As 'Jolly June' Osborne prepares to sail off into the sunset on retirement she leaves behind a trail of discontent. There will be few tears spilt over her departure but many on the wreckage she leaves behind.
Thumbing her nose to scripture and tradition she has already set the scene for her successor by hastily installing a dean of her choice rather than letting the new bishop make the appointment. The new dean is a priest living openly in a same-sex partnership who was involved in some discontent over his involvement in the Percy affair during his time at Oxford.
He should fit in well, not only in the diocese but in the province which is foundering on the rocks of secularism following a string of political appointments.
In her long running battle with the former dean the bishop was forced to face allegations of bullying after it was decided that she had a case to answer. The allegations were subsequently withdrawn.
Meanwhile the Revd Vicki Burrows, the Garth Ministry Area Leader, wrote of a "culture of fear" in the diocese in the Church Times (Letters, 17/24 December) and called for the suspension of the Rt Rev June Osborne, after the bishop was accused of "bullying and harassment".
The vicar resigned saying that she “can no longer minister with any sense of integrity in Llandaff”.
Bishop Osborne's response was to appoint the Rev'd Ian Yemm, "who is married to Bernhard, an NHS doctor", in what appears to be another attempt to pre-empt a decision by the Church in Wales.
No doubt the bishop of Llandaff with the again absent bishop of St Davids were influential in the appointment of the first lesbian bishop, the bishop of Monmouth, who also lives with her same sex partner giving the impression that their ministries have more to do with the promotion of homosexuality than the sanctity of Christian marriage.
What of the bishop of St Davids? The original announcement in August of Joanna Penberthy's latest sick leave promised updates as they became available. I can no longer find that notice, perhaps because there have been no updates which is typical of the mushroom method of management in the Church in Wales.
This is what happens when sociology replaces theology.
![]() |
Former giants of the Church in Wales before bishops were replaced by 'prefects'. Five held Oxford Firsts in Theology. Source: Anglican Misfit |
But whatever the cause, the latest Church Growth Modelling is bad news for the Church in Wales as well as other denominations as wokeness replaces holiness:
"The Church in Wales contains a mixture of churchmanships, and for many years all were on the conservative side. However, in the last 25 years, it has become increasingly liberal. In common with most historic UK Christian denominations, it has steadily declined since 1960. This analysis investigates the likelihood of decline leading to denominational extinction.
"The Church in Wales is forecast to be extinct by 2038."
The author writes, "Churches do not grow by becoming like society and attracting people, but by becoming like Jesus and converting people."
Here is yet another example of the C in W`s race to the bottom as its `wokeness replaces holiness`. Are Bangor and Llandaff in competition to becoming the `City Of Destruction` where all the characters of Bunyan`s classic recide such as Talkative, Lord Hate Good, Envy, Superstition and Pick-Thank?
ReplyDelete`Fr Jarel Robinson-Brown joins us this Thursday 13 October to deliver the inaugural Dr Margaret Thrall Memorial Lecture in Theology & Praxis. Fr Jarel is a prophetic priest, scholar and writer, and the author of "Black, Gay, British, Christian, Queer: The Church and the Famine of Grace", published to great acclaim last year. Entry is free, and there is no need for prior registration. The lecture begins at 6.30pm, after Evensong at 5.30pm, and is followed by a drinks reception`.
I wonder how many people who read and comment on this often vituperative blog have either met Jarel Robinson-Brown and/or read his book? He is a gentle and cultured young man, a fine classical pianist, and an excellent scholar. Brought up and trained as a Methodist, he is that denomination’s loss and the Church of England’s gain.
DeleteHis book is no superficial pamphlet but a lengthy and sustained theological argument (rather too lengthy, in my view!) drawing from innumerable sources. Of course he is writing from a particular perspective and with points to make; but he deserves an intelligent and thoughtful response even by those who disagree with him.
