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King Charles delivering his Christmas Day speech Source: Christian Today |
King Charles went on to say "Diversity of culture, ethnicity and faith provides strength not weakness" but as commented on in Christian Today 'That is not self-evidently true'.
There is one faith/ideology that frequently appears in the news as the main source of conflict. Less frequent is the reporting of the deaths, kidnappings and other atrocities regularly perpetrated in Africa and elsewhere around the globe. According to Open Doors, three fifths of the countries listed suffer persecution as a result of this one ideology.
While the hand of friendship is extended to its adherants in the United Kingdom, blind eyes are turned to world events. Thousands of people who do not share our values continue to enter the UK seeking to replace our culture with theirs.
As demonstrations in the UK are becoming more devisive it has become risky to comment on such matters for fear of attracting accusations of a hate crime. Free speech in Britain is at risk.
Christianity is being diluted in the name of diversity. Recently I read a report “Woke” MoD Bosses to Strip Cross From Military Cap Badge as part of efforts to make the British Army chaplains department more diverse and multicultural. I wonder what Queen Elizabeth would have had to say about that.
The situation is becoming dire. We have a woke government and a woke church.
For full assessment by former Queen's Chaplain Gavin Ashenden watch King Charles Christmas Speech - A Declaration of Civil War.
A good New Year's resolution would be to pray for our increasingly dis-United Kingdom.
Postscript 03.01.2025
PRAYER ALERT: One-year-old killed as Nigerian Christians targeted at Christmas
@ AB
ReplyDeleteOld Father Time moves on AB and as the Monarchy keeps up with changes in the demography of the United Kingdom - its increasing numbers of Asian, Afro and Middle Eastern citizens ensconced into our communities - so too ought our Faith leaders let go the exclusiveness of the Anglican church as 'the establishment'. Even Golf Clubs and Pall Mall's rows of Gentlemens' Clubs have adjusted to modernity by accepting women members. Britain is not an 'exclusive' club. Go back only a few centuries of Kings of England, the quasi-pagan Normans of the 12th century for instance, and they were debating the same as your missive ... we don't like change. But change there was.
Left to your ethos then not just will the Anglican church fall into total demise, but it will take the Monarchy with it. There's been a huge and perhaps progressive change in socio-opinion since the heyday of HM Elizabeth II and one which HM Charles III must continue if there is to be continuity of the Monarchy.
The mass of Charles III subjects care not a hoot for even the Christian faith he does take from his mother any more than they have interest in his favoured game of Polo.
Let's just celebrate the fact that we have a reigning King who actually does worship his God and one who also has understanding of and interest in the close links with other faiths of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. Let's not forget the Commonwealth of which he is also head. In his strong commitment to the Church, in his devotions to prayer etc., he might - heaven forbid - be the last of the line.
Its called progressive evolution. As time moves on, so too do values.
Are there no constants in your dystopian nightmare?
Although I am basically a Republican rather than a Monarchist, I am broadly in agreement with Old Bill. We may wish to turn the clock back and wish for a "Christian Britain" (whatever that may mean); the fact is we have been an increasingly multicultural nation for many years. One could argue that this has been the case for 20 centuries, with the Romans bringing in folk not only from Italy but from around the Empire, then the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Normans etc. Each have had their effects on national culture. Our concept of monarchy has also evolved: Charles 3 is very different to Henry 8 or William 1!
DeleteI wonder how far you will be able/want to celebrate this change when a certain ideology takes over and will deny you that freedom.
DeleteOthers might call it regressive evolution.
DeleteHarking back to a previous, recent, AB blog ref Sion ap Rhys Evans and Bangor shenanigans, journalist Martin Shipton has today published his piece on Nation.Cymru which is probably as close as we'll get to the truth behind the saga. From the Bangor 'Whisperer's Corner' it hardly tickles the surface however ... but a far better start than anything ++Andrew John or his PR Department has been prepared to say on the fiasco.
ReplyDeleteI do take issue with Mr. Shipman's source who credits the former sub-dean with boosting congregant numbers. There have been many other factors at play here not least that two former rather 'duff' deans had almost entirely emptied the pews and deserters began to return back of their own accord once they'd been fired and that of course, with almost all other parish churches in the Bangor area now closed or priestless, there's no where else for the faithful to worship. That, and the national rise in cathedral 'popularity' with or without a clown leading the service.
ap Rhys's failings ought to have been spotted from the day he was appointed Diocesan Secretary. First signal was the large number of decent, popular clergy of the diocese who quit or transferred elsewhere because they simply couldn't work with him. Then his unlimited and lavish spending on the Diocesan Offices - thousands and thousands of pounds - conning everyone that he would turn it into a profit-making, commercial management centre. Not a single booking came of it.
