no confidence in the bishop and ask him to retire now. On the other hand, hell could freeze over.
DeleteThis might direct the Chapter discussion, ‘There’s a hole in my pension, dear Bazza, dear Bazza. There’s a hole in my pension, dear Bazza, a hole … [continue]’
DeleteOne hears that Peggy the Pilate is desperately seeking to get out of Llandaff, busying herself with applying for jobs in the CofE. Her efforts to distance herself from her Dark Lord and the disaster which she has helped him engineer have come to naught since the CofE was only too pleased to be rid of her.
DeleteLlandaff, the grave of so many careers, hopes and aspirations.
This could mean that she is applying for an archidiaconal vacancy in the C of E for the 13th time(Dorset is going at the moment). I must make sure certain highlights of this esteemed organ reach the mailbox of the Bishop of Salisbury in case he is feeling under pressure from his Diocesan Enforcer (aka June Osborne) to appoint a female failure. After all, he doesn't want Peggy doing a repeat performance on Salisbury Cathedral's choir does he?
DeleteAnd after all that work on the spire too...
Delete@Evans the Song
Delete... and the Bishop of Salisbury would have to go a long way to find a bigger failure than Peggy the Pilate....
On the other hand, if we can't get her a free transfer to the CofE then St Fagans and Llandaff will be stuck with her for evermore
Talking of a 'hole in my pension' has anyone noticed the posting on the CinW website informing the poor bl**dy infantry that they can have access to their pension pot when they reach 55? Is this some morally responsible person at No. 39 suggesting they should get it while they can before Barry flushes the whole lot down the pan?
DeleteIf you pop into a certain watering hole (I'm talking about a place of refreshment, not a place of easement, in case a certain archdeacon is reading this) on Cathedral Road at around 5.32pm, and hang around the bar, you can overhear quite a bit of what's causing concern among the Mullahs in 39 Cathedral Road. Phrases like 'charity commission investigation' and 'forking out for the Archbishops latest costly spat' are all too frequent I'm afraid. Which makes me think that, if the financial news in September puts the C in W on an equal footing with your average Greek bank, that archiepiscopal discretionary fund isn't going to make much difference one way or the other. And, as for the idea of a parting golden handshake to purchase his own personal golf club in retirement, I hope no-one is silly enough to suggest it in the first place. To ask cash-strapped parishioners in the Valleys (if there are any left) to feather the retirement nest of someone who has squandered their money without a scrap of accountability is like asking the UN to build Mwgabe a retirement pad in Manhattan!
ReplyDeleteOh dear, oh dear, oh dear, Llandaff Pelican you’ve done it now! This afternoon No 39 received a call from the High Command on the Green, ‘What have you disloyal b@$t@rd$ been saying about me in the pub?’ Followed by rant, rant, rant!!! All good fun!
DeleteAh, yes. The "Telephone Terrorist" strikes again! Most Llandaff clergy now know not to answer the telephone if it rings between 8.50am and 9.10am. That's the usual window of opportunity for the Byzantine One to vent his fury built up over another sleepless night of growing rage that not everyone is on message. If he just retired, he would be free of all that. Simples.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it Llandaff Pelican. This, and other matters, are, by now, rooted in history. However, an attitude of love, repentance and forgiveness from a leader would surely be welcomed, thus encouraging closure and silence.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see the Diocese of London (one of the fastest growing Dioceses in the C of E) has appointed three bishops and four archdeacons in the past month. All three bishops are male. Two of the archdeacons are male. The two women are (a) a Cambridge chaplain and (b) an experienced parish priest, writer and broadcaster. With people of that quality, it's no wonder that Peggy the Pilate couldn't (and won't) get an archdeaconry in England. I am reliably informed that the High Command in Lambeth Palace has decreed that only those with a sustained track record of enabling church growth can be appointed to senior positions in the C of E. I hope Peggy isn't tempted to spend too much time on her applications for the two latest vacancies in West Yorkshire as, the moment they read 'Church in Wales' and 'Llandaff' she'll be on the 'No' pile.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention her unique reputation as the Cathedral Choir wrecker!
DeleteHer application(s) won't reach any pile but will be directed straight towards the round wicker filing cabinet lined with a green plastic recycling bag that sits in the corner marked "For Shredding".
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
DeleteGood news for the Cathedral choir in Bangor.
Have the Friends of cathedral Music have decided Llandaff Cathedral Choir is a lost cause?
Well readers of this esteemed blog, are you sitting comfortably?
ReplyDeleteThe grumblings on the Cathedral Green for the last two weeks or so concern a subject that one suspects will be of much interest to a great many (and a great concern to the Dark Lord) specifically the reason(s) for the premature departure of Janet Henderson.
Those of you who are regulars will recall the agreed Press Complaints Commission statement released a while ago that confirmed several matters that were NOT the cause of Janet Henderson's "resignation"
And of course Darth ++Insidious has never provided any "official" explanation.
The speculation doing the rounds is that Janet allegedly left Llandaff over the Organ Appeal Fund.
It has seemingly come to light by somewhat circuitous means that she was not at all happy with the rumours/allegations surrounding the Organ Appeal Fund and large sums of "missing" money.
The story goes that Janet decided to get to the bottom of it all by means of employing external accountants and/or auditors to look into the matter and produce a proper set of accounts (that subsequently David Jones confirmed in his letter in the December 2013 edition of The Bell that Peggy the Pilate and the Chapter had declined to have drawn up).
What better means of demonstrating to the good people of Llandaff that she means business and will demonstrate her trustworthiness. After all, Janet must have known that Llandaff Cathedral was in desperate financial straits and would be asking for patrons to dig ever deeper for, inter alia, significant building repairs.
Janet's direct and simple plan came to bully boy Bazza's attention and, so it is alleged, he made it clear to Janet in no uncertain terms that he would not permit her to stick her nose into the matter much less hire outside professionals to investigate!
The story goes on that a huge row erupted over who was and who was not the Dean of Llandaff (with the authority that goes with that title following ones installation) escalating to the point that it became a "resignation" issue. Allegedly Janet played the resignation card, went back to the Dales to her hubby only to have Bazza drive up a few days later to try to persuade her to withdraw her resignation.
But seemingly Bazza finds himself between a rock and a hard place.
Janet won't back down (quite right too Janet) over Bazza undermining her authority as Dean.
But Bazza doesn't dare let accountants or auditors into the Cathedral because if they WERE to discover monies had been siphoned off from a "restricted" fund and diverted to "other" purposes then Bazza would have difficult questions to answer over his time as self-imposed acting Dean, why HE didn't spot it and why HE didn't deal with it.
Don't forget readers that Bazza's priorities were focused on the REAL priorities like introducing the new sh*te Rite, banning intinction, doing away with the green service books and having new service leaflets printed, you know, all the important things!
After a couple of weeks pondering over the dilemma and realising that Janet's absence had been noticed by the Church wardens who kept asking difficult questions like "Where's Dean Janet?", Bazza has the Canon Residentiary read out a letter from the Cathedral lectern on Ascension Day announcing his (Bazza's) great regret in reluctantly accepting Janet's resignation.
One suspects that there is a lot more detail to the story thus far revealed.
The truth will out.
DeleteThis sounds entirely plausible.
The individual/organisation from which the truth is most unlikely to emerge is Barry Morgan and the Church in Wales.
Compare and contrast the different versions of events already in the public domain.
The first woman Dean of Llandaff Cathedral has resigned just two months after she was installed in the post. The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, said he had accepted Janet Henderson’s resignation “with enormous sadness”.
Church in Wales sources have told WalesOnline that Dean Henderson had had “a difficult time” since her appointment, with some clergy resenting the appointment of a woman.
On Sunday Dean Henderson, who was also the Llandaff parish vicar, was not at the Cathedral for any of the seven services.
A source told us: “The Dean has been affected by the opposition she has had from some clergy who object to the fact that a woman was appointed. The fees row relating to Songs of Praise may have been the last straw.”
When he announced the Dean’s appointment, the Archbishop of Wales said: “She has a wide experience of city and Cathedral ministry and I am sure she will make a huge contribution to the life and society of Llandaff – a place with which she is already very familiar.”
Dean Henderson said at the time of her appointment: “I am thrilled and humbled to have been appointed as the next Dean of Llandaff Cathedral and Vicar of the parish. This is a very interesting time to be moving back to Wales. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone and working with the Cathedral to continue to develop worship and address the pressing fabric and financial challenges that face every cathedral community today.”
A statement issued by the Church in Wales on Thursday night said: “The Archbishop of Wales has, with enormous sadness, accepted the resignation with immediate effect of the Very Rev’d Janet Henderson as Dean of Llandaff."
Following the Press Complaints Commission enquiry, the news article was updated by this little gem being appended to it.
In March 2014, Dean Henderson provided us with the following statement:
"My resignation had nothing at all to do with either opposition to me as a woman or an alleged row with members of Llandaff cathedral choir. I received a warm welcome from the cathedral congregations and the community of Llandaff. The only objections to my gender of which I was aware were in the anonymous comments reported in the South Wales press and by one anonymous blogger. I received a letter from members of the then choir stating that there was no dispute between us. All members of the choir had my full support."
As you say, the truth will out. Quite a lot of it was under our noses all along.
I remember the Arch hypocrite making a statement from the Cathedral lectern during the Eucharist on Sunday May 12th 2013 to the effect that everyone should think about the part they played in the resignation of the Dean.
DeleteAssuming the version of events from Cheering For Janet is accurate (and thus far I have no reason to doubt it) then it would appear that the only person who had anything to do with Janet's resignation was the venemous reptile Barry Morgan whose duplicity seems to have extended to trying to share around his blame simultaneously concealing the reality.
To trump that, he then publishes his "our corporate life" question in his letter published in the June 2013 edition of The Bell.
"My Dear Friends
I did not expect to be writing this letter in The Bell but I know that many of you were shocked and saddened at Dean Janet’s resignation and I share in that sadness. In the few weeks she had been in our midst, she had, I know, endeared herself to many people. I also know that many of you had made her feel very welcome. Nevertheless, at a time such as this, one of the
questions we, as a cathedral community as a whole, need to ask of ourselves is, what is it about our corporate life that can lead to a situation such as this? There are no easy or facile answers to that question but it is a question that we need to address.
In the meantime, I ask you to remember Janet and Dave in your prayers. I also ask for your prayers for me as the Bishop and Archbishop as I ponder about what to do next. In the meantime, I have asked Archdeacon Peggy, the Archdeacon of Llandaff, as the senior member of the Chapter, to have oversight of the Cathedral on my behalf.
Unsettling as all of this has been, and it is deeply unsettling, we need to bear in mind, as I said at the installation service, and as one of you reminded me this week, that the church of God and this Cathedral has faced all kinds of difficulties and crises in the past but God has been steadfast in His care for us and assures us that whatever we face, He faces it with us and
alongside us. In the end, it is His church and not ours.
Yours in God’s love, +Barry"
Precisely what were/are the parishioners and communicants of Llandaff Cathedral supposed to know about "our corporate life"?
DeletePerhaps His Darkness was not the only one with a guilty conscience?
The ears in the walls reported ructions between Janet and the office wallah Captain Peacock.
If Janet's premature departure was indeed as described by "Cheering For Janet", following Bonaparte's retirement then surely the most senior member of staff remaining would likely have been the only one "in" on the Organ appeal scam?
It doesn't take much to imagine a scenario unfolding something like this.
i. Janet wants access to all the accounts to see for herself what has been going on.
ii. Captain Peacock tells her 'There there Janet, I took care of everything for John Lewis so you need to trust me and not trouble yourself over such trivia'.
iii. Janet tells Captain Peacock that she still wants to inspect the accounts.
iv. Captain Peacock declines her request.
v. Janet insists reminding Captain Peacock who is Dean of Llandaff.
vi. Peacock reluctantly hands over the accounts to Janet but immediately runs up the hill to Llys Esgob to tell His ++Darkness that his new lady Dean is sticking her nose into matters best left undisturbed.
vii. His ++Darkness telephones Janet to instruct her to appear before him at her soonest convenience.
viii. Janet and His ++Darkness have a pissing contest over who has the ultimate authority in Llandaff Cathedral.
ix. His ++Darkness won't back down over the Organ appeal issue and instructs her to keep her nose well and truly out of it as it's 'in the past'.
x. Janet won't tolerate His ++Darkness interfering in her domain and tells him Captain Peacock has to go.
xi. His ++Darkness can't afford to risk upsetting Captain Peacock (because he knows where all the skeletons are hidden) so tells Janet Captain Peacock stays.
xii. Janet plays her joker telling His ++Darkness where to stick his job.
@Simple Simon
DeleteI understand that one of the 'ructions' between Janet and Captain Peacock concerned her plans to bring the Cathedral office IT systems into the 21st century by getting all the Cathedral accounts, Cathedral diary, documents, minutes of meetings etc loaded onto the Cloud to be easily accessible to all the Chapter and staff using file sharing on Dropbox.
This would be the last thing wanted by an IT dinosaur control freak with secrets to hide and his job/status to protect.
Here's a couple more pieces of the jigsaw for AB's readers to fit together.
DeleteA formal approach was made by the Cathedral authorities to the Organ appeal Committee to pay the salary of one member of office staff with the rationale that so much extra work was having to be done in the Cathedral office to count, bank and record the monies being paid into the Organ appeal fund. The Organ Appeal Committee duly considered the aforementioned request and politely refused. However, to acknowledge the extra work allegedly being carried out by the overburdened staff in the Cathedral Office, the Organ Appeal Committee sought a volunteer who might be willing to donate their time and talents to carry out the additional onerous administrative burden resulting from the success of the Organ appeal.
The more than competent Mrs Shirley Allen duly stepped forward and offered her services.
Upon arriving at the Cathedral office she was shown to a seat behind a desk but a short while later was shown the door by Captain Peacock without having been given anything to do!
Apparently, Mrs Allen's services were not required by the Cathedral after all.
When I first heard of these events I struggled to make any sense of them but in the light of events described above perhaps the explanation is very simple.
Is it possible that Captain Peacock and Bonaparte absolutely did NOT want anyone even remotely as competent as Shirley getting anywhere near the Organ appeal monies and having access to the Organ appeal accounts?
I believe I might have another piece of the jigsaw.
DeleteThe ears in the walls report that at the Organ appeal Committee meeting during which David Jones first started askig difficult questions about sums of money allegedly missing from the Organ appeal account, Captain Peacock immediately resigned from the Organ appeal Committee followed a week later by the treasurer Alan Williams.
Merely coincidence?
What was the catalyst for David Jones' posing his questions?
The version of events put forward by Cheering For Janet is also supported by two other interesting facts recorded in the Cathedrals own publications.
DeleteFirst, according to the Cathedral's annual report for the year ending 31st December 2012, Janet Henderson did not sign off the accounts but Peggy the Pilate did on 19th March 2012.
This suggests that the theory Janet was not at all happy with the Cathedral accounts (not least because she might have been prevented having unhindered access to them!) may well be correct.
Second, according to the Cathedral's annual report for the year ending 31st December 2013 signed off by Bazza's golf caddy, Janet's resignation is recorded twice on pages 1 and 5 as having occurred on 25th April 2013.
The duplicity of His ++Irrelevance is recorded and confirmed in the minutes (for the previous year's AGM held on Tuesday 30th April 2013) thus -
"The Archbishop welcomed everyone to the meeting explaining that Dean Janet Henderson had requested he chaired, in her absence."
Janet had resigned 5 days earlier so Bazza's "explanation" suggests that he was trying to cover up the reality of her resignation while he tried to "manage" the disaster it seems he had caused.
The jigsaw seems to be nearing completion.
@Lux Et Veritas
DeleteThere is one small - but significant - detail omitted from the Janet Henderson statement published by Wales Online in March 2014 concerning her claim
"I received a letter from members of the then choir stating that there was no dispute between us."
Strictly speaking thus claim is true but she has omitted the fact that she attended the secret meeting in the choir vestry following evensong on Saturday June 20th 2013 (during which Moorhouse dictated the £110 fee for the Songs of Praise recording sessions on a "take it or leave it" basis). Janet "invited" the back row of the Cathedral choir to write a letter of support to her, to say, among other things, that the views represented in the national press did not reflect the views of the majority of the choir.
Janet was seen loading up her car and driving out of Llandaff on April 27th and the little author of the Llandaft Script was seen handing over the solicited letter to another member of the clergy after evensong on the 28th.
Her claim that "All members of the choir had my full support." was also economic with the truth.
The members of the Choir who had challenged Moorhouse, joined Equity, fought for their employment rights (including being paid the correct and full BBC nationally agreed recording fees by Avanti Productions) received no support whatsoever from Janet.