What is particular noteworthy is the very real pain and rejection which Jarel has suffered. He has often felt rejected by Christians because he is homosexual (though his sexuality is not something that he flaunts, by any means). Equally he has found that the Black community has often not attempted to understand his sexuality; while the so-called “gay” community has sidelined him because, in his experience, it is often anti-religion and indeed racist.
All this has of course been coupled to the casual racism that is still sadly part and parcel of some sections of British society. So, to be honest, it’s something of a miracle that Jarel has not only retained his Christian faith but thought it through intensively. To merely dismiss him as a “liberal” is to do him a disservice.
(And, before you ask, I am myself a heterosexual white male).
Let the Methodists have him back, or let him have the Baptists.
DeleteAnglicanism already has more than enough of its own queer theologists.
I so admire you, Baptist, the voice of reason on this site. Of course they have not read Jarel or met him - because along with their homophobia, you'll find a significant number on here are racist. Jarel is black - the readership here would have a problem with that. Let's call it out for what it is - this site is hateful. Hate, after hate, after hate.
How peculiar it is then that so many of the racists here (including Ancient Briton himself) like and think so highly of Rev Calvin Robinson?
DeleteLet's call you out for being the bigoted Despicable Dunce you demonstrate yourself to be.
Despicable Dunce indeed!
DeleteI see no racist comments here, not even a reference to the man's colour or ethnicity that would warrant anything like being called racist.
Same goes for the alleged homophobia.
Nothing has been directed at the man or the person, merely his "theology".
DD the professional victim strikes again.
Pathetic beyond reason.
More hate Enoch. Despicable and bigoted indeed: you are as are many here.
You haven't answered the question Dunce.
DeleteIf I'm a racist why do I like and respect Calvin Robinson so much?
Who determined that Jarel Robunson-Brown is "Prophetic"?
DeleteI prophesy that only a couple of dozen misfits will show up for his speech and that some horses backside will describe it as "a huge success"!
🤣 🤣 🤣
Calvin is what a black friend calls “a coconut” - it’s itself a racist term but captures the anger of black folk who believe Calvin has acquiesced to white hegemony. It’s no wonder you like him Enoch (Powell?)
So it's perfectly acceptable to you for your black "friend" to be a racist bigot but not for any contributor here who doesn't share your twisted point of view and dares to say so?
DeleteAnd despite the fact I like and respect an individual who isn't the same colour as me, I'm still a racist too?
My Asian girlfriend says you are an utter c*ckwomble.
The Rev Calvin Robinson speaks:
As previously mentioned on an earlier thread, George Conger has referred to the adage, if a snake gets into your house you don't move house but you evict the snake.
DeleteThe Cult in Wales has not only invited the snake into God's house but has let it take up permanent residence in the master bedroom.
One can't help but noticing that the Facebook announcement of tonight's talk by Jarel Robinson Brown attracted the grand total of 26 "Likes".
DeleteThis in turn suggests the prediction from Laughing Gas would be pretty accurate.
Could you confirm either way Mathafarn Eitgaf?
The Despicable Dunce really is a most unpleasant blinkered idiot.
DeleteIf, as the Dunce has suggested (but doubtless nobody else here does), Enoch only likes and respects Rev Calvin Robinson as a result of his acquiesence to the "white hegemony" (whatever the hell that is), then obviously Calvin's colour and/or ethnicity hasn't been an issue for Enoch.
The Dunce seriously needs to withdraw his/her false allegations of racism, apologise and then be banned permanently from this blog.
The first two won't occur but number three is a matter for Ancient Briton.
On the basis of the Facebook page receiving only 26 "Likes", one can't help but agree with the prophecy of Laughing Gas.
DeleteCan anyone tell us how many people bothered to show up?
Was Margaret Thrall another lesbian perchance?
DeleteRacism? It's systemic in the christian tradition - I shall not withdraw it. I'm guilty of it myself.
DeleteI'm no dunce, but accept the accusation. Have a nice evening.
The accusation was Despicable Dunce. Accept that too, idiot.
