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Saturday 22 October 2022


This is the page returned on clicking the link below: 
"church in wales As-it-happens update ⋅ October 18, 2022
The Church in Wales
The Church in Wales believes and proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ, namely: that God is active and personal, a Father who cares for his ... "

It seemed most apt. 

The Church in Wales is in a mess, struggling to quantify its beliefs when its bishops have substituted secularism for the Christian faith as received.

The secular agenda of the bishops is leading their flock away from scripture and tradition by embracing secular trends that are at odds with traditional beliefs held by the majority of Anglicans around the world.

What the majority of Anglicans continue to believe has been rejected by the Church in Wales bishops in favour of woke secularism. The sanctity of marriage has been abandoned. Anything goes in the misuse of  the meaning of 'love'.

I have seen no 'Highlights' of the September 2022 meeting of the Governing Body of the Church in Wales, hence 'Nolights' rather than 'Lowlights'. 

Elsewhere there was the announcement that "The Church in Wales will spend more than £100M of its capital reserves over the next decade to help its churches serve their communities more effectively." 

Throwing money around is not going to save the Church in Wales. The bishops need to get back to basics if they care anything for the souls of the faithful.

Postscript [31 Oct 2022]

Highlights - September 2022 Now available on the Church in Wales website.


  1. See. I told you.
    Even the Cult in Wales now accepts its friend is invisible and imaginary!

  2. 😂
    All fur coat and no knickers.

  3. Hacked by the Holy Ghost?

  4. The message should read
    "Unfortunately this Church does not exist"

  5. 404
    The number of remaining congregants in the Cult in Wales.

  6. One can't help but feeling that sums up the Church in Wales very well.

  7. No Lights is a very apt title as the bishops, and most of the governing body, are clearly in the dark.

    1. Llandaff Pewster24 October 2022 at 18:57

      As one old Vicar used to sing quietly to himself following a visit to his parish by the heretic bishop of the time:
      "The people that in darkness sat, a glorious sh*te have seen"

  8. BBCTV 'Blankety-Blank' with 1997-2002 host drag-queen and gay-pride Paul 'Lily Savage' O'Grady leading the show springs to mind. Correlation there too as O'Grady now champions dog welfare and at Bangor cathedral, the LGBTQ+ advocate sub-dean Sion ap Rhys-Evans allows his Sunday morning congregants to bring their dogs into the Holy Eucharist service. 'Gone to the Dogs' might be the new maxim.

    Old Bill

  9. And another bishop to add to the numbers in Wales. From Anglican Ink:
    'Stuart Bell is originally from Devon, but along with his wife Pru, was called to serve the gospel in Wales. Under his leadership St Michael’s Aberystwyth became the largest Anglican church in the principality and from where over 50 people have gone on to ordained Anglican ministry.
    Now leading Fellowship 345, Stuart says, “For more than half a century I have been concerned to bring Christ to the people of Wales and the people of Wales to Christ. I am primarily a preacher / teacher with a strong evangelistic focus. My eyes are constantly searching for the people in the congregation who have not yet embraced the Gospel in its fullness. This is true of my relationships pastorally with members of our church as well as those which have been established in our local neighbourhood'
    Stuart Bell will be consecrated next year by AMiE, so won't be a Church in Wales bishop. I first met him in the 1970s when he was vicar of Llangeler and again when he was vicar of St Michael's Aberystwyth. He's an Englishman who speaks fluent Welsh but a very 'hot prot'. I'm surprised he's being consecrated as bishop as he has no time for vestments or liturgy. The absolute polar opposite to Sion ap Rhys Evans mentioned in this thread.
    Cymraes yn Lloegr

    1. If Father Stuart wants to introduce the people of Wales to Christ then he need look no further than the existing seven plankers to begin with.
      Or has he tried, given up and written them off as a lost cause?

  10. Ah yes Cymraes yn Lloegr. Sion ap Rhys-Evans! In previous AB posting there was mention of his outrageous [Private Baldrick] plan to raid and poach congregants of Welsh language worshipping parish churches in neighbouring Anglesey to fill the almost empty pews of his 09:15 Welsh Eucharist services; another experiment of his that fell by the wayside. This incensed the clergy of Anglesey (not in the way of incense furnace-fuming at catholic-theatre Bangor cathedral).
    But God works in mysterious ways. Within days of his announcing his barn-pot wheeze, God directed Highways engineers to look carefully at the structure of the Menai Bridge and they agreed with God. The main link to Bangor would be closed for at least four months!!!!
    Stand by for His Holiness Sion's Plan 'B'. Possibly to scatter Bonio biscuits around the pews to encourage more congregants' dogs to his services and count them in as 'communicants' for cathedral returns to Cardiff !
    I can't help him there. I have a cat.
    Old Bill.

  11. This is what happens when you appoint a curate to lead a Cathedral. One of many things back to front in the contemporary CiW. Another great call by ++Andy.


  12. Well here's an unexpected turn up for the books!
    Even Nuns watch pornography according to the Pope.

    My question is, how does he know?
    🤣 🤣

    1. Has the phrase "Sister Act" taken on a whole new meaning? 🤔

  13. I was hoping that the 404 landing page related to this awful site. I'll keep praying for that day.


    1. You pathetic scuttler.

    2. Long past the time for Despicable Dunce to jog on.


  14. The distortions have begun.

    No mention of one man, one woman and procreation.

    Replaced with "Husband" and "Wife" and bringing up children.
    Gay men refer to their "husband" and lesbians refer to their "wife".
    All very conveniently interchangeable.

  15. And here's the queered propaganda so you can can all clearly see the direction in which the Cult in Wales is headed.


    Seems as though Llandaff Cathedral has found a significant sum of money from somewhere.
    Only ten years too late to save the Cathedral Choir Lay Clerks and assistant Organist!

    1. Is that another new post that nobody has seen advertised?
      The timing of it seems very peculiar only two weeks before Dick the Dean elect arrives, what's the unseemly rush?

    2. One wonders if carrying out the outstanding repair works listed on the concealed Quinquennial reports should be a higher priority than another vanity project like a music foundation?

    3. Which mugs do they think will give to establishing a music foundation when the Organ appeal accounts still remain unpublished?