Their reward was being excluded from the recording.
I am reminded of the entry previously posted on AB's thread "Morgan's Organ".
DeleteRev John Baldwin sent out the following statement recently.
"You will see that, as 'Gift Aid Secretary', I have been asked to ensure that you receive the enclosed letter (prepared by the Archdeacon of Llandaff in the role of acting incumbent in the absence at present of a Dean of Llandaff) regarding the forthcoming cessation of the usage of the 'fund' L057R through which you have kindly been making gifts to our funds over recent years. The primary destination for that income has, far and away, been towards the installation of the new Nicholson Organ and which I am pleased to tell you, should you not already be aware, is due for final completion in the next few weeks."
It's about time Father Baldwin explained what he meant by "primary destination" and "far and away".
Apologies for and a correction to a typo error of mine above.
DeleteFor Saturday June 20th 2013 please read Saturday APRIL 30th 2013.
@Lux Et Veritas-July 24.
DeleteI think you mean Peggy Jackson signed off the accounts on 19th March 2013, not 2012?
The minutes of the easter Vestry Meeting held on 30th April 2013 record another curious and possibly relevant Captain Peacock "coincidence".
"5. Appointments and Elections
a) Church Wardens.
The only nomination received for the People's Warden was Linda Quinn. This would be her last year as she has served her constitutional time of 6 years. She was re-elected.
The Dean's Warden Michael Turk was standing down this year. The Archbishop thanked him for all his hard work.
Dean Janet Henderson has asked Dylan Gwyer-Roberts to be her Warden."
A reason for Linda Quinn's future departure is supplied in advance. Seems fair enough.
But Captain Peacock's immediate departure only 5 days following Janet's resignation is unexplained? Why might that be so?
And did Janet henderson really ask Dylan Gwyer-Roberts to take Peacock's place?
If Janet had actually done so before she had resigned on April 25th was it constitutional for Dylan to take up the position 5 days after Janet had resigned?
Thank you Simple Simon, you are quite right and I stand corrected. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
DeleteOne good turn deserves another.
I seem to recall whispers of Captain Peacock resigning from the Cathedral Stewards around that time too.
I'm losing count of the number of coincidences occurring that April/May.
@Teilo. Thank you too.
You have my attention and here is another interesting entry in the minutes of the EVM on 30th April 2013.
Delete"4. Reports
a) Financial.
It was then opened for questions.
(Nick James asked if on pg 16 why the GWADD amount was down, Rev. John baldwin replied this was due to people who had died and/or changed their giving. Geoff Morgan asked about the gift aid amounts varying, and it was explained that the amounts shown were like a snap shot in time because of their nature."
The ears in the walls report that in reality quite a few people had become suspicious and discovered that their direct debits to the Organ appeal fund were not in fact going to the Organ appeal fund.So "changed their giving" really should have read "stopped their direct debits".
One suspects this might have been a case of bullshit baffling the brains.
Apologies readers, a small piece of the jigsaw I omitted.
DeleteBefore Janet's resignation became public I also heard that she was getting rid of Captain Peacock and that he was supposed to be "finishing" as Cathedral Administrator by the end of July 2013.
Following her departure, Janet's alleged desire to be rid of him evaporated but the Bazza/Peggy the Pilate duo desperately needed him to stay around for a while to assist with the 'business as usual' charade. In the end Captain Peacock was "retired" at the end of October 2013.
Captain Peacock has been back on the scene for a while involved in counting the collection monies on Monday mornings.
DeleteYears ago two stewards and a member of the clergy would count the collections immediately after each service, bag it up and enter the amounts into the registers there and then.
Checks and balances, all above board, like it should be.
So the "Church in Wales sources" and "A source" were all lying? No surprises there then!
ReplyDeletePerhaps Cardiff Metropolitan University and its Vice Chancellor should have included HONESTY in its list of criteria for Honourary awards?
"David Pritchard CB, former Dean of the Cardiff School of Management described the Archbishop as a “distinguished theologican, church leader and author” and highlighted his campaigns for homeless people and refugees, women bishops, increased powers for the Welsh Government, and against Trident and presumed consent of organ donation. He said, “The Church is extremely fortunate to have someone of Dr Morgan’s calibre, intellect, personal skills and scholarship to guide it through the coming years. Dr Morgan’s leadership of the Church has been characterised by high profile campaigning and the adoption of strong positions on many of the key issues of the day. As one would expect, Dr Morgan is a man of strong views with a passion for promoting the causes he espouses with energy and no little political skill.”
By "no little political skill" is David Pritchard referring to Bazza's unaudited "discretionary" funds and concealment of the truth about Janet Henderson's resignation?
What a pity David Pritchard didn't take any notice of the statistics published on this blog by Ancient Briton at
DeleteIs Pritchard a Church in Wales member?
Does he have any idea of the damage bully boy Bazza has done to "The Church"?
Was Pritchard just reading aloud from a script that His ++Irrelevance had penned beforehand?
"Guide it through the coming years"?
Surely he must be joking?
Everyone to whom I speak can't wait for Darth ++Insidious to sail off into the sunset of retirement as far away from Llandaff as Swann Hellenic can possibly take him.
ReplyDeleteThe grumblings on The Green this weekend concern Bazza's Cathedra literally falling down around his ears!
The ears in the walls report that last week (a couple of days after a big service for hundreds of school leavers) during a funeral service on Friday17th July, a large lump chunk of stonework fell without warning from the clerestory and landed before the Majestas in the nave.
Fortunately no-one was injured or killed.
But the glove puppet reportedly declared the Cathedral building safe for last weekends services and allegedly decided NOT to inform the congregations of the danger!
Regardless of the inconvenience etc, a responsible, reputable and sensible layman would have closed the building until the professionals could be brought in and the structural integrity (or otherwise) ascertained.
The MO of bully boy Bazza and his glove puppet seems to have been the usual "let's ignore the problem and pretend it's business as usual".
As a result, since that time every person entering the building has potentially been put at risk.
The Cathedral architect eventually made an inspection midweek resulting in a large section of the main building has now been taped off.
It appears that the Capon lacks even a GCSE in common sense.
What about his "duty of care" for any and all entering the building?
Assuming the reports are correct, such apparent irresponsibility might have resulted in injuries and/or deaths, manslaughter/corporate manslaughter charges, criminal negligence lawsuits and huge financial compensation claims against Llandaff Cathedral.
Since the reported events, allegedly Bazza and the glove puppet have not been seen at all and the slimy amphibian Mr Toad has been seen only once all week, showing the architect around during his "survey".
Does this have anything to do with the earlier reports on this blog of the Capon refusing to sign minutes of fabric Committee meetings?
If you bother going to Llandaff Cathedral anytime soon, remember your hard hats, steel toe-capped boots and high visibility vests.
The architect has identified and removed several risky lumps of stone from the arches supporting the clerestory level. These can now be seen outside the shed between Prebendal House and the Servers' Vestry. Each one has sheared off very cleanly.
ReplyDeleteApparently the architect has requested that the organ should not be played at loud volumes nor the bells rung. Does he suspect the stones were weakened due to vibrations in the building?
If one looks along the clerestory on both sides of the nave, one will observe that all the gaps left by missing stones are in the vicinity of the two organ cases. The logical inference is that the excessive volumes of the organ are damaging the cathedral's structure.
Should this not have been identified as a problem before this very large instrument was commissioned? Where were the independent advisers?
Here's one part of your answer Landavian (to be found published on the AB thread The ruin of Landaft).
DeleteRead the final sentence.
Found at
"Organists, choral leaders and singers will be presented with awards and certificates by the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, at a ceremony at in Abergavenny on Saturday (April 27).
There will be two types of presentations – the Archbishop of Wales’ Award in Church Music recognises people of outstanding musical ability who contribute to worship, while the Certificate of Merit pays tribute to the talents and devoted service of musicians who contribute without being professionally trained. The awards are open to musicians from all denominations of Christian worship. This year, three people will receive the Archbishop’s Award and five will be presented with the Certificate."
"Dr Morgan says, "Music is an intrinsic part of Christian worship, nowhere more so than here in Wales. Our churches and chapels have a wonderful heritage of excellent choirs and talented organists. These awards recognize and celebrate the dedication, talent and hard-work put in week after week by those people – from the professionally-trained musicians achieving exceptionally high artistic standards to the army of skilled volunteers we rely on so heavily to nurture and encourage an enjoyment of music in each generation. I am delighted to be presenting these awards this weekend.
The Archbishop of Wales’ Award in Church Music will be presented to:
• Richard Moorhouse, Organist and Master of the Choristers at Llandaff Cathedral.
He has served in this position for 12 years and has maintained the high standard of the Cathedral choir. He has developed good relations with the University and the Royal College.
He has acted as the consultant for the new organ and worked tirelessly to ensure its installation.
If anyone in Llandaff starts missing the sound of the Cathedral bells you can have a brief reminder of them here and here
DeleteIf anyone in Llandaff starts missing the sound of the Cathedral organ (and real Choir) you can buy one of the few remaining copies of the Majestas CD. But you'll need to go to Amazon for that since the Cathedral shop might be out of bounds for a while!
One understands that Huw Tregelles Williams was brought in to fulfill that very role. I clearly recall being told at the time that Moorhouse was very angry and deeply offended because this was done without consulting him and, he felt, behind his back!
ReplyDeleteMight one be forgiven for assuming that the then Cathedral Architect would have had to be consulted and commissioned to carry out the relevant structural surveys (including sound vibration and volume stress testing especially the harmonic resonances for the tuba stop etc)? How else would the facility to carry out the work have been granted?
This sounds to me like a lot of people have a lot of difficult questions to face.
I would like to know why Bazza's glove puppet simply didn't close the building immediately until the experts could be brought in?
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to better safe than sorry?
The little twerp had no difficulty in deciding to shut the Prebendal House kitchen when he told Martin Shipton that all that needed doing was for the kitchen floor to receive a good going over with a mop!
Worth recalling in this context that Bonaparte disbanded the original Fabric Committee in 2006/7, handing over their duties to multi-talented administrator Captain Peacock. Reportedly he and the previous Cathedral Architect did not get on... quelle surprise.
ReplyDeleteCoincidentally the Cathedral's spending on maintenance dropped off considerably and when the 2009 Quinquennial was produced, it languished in Captain Peacock's in tray for several years.
Therefore the Fabric Committee was re-established during the interregnum after Bonaparte with the aim of getting things back on track. Peacock's attitude was an ongoing problem until he thankfully departed and as Canon Philip Masson records in the Feb 2014 issue of The Bell, p15, some things were achieved and a decision to advertise for a new Architect was taken.
However, the Capon was appointed soon afterwards and frankly his attitude to the Committee resembled that of Bonaparte's. In the place of Peacock as general factotum, we now had Mr Toad. When the oily amphibian was allowed to project manage the Prebendal House update in place of an architect, several FC members departed in disgust.
Our new Cathedral Architect is highly thought of but unfortunately he has to interface via Mr Toad. He is preparing the next Quinquennial but this must not be locked away in the Office under Toad's beady eye. It is understood that there is a considerable backlog of repair work hanging over from 2009 and costs running to eye-watering sums. Another Bonaparte legacy that hasn't been properly dealt with.
May I respectfully suggest here that the current and urgent issue is the alleged utter incompetence and potentially criminal negligence of Bazza's golf caddy?
ReplyDeleteIf, as is claimed, the Dean made an uneducated, uninformed and ill-considered decision NOT to close the Cathedral until a professional opinion was obtained, then he will have possibly jeopardised the safety of every person who has been in the building during that entire 5-6 day period. Compounding his error of judgement he fails to inform the staff, congregation and visitors of the situation and hazards to their wellbeing.
From a Health & Safety point of view nothing could have been more irresponsible.
His behaviour constitutes negligence and gross misconduct.
Barry Morgan has no choice but to sack Gerwyn Capon immediately.
To do otherwise would be equally irresponsible!
If the glove puppet didn't know what to do about the situation, it's hardly rocket science to Google "Health & Safety Executive", ring them up, ask them for advice and act upon it.
DeleteExcellent point Simple Simon.
DeleteGoogle throws this up.
The rest of the Chapter would be wise to do some home work too.
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
Health and safety law places duties on organisations
and employers, and directors can be personally liable
when these duties are breached: members of the board
have both collective and individual responsibility for
health and safety. Larger public and private sector
organisations need to have formal procedures for
auditing and reporting health and safety performance.
If a health and safety offence is committed with the
consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any
neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary
or other similar officer of the organisation, then that
person (as well as the organisation) can be prosecuted
under section 37 of the Health and Safety at Work etc
Act 1974.
Those found guilty are liable for fines and, in some
cases, imprisonment. In addition, the Company Directors
Disqualification Act 1986, section 2(1), empowers the
court to disqualify an individual convicted of an offence
in connection with the management of a company. This
includes health and safety offences. This power is
exercised at the discretion of the court; it requires no
additional investigation or evidence.
Individual directors are also potentially liable for other
related offences, such as the common law offence of
gross negligence manslaughter. Under the common law,
gross negligence manslaughter is proved when
individual officers of a company (directors or business
owners) by their own grossly negligent behaviour cause
death. This offence is punishable by a maximum of life
Agreed Lux Et Veritas.
ReplyDeleteTaken from the Annual Report and Financial Statements to 31 December 2013 :
Page 5
“Chapter continued, as a priority during 2013, to build upon the positive foundations previously laid down, for a closer relationship and active collaboration between Chapter and PCC, in a variety of Cathedral activities. A joint PCC/Chapter Away-Day in June 2013 affirmed this approach, and established a number of shared aims, from which tasks were identified and assigned to different groups for carrying forward. Since then, a new Stewardship Group, and an Uppsala Cathedral Link Committee, have also been created.”
Page 6
“The Fabric Committee was reconstituted as a good example of a co-operative venture between Chapter and PCC, drawing other expertise where necessary. It has membership drawn from Chapter, nominees of the PCC and the wider qualified community and has begun to address the deficit of attention which the Fabric has faced in recent years.”
(Landavian’s claims concerning Captain Peacock’s neglect of the Fabric appear to be substantiated.)
“Some of this is the usual “housekeeping” that any building needs on a regular basis – works to clear drains, troughings and downpipes.”
“Some has been a major review and updating of Cathedral policies and practice on a number of issues, most notably related to Health and Safety.”
FEEL FREE TO THANK THE LAY CLERKS WHO BROUGHT THE EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL FOR THE UPDATED POLICIES. Captain Peacock would not have done anything of the sort without the proverbial rocket being sent where the sun doesn't shine.
“Looking onward, we are beginning the process of appointing a new Cathedral architect, with thanks to Michael Clews for all we have achieved with him. The Lady Chapel will be the first charge on the new architect’s attention.”
“Fabric is more than bricks and mortar.”
To summarise.
Either the “updated” Health & Safety Policies are not fit for purpose or Gerwyn Capon ignored them.
Which is it Bazza?
DeletePage 2
Legal responsibilities of employers
Health and safety law states that employers must:
■ assess risks to employees, customers, partners and any other people who could
be affected by their activities;
■ arrange for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of
preventive and protective measures;
Health and Safety
Leading health and safety at work Page 3 of 16
■ have a written health and safety policy if they have five or more employees;
■ ensure they have access to competent health and safety advice;
■ consult employees about their risks at work and current preventive and protective
Failure to comply with these requirements can have serious consequences – for
both organisations and individuals. Sanctions include fines, imprisonment and
Under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, an offence
will be committed where failings by an organisation’s senior management are a
substantial element in any gross breach of the duty of care owed to the
organisation’s employees or members of the public, which results in death.
The maximum penalty is an unlimited fine and the court can additionally make a
publicity order requiring the organisation to publish details of its conviction and fine.
(See also the back page of this guidance for the legal status of this advice.)
None of the above is optional or negotiable.
++Barry has no option but to sack the Dean.
I confirm the glove puppet announced this morning the Cathedral is about to be closed for the week due to investigations into falling stonework, but no dates are definite.
DeleteAnyone attending the Cathedral will have to be understanding if access is denied.
Darth ++Insidious was seen in the congregation ensuring his instructions are followed.
By the way, you the congregation are expected to dig deep and cough up lots of cash to pay for any necessary repairs.
I also heard many regulars stating quietly in no uncertain terms that none of their money will be stumped up until the organ appeal mess is sorted out.
The irony of the 'pop-up' tea room at the tumbling down Cathedral is delicious and the ladies from St Michelle's may as well shut up shop now.
ReplyDeleteIf Health & Safety concerns close the Cathedral for any length of time the handful of visiting tourists who might have strolled down the hill for a look around will go elsewhere.
Remember this readers?
