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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Discrimination and violence against women


An ideology that permits the behaviour described above has no place in civilised society yet its adherents are courted by politicians to gain their support. Even supposedly Christian leaders fall into the same trap.

The goal of Islam is to take over the entire world because they believe that Muslims have a right given by their God, Allah, to "take over the lands of the inferior non-Muslim nations where infidels do not believe in Islam and refuse to worship Allah."

The fate of the West in Muslim eyes has already been made clear. 

How can anyone who enjoys their freedom vote for supporters of such an ideology?


  1. Certainly not.
    Sod Islam.

    1. Well said.
      Vote Labour today and get even more medieval Islam.

    2. Even better, vote for Reform and see our Defence spending and MoD direction switched to a return to The Crusades with Nigel Farage and St George taking on all-comers from those Islamic-nasty countries.

    3. There's more than enough Islamic nasties here and marching in Londonistan every Saturday.
      No need to even cross the Channel.
      Looking forward to the SNP getting an absolute drubbing.

  2. Some news to divert attention away from the turgid election farce today.
    Finally the taken-for-granted pew sitters are revolting and voting with their cheque books.
    The Church of England has £10 billion in the bank and doesn't need the money.
    Seems as though the slavery reparations are going down like a cup of cold sick, to quote Bonaparte.