DeleteTP, untRuthy and DD are (if not all one and the same person) are all birds of a feather.
DeleteUnpleasant, closed minds, woke, virtue signalling bigots.
Taking their vitriolic lop-sided queer BS elsewhere is long overdue.
Glad we’ve caused you to think Ruffty
DeleteTP DD Ruthy
DeleteIt isn't that the C-in-W feels a need to 'grow by becoming like society' but that it has pushed the boundaries well beyond what its communicant demography finds tolerant. Within my 'society' of postman, binman, local GP, publican, bank staff, old colleagues etc. I know of NO same-sex married couples or 'blessed' partners; certainly none of them are transvestite, binary-sex or other. Yet it seems that in almost every Vicarage, vestry and cloister of Bangor, they abound. Surely Andrew John must realise that the 'straights' are departing but are not being replaced by the 'gays' in the pews which presumably had been his madcap strategy.
ReplyDeleteBut more worrying is the trend - the push - for the C-in-W (especially at its cathedrals) to become more Catholic. This most certainly ISN'T in line with traditional Welsh society. By tradition we're a nation of Methodist-Anglicans not Roman-Anglicans. And where has this new surge come from? Yep. In the main the imported and home-grown 'gay' clerics who love the thrill of flamboyant vestments dressing-up (including in Bangor's deanery the purple stockings and velvet slippers), the theatre of gymnastic genuflections and hugging and the pansyfication of rituals. My postman, binman, publican etc., are hardly impressed with this either. If you want to go Roman, then go to a catholic church is their view.
Frankly, you have to search long and hard to find God among the despondent elderly who still attend our Welsh churches ... Bangor cathedral especially. I doubt if He attends to be honest.
I note your remarks re churchmanship, AC. Many years ago a wise old priest (a Canon of Brecon) observed to me that in general the Welsh clergy had been "higher" than the laity, but except in a few (mostly big city) parishes it was usually a rather restrained style of Anglo-Catholicism: this influenced the drafting of the "blue book" Eucharist with which everyone - clergy and laity alike - seemed reasonably content. In the C of E, by contrast, there was far greater variety on churchmanship lines, so that when the ASB came out in 1980 the multiple permutations in its eucharistic liturgy ranged from a "memorial meal" reminiscent of Cranmer 1552 to something almost indistinguishable from the RC novus ordo Mass.
DeleteThe "Catholic" Church, of course, is what you and every other Anglican claim to belong to whenever you recite the Creed (as, probably, do most Methodists), so I'm not quite sure what you're complaining about. If it's purple stockings and velvet slippers, there's nothing particularly Catholic about either of them, although I believe things of this sort were once popular in certain Roman (and Rome-emulating) circles. The glib abandonment in both circles of traditional externals, most of which (I exclude the footwear) were designed to emphasise the otherness and holiness of Christian worship has not surprisingly led to a backlash and their re-introduction by a new generation of (mostly) young enthusiasts, some of whom may sometimes go a bit far.....
As for the other matters you raise, it is perhaps no coincidence that these have come into prominence contemporaneously with the introduction of female clergy. I say no more.
Ad Clerum
DeleteA most perceptive comment.
To quote one of my less PC clergy colleagues, "Thank Christ the bitch is going!"
Subversive Canon “She who must be obeyed” hasn’t gone yet. Empty Teapots can ask for a refill
DeleteThe ears in the walls report that Caiaphas is going as soon as she can due to John Pockett compiling his own dodgy dossier on her.
DeleteThe Church in Wales started sinking ecclesiastically at the appointment of women “Bishops” especially those who abuse biblical teachings via their actions, sexual The Church sank after the appointment of a C.E.O., who believes and believed it is far better to sell a property the Church owns, the famous “39” for £2.4m and rent a property for considerably more.
ReplyDeleteThe Church in Wales was holed below the waterline when it started ordaining women at all.