"The Dean of Llandaff says he would welcome an inspection of a cathedral building by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) after a “whistleblower” made an anonymous report to the regulator alleging it was potentially dangerous."
Maybe he's about to get the chance to prove it.
Precisely LP.
DeleteExcerpt from the South Wales Echo on Friday, September 5, 2014 – page 23
Among other things, Dean Capon said :
“There is no danger to anyone using the building and I would be delighted for an inspection to be carried out by the HSE.”
Well well, talk about chickens coming home to roost! See tonight's Wales Online (and hopefully tomorrow's Western Mail) for this article, "Repairs being carried out at historic Welsh cathedral after piece of stone fell from building during funeral"
"A spokesman at the cathedral said: 'We have had a full inspection and our safety procedures are completely up to date.
'Part of the cathedral will be cordoned off on Friday so inspectors can enter.'
"The spokesman for the cathedral did not comment on claims the fallen rock and other issues were down to the new organ’s harmonics damaging the building.
He also refused to comment on whether an architect had advised that the cathedral’s bells should not be rung and the organ should be played quietly."
DeleteMasonry has fallen inside Cardiff's Llandaff Cathedral, prompting public safety fears and an immediate inspection. Cardiff council confirmed it was notified of the fall by two members of the public on Monday morning. An environmental health officer went to the cathedral and inspected the area.
A council spokesman said: "The officer visited immediately and we are satisfied with the actions that are being taken to ensure public safety." He added: "Debris isn't falling from the outside of the building to endanger the public, but we will continue to monitor the situation."
The questions still remain unanswered.
The stonework fell down on Friday July 17th.
Why didn't the Capon shut the building over the weekend of 18th/19th July?
Why were the people who were in the building over that weekend (and subsequent days) not warned of the danger?
Why is the Cathedral "spokesman" refusing to comment?
Cover up after cover up after cover up.
Isn't it most peculiar?
DeleteDespite all the modern means of communication available to Darth ++Insisious and his glove puppet, there is no mention of the falling stonework on the Cathedral website, the Cathedral Twitter feed, the Cathedral Facebook page, the Llandaff Diocesan News webpage or the Church in Wales News webpage!
This blog is a credit to Ancient Briton and its contributors.
It is the ONLY means of finding out anything like the truth about what is going on anywhere in the Church in Wales.
"The Dean of Llandaff, The Very Reverend Gerwyn Huw Capon, said: 'It’s all part of the challenges of looking after an historic building I’m afraid.'
DeleteHmm, a well-maintained building doesn't get this type of structural damage in the first place. Chunks of plaster have been falling from the ceiling of the Lady Chapel for some time...
“The type of failure that had occurred in the stone was very rare in an internal position, and as such, we were free to use the building fully.”
Except that when the inspection was made, at least 4 more dangerous stones were identified and removed.
"The cathedral remained open for worshippers through the weekend before a safety inspector was brought in to take a closer look at the state of the building."
Because Bazza's useless minions thought they could close their eyes to a dangerous situation.
Also, where was the Capon when all this was happening? We look in vain for him around the Cathedral on any day except Sunday - and then he's only around til lunchtime unless he has to emerge for Compline. Even Bonaparte was sighted more frequently!
He might as well be a part-time Dean!
WalesOnline report 27 July 2015:
Further evidence of Capon's negligence.
Delete"The cathedral remained open for worshippers through the weekend before a safety inspector was brought in to take a closer look at the state of the building. He declared it safe, but discovered hairline cracks. After speaking with architects and insurers, the Dean decided to cordon off the area."
Ethically and morally indefensible. He has to go.
The Dean of Llandaff, The Very Reverend Gerwyn Huw Capon, said: “It’s all part of the challenges of looking after an historic building I’m afraid. The type of failure that had occurred in the stone was very rare in an internal position, and as such, we were free to use the building fully."
DeleteThis stinks of L'eau de Barry micro management.
It's easy enough to imagine Bazza writing this statement, emailing it to Morrell who in turn emails it to Wales Online and the golf caddy not even being consulted!
The diocesan yearbook lists his complete lack of qualifications in any subject so how could the Capon be qualified in the subject of stonework?
How could he possibly know that "The type of failure that occurred in the stone was very rare"?
If the reports are correct concerning the stones falling on Friday 17th and the architect being unavailable to inspect the building until the following Thursday, the 23rd, he couldn't possibly have known anything about the reality of the situation for the 6 days in between.
@Evans Above
DeleteHe might as well be a part time Dean?
He has been a part time Dean!
By now he should be an ex Dean!
@Evans Above
DeleteThe ears in the walls report that some time ago that the glove puppet appointed his favourite slimy amphibian Mr Toad as the Cathedral's Health & Safety "expert" responsible for drawing up and maintaining the relevant policies.
The smart money on The Green is on the unidentified "spokesman at the Cathedral" being the amphibian.
Readers, have you noticed how the "spokesman" answers a question that was not even posed?
''We have had a full inspection and our safety procedures are completely up to date.'
He wasn't asked to comment on "safety procedures"!
The questions that WERE put to the "spokesman" were avoided.
Such behaviour is typical of someone defending their job and trying to pass the buck.
I seriously doubt this is possible for Darth ++Superbia, but does he now realise and accept that the sage Bill Barlow and the other Friends of Llandaff Cathedral who have steadfastly refused to hand over large sums of money to the bully boy to blow on his latest crackpot schemes have been entirely vindicated and their stance justified beyond any shadow of a doubt?
DeleteIf Bazza had got his spendthrift mits their £800k would long since disappeared and the cupboard would have been bare before this latest disaster had come to light!
Bill Barlow is owed a VERY public apology as are all the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral who were subjected to Bazza's ranting tirade at their last AGM.
But I wouldn't hold your breath Bill (and Friends).
His ++Supreme Arrogance lacks any such insight or humility sufficient to admit the error of his ways on any subject!
@Evans Above
DeleteDo you have contacts in high places?
Your wish has been granted twice over.
See page 11 of today's Western Mail and also page 3 of today's South Wales Echo.
I thought t*ts had been banned from page 3 but the Capon and his "spokesman" are there sure enough!
From Ancient Briton's earlier thread "And then there were three..." on 27th March 2015, this entry appeared :
DeleteEpiskopos April 3, 2015 at 12:32 PM
The voters will be particularly impressed with his comments when they find out about his latest little junket with Swan Hellenic.
On that link at that time the guest speaker list was advertised as
"Sharing his expertise on this cruise will be Stephen Duffy, the former senior curator of the Wallace Collection, London."
"Joining Stephen will be The Most Reverend Dr Barry Morgan, the Archbishop of Wales, who will discuss historical and theological topics."
If today one looks up
there is no Barry Morgan.
A further viewing of reveals the bland statement "Guest speakers are yet to be confirmed for this cruise."
That's somewhat remiss of Swann Hellenic since the cruise departs next Wednesday, 5th August 2015.
The only inference to be drawn is that either a) His ++Darkness feels he has to micro-manage Llandaff Cathedral once more or b) he doesn't trust the glove puppet/oily amphibian regime to manage the current media and PR disaster that has literally landed on them from a great height.
Option c) is of course a) & b).
And the ears in the walls report the small persistent grumblings about the Organ Appeal Fund/Janet Henderson resignation debacle are steadily growing into long overdue insistent shouts of outrage and demands for complete transparency.
If all is as reported here and elsewhere, the lack of effective monitoring compounded by years of neglect of the building fabric has, in the last few weeks alone, put every member of these choirs at risk:
DeleteThe Cathedral Choir (Boys)
The Cathedral School Choral Scholars (Girls)
The men and women on the back row of the new faux Cathedral Choir
The children and adults of the Parish Choir
The Choir of St. Thomas, Leicester
Shallaway Youth Choir from Canada
The Exeter Cathedral Girls Choristers, Lay Vicars & Choral Scholars
The Majestas Chamber Choir
The National Youth Choir of Wales
Add to that every adult and child who has processed through the Choir to the high altar for communion or blessings and every tourist who has strolled around the choir area.
All of these choir members, their parents, families and friends are now learning about the danger in which they have been placed from the press.
The potential for disaster has been huge.
It seems multiple and repeated acts of negligence might have brought down the stones from the clerestory but surely it was an act of God that no-one was underneath them at the time they fell.
Don't the various Deans, Administrators, Chapter members, Church Wardens, PCC members, Stewards, Fabric Committee members etc realise they might have been held jointly and severally liable?
The bumbling shambolic rank amateur stumbling from one disaster to the next crisis that has been the rule in Llandaff for the best part of two decades must come to a stop right now!
If Gerwyn Capon proves incapable of doing the right thing then he should be shoved out of the door followed very closely by the sycophants Jonathan Hoad and Michael Turk.
Barry Morgan should be told to go on his cruise and not to bother coming back..
@Evans Above
DeleteSo the Cathedral "spokesman" refused to comment about the bells and the Organ having to be played quietly?
Perhaps the script he had been given didn't cover those questions?
But the "spokesman" didn't deny any of Landavians version of events!
Landavian has been proven right on so many points already, including the fallen stones having been placed in the back yard (see the photograph of them by the drain cover on Wales Online)
The next question is why?
One suspects that lots of weddings in the Cathedral have been booked for the August high season including contracts for the bells to be rung and the organ to be played.
Imagine the lawsuits piling up on the Capon's doorstep for breach of contract over :
The bells were not rung despite the requisite fees being paid.
My organist wasn't allowed to play the Arrival of the Queen of Sheba for my march up the aisle.
My organist wasn't allowed to play Widor's Toccata for my procession out of the Cathedral with my new husband.
My special day was ruined!
I need to have my whole wedding day replayed all over again somewhere else and all my costs and those of my guests reimbursed!
And then there's concerts that might have been booked and are now buggered.
2015 could prove to be very expensive for Llandaff Cathedral and it's Dean & Chapter that couldn't run a bath.
Suck it up Bazza indeed!
Jonathan Bielby and David Thomas, as Directors of the faux "Cathedral" Choir and Parish Choirs respectively, SHOULD be absolutely f***ing furious!
DeleteThey each have a responsibility and duty of care for their choristers and should both be calling for the heads of those who knowingly put their choristers in danger.
They actually have no choice.
Either they call for the relevant resignations or they themselves should resign.
I'd bet my mortgage there's not a pair of balls between them.
@1662 on July 28, 2015 at 12:34 AM
DeleteYou are quite correct Sir!
Most peculiar indeed.
And still there is no information, formal announcements or press releases from Alison Young, Anna Morrell, David Llewellyn, amphibian Toad, the Glove puppet or the Arch snake.
One could be forgiven for thinking that they have all forgotten how to use their e-media!
The glove puppet is changing his version of events!
Investigation finds hairline cracks at Llandaff Cathedral
The Dean of Llandaff, the Very Reverend Gerwyn Huw Capon, said it came as one of the challenges of running a fifth century building.
He said: "Like any custodian of a public building we have people such as architects and masons in hand to check for problems when they occur.
"We are always having work done, investigations and repairs to stonework.
"The architect did notice two small areas of stone with hairline cracks in a non structural pillar towards the east end of the building.
"These need a different type of access arrangement, so an access hoist is being brought into the cathedral on Friday to enable this to happen.
"These areas have been cordoned off until Friday."
It's a pity for his new story that the age of the pieces of stone that fell from the clerestory is utterly irrelevant. The scandal is that he didn't carry out his duty of care to close the building immediately and keep people safe.
Another small but highly significant fact revealing of the mindset prevalent in Llandaff (that I failed to point out earlier).
Masonry has fallen inside Cardiff's Llandaff Cathedral, prompting public safety fears and an immediate inspection. Cardiff council confirmed it was notified of the fall by two members of the public on Monday morning. An environmental health officer went to the cathedral and inspected the area. A council spokesman said: "The officer visited immediately and we are satisfied with the actions that are being taken to ensure public safety." He added: "Debris isn't falling from the outside of the building to endanger the public, but we will continue to monitor the situation."
It was NOT Barry Morgan, Capon, or anyone else in a position of authority/responsibility at Llandaff Cathedral who did the right thing by calling in the Environmental Health inspector!
It took "two members of the public" to do the inept Capon's job for him!
The ears in the walls report that the bell ringers are furious and running around the Cathedral complaining to anyone who will listen.
DeleteAnd I don't blame them one little bit.
They have just won the Pitman Trophy and are due to compete in the All Wales Final in September but now can't rehearse on their own bells.
(see page 6
"hairline cracks in a non structural pillar towards the east end of the building."
The bell tower is at the West end of the building.
And the "spokesman" won't answer questions about the bells and Organ.
Everyone in Llandaff now realises that gerwyn Capon is completely untrustworthy and they will not forget.
DeleteHe will never be trusted again.
"Hairline cracks" don't fall on people injuring or killing them.
These stones could have.
Bully boy Bazza and his glove puppet should be drowning under a deluge of complaints from very angry chorister parents
So Janet Henderson was trying her best to do things properly in Llandaff, got herself on the sharp end of Barry Morgan's temper for doing so and for her trouble she was shown the door.
DeleteGerwyn Capon has presided over a series of cock ups including this latest almighty cluster f***. How is he still in the Deanery?
There could hardly be a clearer example of misogyny and favouritism.
Either that or the glove puppet has some real dirt on His ++Darkness!
Another blast from the recent past.
Perhaps the glove puppet should have asked Dean Overton to take a flight and some footage inside the building while he was at it.
Amongst the wreckage of the latest calamity to befall Llandaff Cathedral an opportunity for the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral seems to suggest itself.
ReplyDeleteIt is public knowledge the Cathedral is already financially embarrassed.
Barry Morgan and Gerwyn Capon have demonstrated themselves entirely untrustworthy.
As has been written elsewhere, Bill Barlow’s stance has been completely vindicated.
I salute his bravery in maintaining his principles and standing his ground in the face of everything thrown at him by those less able.
This list of suggestions is proposed for consideration by the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral before any agreement is made to use Friends’ money to further help the Chapter.
1. The full Organ Appeal accounts to be drawn up by independent accountant in accordance with best practice, presented to independent auditors for verification and be made openly available for public scrutiny.
2. Any and all irregularities discovered to be dealt with appropriately and robustly.
3. A full and candid explanation provided in writing for the resignation of Janet Henderson.
4. The resignation or (if necessary) the dismissal of Gerwyn Capon.
5. Any and all urgent repairs identified to be put out to tender and at least three quotations obtained - to include an itemised and clearly priced list of necessary work and other expenditure (equipment, scaffolding, materials, expenses etc).
6. The Friends of Llandaff Cathedral to select the best/most appropriate tender following the receipt of professional advice.
7. The selected contractor(s) to submit their invoices for payment of completed work to the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral for the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral pay the contractor(s) directly.
8. To prevent any future possibility of diversion of “restricted” funds to other unidentified purposes, no sums of money for any purpose be paid directly to Llandaff Cathedral.
As a registered Charity in its own right, the Friends have a duty of care to all its members, patrons and benefactors to ensure all its resources are used in accordance with best practice and with unquestionable probity. If there is better way of achieving these aims or anyone can improve upon these suggestions, you are freely invited to do so. My suggestions are posted here to promote thought and discussion.
The current circumstances also provide an ideal opportunity to teach Barry Morgan a lesson in the real application of leverage, particularly following his unseemly tirade recorded at the recent AGM.
If he doesn’t like it, let number 9 on the list be Barry Morgan’s resignation.
Damn fine splendid Augustine.
DeleteI wish I'd thought of it!
The Friends of Llandaff Cathedral have been the only group to stand up to and face down bully boy Bazza. If anyone can do it, they will. Here's hoping the seeds Augustine has planted will now germinate.
DeleteI like your thinking.
May I suggest the following amendments please?
9 a). Barry Morgan provides Bill Barlow with a full written and public apology.
9 b). Barry Morgan then definitely buggers off.
DeleteYour amendments have been duly noted and incorporated. I hope that is acceptable to all?
The bad news is that Swan Hellenic have realised how toxic is Barry Morgan and they have refused to take him on tour next week since he has failed the strict criteria for transport under the IMDG code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods).
It seems his toxicity is such that he has registered a half life of 200 years!
I see huge merit in your proposals Augustine but I would like to add two others for consideration.
DeleteWith the benefit of hindsight this should have been glaringly obvious from the outset but the ill-judged imposition of Gerwyn Capon has sharpened the focus on a couple of issues.
The postholder of Dean is always going to be the one leading - on paper at least - any bid(s) to any charitable body(ies) for funding/grants/donations/loans etc.
Two recent examples come to mind.
When Llandaff Cathedral needed to borrow money to help with paying for the new Organ, John Lewis would have fronted the application to the RB for their consideration but, quite correctly, he took no part in their considerations or decision.
