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Friday 31 December 2010

"We are all in this together." (6)

Bonus time!

Britain's poorest households may soon pay a higher tax rate than major banks according to TUC calculations. Chancellor Osborne, the banker's friend, has confirmed that this trend will continue.

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Christmas Competition

The baby Stig

Three 'Wise' Men

On Boxing Day Top Gear screened their version of the Three Wise Men re-tracing their route to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. The style was irreverent as one might have expected but what caused the greatest outcry? Baby Stig in the manger; The Three Wise Men with their gifts of 'gold', shampoo and electronic toy; or the disguise to protect their identity?

Answer: the disguise of course because it was thought to make fun of Muslim dress. In the interests of political correctness more general complaints have since been raised.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Women, Discrimination and The Church

I am indebted to an alert follower for this link to a broadcast on Christmas Day describing how one women battled against discrimination. A remarkable woman; God bless her.

"Priscilla, Queen of iPM listeners. Doctor, lawyer and theologian, Priscilla Noble-Mathews talks about her life, death and the hereafter. A homesick wartime evacuee, she's faced down sexism and ageism to work her way from the Bar, through the civil service to medicine. In what many would regard as her retirement, Priscilla has found new challenges working with a helicopter rescue team, risking her own life for others."

Tuesday 21 December 2010


No doubt The Telegraph thought itself rather smart luring one of the few trusted politicians into a trap by sending undercover journalists to Vince Cable's surgery. Having had their bit of fun at Dr Cable's expense The Telegraph sought to close the matter by publishing a 'transcript' of the meeting. While some will be surprised at the Minister's candour, others will find it a refreshing change from the devious outpourings the public is used to hearing.

What The Telegraph didn't bargain on was a whistle blower who knew that the full facts had not been published. They left out the bit about Rupert Murdoch's News International proposed take-over of the satellite broadcaster BSkyB which he already partly owns and which The Telegraph, among others, opposes.

Many see the proposed take-over as an unwelcome concentration of media influence so the revelation may result in disappointment for them. While retaining his cabinet post as Business Secretary, Dr Cable has lost responsibility overseeing media, telecom and broadcasting companies to the now well known Jeremy Hunt the Culture Secretary who may find it difficult to follow Dr Cable's example. At least it should give the giggling 'reporters' something else to laugh about.


How long to clear three runways ?

Monday 20 December 2010

Ministry of Chaos and Complacency: Update

Mr Hammond has suddenly become aware of someone else's problem (watch the clip) and is now determined to find out what has gone wrong so that he can learn lessons and apportion blame. People understand that bad weather has caused enormous difficulties; what they don't understand is why they are kept in the dark. For example, is it beyond the wit of someone on a salary of £825,000 a year plus bonus of up to £1.65m to organise a public address system to keep stranded passengers updated instead of having to twitter? The British people are treated like fodder by people on huge bonuses for jobs allegedly well done. Banker is a word that springs readily to mind.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Ministry of Chaos and Complacency

"Welcome to the 'chaos theory' of government" runs the headline in The Observer.

Education, Work and Pensions, Local Government, Health and Home Affairs are all aiming for 'chaos' to solve the Britain's problems. With such a spread of chaotic government a coordinating ministry is indicated and who better to run it than the current minister for complacency, Philip Hammond. His contribution yesterday to the misery being experienced by thousands of people had the air of a man who had just looked out of his window, saw the sun shining and positioned himself with traffic conveniently moving in the background so that he could assure everyone that there was no real problem - apart from the weather. Today's contribution was a little more cautious; he was looking for advice but he is unlikely follow the example of the Scottish Transport Minister if chaos is new the aim of Government:

Friday 17 December 2010

Another daughter lost - this time stolen

Yesterday's heart-rending 'human rights' report of a father deprived of his daughter by a hit-and-run criminal was followed in the evening by a Newsnight video about the position of Christians in the Islamic World. The video highlighted the case of an abducted Christian daughter in Egypt.

