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Sunday, 16 April 2017

Easter 2017

The Resurrection by Andrea Mantegna  1457-1459

Wishing you a Happy and Blessed Easter


  1. Happy Easter - may Christ bring us all new life, a fresh perspective on our faith and a deeper understanding of the woundedness of our world and of one another. May we each burst through our own imprisonments; released from all that keeps us bound to a joyless and intemperate faith. May something of the unexpected joy of Easter touch all our hearts today.

  2. Somewhat Perturbed16 April 2017 at 22:52

    Happy Easter!

  3. When the Assistant bishop announced he was to retire on Easter Day, he said it was to coincide with the announcement of a new Bishop of Llandaff. Does anyone know what is happening?
    The Observer

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Observer, have you not heard of the second coming? "I will not leave you desolate, I will come again, so that where I am, you shall be also".

  5. Enforcer:
    I hope we don't have to wait till the Second Coming to get another bishop!
    But I suppose the Second coming and the appointment of a new bishop have this much in common:
    'you know neither the day nor the hour.'
    The Observer

    1. Neither do I Observer. Hope its a he, and not another He again. I see that the He, that has been, is now sending miss you notes by link on here to some minister in Caernarfon. Sounds like they are good friends. Wink wink!

  6. Blast from the past:

    Think this guy posts/preaches here too/

    1. Silent Majority19 April 2017 at 23:45

      Such a shame that Bazza was never held responsible for what he did at St Michael's College in the 1970s. Otherwise none of this would have ever happened.

    2. "Coward come out"


    3. When will they get hold of the Gymnasium showers story?