When money was needed to pay the salary of the new full-time assistant Organist, John Lewis again would have fronted the application to the Friends of Cathedral Music for their consideration but, once more quite correctly, he took no part in their considerations or decision.
To me this seems entirely appropriate good practice, ensures separation of duties, reduces any chance of undue influence being brought to bear and prevents conflicts of interest.
Then I consider the position of the Dean of Llandaff automatically being the Chairman of the Council of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral. This is incongruous and fraught with danger.
In effect, any requests for funding made to the Friends are not only led by the Dean but discussion about and any decisions made will be led and Chaired by the Dean.
This is an obvious conflict of interest that is open to abuse under circumstances in which the interests/objectives of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral do not align with the interests/objectives of the Dean & Chapter/Cathedral.
(One might consider such non-alignment of interests to be impossible but consider possible situations where the Cathedral might been landed with an unscrupulous/ manipulative acting Dean, or an ineffective mannequin imposed as Dean by an unscrupulous/manipulative Bishop.)
Attempts at bringing undue influence have certainly occurred recently over applications for funds to cover the purchase of new happy-clappy Hymn books and to cover the salary of a new “Development Manager”.
It was known well in advance that neither application was in accordance with either of the two published “Purposes” of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral.
Therefore Augustine, I propose that number 10 on your list should be “That the position of Chairman of the Council of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral be filled by democratic election drawn from the members of the Council, themselves having already been elected to that Council.”
For similar reasons (separation of duties, good practice and probity) repeated attempts to harass bully and rail-road the Council of friends and following Barry Morgan’s disgraceful behaviour at the recent AGM, I propose that number 11 on your list should be “That the Bishop of Llandaff be removed from the position of Vice President of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral”.
Should any future Deans and Bishops of Llandaff wish to become supporters of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral, ordinary membership could be available upon payment of the usual subscription but under no circumstances should either the Dean or Bishop be allowed to stand for election to the Council of the Friends.
DeleteYour entirely worthy amendments have also been duly noted and incorporated.
Once more I hope that is acceptable to all?
To date there have been no objections of any sort against any of the proposals.
Isn't is strange?
DeleteThere have been no denials issued anywhere of the version of events posted here concerning Janet Henderson's officially unexplained resignation - not by bully boy Bazza, Peggy the Pilate, the glove puppet, any member of the Llandaff Chapter, Anna Morrell, Alison Young, Peter Atkins, Richard Jones, "Lawabiding", anyone else from the Llandaff DBF or anyone from the RB.
One wonders - how long it will take them to come clean?
The only inference to be drawn is a negative one for His ++Darkness.
One also wonders - how long it will take for an honest declaration of the state of the cathedral fabric and the cost of repairs to surface?
Just remember, the truth will out and the ears in the walls will make sure the truth will out.
The latest edition of the weekly notes has appeared but contains no mention whatsoever of the Cathedral's closure yesterday or the outcome of the investigation carried out.
DeleteThe Capon's first opportunity to communicate in writing with those whose safety he put at risk and he bungles it. No apology, no information, just a deafening silence.
Finally, an announcement at
ReplyDelete"The Cathedral will be closed on Friday 31st July 2015 in order to allow inspection works to be carried out"
I bet it took bully boy Bazza' PR machine all week to come up with that !
Speaking of the RB's Rita Skeeter, she's been strangely quiet since 17th July.
DeleteHas she done a bunk or is Morrell simply refusing to do the Dark Lord's bidding?
And the Llandaff Diocesan Rita Skeeter has issued nothing since 13th July.
How strange!
The ears in the walls report that bully boy Bazza has made the text book mistake so typical of all little dictators; he let both of his poison pens go on annual leave at the same time.
DeleteNow the really funny news readers is that in his desperation to control the flood of media interest in his glove puppet's latest dropped testicle, he's been on the phone all week to all his other Diocesan "Communications Officers"., but none of them want anything to do with it and they have been playing that old 1980's favourite - pass the parcel on a Belfast bus!
The girls from St. Michelle's may as well take the day off tomorrow.
DeleteUnless the cherry picker men forget their sandwiches you'll have precious little to do.
So two weeks after the Cathedral should have been closed, Bazza's incompetent glove puppet has finally done the right thing.
DeleteWhat a total prat!
DeleteThe 'girls from St. Michelle's' will be having a LOT of time off very soon.
"For the past 10 weeks, the catering staff of St Michael’s college have provided a “pop-up”
tea room at the Prebendal House as a pilot to test the viability of a permanent Cathedral
tea room. Now that the experiment is coming to its close, it will now involve an analysis
of the success of the project and on the strength of this the Cathedral will hopefully be in a
position to offer a franchise to set the facility on a permanent basis.
The Dean wishes to express his gratitude to St Michael’s staff for their work and for
providing what has been a successful and enterprising model for the future."
More smoke & mirrors, red herrings and spin from Bazza's golf caddy.
If the experimental tea room had been a success it would not be closing!
"Analysis of the success of the project"?
Why would anyone (in their right mind) leading a cash strapped organisation shut a successful (profitable) new initiative?
For "on the strength of this", read "it hasn't worked".
For "will hopefully be in a position", read "will not be in a position".
For "offer a franchise" - read "Bazza won't be allowing his glove puppet to risk any more cash and bad PR on a loss maker".
For "what has been a successful and enterprising model for the future", read "thanks for the suggestion, nice idea, well presented, now get lost!"
If the glove puppet was in a position to claim truthfully that his little experiment "has been a successful and enterprising model for the future", the analysis would have already been done, the tea shop would be staying open and the "franchise" opportunity would already be available.
Breathe deep readers and inhale the top quality farmyard stink of L'eau de Barry.
One seriously doubts the return of Mr Render and the Parish breakfasts.
DeleteThe same guff has appeared on the Cathedral website homepage.
For the past 10 weeks, the catering staff of St Michael’s College have provided a “pop-up” tea room at the Prebendal House as a pilot to test the viability of a permanent Cathedral tea room.
This period comes to an end this Saturday 8th August.
Now that the experiment is coming to its close, it will now involve an analysis of the success of the project and on the strength of this the Cathedral will hopefully be in a position to offer a franchise to set the facility on a permanent basis.
The Dean wishes to express his gratitude to St Michael’s staff for their work and for providing what has been a successful and enterprising model for the future."
As if the failure of the glove puppet's 'experiment' wasn't already crystal clear, to the Cathedral website has been added this titbit:
Delete"This period comes to an end this Saturday 8th August."
The same day the little one held his strawberry bunfight in the deanery garden.
So the Dean & Chapter have been forced to close the building which is what they should have done two weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteIf it needs to be closed for an inspection tomorrow it should have been closed for SAFETY within minutes of the rockfall!
Has the penny finally dropped?
I do not know the background to the gripes that you write of, but the language and tone of many of the entries sadden me. Not a good witness to the Christian gospel. Are things really so bad that you cannot write respectfully about brothers and sisters in Christ? Presuming that it is in the public interest to write at all.
ReplyDeleteIf you did know the background I doubt you would be asking your question Bystander.
DeleteI understand your difficulty if you are ignorant of the facts Bystander but I am unable to answer your criticism unless you can be more specific about the entries which sadden you. To challenge is not to be disrespectful especially if one challenges out of respect for the Christian gospel. I am not aware that I have written anything that is untrue and I am more than happy to be corrected if you have evidence to the contrary.
ReplyDeleteAs for the public interest, sadly it no longer is for many. That is one of my gripes because revisionist Anglicans have made it so. Thank you for your interest.
Bystander, the church should at the very least be both accountable and transparent in its financial dealings when it is soliciting money from the general public as well its own flock. If some of our brothers and sisters in Christ were less arrogant about their positions, and behaved with more probity and trust, then much of the comment on this blog would be unnecessary. Sadly this is not the case.
ReplyDeleteIn case you think we are being particularly unfair then please have a read of this website:
It compiles cases of fraud and embezzlement at churches in the USA. Trust is too often abused and must be backed up with accountability and the force of the law. The best way to deal with such problems is to bring them into the open rather than let them fester, for for they will at length be exposed to the greater embarrassment and lasting damage to our institution.
With respect Ifor Bach how do you suggest "accountability" and the "force of the law" be brought to bear in Llandaff when the "Dean & Chapter" (read the irrelevant Archbishop in Wales) have repeatedly refused to produce accounts for the Organ appeal?
DeleteInformation/knowledge is power!
It's worse than that LET.
DeleteJanet Henderson tried to do the right thing and gets kicked out by bully boy Bazza.
Gerwyn Capon is a complete dud, seems to have put people's lives at risk yet still basks in the bully boy's patronage.
His ++Darkness hasn't been seen around The Green for a few days and the speculation is that he has gone cruising on his latest junket with Swann Hellenic despite his Cathedral being held together with a patchwork quilt of splints and band aids.
Of greatest concern however is that the ears in the walls report that the bully boy and his glove puppet have gone into control freak overdrive. It seems Bazza is busy preparing a "statement of support" for his stooge Capon which, in accordance with the three line whip, all members of the Cathedral Chapter will be expected to sign without question or hesitation next month.
In the mean time, all members of the Chapter have been sworn to silence on ALL subjects (the Organ Appeal Fund, the REAL reason(s) for Janet's resignation and departure, the falling stones in the Cathedral, the finances, the cost of repairs,etc) and are even banned from discussing such matters among themselves!
That's would certainly fit the usual MO of Darth ++Insidious and his coven.
DeleteThe Cathedral was put into "Lockdown" for the Friday visit of the architect and engineers' inspections with the slimy amphibian Mr Toad carefully monitoring and controlling everything for the glove puppet.
The grumblings on The Green this week are that His ++Irrelevance's temper grows ever shorter in direct response to the revelations and truths that appear here.
In which case, Capon and the rest of the sycophants are going to have knocking knees at the prospect of Bazza's wrath when he learns that the tape recording of his recent rant at the recent Friends' of Llandaff Cathedral AGM has now been transcribed in all its glory.
DeleteIt makes such interesting reading that there is huge demand around Llandaff and beyond for copies.
It seems that His ++Darkness has 750,000 reasons to fear this particular document.
The rumours about the money missing from the Organ Appeal have been around for some time now but part of the problem was that no-one seemed to know the amount missing.
DeleteCould Darth ++Insidious have been angry/stupid enough to have divulged it during his recent rant?
@Lux Et Veritas & Llandaff Pewster
DeleteThe ears in the walls report that the contrived "statement of support" being drawn up by Bazza in between his speaking duties for Swan Hellenic is to include a second refusal by the "Dean & Chapter" to publish properly audited accounts for the Organ appeal as a means of demonstrating support for, and solidarity with, poor old Peggy the Pilate. She is reportedly feeling "under pressure".
Llandaff regulars and Ancient Briton readers will of course recognise the smoke and mirrors lies for what they are and realise that this should actually be interpreted as bully boy Bazza is feeling the heat.
There are several problems facing the current members of the Llandaff Chapter, many of whom were not involved in the false claim of a "unanimous" decision not to publish the accounts .
When David Jones published his ill advised, poorly informed and wildly inaccurate letter in the December 2013 edition of The Bell, the real reason(s) for Janet Henderson's resignation were known only to bully boy Bazza.
Also no-one had any idea of the scale of the monies missing from the Organ appeal account or upon what it had been spent but His ++Darkness seems to have suggested an amount of £750k.
It has also been claimed on this blog that among other things the money was diverted to pay the salary of the Cathedral office assistant administrator Mrs Hallinan.
Also the very carefully but curiously worded letter from Rev John Baldwin had not been published far and wide.
So here's the £750k question for the current Chapter members.
Are you going to be supine and help the deadly Morgan/Capon duo continue the lies and repeated cover ups, or are you going to make a stand for the Christian values of decency, honesty and integrity?
Wake up and smell the coffee. Barry Morgan is considerably more vulnerable than any of you.
If even ONE of you has the balls to stand up to him and refuse to sign his dictated "letter of support", what is he going to do? Sack you? And if he did, how will he explain that to Martin Shipton?
"It is with great regret that I have accepted the resignation of Canon X due to his/her inability to follow my orders to continue to conceal the reason(s) for Janet Henderson's resignation and refusal to have the Organ Appeal accounts audited".
There is strength in numbers so if several of you refuse to be cowed by Bazza's bullying the worse it gets for the arch snake.
Fix bayonets, stick it to him because he will definitely not like it up him!
DeleteFor "refusal to have the Organ Appeal accounts audited" read "refusal to support my continued efforts to PREVENT the Organ Appeal accounts being audited".
DeleteThere is of course one other significant change that has occurred since David Jones' published that the "Dean & Chapter" refused to publish properly audited accounts for the Organ appeal Fund, specifically that Llandaff Cathedral has become a registered charity (number 1159090).
Such registration imposes extra duties and responsibilities upon the Trustees, namely the current "Dean & Chapter".
These can be found at
These not only make interesting reading but should (in the reported circumstances of Bazza's three line whip) be of great concern to all the Canons of Llandaff Cathedral.
Quite so LET. And here's a few of their additional duties and responsibilities.
Delete"The Charity Commission has issued new guidance for trustees on reporting serious incidents, which includes their legal obligations, duties and responsibilities."
"Trustees have an obligation to report serious incidents or other matters relating to their charity. This should be done when the incident occurs but can also be brought to the Charity Commission’s attention when submitting the annual report."
"For a charity with income over £25,000, the trustees must sign a declaration as part of the annual return. This states that there are no serious incidents or other matters relating to the charity over the previous financial year that should have been brought to the attention of the commission but have not."
"The commission’s guidance for trustees on reporting serious incidents states: ‘If an incident has taken place but you have not reported this to us, you should do so when you submit the annual return.’ It goes on to state: ‘If you are unable to make this declaration then the annual return will not be complete and you will have defaulted on your statutory requirement under section 169 of the Charities Act 2011.’"
Apologies AB and readers, I just found even more.
Delete"The guidance goes on to provide information about the approach taken by the commission when dealing with individual charities. It also highlights the following issues as being higher risk. These are:
Significant financial loss to a charity.
Serious criminality and/or illegal activity within or involving a charity (including fraud and money laundering).
Other significant non-compliance, breaches of trust or abuse that otherwise impact significantly on public trust and confidence in the charity and charities generally."
"These are generally the type of high-level risks that trustees would expect to review. However, trustees need also to look at the type of incident and how it should be reported. The guidance states that ‘arising out of these higher risk issues, we have identified areas where the matter in question causes such serious concern that we will always give it our immediate attention because of the impact on the charity if true, and on the reputation of the charity, even if not true. Where such high risk issues arise in charities, we would always regard them as serious incidents that you should report to us.’ The areas are:
1. Fraud and theft.
2. Other significant loss.
9. The charity has been subject to a criminal investigation, or an investigation by another regulator or agency; or sanctions have been imposed or concerns raised by another regulator or agency such as the Health and Safety Executive, the Care Quality Commission or Ofsted."
"The guidance also states that the commission expects trustees to report an incident if:
The incident is also reported to the police or other statutory agencies.
The charity, or individuals associated with the charity and in connection with their role within it, are the subject of a police or other statutory agency investigation."
"There is also the catch-all ‘report it to us anyway’ statement. The general conclusion is that if in doubt send in a report. However, there is a balance to be struck between immediate reporting and investigation, and the guidance recognises that trustees may need time to gather information to establish the facts following an allegation or incident before reporting to the commission. However, it concludes by reaffirming that where an incident is serious, the report should be immediate."
"When updating the risk policies and reporting for charities, the guidance provides useful references within its explanation of higher-risk issues. For example, for other significant loss the guidance helpfully states that ‘for this type of incident, we would expect you to report any loss of funds or other property with a value of 20% or more of the charity’s income, or £25,000, whichever is the smaller amount’."
"‘Just because last year there was no problem does not mean a loss cannot happen. For example, an arts festival charity lost £25,000 because the treasurer stole money after falling into personal financial difficulty. In the preceding 13 years he had served the charity without blemish.
‘Even if a problem has not occurred yet, poor controls create the opportunity for a loss. A newly employed finance manager of a disability services charity stole £150,000 when he took advantage of, to quote the trial judge, “somewhat inadequate” procedures.’"
Thank you 1662, that all seems clear enough to me.
DeleteIt would appear that the Canons have a lengthy report to compose.
The Capon deciding to close the Kitchen having been told to mop the floor following a visit from the Council food hygiene inspectors.
Significant sums of money allegedly missing from the Organ Appeal Fund.
The Arch snake ranting about a £750k loss to the Cathedral during the recent Friends' AGM.
Lumps of stone falling into the building during a funeral.
The failure of the Capon to report the incident to the Health & Safety Executive.
Members of the public doing the Dean's job of reporting the incident to the HSE.
