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Archdeacon of Llandaff with club |
Tweets from Governing Body of the Church in Wales indicate that Peggy Jackson has failed in her latest bid to divide the Church in Wales.
Votes cast:
For 19
Against 63
Abstentions 20
Conscience is not dead.
She should now graciously drop her club and heed her Archbishop's advice:
listen to the voice of God, of the Teacher, of the Spirit and each other’s voices too.
Postscript [10.05.2019]
From Church Times:
Archbishop John Davies who abstained on the vote over the proposals said after the Governing Body meeting that, as far as he was concerned, there was no need to change the code of practice.
He rejected suggestions that the debate had exposed a lack of trust between various factions in the Church. The code of practice was purely in the hands of the bishops and could be torn up tomorrow should they so wish, he said, a situation that was bound to cause concern to traditionalists. “There is, perhaps, a lack of security”, he added.
Archdeacon Peggy Jackson insisted that it was not her intent to drive conservatives or Anglo-Catholics out of the Church. 'Anglican Unscripted' commentators [@ position 19] viewed it differently: having won the battle she was intent on shooting the prisoners.
My confidence in the GB is restored. I had hoped, despite Barry the Golfer scaling-down and cloning this synod in his own image and likeness, that Anglican generosity and a commitment to mutual flourishing would win the day. Perhaps Peggy will now take the hint and graciously retire, with the realisation that she is a divisive figure and no longer has anything of substance to contribute to the Church in Wales. If she ever did?
ReplyDeleteWas it a secret ballot?
DeleteDon't speak too soon Alwyn, there's a hell of a lot more wrongs to be righted before anyone should have confidence in the GB poodles installed by His --Darkness, but it is a good start.
DeleteWhat are the odds on the Pilate and the coven demanding another vote at the next GB because no-one really understood what they were voting for?
I have no idea, Ed. It didn't used to be. But when the debate is reported in the Church Times, we'll have a sense of who said what. Perhaps the C in W should aspire to the levels of transparency in the C of E's General Synod, and publish individual voting figures. That will sort the sheep from the goats.
DeleteThe Church Times reports that +Andy voted in favour
DeleteA shameful act of disunity from Barry Morgan placements +Andy and +Joanna in their blatant discrimination against supposedly valued members of the Church in Wales. For Barry and his bench sitters mutual flourishing meant do as we say. Full marks to ++John and +June for moving on and abstaining even if they could not bring themselves to vote against Jackson's divisive motion.
DeleteDoes anyone know how June's encounter with the Cardiff Deanery conference went on Monday, over the future of St Andrew and St Teilo's church?
ReplyDeleteThe Observer
Very good news. That she should forward the motion in the first place says it all.
ReplyDeleteNow let us have a vote on the clergy holiday flight to Compostela - another act of stupidity.
It was not a secret ballot. Bishops: Bangor & St Davids voted in favour of the amendment, Llandaff, S&B abstained, St Asaph and Monmouth not present.
ReplyDeleteAlwyn, take note of the Bishop's votes.
DeleteI see nothing to celebrate there.
Alleluia! Thank you GB for rejecting this spiteful motion from the Ardeaconesse. Now that you've found your real power to bring a sense of purpose to your deliberations, don't let it slip. No doubt there will be further controversial motions in due course. You have shown good Christian common sense here. Don't be diverted from that path by wolves in sheeps' clothing. There are plenty of them around in the hierarchy. Think of the hard-working priests on the ground who have to labour under the biggest problem facing the C in W which is the misguided hierarchy. It's up to you to secure and restore the fortunes of a once-strong institution. Fail in this and the future will be dire.
I'm trying to recall the exact quote from the Venerable Peggy which has often been cited here, along the lines of 'if you don't like what we are doing / have done make other arrangements'. .. In which case, the response to the psalm is, "Archdeacon, heal thyself"
ReplyDeleteAs someone who rejoices in the ministry of women and the gifts they bring to God's Church; (I assure you that they are not all in the mould of Peggy Jackson), tonight, I genuinely rejoice with those of you who cannot in conscience accept the ministry of women, that this spiteful and vengeful motion was defeated so heavily.
It is time for both Peggoty and Joanna to clear off; they are hindering the work of Christ's Church. Neither of you is a thinker: you appear to be thoroughly brainwashed by feminist propaganda. What an abuse of P's brain! As for Joanna, well ...
I think, having read the report in the Church Times, it is pretty clear that Peggy is living in the past and still fighting old battles. The Church has moved on. She hasn't. The support of Crap and Joanna tells you all you need to know. More significant is that Peggy's own diocesan abstained. I can't help wondering whether she was put up to this by Byzantine Barry, who was never hesitant when it came to using other people to promote his causes.
ReplyDeleteTime to go, Peggy. Time to go. The Church in Wales has shown itself bigger than your toxic brand of sectarianism. The fact that you believed you could get this through shows how out of touch with reality you are.
Yes Peggy and Joanna: time to GO! Go soon for tbe sake of the Church.
ReplyDeleteBob (the original)