DeleteNot necessarily 'less than PC' Subversive Canon. A bitch is a female dog. I assume the one you're referring to wears a dog-collar?
ReplyDeleteOld Bill.
Having read many posts on many threads, I must conclude it is a great shame the Records of the Representative Body are not open to general scrutiny at the NLW or at a Vinegar storage in Cardiff. If they were many eyes would be opened and shocked
ReplyDeleteAn example of how low the C-in-W has set the bar, can their standards get any lower, see image `The tables are here, the beer is settling and the Lederhosen are freshly washed and pressed. Join us this evening at 6pm for the Opening Ceremony, the tapping of the casks, and a refreshing drink`!
ReplyDeleteSet the bar?
DeleteI see what you did there ME.
DeleteAre they planning on serving to midgets and dwarves?
Deletegoing to Oxford isnt the Beall and end all We have a Priest From Oxford in our Local MA hes unable to talk to the young he's unable to work with the Homeless with out giving them a Sermon as has for the Lost who have mental health he's really unable to do that. he's turned a 3 of our churches against each other. he is unable to see where he is now where the Sprit has lead him in the 21st century I believe we have lost over 15 under 30s because of this priests actions in 2 years. all of this before taking in to account his lack of training his lack of contextualization and he was evangelized at Oxford and Formed as a Priest at Oxford. so does not say much about Oxford.
From the standard of his/her typing, his gibberish and confused 'blog' I can only assume Mathafarn that contributor HP/WhyOX has already sneaked into your Oktobeirfest beer tent. [Incidentally, I don't recommend you wash and press your Lederhosen ... not if they're tradition suede/leather)!
ReplyDeleteOld Bill
People who live in glass houses when it comes to typing and gibberish can't afford to throw stones old Plod.
DeleteThe name was hb, not HP.
Your use of parentheses is inconsistent [to say the least) and your tradition of failing to use traditional is your hat trick.
ReplyDeleteGwent Plod.
"Night ambassadors".
"Community Safety Guardians".
Have you ever heard of such twaddle?
It's the police equivalent of Church in Wales Misery Areas.
Less and less for more and more money. Who do these fools think they're kidding?
DeleteCorruption and crooks in the Met.
Well I never!
DeleteThe pride of all the force.
"Carbonless is next to Godliness"
The Cult in Wales isn't the only fast sinking ship.
Although the article is very good, the comments are even better.
Happy reading bloggers!
Don’t forget they have appointed the Archdeacons Gay Brother as DDO a nest of nepotism….
Wonderful to see on the Welsh Anglican page of Face book, this morning, that the beer kegs in Bangor Cathedral, were duly blessed with much pomp and ceremony, including incense. I'm sure those attending the beer festival will be thrilled.
ReplyDelete@ Martha
ReplyDeleteTotally agreed m'dear. Bit like Andrew Preview playing Grieg's piano concerto in 'A' Minor: all the right notes but perhaps in the wrong order. But I am nudging 80, my athritic fingers aren't always nimble or in sync with my brain (my left index finger missing completely) and I can't locate a spell-check button on AB's site. In truth, I was aiming my missive at WhyOX/hb and figured that if it was typed word-perfect he wouldn't understand a word of it. I note that like a dog with a bone you're still chewing on the old 'Plod' misconception. Bit stale now eh?
Have a nice day.
Old Bill.
How quaint.
DeleteYou gave no consideration to the possibility that hb/WhyOX might also be in their 80s, suffering from arthritis and missing digits or even more debilitating ailments.
Better to get your retaliation in first eh?
Dick Pickles asks if Bangor Cathedral was serving Midgets and Dwarfs at its ridiculous Beerfest. No Dick. Beer only. No 'Shorts'. (Not even any Holy Spirits !!!)
ReplyDeleteAd Clerum
I have refrained from comment on the impending departure of June Osborne and the appointment of a new Dean of Llandaff until now, partly because I wanted to check a few facts (insofar as I was able) with people who are more acquainted with the situation.