The HSE visiting the Cathedral to carry out an inspection.
The statutory responsibilities of the current Cathedral Trustees to report all such matters to the Charity Commission will make next months’ meeting with His ++Darkness quite a lively affair!
DeleteYou surely don't think that Darth ++Insidious, his glove puppet, Peggy "the taxman will never know" Pilate or any of the coven will actually do the right thing do you?
The charity commissioners will only find out about any of this if whistle-blowers or "concerned members of the public" take matters into their own hands.
The whole reason for bully boy Bazza calling the secret meeting is to continue the cover up of the missing organ appeal money and the real reasons for Janet Henderson's resignation!
This weekend's grumblings on The Green have started early.
ReplyDeleteThe ears in the walls have mentioned the glove puppet has just received the first part of the new Quinquennial report and has finally begun to realise the extent to which His ++Darkness has set him up.
Reportedly, just the first lot of repairs (you know, the ones that absolutely must be done asap) are going to cost a cool £1 million+
And that's just for starters!
Lots of VERY interesting information here readers.
"It must always he remembered that 'we are all no more than life tenants of our heritage and we hove a moral duty to pass it on in as good a condition as that in which we received it'.
A report should he produced of five-yearly intervals which identifies records and comments on the following
(i) Repair work or any new work carried out since the lost inspection.
(ii) The general condition of the fabric.
(iii) The detailed condition of the fabric, such as structural walls, roof covering, fittings, services, monuments, and the churchyard.
(iv) Works of repair in order of priority.
(v) Recommendations on the maintenance and core of buildings and their contents.
(vi) Recommendations on further detailed investigation.
Perhaps the most significant part of any quinquennial report is the section dealing with works of repair in order of priority. The works identified in this section are categorised us follows:
(i) Of utmost urgency.
(ii) Essential within the next 18 months.
(iii) Essential Within the quinquennium.
(iv) Desirable."
"The quinquennial system of regular survey, combined with continuous maintenance, has ensured the survival of a unique collection of historic places of worship that in some cases, even date back to the Anglo Saxon period. Repairing and restoring Historic buildings is an extremely expensive operation. When major projects occur, they place immense financial burdens on the parish, incumbent and PCC. A 'stitch in time' is a truism that has been shown to work 'miracles' in the past and, if applied with the some care in the future, will guarantee these places of worship for the 21st century."
Clearly a philosophy to which the deadly Bonaparte/Captain Peacock duo did NOT subscribe!
No-one on Chapter or the PCC should be surprised at this figure but the deceived pew-sitters might be.
DeleteQuoted from pages 18 & 19 of the Eleri Jones report that was hidden from them (despite them paying her a £5,000 fee to write it!).
‘In November 2009 Michael Clews(Acanthus Clews Architects, Banbury), the Cathedral Architect, provided Llandaff Cathedral with its third Quinquennial report, the first having been produced in 1988, the second in 2004. Following his detailed inspection of the Cathedral and Churchyard undertaken in the week commencing 7 September 2009, he reports that the Cathedral is in a “fair state of repair, but as with all historic buildings the implementation of planned maintenance is essential to ensure this remains the case.” (Clews, 2009:5).
It is difficult to match the list of work undertaken since the 2004 report against the prioritised extensive list of work identified in the Clews(2004) but the list of work completed since 2004 is significantly shorter than the list of work that was identified as needing to be done in 2004. Seemingly important items of work which are noted in both the 2004 and 2009 Reports (Clews, 2004; 2009) and have not yet been undertaken include: consideration of 2the installation of repeater panels ... to provide the fire service with information as to where the fire is at the point of entry” (p.91) and the replacement of the boiler. Both the 2004 report (Clews, 2004:90) and the 2009 Report (Clews 2009:103) note that “The replacement of the boiler is now becoming urgent”.’
Clews (2009:8) acknowledged the on-going maintenance conducted by the Cathedral’s Working Party under the direction of Keith Morris and the Head Verger and notes that “since Keith Morris’ illness, the team has not been functioning as before this and general maintenance is outstanding in areas”.
He points out that the Administrator is “aware of this and is in the process of re-establishing the working party”.’
‘The Quinquennial Review Report (Clews, 2009) identifies £0.5M worth of work under five priorities (see Table 1):’
Jobs for the Cathedral
Priority: Work that is: Cost: Working Party
1 “... urgently required” * £9600 15
2 “... necessary at the
present time” * £132750 3
3 “... recommended at
the present time” £109650 15
4 ”... recommended but
could be deferred” * £68500 8
5 “... recommended as
improvement to the
appearance or the
construction of the
church” * £179500 0
Total £500000 41
[* Clews, 2009:106]
‘This extensive shopping list includes: “three or four major jobs: the Lady Chapter, the West Front, Prebendal House (where the boilers need replacing) and the roof of the Processional Way”.
Thanks Pewster, it's good to see some figures from that elusive report!
DeleteAs mentioned by Landavian some posts above, the 2009 Quinquennial disappeared into Captain Peacock's desk until members of the PCC demanded to see it around 2011/12. The Fabric Committee was only reestablished after Bonaparte left, having been wound down in '06.
As you rightly say, there are 5 levels of urgency in the Quinquennial and we need to know what jobs identified in 2009 (many originally from 2004) were actually carried out.
Of the major jobs, the Lady Chapel repairs were close to being approved in 2006 when it was decided to focus on organ fundraising. One of the most salient questions of the whole Llandaff affair is why priority was given to the organ instead of building maintenance. With no Fabric Committee to give oversight the issue of repairs was constantly put on the back burner.
A comparison of the annual spending on the fabric between, say, John Roger's era and the late 2000s would likely show a considerable decrease.
@Ifor bach
Delete"What jobs identified in 2009 (many originally from 2004) were actually carried out"?
That is easily identified by a simple process of elimination.
‘This extensive shopping list includes: “three or four major jobs: the Lady Chapter, the West Front, Prebendal House (where the boilers need replacing) and the roof of the Processional Way”.'
1 - The "Lady Chapter" (I assume Lady Chapel) has NOT been repaired.
2 - The West Front has NOT been repaired.
3 - The Prebendal House has NOT been repaired (i.e. the exterior, roof, cellar, woodworm, pointing, rendering etc)
4 - The boilers have NOT been replaced.
5 - The roof of the Processional Way has not been repaired. (One hears that the quality of materials and workmanship put into the Processional way when it was built was so poor that the whole thing needs demolishing and rebuilding from scratch anyway!)
What did get done?
The Dean & Chapter reportedly spent £500k on replacing the sloping pebbled roadway from the Lych gate to the West door with steps and railings (illuminated with uplights instead of downlights thus dazzling and blinding anyone trying to use the steps in the dark) and the enlarged patio area outside the West door (which now needs relaying because the original materials and workmanship were so poor).
The Dean & Chapter reportedly spent £450k+ on rewiring the Cathedral and installing a Lutron programmable/dimmable/scene setting/special effects lighting system. Very nice is is too for special occasions like Good Friday and Easter Eve but not a project listed anywhere under the "urgently required" or "necessary at the present time" headings.
The Organ project is well known but since that was paid for by donations, subscriptions, fundraising, concerts, the Llandaff Festival etc and NOT the Dean & Chapter, I don't think this comes under the same heading (plus from one one hears the Dean & Chapter actually took money OUT of this fund to pay for other stuff - but NOT maintenance of the fabric!)
Rewiring the Prebendal House. This is an interesting one. The ears in the walls report that as a snub to a certain senior employee of Budd Electrical, this work was put out to another electrical contractor of the Bodgitt & Leggit variety. Having paid for one lot of work that reportedly proved to be unsatisfactory, Budd Electrical were called back in to rectify the mess resulting in yet more costs (no blame at all attached to Budd Electrical).
The Kitchen. The glove puppet claimed in the press that he didn't need to shut it but shut it anyway, stopping the Parish breakfasts. £27k later a new kitchen appears but no-one is using it.
Capon spends another small fortune tarting up the Prebendal House interior for his 3 month "pop-up" tea room experiment which shuts after only 10 weeks.
I suggest that all of these would appear under a heading "Desirable" but certainly not 2Urgent" or "Necessary".
Have I missed anything?
DeletePhillip Masson's letter on page 15 of The Bell in February 2014 (see confirms the Quinquennial report was due 18 months ago.
I've been putting Google to good use and turned up a few bits of interest.
Fascinating reading at
"Perhaps the most significant part of any quinquennial report is the section dealing with works of repair in order of priority. The works identified in this section are categorised us follows:
(i) Of utmost urgency.
(ii) Essential within the next 18 months.
(iii) Essential Within the quinquennium.
(iv) Desirable."
The steps down the hill & the West door patio, the clever lighting, the Kitchen all fall under paragraph (iv) rather than (i), (ii) or (iii).
DeleteYou've got my attention.
Lots of interesting stuff to be found on this link.
DeleteYou have my attention too.
Have a look at
Page 4 is of particular interest especially because one suspects that bully boy Bazza and his glove puppet have got the EIG (Ecclesiastical Insurance Group) paying for the splints and band aid plasters currently holding the clerestory together.
"Care and Maintenance of Buildings:
It is a requirement that all parishes should arrange for survey reports upon their buildings to be undertaken on a five-yearly basis; these are known as "quinquennial reports". Such reports may be interpreted as assisting the parish priest in the exercise of his canonical obligation to perform his duties with the diligence of a good householder
(see Canon 1284)
Risk: The failure to perform quinquennial inspections or the failure to carry out the work identified within a quinquennial report could result in a failure to the integrity of our buildings caused through structural damage. Further, an avoidable accident leading to personal injury or even death may result if a quinquennial inspection is not held or the work identified within such a report is not completed. Further, any insurance policy might be considered null and void if works are not completed or inspections not held resulting in potential expense in remediating damage and possible negligence claims."
Since it has become public knowledge (at least in Llandaff) that the various maintenance works identified as needing doing under both the 2004 and 2009 Quinquennial reports have not been carried out even now, I can only conclude that Llandaff Cathedral's "insurance policy might be considered null and void" since the works have not been completed.
Bonaparte, Captain Peacock, Bazza's glove puppet, Peggy the Pilate and EVERY MEMBER OF THE CATHEDRAL CHAPTER must be filling their pants with ordure over the possibility that JUST ONE concerned member of the public will be sending copies of the various Quinquennial and Eleri Jones' reports to the Ecclesiastical.
Even the Methodists seem to have a better idea of how to manage buildings than Bonaparte, Captain Peacock,Peggy the Pilate or the Arch snake.
"2.The temptation to avoid the issue
The neglect of church buildings, or the avoidance of QQs, on the basis of "we'd rather not know"
or "we cannot afford either the cost of the survey fee or the works", is not reasonable
stewardship. Ignoring known defects, neglecting adequate maintenance and failing to deal with
necessary repairs are irresponsible and, more importantly, are a breach of managing trustees'
obligations. Problems should be faced up to and every effort made to find adequate financial resources; a considerable variety of grants are available, and our funding section are always happy to offer help. The Methodist Church has a continuing responsibility for the care and maintenance of the fabric and contents of Methodist property."
As for well meaning but amateur members of the congregation doing maintenance, the Methodists say this:
"5. Church members carrying out work
We fully realise the enormous value of voluntary property work carried out by church members.
In such instances, volunteers are acting on behalf of the managing trustees and should be
covered by the church's normal insurance policy. It is, however, always worth checking the policy
wording, and if necessary obtaining additional cover - Methodist Insurance (tel 0161 833 9696)
are always prepared to discuss the situation. Clearly, it is always unwise for church members to undertake anything other than simple, straightforward work unless they have suitable training. For instance, work above ceilings, at high level, from a tall ladder or scaffold or on roofs, requires specialist training and expertise. Do remember that it is also a legal requirement to have a suitable risk assessment in place."
Risk assessments in Llandaff Cathedral?
What a joke!
Except that one hears that the oily amphibian Mr Toad recently told Mr David Lambert (ex Diocesan Registrar, assistant Chapter Clerk and lovely bloke who is owed large sums of money by bully boy Bazza) that he could no longer operate the Cathedral microphones and sound system (which he has been doing for almost 3 decades) due to the lack of a risk assessment, training and Health & Safety concerns.
The Church in Wales website is quite clear on the matter.
The Property Services Department of the Representative Body seeks to provide advice and guidance on any property issues. A number of guidance and policy documents have been produced and are referred to in this section. They are available on the Church in Wales website: Printed copies are available on request. Guidance is regularly reviewed so do check that you have the most up-to-date version.
Ownership and Management
Almost every church building is vested in the Representative Body. Each Parochial Church Council is responsible, under the Constitution, for the repair, maintenance and management of each church under its care (the Constitution: Church Fabric Regulations Section 1).
Quinquennial Inspections
Within each Diocese there is a Churches and Pastoral Committee. This Committee is responsible (the Constitution: Chapter IV, Section 17) for assisting parishes to arrange the Quinquennial Inspection of Churches. The Committee keeps a list of suitably qualified architects and surveyors to inspect churches and arranges such inspections on a five yearly basis. Please contact your Diocesan Office if you have any queries about the inspections process. The architect or surveyor completes a standard form of report, providing a schedule of recommended works in order of priority. In order to keep the costs of this scheme under control, parishes are requested to provide sound ladders and other means of access to make the inspection as effective as possible. These inspections provide a vital framework for the management of the church building. As far as possible, the recommendations should be effected in the agreed order of priority during the subsequent five year period as required by the Constitution (the Church Fabric Regulations). Works will be subject to Faculty procedure as outlined at 1A.iii below. Works must be overseen by a suitably qualified and experienced person and it is generally recommended that the Inspecting architect or surveyor be retained to oversee subsequent works.
A Faculty is an ecclesiastical licence which gives permission to undertake works. It is fundamentally the Church’s system for approving and monitoring work to its churches and churchyards. A Faculty must be obtained for most work to Churches. It is obtained by making a petition (or application) to the Diocesan Chancellor, who acts in a judicial capacity in deciding whether a faculty should be granted. In considering a petition, the Chancellor considers the advice of the Diocesan Advisory Committee (or DAC) and any other advice and representations. This DAC is obliged to consider all petitions as well as coordinating advice and comments from a number of external organisations (Cadw, amenity societies, Local Authorities etc) and provides advice to the Chancellor. The DAC consists of volunteer specialists in a variety of church building and contents matters and is served by an employed Secretary.
The DAC Secretary in each Diocese will advise whether a Faculty might be required for a particular piece of work and on the detailed procedures including forms and required information. The Chancellor also takes the advice of the Cathedrals and Churches Commission on Cathedrals and significant church proposals. This Commission is a provincial committee and consists of leading experts on places of worship in Wales as well as specialist advisors on particular topics.
What part of "As far as possible, the recommendations should be effected in the agreed order of priority during the subsequent five year period as required by the Constitution (the Church Fabric Regulations)." is not clear to the idiots in the Llandaff Chapter?
The 11am sermon delivered this morning by Bazza's glove puppet was another joke.
DeleteStop gossiping indeed!
@Ifor Bach
There’s plenty more from where that has come.
However, you might be more interested in how the Eleri Jones report was concealed from the Llandaff regulars. Here's the first bit - more to follow.
Cast your mind back to the May 2013 edition of The Bell (
Remember the “Vision Day” for the PCC and Chapter arranged for 1st June 2013?
Janet might have arranged it but Peggy the Pilate ran it because by then Janet had gone!
Page 7 – ‘Ambitions & Aspirations – Prof Eleri Jones Report
“Each person was given a copy of the structure diagram (2012)for Committees and groups at the Cathedral, together with a list of the 29 recommendations from the Report. 10 copies of Prof Jones’ report were made available for all to see.
Peggy Jackson offered a quick recap on history of this report and of the Development Group process – thus
. Group of 4 initially spoke to Dean John Lewis, and subsequently reported to Exec;
from there the Devt Group was formed, with membership expanded to include 1 rep. Each from PCC and Chapter.
. Group of 6 reported to joint meeting of Chapter and PCC.
. Chapter PCC decided on survey process to find ambitions and aspirations which a Development Director might help us to fulfil.
. Applications received, and appointment of Prof Eleri Jones made, after interview.
. The Dean, Very Revd John Lewis, retired
. Decision by Chapter that survey process should continue, with the idea of helping inform – either a profile to be presented to a new Dean, or the awareness of a new Dean to the current issues around.
. Report finished November 2012, and copied to Exec and Chapter – at which time it was expected we would organise a launch event, with publication of an executive summary and the recommendations, and making full copies available if requested.
. But ................Some critical matters arising in Choir, and the Cathedral arousing press interest. Therefore we hesitated in order not to invite any more press speculation, and possible adverse publicity.
. March 2013 – Dean Janet arrived.