The thread of the programme was "While the status of Muslims in Europe has become a major political issue, there has been less controversy, until recently, about the position of Christians in the Islamic World." One might have expected sympathy for the plight of Christians. Not a bit of it. In the discussion that followed the Islamist representatives played the victim card used so effectively, among others, by Women and the Church (WATCH) to deny any tolerance of traditionalist Christians in the Church of England.

The BBC screened a second video report, this time about the ban on new minarets in Switzerland. The charitable view must be that it was introduced for balance, completely ignorant of the fact that the scales are tipped against non-Muslims however 'reasonable' their apologists may appear. Any politico-religious system that encourages deception to further its cause must be treated with suspicion and extreme caution.

Ironically, while Pope Benedict was drawing attention to the plight of Christians BBC reporters were busy condeming critics of Islamicification as guilty of Islamophobia. Intolerance in Islamic countries was brushed aside because they are not democratic. What they omit to say is that democracy would not be permitted in a country under Sharia law but Islamists insist on their democratic rights to deprive non-Muslims of theirs.

To value democracy and protect Christian values is not Islamophobia, it is simply a struggle for survival. How is it that a programme about the oppressed is turned around to make the oppressors appear as the oppressed.?


Christian Festivals have now been airbrushed from EU diaries leaving only Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Chinese festivities as well as Europe Day and other key EU anniversaries. My thanks to Goodnight Vienna's Blog for this tip.

Thursday 16 December 2010

The complete Aso

Aso Mohammed Ibrahim, aged 32
Arrived in the UK from Iraq in 2001
Failed asylum seeker
Hit and run killer after leaving a 12 yr old child to die on the road
Drugs possession
Criminal damage
Driving while disqualified
Driving without a license
Driving without insurance

In fact a complete and utter a*s**o** yet allowed to remain in the UK to avoid his human rights being violated. His victim's father is an honest, hard-working, loyal tax-payer who has lost his only child through the actions of a criminal and is left with no family. Justice for him has been denied. Why have the judges given so much weight to the fact that a criminal has married and begat two children? Are they unaware of the marriage of convenience fiddles that allow people to stay in our over-crowded, hospitality abused country?

In 1998 David Cameron wanted to do something about abuses of Human Rights legislation. It's about time he did. If his memory fails him, he needs only watch the video in this report to be reminded of why urgent action is needed.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Why, what evil has she done?

Punishment, 50 lashes or two years in prison. The authorities in Sudan have apologised, not for the punishment but the manner in which it was carried out. If this woman were a dog or other unfortunate animal there would be widespread protests - but hear the silence!

Could it happen here? The French are generally regarded as less tolerant than the British but in Paris a blind eye has already been turned to streets closed-off for prayers. Dhim-wits say that Islam excesses couldn't take place here. They already have. Sharia law is being used in Islamic areas in Great Britain now. Who knows how the 'guilty' are punished. In Sudan only the manner in which the punishment was carried out was thought wrong. God help anyone punished in private. Sharia law must not be above British justice.

Sunday 12 December 2010

"We are all in this together." (5)

Government efficiency drive:

Many efficient public service workers wish they could get enough heat on their pension of around £5,000 a year - £50,000 over ten years if they can survive ten cold winters. That's 0.004% of the tax free dividend of £1.2 billion the Government's efficiency adviser paid his family in 2005, or 24,000 pensions for ten years.

Meanwhile the (tax) efficient Government adviser appears to be suffering the effects of too much heat

Friday 10 December 2010

The beginning of the end of the Church of England?

"Church cuts bishops where Muslims outnumber Christians by seven to one" was the headline in The Telegraph yesterday. "In some parishes in the Diocese of Bradford, more than 70% of residents are Muslims, while just 10% are Anglicans."

In 2008 quoting from 'Religious Trends', The Telegraph reported a prediction that "practising Muslims will outnumber worshipping Christians in Britain within 30 years." By 2035, there will be about 1.96 million active Muslims in Britain, compared with 1.63 million church-going Christians. The think-tank warned that 4,000 churches could close by 2020 if congregations continue to shrink at current rates.