ReplyDeleteClearly, June Osborne has decided that continuing in office until her 70th birthday is fruitless, both for her and the Diocese of Llandaff. In reaching that decision she has at least proved herself less delusional than the current British Prime Minister. She will relocate to Oxford (an interesting choice of residence given her lack of connection to the University) and, on being granted Permission to Officiate, will finally become what she has always craved: a Bishop of the Church of England! But gainaing that prize, albeit in a limited and honorary capacity, has come at a huge cost to Wales's most populous diocese and to many of the gifted clergy who have (and are) serving it.
After her departure, I am sure it will feel like regaining possession of one's own house after it has been trashed by squatters for the past five years, unsure what of horrors will be unearthed. Many of us can guess what those might be in terms of clergy morale, health and well-being; not to say those faithful and committed lay people who walked away from their churches in the face of wholesale institutional manipulation. Fewer of us can know, at this stage, what impact they will have on the long-term sustainability of a diocese that has been edging ever-closer to dysfunction and malaise for many years.
On the topic of which, the appointment of a new Dean of Llandaff, after a rapid process of 'consultation', made in the knowledge that she would be leaving office a mere seven days after his installation, is surely a case of raising two fingers. Canon Peers has never served as an incumbent, and certainly did not train for ordination on a residential pathway. As a head teacher of failing South London secondary school, put into speacial measures by OFSTED, he spared little time in becoming Director of Education in the Diocese of Liverpool. As sub-Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, he has been the subject of proceedings under the Clergy Discipline Measure, principally for spreading false rumours and allegations about his former Dean. It is unclear whether these proceedings have reached any conclusion, in which case there is a question as to whether June Osborne made the appointment knowing that he was not 'safe to receive.' As there is no reciprocal arrangements between England and Wales for the exchange of personal clergy files, it begs the question as to whether she has been deliberately duplicitous.
It does not auger well, friends.
You reckon Caiaphas has no link with Oxford?
DeleteThe answer is staring us in the face.
She agrees to take the embarrassing Dick the Dean elect off their hands and dump him in Llandaff in return for her honorary appointment in the Oxford area.
You scratch my back etc.
Caiaphas deliberately duplicitous?
DeleteIt would be a change if the Clarke's Pies muncher wasn't deliberately duplicitous!
I know of literally nobody who will be sorry to see the back of June "I am the accuser" Osborne but plenty of people who are concerned over which idiot will be chosen to replace her.
Well researched, presented and argued Sir. Although the position isn't so dire, much the same could be said of the choice and installation of the sub-Dean (former curate) of Bangor.
ReplyDeleteBut rather than us, the minions of AB's blog, debate the goings-on wouldn't it be far better, more admirable, open and 'transparent' if just for once the cowardly Archbishop Andrew John as comical head of the C-in-W set out his stall and where HE stands on this. You throw in the comparison of Liz Truss Atheistan and of course yesterday's accusations of her hiding under her desk. At least she crawled out to appear on TV and attempt an apology. Andrew John is beyond hope in any expectation that he understands the feelings of his Church: clergy and lay.
Old Bill.
ReplyDeleteFailing to report child abuse should be a criminal offence.
Bet there's a few twitchy clerical backsides around Lambeth Palace and so there should be!
Not before time. Long overdue.
Delete"Religious piety protected paedophiles".
'Girls groomed by abusive gangs of men from communities in British cities were sometimes regarded as" child prostitutes"'.
DeleteThe BBC has omitted the word "white" from the start of the sentence and "gangs of men from communities" should read "gangs of Pakistani Muslim men".
But the woke, politically correct, diverse, inclusive, deceitful and cowardly BBC can't print the truth in case it upsets the socially engineered multi-cultural ghettos of Labour voters.
More evidence that sleaze knows no party boundaries.
Labour MP for Chester resigns after having been found guilty.
DeleteThree less Pakistani muslim paedophiles to worry about in Rochdale.