. Also negative press and publicity issues around the choir being aggravated.
. Dean Janet decided to publish recommendations in The Bell for May, and take detailed examination into planning for a Vision Day in June.
. Even now, in the last week, a Western Mail reporter has asked Anna Morrell about a report which “is believed to be critical of the cathedral”, and “why it has been suppressed”.
. There are copies here (10 to save bits of paper), if PCC members wish to see them. Chapter’s (and Exec’s) feelings now are that it would be unwise to give it up to a wider public – not because we want to suppress anything, but because the Report adopted a style of direct questioning from contributors, and reproducing verbatim what was said, including some very immoderate remarks. The report was not aiming to offer a judgement or evaluation “on the cathedral” as such, but to record what a wide variety of cathedral and other people said “about the cathedral”. Eleri didn’t really do any objective evaluation of what she heard, but gathered it together – in such a way that the recommendations emerged from what people said they wanted : ie their ambitions and aspirations. She also deliberately didn’t apply any editorial control, in terms of balancing one area of interest against another – and as dean Janet
Here's the next bit of the goings on behind the closed doors of St Michelles.
DeletePage 8
pointed out, there were whole areas of possible ambitions and aspirations relating to the cathedral, which simply not mentioned at all e.g. excellence in worship, education possibilities, Celtic heritage and pilgrim heritage possibilities, links to schools and universities, and a host of wider artistic possibilities alongside music.
. The executive summary had never materialised, though in a way the 29 recommendations themselves are that summary.
. The last section also summarises, and reflects on how the report’s findings tend to offer support, or not, to the project to seek a Development Director, and concludes that, if it can happen in future, it might be a good way to realise our hopes expressed so far.
PJ went on to say:
Without a Dean in post, it seems to me now that it is impossible for us to set about the
2yr/5yr cathedral development plan which Dean Janet was clearly ready to initiate, which
would have used this report as a launchpad. Nor can we take the big step of making a
decision one way or the other about a development Director, without a Dean in post.
In some ways now, the Report seems both a little dated (in relation to the things that had
seemed so crucially important last autumn, and everything that has happened since), and to
be not something which deserves to receive a great launch with attendant publicity –
especially since we’re now in a world where the press are itching to stir divisions and make
headline stories out of a few people’s individual grievances. But maybe we can think
together what line we should take. ........
What I would like to suggest is that we pick up the recommendations – and use them to set some of the detailed agendas for our existing groups – or maybe some new groups which need to be formed!
Hence green cards (1/4 each) – which I am going to suggest we discuss – and then go and pin on to the appropriate group’s sheet on wall. Thus today will have set some of the agendas for these groups, who will then regard themselves as accountable to us – PCC and Chapter – for what emerges.
And, as a way forward .......................
The suggestion was made that the Report would be regarded, not as end in itself, needing to be published and reproduced, but as a Working Document, to inform the processes such as the work of this Vision Day. And after today, it will have accomplished its task, and there are now new agendas and aspirations set, for both Chapter and PCC to work on together.
La piece de resistance!
DeletePage 17
Following Through
a) Re Prof Eleri Jones Report, a Consensus was reached:
. The report reflects accurately the views of the individuals and groups who
responded to Eleri Jones
. That the situation now is significantly different from the situation in
October/November 2012 when the responses were given
. That the 29 recommendations are either being acted upon or have today
been assigned to Cathedral Groups and Committees to take forward
. That the report has been a valuable working document to inform the work of
this vision day by PCC and Chapter
. That there is no need now to publish the report in full since the Cathedral’s
agenda has moved on
. That Archdeacon Peggy would prepare a suitable document for the
Cathedral’s weekly notices on 9th June [2013] and be ready to offer a
statement to the press officer if requested.
b) What is needed from structures/organisation to enable us to accomplish what we desire:
. Stewardship – joint training – mechanisms for giving
. Wider representation of people on groups
. Organisation of volunteers/coordination
. Quotations for work done
. Accountability/transparency
. Review/management of staff
. Mission & Discipleship together
(Judith/Jenny/Stephen/Louise/Dylan to Chair)
. Committees to be chaired by PCC/Chapter member
- Terms of reference for each group
- Chapter member to become part of marketing – suggested Archdeacon Philip Morris
@Ifor Bach (Apologies, this should have been the first of these three posts)
DeleteThere’s plenty more from where that has come.
However, you might be more interested in how the Eleri Jones report was concealed from the Llandaff regulars.
Cast your mind back to the May 2013 edition of The Bell (
Remember the “Vision Day” for the PCC and Chapter arranged for 1st June 2013?
Janet might have arranged it but Peggy the Pilate ran it because by the Janet had realised she’d been sold a pup by Bazza and she’d gone!
Page 7 – ‘Ambitions & Aspirations – Prof Eleri Jones Report
“Each person was given a copy of the structure diagram (2012)for Committees and groups at the Cathedral, together with a list of the 29 recommendations from the Report. 10 copies of Prof Jones’ report were made available for all to see.
Peggy Jackson offered a quick recap on history of this report and of the Development Group process – thus
. Group of 4 initially spoke to Dean John Lewis, and subsequently reported to Exec;
from there the Devt Group was formed, with membership expanded to include 1 rep. Each from PCC and Chapter.
. Group of 6 reported to joint meeting of Chapter and PCC.
. Chapter PCC decided on survey process to find ambitions and aspirations which a Development Director might help us to fulfil.
. Applications received, and appointment of Prof Eleri Jones made, after interview.
. The Dean, Very Revd John Lewis, retired
. Decision by Chapter that survey process should continue, with the idea of helping inform – either a profile to be presented to a new Dean, or the awareness of a new Dean to the current issues around.
. Report finished November 2012, and copied to Exec and Chapter – at which time it was expected we would organise a launch event, with publication of an executive summary and the recommendations, and making full copies available if requested.
. But ................Some critical matters arising in Choir, and the Cathedral arousing press interest. Therefore we hesitated in order not to invite any more press speculation, and possible adverse publicity.
. March 2013 – Dean Janet arrived.
. Also negative press and publicity issues around the choir being aggravated.
. Dean Janet decided to publish recommendations in The Bell for May, and take detailed examination into planning for a Vision Day in June.
. Even now, in the last week, a Western Mail reporter has asked Anna Morrell about a report which “is believed to be critical of the cathedral”, and “why it has been suppressed”.
. There are copies here (10 to save bits of paper), if PCC members wish to see them. Chapter’s (and Exec’s) feelings now are that it would be unwise to give it up to a wider public – not because we want to suppress anything, but because the Report adopted a style of direct questioning from contributors, and reproducing verbatim what was said, including some very immoderate remarks. The report was not aiming to offer a judgement or evaluation “on the cathedral” as such, but to record what a wide variety of cathedral and other people said “about the cathedral”. Eleri didn’t really do any objective evaluation of what she heard, but gathered it together – in such a way that the recommendations emerged from what people said they wanted : ie their ambitions and aspirations. She also deliberately didn’t apply any editorial control, in terms of balancing one area of interest against another – and as dean Janet
@Llandaff Pewster.
DeleteThank you so much.
There was I thinking that it was only a select few of the inner cabal surrounding Darth ++Insidious that was "in" on the various cover ups and attempts to prevent the truth reaching the majority of the Llandaff pew-sitters.
Assuming your reproduction of the "Vision Day for PCC and Chapter" minutes (is that what they are?) are accurate (I am not suggesting otherwise) then EVERY SINGLE PERSON, member of the PCC, Chapter or others who attended St Michelle's on 1st June 2013 has been complicit in the cover ups for at least 2 years.
Do you have the names of those who attended Peggy the Pilate's "Vision Day".
If so, please publish it.
Name and shame them!
@Llandaff Pewster - La piece de resistance!
DeletePage 17
Following through
b) What is needed from structures/organisation to enable us to accomplish what we desire:
It is painfully self evident that Peggy "the taxman will never know" Pilate doesn't have the faintest idea of the meaning of "Accountability" or "transparency".
The lying ruminant and the rest of the Cathedral coven should be sat on ducking stools on the bank of the Taff!
And still they ponder over why the numbers and giving continues to plummet?
Well done Llandaff Pewster.
DeleteThe truth will out indeed!
So on 1st June 2013 Peggy Jackson pontificates thus:
". But ................Some critical matters arising in Choir, and the Cathedral arousing press interest. Therefore we hesitated in order not to invite any more press speculation, and possible adverse publicity.
. March 2013 – Dean Janet arrived.
. Also negative press and publicity issues around the choir being aggravated.
. Dean Janet decided to publish recommendations in The Bell for May, and take detailed examination into planning for a Vision Day in June.
. Even now, in the last week, a Western Mail reporter has asked Anna Morrell about a report which “is believed to be critical of the cathedral”, and “why it has been suppressed”.
So what exactly was going on in the press at that time that had bully boy Bazza, Peggy, the Chapter, the Executive committee and the PCC running scared?
And the only inference I can see from these "minutes" is negative.
Did Anna Morrell fob off Martin Shipton with another pack of lies that there was no such report in existence on Peggy's instructions?
@Llandaff Pewster
DeleteIt seems Bazza's golf caddy has a bee in his bonnet about gossip.
The ears in the walls report that the Capon intends to shut the Cathedral shop due to his belief that all the little old ladies and widows who run it generating a tidy little profit are all gossips!
Isn't it nice, ladies of Llandaff, to know that all your efforts and time, given freely to the Cathedral, is so much appreciated?
Another of his dirty little secrets exposed.
Thanks @SS, @LEV, @1662, @Llandaff Pewster and @Augustine. Your combined sleuthing is revealing.
ReplyDeleteThe basic outcome is that failure to implement multiple QQs, even due to lack of cash, is negligence. And since there was no reported deficit until the last year of Bonaparte's deanship, then one must assume there was sufficient cash to do repairs.
Unless of course there wasn't, and the suspicion of smoke and mirrors increases accordingly. After His ++Darkness made his ill-advised statement to the Friends AGM, it would appear to be so.
Other churches and historic buildings have ringfenced funds for maintenance. Didn't Llandaff have such provision? And if not, why not?
If anyone has Easter Vestry annual reports from previous years (especially 2010-14) it would be illuminating to see the reported expenditure on maintenance in the Cathedral accounts. Also, if anyone has saved up copies from the late 1990s it would be good to compare how much was spent then.
If it's the case that "the list of work completed since 2004 is significantly shorter than the list of work that was identified as needing to be done in 2004" (and this does indeed appear to be so) then clearly the Dean and Chapter have not been fulfilling their duty as stewards of the building. Perhaps they all sat through Chapter meetings like the Wise Monkeys, covering their ears and shutting their eyes to imminent problems?
The cumulative result is the massively expensive 2015 QQ.
@Ifor Bach
DeleteHole in One!
Except that the Cathedral was running at a deficit for many years before Bonaparte's retirement.
It was covered up by drawing on the Cathedral's cash reserves until they were depleted shortly after Bonaparte retired in July 2012.
Bully boy Bazza took over (appointing himself) and whilst concealing his "discretionary" funds scam (skimming the collection plates at ordinations and confirmations) from the gullible pew sitters, had the brass neck to issue his begging letter that appeared in The Bell in October 2012.
"Generosity is a many faceted thing. It entails generosity of thinking, generosity of living, generosity of not being judgemental but it also includes a generosity of giving."
"for the last five years, the cathedral has lost on average £50,000 - £60,000 a year. That ultimately is unsustainable."
Of course the Arch snake didn't let on that he was tapping the Llandaff DBF for broadly similar amounts of unaudited cash to spend on whatever he liked!
Sorry readers, I omitted the link.
"I am sorry to be so blunt about all this but I am told by the Treasurer that by March next year, unless our giving improves, we will have used up all our reserves of money."
Of course, bazza wasn't referring to "our" reserves of money at all as he keeps topping up his reserves of ready cash from the collection plates.
And I do hope you will publish my comment AB; It must get so tiresome to see comment after comment spewing the same unsubstantiated drivel without ever being challenged.
In fact most of the information posted here has come from documents produced by the Church in Wales, some published, some concealed.
Barry Morgan's discretionary spending is listed in the Llandaff DBF accounts.
John Lewis' Easter offerings listed in the Cathedral Annual reports and accounts.
Janet Henderson not getting an Easter offering, ditto.
Janet Henderson's real date of resignation, ditto.
Llandaff Cathedral annual deficits, ditto.
Commissioning Eleri Jones to write her report, The Bell.
Barry Morgan's pleas for more money, ditto.
Gerwyn Capon's please for more money, ditto.
Falling communicant numbers, ditto.
David Jones' Organ Appeal letter, ditto.
Peggy Jackson's refusal to publish the Organ Appeal accounts, ditto.
Solo Organ appeal accounts to be published, ditto.
Fabric Committee problems (Masson's letter), ditto
Evidence of misuse of Organ Appeal monies, letter sent out by Rev John Baldwin
Outstanding Cathedral maintenance work, Quinquennial reports 2004 & 2009.
Evidence of various cover ups, Eleri Jones' report published November 2012 (concealed).
Evidence of various cover ups, minutes of the PCC & Chapter "Vision Day" June 2013 (concealed).
(The last two are now in the public domain but not due to Peggy the Pilate becoming suddenly transparent or accountable).
For drivel you have several choices of top quality L'eau de Barry.
The transcript of His ++Irrelevance ranting at the recent Friends' AGM.
The glove puppet's bleating from the Llandaff pulpit.
The CROESO rag.
The RB, Diocesan and Cathedral websites.
Bazza's Press Spokeswomen.
This is all incredibly fascinating stuff. Do the beleaguered powers that be at Llandaff read this blog, do we think? And if so do they know which incredibly persistent members of the congregation (?), priests (?) and general retired persons are working so tirelessly to fling mud at the building they're supposed to love? It all seems terribly un-christian to me. Where are the positive solutions and ideas apart from terrible nicknames and baying for sacking? Why not use those formidable intellects to be part of the solution rather than the problem? Surely that's worth a go. But then I suppose it's much easier to snipe from one's living room between repeats of Midsomer Murders.. I hope I'm wrong! Let's work together to help the cathedral. Please.
DeleteYou're not the first to propose the notion than issues raised on this blog are "unsubstantiated".
Peter Atkins, Richard Jones and one of their Llandaff DBF colleagues "Lawabiding" suggested the same a while ago. When they in turn were challenged to provide evidence to substantiate their point of view, without exception they fell flat on their faces.
I see no-one contributing to this blog flinging "mud at the building they're suppose to love".
I acknowledge many seem to be doing their utmost to reveal the hypocrisy, deceit, arrogance, negligence and stupidity of those who have both moral & legal duties and responsibilities for the care and maintenance of the building we love and the unethical/immoral behaviour of those who have demonstrated themselves inept and unfit to hold such positions whilst they simultaneously attempting to conceal the facts.
Perhaps you did not approve of The Daily Telegraph publishing details of the MPs expenses abuse?
I agree. Such conduct by Barry Morgan, John Lewis, Michael Turk, Gerwyn Capon, Peggy Jackson and the rest of the Chapter seems terribly unChristian to me too. The only one who apparently tried to make a difference was Janet Henderson and look what happened to her!
Following her resignation I don't recall seeing you writing on here in her defense when unpleasant comments slating her appeared on this blog. Am i wrong?
If you're seeking "positive solutions and ideas" you could do worse than reading Eleri Jones' report, but of course, if you're not a member of Barry Morgan's inner cabal, you will have been prevented from seeing it and learning of proposed "positive solutions and ideas".
Many of those with "formidable intellects" have repeatedly tried to be "part of the solution" but were ignored, shoved aside, ostracised, isolated and left the Cathedral. The third raters who have been running (down) the cathedral for the last decade or so are intimidated by those patently more able than they are, and the "formidable intellects" are usually the first to see through the cover ups and challenge the wrong-doings.
"Surely that's worth a go" ?
How patronising. What makes you think the "formidable intellects" haven't already tried?
Time and time again, only to be ignored!
If you TRULY desire to "work together to help the cathedral" why don't you start by asking Gerwyn Capon and Peggy Jackson to throw open the Cathedral and Organ appeal accounts to public scrutiny and asking John Baldwin what he meant by "primary destination" and "far and away"?
Good luck and do please publish their responses here.
We look forward to learning the outcome of your efforts.
I would be more likely to take you seriously if you were a Concerned Insider than a Concerned Observer. That's partly the problem in Llandaff. There's too many "observers" and not enough "doers".
DeleteIf you want to help the Cathedral then start by persuading His ++Darkness, his glove puppet and Peggy the Pilate to resign. Until they go matters will only get woirse.
Concerned Observer.
DeleteNo REPUTABLE, repeat REPUTABLE, organisation or individual EVER refuses to publish accounts concerning public money donated or raised.
