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Saturday 25 May 2019

Caption corner 25 May 2019

Back to basics. Mass at S. de Compostela   Source #LlandaffInSantiago

As usual captions will appear under Comments.


  1. Church in Wales communicant numbers plummet to a rump, spotted in Khaki shorts in Spain.

  2. We've had to use this old shed for the service to save money - we've spent £30,000 already just on the charter plane.

  3. Careful now.... the wood on this platform is a bit creaky. My brother fell through a wooden platform once, and if he hadn't of had a rope around his neck he would have broken his legs.

  4. Lux Et Veritas25 May 2019 at 21:13

    "No, absolutely not, why should Holy Trinity Brompton have to put up with a tin shed like this. I'll slip them £200,000 to come to Llandaff and find some unsuspecting mugs to dump them on."

  5. Um. Somebody, obviously, does not have a best friend !

  6. Oh, and by the way. After numerous observations, I have stopped wearing a mitre with choir dress, but I SOO love these shorts.