The Church of England's Dioceses Commission Report does not suggest closing its cathedrals but the future looks bleak despite their conclusion [12.2] that "It continues to be the vocation of the Church of England to provide a Christian presence in every community.We envisage a structure that would enable the Church of England to engage more coherently with the people and communities of West Yorkshire and the western half of North Yorkshire, and with the institutions of civil society there."

For how long will that policy be sustainable?


According to the latest estimates reported in The Telegraph (28 Dec 2010) there are now 2,869,000 Muslims in Britain so there are already 1.24 million more Muslims living here than the 1.63 million church-going Christians quoted above.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Take you pick

From, a few definitions that may appear relevant


1. a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something
5. something given or regarded as a security.
8. Obsolete: a hostage. [Hmmm!]

–verb (used with object)
10. to promise solemnly: to pledge one's support.
12. to stake, as one's honour.
13. to secure by a pledge; give a pledge for.

No suggestion of lying there but in future the electorate should remember that a pledge is as worthless as the piece of paper it is written on. That apart, the Lib Dems in the coalition have decided they must do the honourable thing and support the Government measure they are jointly responsible for.

But Mr Cameron is not out of the woods. What of his Big Society Agenda?

"It's about liberation -the biggest, most dramatic redistribution of power from elites in Whitehall to the man and woman on the street."

The students demonstrating on the streets would like to think so.

Sunday 5 December 2010

An Ordinariate in Wales

Exciting times for 'traditionalists' in Wales. The faithful there have watched with interest developments in England and elsewhere wondering how they could benefit from Pope Benedict's offer. At last they have their chance to participate. Those interested in exploring this development can register here.

Friday 3 December 2010

Thanksgiving thanks, no thanks

The jovial Archbishop of New York, Timothy Dolan, recently elected President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has run into trouble.

Was the Archbishop simply mimicking his Episcopal Church opposite number, the 'spirit hearing' Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori, being relevant to society by referring to God as 'She'?

We have heard much lately about the procedure for Anglo Catholics thinking of going to Rome. If Bishop Dolan is thinking of going the other way, just a simple phone call from Tim to Mrs Jefferts Schori should do the trick.

Thursday 2 December 2010

F*** off!

The unspeakable acronym of the moment must be that of Fédération Internationale de Football Association. They will be distinctly OFF after the brass neck of awarding the 2018 World Cup to Russia. Don't these people know who we are? Thoughts of Knighthoods have been dashed at a stroke.

Thankfully the bidding circus is over and, mercifully, gesticulating George should be able to read (present) the Six o'clock News' football item without the usual inane grin he is afflicted with when he covers the sports section.

One reward we should be proud of is that our integrity as demonstrated by Panorama and lack of corruption does us far more credit. OK there will be some overpaid footballers crying in their Champagne but I can bear it. It's time for a G&T.


So the recriminations begin. Time for a post mortem on the bid. Gesticulating George looked suitably subdued reading (presenting) the Six o'clock News and reserved his grinning piece for those in Scotland enduring the coldest temperatures (-21C) in Great Britain.

There was a suggestion that England had left things a little late with their bid, not cosying up to those who mattered - well it is England after all - and there was surprise after 'we' had the 'best technical bid'. Nevertheless victory went to Russia despite them having a lot of work to due on infrastructure, etc, etc, etc. A bit like our Olympic bid then!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Not Ashamed Day

Today is Not Ashamed Day. I must confess I knew nothing about it until I 'Googled' this morning and saw a picture of Lord Carey supporting the campaign. That says something in itself!

Whilst I have not had the opportunity of studying all aspects of the movement, on the face of it this must be a worthwhile cause if it helps to avoid Christianity being relegated to the second division and is a welcome addition after Mr Pickles' intervention to restore the proper celebration of Christmas.

The campaign is organised by Christian Concern.