"The building they're supposed to love"?
You surely jest.
Why don't you apply the same standards to those in positions of authority in Llandaff who have failed to ensure remedial maintenance work, identified in 2004 and 2009 Quinquennial reports, was carried out?
Are you not bothered in the least by such crass negligence and stupidity?
These incompetent fools are meant to be TRUSTEES.
They have legal obligations duties and responsibilities - to statutory bodies as well as anyone using or visiting the building - that are NOT OPTIONAL!
Would you have posted your sarcastic "Midsomer Murders" remark if people had been injured or killed by the masonry falling during the funeral last month?
@Concerned Observer
DeleteYou can be certain that the 'powers that be at Llandaff' definitely read this blog.
Bully boy Bazza can't wait to shut it down and the castrated rooster bleats about it regularly from his pulpit.
( - "A capon (from Spanish capón) is a rooster or cockerel that has been castrated".)
You can also rest assured that every member of the Chapter and plenty of clergy around the Diocese, Province and beyond read it daily. It's their first and best source of information for what Darth ++Insidious is really up to (with WalesOnline, the Western Mail and South Wales Echo close in second, third and fourth places).
Concerned Outsider has gone strangely mute.
DeleteThe bit you're supposed to be looking for was from Llandaff Luddite and is to be found at
"To me, the sad reality of the Janet Henderson debacle is:
1 she should never have applied for a job that she patently couldn't do;
2 Barry certainly shouldn't have appointed her;
3 she had a nerve to accept the post;
4 she had a greater nerve still to do a runner in the way she did;
5 if any rumours that she's threatening legal action, whether against the Church in Wales, Llandaff Cathedral or the Archbishop prove to be true, that will show that not only does she have complete brassneck nerve but that she's also shameless;
6 despite this, we must, in the true spirit of our Faith, show forgiveness, compassion and understanding towards EVRYONE involved in the sad episode."
You forgive all you like Concerned Outsider.
I, for one, am more concerned with the surgical removal of Bazza's gangrene in Llandaff.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWhat hasn't "Llandaff Luddite" made the same first three points about Bazza's glove puppet?
DeleteWas he/she one of the stooge's from the Llandaff DBF?
The ears in the walls are reporting that Llys Esgob is in meltdown.
ReplyDeleteBazza's latest witch hunt to find the leaker of the Eleri Jones report and the "Vision Day" minutes has turned up nothing.
His number 1 & 2 at St. Michelle's have announced they're jumping ship.
John Shirley is moving on (although the ears speculate that the timing of that has more to do with the revelation of the crooked appointment processes going on in 39 Cathedral Road - see and look for the email by RB Insider posted on March 13th and the equally revealing goings on in the Cathedral Road watering hole - see Llandaff Pelican above posted on July 7th).
Suck it up Bazza.
ReplyDeleteSome good news for a change.
Congratulations to the Clergy and congregation of St. David's, I am truly delighted to learn of your success.
Is there any chance we can borrow you for a few weeks to come to Llandaff so you can show the dunces here how it's done please? Pretty please?
Quite so, Gabriel, quite so sir.
DeleteOne suspects the dunces here are beyond help or redemption.
However, here's another little link that might help them focus on the reasons for Quinquennial reports and for acting on them!
A breach of health and safety law is a criminal offence, punishable in the case of a business by a fine.
In recent years, fines have increased, and the courts have made clear that they should be large enough both to reflect the culpability of the business and to get the attention of the shareholders.
Where a company is shown to have committed a health and safety offence, an individual director may also be found to have committed a criminal offence (and this applies equally to a company secretary, manager or anyone else acting in a similar capacity).
The case against a director can be proved if the offence by the company was:
• committed with their consent – they were aware of the circumstances and positively endorsed it;
• committed with their connivance – they were aware of the circumstances but turned a blind eye;
• attributable to their neglect – they should have been aware of the circumstances and taken action.
A director found guilty of consent, connivance or neglect is liable for an unlimited fine and to a prison sentence of up to two years.
Fines won’t be covered by a directors’ and officers’ insurance policy, or by any indemnity from the company ... , and, of course, no-one can serve a prison sentence for you.
Are the glove puppet, Peggy the Pilate and the rest of the coven getting it yet?
Oh, and by the way, do they realise that the masonry might have not fallen from the clerestory during the funeral IF the Quinquennial report had been done in 2014 when it should have been done. The "hairline cracks" and loose stonework would have been spotted before they nearly killed someone!
I wouldn't want to be in some people's shoes when all the leaked reports arrive on desks at the HSE, Charity Commission and WalesOnline.
Hopefully with the kind co-operation of Ancient Briton and in response to requests to teach Peggy "the taxman will never know" Jackson the meanings of transparency & accountability, the full text of the Eleri Jones report will follow.
ReplyDeletePage 1
Llandaff Cathedral:
an agenda for sustainability
A report of a survey of the ambitions and aspirations of the greater Cathedral family
Professor Eleri Jones and Dr Claire Haven-Tang
Cardiff School of Management
Cardiff Metropolitan University
December 2012
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The authors would like to acknowledge the help of the members of the Development Group for all the support they gave in identifying and convening individuals and groups to participate in this survey of the ambitions and aspirations of the greater Cathedral family.
The authors would also like to thank the many participants in the survey, both in the immediate and wider Cathedral family, who gave so freely of their time to respond to the survey either through the submission of written comments by email or post or through participation in the various individual interviews and group interviews. Thanks to you all for the good-natured and positive way you shared your passion about the Cathedral.
We hope this report captures the spirit of the comments we received and that it will provide insight into the ambitions and aspirations of the greater Cathedral family and a basis for the new Dean working with the Chapter, the clergy and the volunteers and if appointed, a Development Director, to take the issue of the Cathedral’s sustainability into the future forward.
Many thanks to you all
Professor Eleri Jones and Dr Claire Haven-Tang Cardiff
Metropolitan University
December 2012
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Towards the end of 2010 a small group of parishioners (Gilbert Lloyd, Gerard Elias, Guy Clarke and David Jones) concerned about the financial position of the Cathedral, and the sustainability of its musical heritage in particular, approached the Dean. After some initial discussions the Group explained their concerns to a meeting of the Cathedral Executive in July 2011. The Executive asked the Group to carry on with their research and develop proposals to help the Cathedral enhance its financial position. The Group was extended to include one representative from the Cathedral Chapter (The Archdeacon of Llandaff - The Venerable Peggy Jackson) and one from the Parochial Church Council (PCC) (The People's Churchwarden - Linda Quinn).
Following more research the Group made a presentation to a joint meeting of the Cathedral Chapter and the PCC in January 2012 and made two proposals to the meeting. The first proposal was to gain agreement in principle to employ a suitably-qualified Director of Development with the remit to widen the scope for raising funds and to take responsibility for fundraising. It was anticipated that applicants for the post of Director of Development would want to know the ambitions and aspirations the greater Cathedral family had for the future. Thus, the second proposal was to employ an external consultant, through a stakeholder survey, to identify the challenges facing the Cathedral and the perceived priorities for attention/improvement and to suggest how the Cathedral might best present itself in wider communities. The results of the study were to provide a platform from which to develop the remit for the appointment of a professional fundraiser and to help the Chapter in their planning.
Following an invitation to potential consultants (see Appendix 1) and a rigorous appointment process, external consultants (Professor Eleri Jones and Dr Claire Haven-Tang of Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University) were appointed to carry out a survey of the ambitions and aspirations of the greater Cathedral family. This involved discussions with the widest range of people involved in the Cathedral and beyond into the wider community. A list of key individual stakeholders and groups was developed for interviewing and an invitation was issued to the wider congregation through a flyer circulated in the Cathedral for written feedback to be submitted by email or post to the consultants.
Data was collected in September, October and November 2012. Five questions were asked to stimulate comments. First, what are the three best things about Llandaff Cathedral? Second, what are the three things most in need of development? Third, what development opportunities do you see for the Cathedral? Fourth, are there examples of best practice elsewhere that you think the Cathedral would benefit from looking at? Fifth, are there any other comments you would like to make?
This report has been synthesised by the consultants. As far as possible it uses the words of the study participants as expressed through individual and group interviews and written responses. A list of individuals and groups interviewed is shown in Appendix 2.A total of 107 written responses were received (50 by post and 57 by email).
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What are the three best things about Llandaff Cathedral?
Inviting participants to think of three things was intended to help to focus people's minds about what they really valued but as one respondent commented: "there are so many good things it's difficult to choose just three!". Some people just provided a list of three things, others provided a more detailed rationale for their comments. The responses are clustered here in related groups and annotated with the rich comments that hopefully help to make sense and do justice to the responses.
Almost all the respondents mentioned the music, the choirs or the new Nicholson organ, some mentioned all three in their pick lists. There was explicit appreciation of the careful selection of the variety of music by the team of organists and the excellence with which it was performed. A couple of respondents noted positively: "the striving for perfection". One respondent commented that: 'The choir is the jewel in the crown of Llandaff Cathedral but it is under-valued, under-invested, under-utilised and under-paid". As one respondent explained: 'Llandaff Cathedral is the only Cathedral in Wales with its own choir school and the loss of this precious tradition would be very sad". However, as one respondent noted: "the choir practices in a dark, damp cramped cellar" and another commented: "it's like a dark, damp dungeon, right next to the boiler which desperately needs maintenance and where the fire door is kept locked. Although the choir master has a key I doubt it meets health and safety standards!".
The building and its architecture, its history and its grounds were singled out for special mention with respondents noting: "it's on a human scale" and "not too big". A number of people identified the endurance of the building through the years and adversity and that it bore witness to: "a continuity of worship for more than 1400 years" and its location that is: "understated and unspoilt" and right: "in the community" and "at the heart of the village". Several respondents commented on the ambience, the beauty,the sense of peace and/or the tranquility of the building. There were comments about its artistic treasures "that speak to the Glory of God" and a number of people specifically noted: "the (inspirational) Majestas". A few people commented on the maintenance of the building and its cleanliness. However, as one person noted: "It's a busy working Cathedral, not just a beautiful building!". The fact that the building "was always open" and that entry was free was also commented upon positively. However,one person commented on the state of the grounds which were ''a disgrace!" and was "a matter of pride not money and could be achieved with volunteers, community service schemes, etc.".
The worship unsurprisingly inspired a lot of comment. Lots of people commented on the diversity of the services: "something for everyone",and the frequency of the services: "on Sundays and through the week".There was special praise for the way that the music was a special feature of the 11.00 choral service and the choral evensong. Several people specifically mentioned the importance of the traditional nature of the worship - as one respondent commented it was: 'Free of happy-clappy attempts to demonstrate accessibility. If we depart from this 'model' we risk losing a great deal of core support" and another added
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DeleteThat he preferred it being: “not up-to-date with all these so-called improvements”. One respondent identified the “the liturgy in its present form (by and large!) as a best thing and another liked the new Welsh bits – “the Cymraeg!” although this was by no means popular with everyone.
There were warm words for the Cathedral's inclusive approach to children and the family friendliness of the Parish Eucharist at 09.00 on a Sunday with its Sunday School which was "well attended and thriving" and "run by such dedicated people. It's truly wonderful to see so many children in Church but it needs more space".
The (high) standard of the ceremonial and the "sense of occasion" were "very important" and there were several comments relating to the: "dignity and smartness of the clergy, the virgers, the choirs and the servers at all the services''- Notwithstanding their smartness however, one respondent commented that the choir "needs to be supplied with adequate cassocks and surplices " with another respondent adding that: "the ones we have at the moment are full of holes and only just held together, more by fuck than judgment and sometimes aided by staples ".
The clergy received positive comments - "their approachability", "their dedication",their "work in the community",''the pastoral care" and the "home visits, especially by Canon Graham Holcombe and Canon M ari Price".The Archbishop received special mention, as one person commented: "I find him inspiring. His energy, verve, warm sermons, genuine welcoming of children and willingness to make changes to keep the congregation feeling included. I fell commented to the church again". The star of the show is clearly Canon Graham Holcombe: "without who we would be in a much worse state". Indeed, Canon Holcombe was singled out by eight people and for one person he was not just one of the three best things but the three best things were: "Canon Graham Holcombe, Canon Graham Holcombe, Canon Graham Holcombe".
The laity, the fellowship they offered and the warmth of their welcome to newcomers was commented on by a number of people. Their work in volunteering for a range of roles was widely acknowledged and the People's Warden, Linda Quinn, was singled out for special mention. Among the other things noted positively in the responses was the role of the Cathedral as the lead Church for Wales and as the focus for events in the diocese,
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Deleteparticularly at Easter and Christmas, and for ordinations and a suggestion that "all confirmations should be focused on the Cathedral as well". Finally, the Llandaff Festival was mentioned as one of the best things about the Cathedral.
What are the three things about Llandaff Cathedral most in need of development?
Several issues vied for the top of the list of three things about Llandaff Cathedral most in need of development: leadership and the appointment of a new Dean; getting the Cathedral on a firm financial footing; addressing the ongoing maintenance issues as detailed in the Quinnquennial Review.
There were several comments about leadership and the appointment of a new Dean. A number of responses identified that the Dean: "is the face of the Cathedral". We need the appointment of a new Dean to carry on the tradition, not only as a Parish Church but as the Mother Church of the Diocese". There were several cries for: "A new Dean", a "Good new Dean" with "financial acumen". Some of these comments have been overtaken by events and, on November 25 2012, it was announced on the Llandaff Cathedral website that The Venerable Janet Henderson, presently Archdeacon of Richmond in the Diocese of Ripen [sic] and Leeds, had been appointed as Dean & Vicar of Llandaff from March 2013. However, the new Dean "must be more involved in the community" so that the Cathedral's "role in the community would be enhanced". The Dean also needs to be: "more involved in the life of the city" and "attend events staged by the business community". There needed to be "better liaison between the Dean and Chapter ".Generally there was a plea for: "More transparency and honesty". Truro Cathedral and its Inspire Cornwall initiative was cited as an example of best practice in relation to working in the wider community by one respondent.
Communication was identified as a critical issue. There needed to be much more communication to all stakeholders about the various aspects of the operations of the Cathedral and communication needed to be "frequent and two-way" and it was pointed out that: "the use of the Bell magazine in a more informal way could short circuit a lot of miscommunication ". There was a call for more and better communication within a "coherent communication strategy". Such a strategy would involve: "email lists for regular congregation members if they wished, for example". The Parish magazine was seen as: "useful for what's on but too parochial, no readers' views, nothing controversial to stimulate debate or interest in wider religious questions" but needed: "a total revamp to be brought into the 21st Century". Truro Cathedral's newsletter was cited as an example of best practice and is "excellent, informative and challenging and really does show the diversity of what its clergy and congregation are involved in". A notice board promoting events was also suggested. Improved communication was also seen as being important to publicise "opening times, concerts and other events and the cost of upkeep of the Cathedral". One example of best practice cited was that of Southwark Cathedral which uses a weekly green sheet that includes news and details of forthcoming events. Better use of the website was also suggested with Facebook and Twitter feeds.
Also a high priority amongst the things most in need of development was a plea to sort out the Cathedral’s finances and to get them on a firm footing: as one respondent noted: "we
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Deletemust ensure we have a sustainable income stream". There needed to be a much greater focus on fundraising with a series of Cathedrals - Durham, Exeter, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Truro, Ripon, Chichester and Salisbury - being cited as examples of best practice. One respondent had taken the trouble to scan through the websites of a series of English Cathedrals to see what they were doing about the thorny issue of fundraising: "Durham offers a corporate partnership scheme and invites legacies. Lincoln has a commercial cafe. Ely offers the Cathedral as a film venue and invites legacies. Lichfield has a Patrons scheme. Ripon makes the Cathedral available for wedding shows and hope to increase income from weddings held there". The top three things for one respondent were to identify: "New sources of income; New sources of income; New sources of income". Increasing the size of the various congregations was seen to be important in this context and that the Cathedral should: "Promote awareness of the importance of, and arrangements for, gifting" and "make gifting easier". One respondent explained that there were: "lots of online opportunities for making donations" and listed www as a not-for-profit organisation which the Cathedral could use. Westminster Abbey and York Minster were also identified as having developed facilities for online giving. One respondent made a plea for all donations to be acknowledged and that at the moment: "Canon Graham Holcombe is the only one to acknowledge donations. He personally acknowledges all donations from patrons of the music festival". One development opportunity suggested to attract funding from South Wales based businesses and public bodies, e.g. the BBC, was for a corporate sponsorship campaign similar to the friends of the Museum who get to have their names on the list of supporters appearing in the vestibule. Another avenue to explore in the context of funding was the alumni of the Cathedral School whose choristers have been an integral part of Cathedral life for generations. Several people suggested that to underpin the new Dean there should be a review of the management of the Cathedral to reduce the salary bill and a couple of respondents asked: "Does there need to be quite so many virgers?".
Maintenance of the fabric of the building and implementation of the various maintenance tasks identified in the Quinquennial Review was identified as critical by a number of people. The issue of dampness throughout the Cathedral buildings was noted by several people and there was a call to undertake heating and plumbing improvements since the Cathedral was often cold during services. One respondent suggested that the Cathedral should: "Spruce up the West End". A couple of people wanted to see the lighting in the building enhanced. One respondent suggested that the Cathedral should consider using energy saving light bulbs stating that from his calculations: "there would be a return on the investment within a year". The same respondent suggested a professional review of the Cathedral lighting.
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DeleteIn terms of estate issues a number of people identified car parking as a big issue - particularly in relation to providing access for elderly and one respondent suggested an urgent need for a 'loop system' in the Lady Chapel for hearing-impaired persons: ' .. better parking, hand rails, ramps for wheelchairs, lighting at floor level, non-slip surfaces". Another asked tentatively: "Could more parking be made available at the bottom of the hill?". Several (older) people found it difficult to get to the Cathedral on a Sunday by public transport and one asked about the: "possibility of a shuttle bus" and another suggested developing a: "car sharing scheme to support elderly members of the congregation"'. One respondent questioned if the Cathedral was: "exploiting the full potential of its buildings . St Andrews in
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DeleteMoscow hosts AA meetings daily as well as a charity supporting teenage orphans and homeless kids, as well as weekly concerts plus one of the international community choirs".
There was a feeling that the music - the organ and the choir - was an under-utilised resource and should be promoted more as a vehicle to address the Cathedral's problems: ''The development opportunities must surely involve music, with one of the finest organs in Europe this should be capitalized on. I know in recent years the access offered to bodies like the BBC and other such bodies has been poor. This needs to be addressed''. Several people wanted the Cathedral to: "Finish the organ!" and there was one very specific request for "a soft pedal for the organ!". One respondent asked: "Is it was too late to apply for help to the Lottery for help with the missing organ pipes?". This issue has also been overtaken by the approval of a business plan to move forward on the completion of the organ project by Chapter in late November. It was suggested that there should be: "More concerts". A couple of people wanted to see the choir being recorded and CDs sold as a commercial venture . A couple of people wanted to see the establishment of a funding reserve specifically ring fenced for the choir. One respondent explained that: ''The choristers need cassocks and surplices" and another that: "the music is falling to bits". Another response asserted that the Cathedral should: "Address the issue of dampness in the song room". Following on from his/her comment about the choir being under-paid there was a comment about the men in the choir not having contracts of employment and being appropriately remunerated for the work they do. In a positive rather than a remedial vein, and in the spirit of moving forward to build on the Cathedral's strengths, there was a suggestion that "a Music Foundation should be established" which would be a "Centre of Excellence". Such a Centre would be internationally not just nationally renowned. One respondent suggested "continuing the recent series of organ recitals on a regular basis and establishing competitions for organists and choirs, e.g. Llandaff Organist of the Year, Llandaff Young Organist of the Year, Llandaff Organ Composition of the Year, Llandaff Choir of the year ".
The role of the clergy was commented upon. There was a strong feeling that there should be much stronger involvement of the clergy in the community and establishment of a "home visiting policy " to promote "more home visits" and "pastoral care in the community'' and some mechanism developed to try to "track people who were no longer able to attend the Cathedral due to age or infirmity". In relation to home visiting it was suggested that this was something that "lay people could be increasingly involved with". The importance of home visiting was stressed by one respondent citing Archdeacon Buckley, Vicar of Llandaff for 44 years who said: “house going parson makes a church going people ".
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DeleteOne respondent suggested it critical to "make sure that the clergy can sing" - apparently "Canon Graham Holcombe is the only one who can sing". Several people called for a priest to be available on site for immediate contact on weekdays although, as one respondent commented, "Canon Graham Holcombe is around most weekdays".
Much more effort needed to be put into increasing the size of the congregations perhaps through: "reaching out to involve the other churches in the diocese".'There is little done to attract new worshippers, particularly younger people aged 15-30".However,it was noted that: "the worship is too formal and out of date - it gives the impression of being unwelcoming" and that: 'The welcome to new members of the congregations is still very hit and miss and can be very 'stiff".The low attendance at evensong - 'Just three or four people and two of them are Roman Catholics!"- received comment. In terms of the services there was a call for a "modernisation of the liturgy' and the inclusion of "more modern hymns" and "music to appeal to all ages"."The rejuvenation of the 1100 service -the stiff formality of attire may reflect the congregation's age but does nothing to encourage other to come to that service who cannot come at 0900. Even the 'uniform’ of the Stewards is off putting to some". The whole thing "needs to modernise" with '"'more use of IT in services". "More Welsh!" was one person's suggestion although this would by no means meet general approval - "starting a prayer in one language and ending in another is so disturbing and disrupting". It was suggested that there should be more involvement of congregations in the services and that there should be a move from the set prayers as had happened in Lent when women from the congregation had read different prayers and was described as 'feeling much more prayerful'"'. However, care needs to be taken to maintain an appropriate balance between change and continuity, as one respondent pointed out: "modernising the 1100 service would result in an exodus of a high proportion of the congregation". A second respondent explained more fully: 'The 1100 Sunday Eucharist is a very special service and it would be a disaster to introduce the modern version of the Eucharist as the current congregation attend the service because of the dignity and tradition and setting which we have used for many years".
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DeleteThere was an overwhelming recognition that the Cathedral and its services had to be made more relevant to young people. One respondent advocated: "asking the teens what they would like of the Cathedral!". St Catherine's, Canton was cited as "doing a good job of involving teenagers as they have a jazz band for adults and children that occasionally plays at services".It was noted that some steps has been taken towards the increased integration of children into the 0900 service: In relation to this the "inclusion of a children's hymn at the end of the 0900 service"had been welcomed but further reform and updating of the service was suggested - maybe to "involve the young parents more" and even "children-led services".There was a suggestion that the Sunday School children should be welcomed back to the 0900 service when they rejoin it at the end - "it's chaios [sic] at the moment!".One big issue was that at about age 11 children tend to leave the Sunday School - certainly there was a problem related to space for the Sunday School which needed to be addressed.
There were several calls for the development of an events schedule, particularly through "more concerts".Promotion of the events schedule was essential so that people heard about events "before they happened rather then afterwards". In promoting the Harvest Supper tickets were apparently available from a named person but as one respondent pointed out: "I didn't know this person or where to find them!". There were calls to "Restore the Patron Festival in a week of social activities" and: "Bring back the Rainbow Fair on The Green". Hereford, Exeter, Bristol and Liverpool Cathedrals were cited as examples of Cathedrals with dynamic events schedules.
There was also a call for the development of more social events and more fellowship opportunities,to "unite all the different congregations"and to remind people that ''we are all part of one community', a "caring community" with "more opportunity for the teaching of scriptures and to discuss the Christian faith " and to develop "a stronger image of Christian practice". Southwark Cathedral was cited as an example of best practice for its online notice promoting a monthly Bible teaching that was "absolutely excellent and inspirational".
The chairs came in for lots of adverse comments, particularly in the context of staging more concerts: "The chairs are uncomfortable, they're alright for services but for concerts they're just not good enough and lots of people won't come because of them". One respondent suggested that there should be "a stock of cushions available for elderly people". Another suggested that if the Cathedral could not afford to replace the chairs that all least there should be: ''some of those cushion pads available like you use with garden furniture ".
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DeleteLots of the responses identified tourism as a one of the things most in need of development: "The Cathedral does not make the best of what it has got. It is one of the oldest and most beautiful buildings in Cardiff, yet it gets relatively few visitors and does little to attract more visitors". There needs to be much more interpretation in the building. Brecon Cathedral was cited by several respondents as an exemplar of best practice for its signage denoting items of special interest in the Cathedral. One such item in Llandaff Cathedral might be the relic of St Teilo. As one respondent asserted: 'The Cathedral is not on the Cardiff tourist trail and I think it could be. The shop and tea room (if we had one) could benefit from this". One respondent explained that: "the Cathedral should be one of Cardiff's 'must see' sites of interest" and that it should be: "established as a first-class visitor attraction". There could be: "a charge for taking photographs by having to purchase a pass". As an integral part of any tourism development initiative it was noted that there would need to be some form of catering and that a "coffee shop or a restaurant" should be developed so that "refreshments could be provided to coach parties and other visitors" and to:"walkers coming up from town or for locals like me. Open it as a wine bar on concert evenings, fully staffed and bring the gift shop into the cafe". It was recognised that achieving this would require the kitchen area in Prebendal House to be developed alongside other improvements to Prebendal House or the development of a visitor centre. In terms of visitor centres, Norwich, Wells, St Paul's and Winchester Cathedrals were listed as best practice. The refectory developments in the Cloisters at St David's Cathedral and at Brecon Cathedral were similarly suggested as examples of best practice in this context as was the coffee shop at St Luke's Canton. To underpin the tourism agenda there would need to be "better marketing of the Cathedral in hotels and in the city centre" and better links with the City Council and the various bodies promoting tourism. As one respondent pointed out in relation to marketing: ''Jesus was a marketing man and his religion needs to be marketed". The website needed to be updated to reflect the tourism agenda and to promote events.
Several sets of comments related to the shop and a consensus that it needed to be bigger and better, e.g.: 'The shop is really sad and needs a complete makeover and modernisation" and "The shop is still in need of an overhaul, expansion and resiting. In our view it is amateurish and we would never think of looking there for presents for god-children, family members or friends". Clarity about opening times is critical and as one respondent commented: "Many a time I have wanted to buy some Christmas cards or a CD but not known whether the shop would have been open or not so have not bothered".
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DeleteDespite the volunteers being recognized as one of the jewels in the Cathedral crown, their organization was seen as being problematic: "Lots of people are involved in the Cathedral, or could become involved, but in many cases volunteers are poorly organized, poorly motivated, uncoordinated and unrecognized. There is enormous potential to increase and improve volunteering". One respondent reported a feeling amongst the lay community that the PCC is little more than a talking shop and that there was a need for: "an active, modern, forward looking PCC whose lay members should not feel subservient to a Dean or Clergy but are able to express constructive criticism and to offer advice and opinion without prejudice ".
The volunteers
Probably the most striking thing about undertaking this study was the overwhelming enthusiasm of the many groups of volunteers without whose relentless commitment the Cathedral would be in a very different place. However, many (although by no means all) of these volunteers were, in their own words: "older". There was a consensus that there needed to be much more done to bring on new and younger volunteers - as stewards, sidespersons, servers, Sunday school staff, as members of the Guild of Guides and Welcomers, bell ringers, shop assistants and the Working Party (which undertakes many of the small maintenance tasks required by the Cathedral}.
The volunteers were seen as one of the best things about the Cathedral by many people. However, coordination of the different groups of volunteers was a major task. As explained by a member of cathedral staff: "You can't deal with volunteers in the same way as
employees. Getting on with people is critically important. It's much tougher now because of
the financial constraints ". Communication between the office and the welcomers was seen to be a problem: "Sometimes, for example, there has been more than one person on duty, all fighting over one visitor". There was recognition that there were lots of ways that the effectiveness of the volunteers could be enhanced, e.g. through training. It was felt that it was particularly important to show them that they were valued. One person in the sidespersons' group explained: "Sometimes I think we're taken for granted a bit''. Not everyone agreed this way and several said how they were made to feel that their work was valued.
Recommendation 1:
Enhance the arrangements for the coordination of the volunteers and consider regular training of the volunteers, particularly those in visitor-facing roles.
No reserves!
Another striking aspect was the shock expressed by key stakeholder groups amongst the Cathedral community on learning (through a variety of channels, e.g. the Archbishop's letter in the October 2012 issue of The Bell) of the news of the true financial position of the
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DeleteCathedral - i.e. that in round number terms that it had spent £300000 over and above its income over the previous five years and that, by March 2013, the Cathedral will have "used up all its reserves of money' (Morgan, 2012: 5) = and the implications of this news for the Cathedral's long-term sustainability.
Father John Baldwin (the Giving Secretary), who looks after the donations and sorts the gift aid virtually singlehandedly (it will be a big loss when he doesn't want to continue"), had written an article in The Bell {November 2012) to echo the Archbishop's concerns about the level of giving and provide a detailed analysis of it. His analysis shows that only 305 out of
462 people on the Electoral Roll make regular donations to the Cathedral and these donations only cover 61% of the Parish Share charge (Baldwin, 2012: 10). His article emphasises that the Parish Share is only one of a long list of regular outgoings that the Cathedral has to pay. Several people mentioned the Stewardship campaigns that had taken place at intervals to try to increase the level giving and the lack of success of the previous half hearted campaign in 2011 which was "an unmitigated disaster" when apparently regular giving had only: "increased by a paltry 1.4%".
There was a consensus that getting the regular giving sorted in terms of the amount per head pledged was a critical issue. Father Baldwin challenges people to look at their own behaviour and to grasp the key to their own destiny through responding: "generously to God's generosity towards us". On top of the regular gifting there was a call to find more ways that people could give money to the Cathedral - a credit card machine was suggested that would enable people to donate to particular causes. ''The box is there but people just don't put money in".
Recommendation 2:
Promote the importance of giving to the sustainability of the Cathedral and develop better mechanisms to receive donations, including online mechanisms. With the arrival of the new Dean who will hopefully reconnect the Cathedral to the South Wales business community, consider the establishment of a corporate sponsorship campaign.
Sweating the assets
A review of the Cathedral's portfolio of assets was strongly recommended by several study participants with a view to ensuring that the Cathedral maximises its income. ''The cathedral owns a Jot of property in Llandaff itself They are held in Trust by the Representative Body of the Church in Wales for the Dean and Chapter but any money coming out goes to the
Cathedral. They’re capital assets. If they were sold off now without clear benefits for the
money it would just disappear then you've got nothing to show for it. As a portfolio of properties it is probably self-sustaining and it brings in a regular income".
Recommendation 3:
Undertake a review of the Cathedral's property portfolio, perhaps in consultation with the Head of Property Services for the Church in Wales,to ensure that the income it generates in maximised.
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DeleteCommunication, transparency and leadership
The various groups expressed anger at the complete lack of transparency that had led to the financial crisis which threatened the long-term sustainability of the Cathedral and frustration that they had not found out till it was almost too late. As the Stewards group emphasised:
"We need good communication and honest transparent leadership and we need it now.
There is an urgency about getting past this inter-regnum period and getting a new Dean -
please make sure your report spells this out very clearly for the powers that be".
Several people wanted to keep the small-scale and personal nature of the Cathedral but there was a recognition that the Cathedral: "has reached crunch time, so we haven't got much choice have we!'. Several participants emphasised that: "Whatever we do we must remember that first and foremost this is a Place of Worship". "York Minster - now there's a Cathedral that really understands what business they’re in. Get people through the door and you can get your message across”.
Some worried about the proposal that the Cathedral might appoint a Development
Director that it could not afford and that such an appointment: “probably on a six-figure salary with the rest of us running around like church mice", would cause serious tensions in the Cathedral community. Others could see that without a Development Director there was probably little or no hope of achieving the sustainable future that the Cathedral so badly needs.
Recommendation 4:
Develop a two-way communication strategy to reach out to the various groups involved immediately with the Cathedral and beyond to the wider Diocese using a range of mechanisms - newsletter, website, email and social media (Facebook, Twitter)
Bring back the Committees!
There was a call to: "Bring back the Committees not all this management ". As one study participant commented: "We used to have a very effective fabric committee to which John Kenyon was Secretary and it bottled to make sure that maintenance work was carried out but this was disbanded". The importance of the Working Party in relation to the on-going small maintenance tasks was recognised but there was a call to: "re-establish a ring-fenced conservation fund which would provide a proper budget for an annual programme of work".
One crossed communication issue became apparent in relation to the Working Party comprising two or three volunteers who go down to the cathedral on a Tuesday night to perform various tasks like cleaning out gutters, clearing drains, putting locks on doors. Apparently, since Keith Morris had died the Working Party has: ' .. had nothing to do. I'm
thinking of calling it all off. We could get more people there on a Friday night but there's no
access to the Cathedral. We paint the steps for example, three or four times a year but one
evening it took us an hour and a quarter to get a key". It seems that the Working Party had been offered a key and had turned this offer down. It is a shame when crossed wires result in frustration on both sides, especially when reduced resources make these volunteers invaluable to the Cathedral. It is to be hoped that this situation will be resolved appropriately and soon. One written comment suggested that the Working Party emerged
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