ReplyDeleteThen his outburst that the newly-refurbished (as massive cost along with a Cinderella staircase) wasn't fit for clergy to live in due to close proximity to a pub noise nuisance. After waving through almost £1,000,000 to re-house the Dean and Canon, he suddenly had a change of heart ... and moved in himself!! Still no one questioned his mad-cap rationale. Then his selection of buddy-buddy chums with no association to Bangor he personally appointed to the Chapter; once installed, never to be seen again.
The list goes on. Who's to blame? Obviously the person who appointed him. The same person who ordained him despite the C-in-W unanimously rejecting him for priesthood within 20 minutes of his selection interview beginning. Now who could that be?
Never mind before his appointment to the Bangor Deanery.
DeleteThe failings of the Bangor mincer were patently obvious to the entire human race before he even applied for ordination in the first place.
Except to the chocolate teapot it seems.
Yeh, complete mystery who ought to have managed things better haha
DeleteWhatever has gone on in Bangor it's time to draw a line under it. The language here is not at all Godly and I find it offensive. 'Bangor mincer'?
ReplyDeleteA rather sad and abrupt end to a ministry that was in many ways successful; he has many gifts, and so let's all hope they don't go to waste.
There was nothing Godly about the Bangor mincer. If you find the vocabulary offensive then you know what you can do about it petal.
DeleteI don't agree. There's good in all of us.
Nobody said there was no good in him but that there was nothing Godly about him.
DeleteCan't you tell the difference?
You’re playing semantics Bewildered. Menai’s comment was defamatory.
Semantics are irrelevant
DeleteYour lack of basic comprehension is not.
The TP/untRuthy/TP schizophrenic just can't stay away, can she?
Semantics, pedantics: the fact is that the self-glorified twerp, the 'Poser Pope' has departed and you can read relief in the faces of clergy, staff and congregants.
ReplyDeleteI doubt that’s the case.
I have absolutely no doubt that everyone in St. Deiniol's is completely relieved to be rid of the prat.
DeleteCar crash Cathy.
Cyanide Sue.
Sion the simp.
The chocolate teapot is a complete cretin.
Sue is now a successful Dean of Liverpool. Speaks for itself.
DeleteNunc Dimmitis
She's just organised the departure of her bishop
DeleteI predict she'll be the next Bishop of Liverpool.
DeleteNunc Dimmitis
Yes, nothing good has come in or out of Bangor post Dean Sue
ReplyDeleteAre you OK, AB? There's been silence now for several weeks.
ReplyDeleteYes thank you.
ReplyDeletePeterborough Cathedral could close before Easter.
So much for the success of Welby's reign.
Yet another scandal for the Church of England.
Was it covered up?
The scandal deepens.
DeleteCottrell needs to go now, despicable prat.
I sense I know the reason why AB hasn't updated the site with new topics since December. It's all to do with boosting viewing numbers. Just now it stood at 5,311,000 - a huge increase - and fast rising. My suspicion is that there is now such curiosity regarding the silence that a new resurgence has begun as with boosts to artworks sales when their painters die or music labels when pop-stars drop dead. I have to say, I now visit Ancient Briton daily ... only out of morbid curiosity for the health of its originator.
ReplyDeleteTo avoid speculation, there is no mystery in the absence of blog posts this year.
ReplyDeleteReflecting on the latest entry I simply decided to step back from regular posting as topics have become repetitive. Thanks to all my readers, especially to those past and present who have taken time to add their own comments.
That's a great shame AB.
DeleteMay I suggest you keep plodding on if, for no other reason, it would irk bully boy --Bazza of Llys Ego.
I so hope you will be back. We did not find anything repetitive......
DeleteI reckon AB has had some sort of financial gift from the church in wales to silence any critical voices.
ReplyDeleteThe Cult in Wales couldn't afford to buy off Ancient Briton but in any case I feel certain he's not for sale at any price.
DeleteAB....this is worrying. This is about the only blog where we can have free speech regarding antics of various bodies, people and God only knows what! Please come back.
ReplyDeleteIf this doesn't rouse AB from his somnambulence, I don't know what will.
ReplyDeleteFormer cult in Wales Bishop admits historical indecent assaults on boy.
"Anthony Pierce, who was bishop of Swansea and Brecon between 1999 and 2008, appeared at Swansea Crown Court on Friday. He admitted five counts of indecent assault on a male child under the age of 16, the church said. It added the offences date from between 1985 and 1990, when Mr Pierce was a parish priest in West Cross, Swansea. Mr Pierce has been remanded on bail and a provisional date of 7 March has been set for sentencing at Swansea Crown Court, the church said."
Another cover-up ala Welby and Cottrell?
A coverup on Barry Morgan's watch? Who'd have thought it?
DeleteA lively beginning to this week's Synod
Well done Sam Margrave, keep at it.
Deeply disappointing.
Synod rejects being held to account by independent organisation.
What more are they hiding?
LEV, it is Dewi Bridges who needs to be answering questions. Unfortunately, he died in 2015. There was another case dating from 1993, which Dewi Bridges must have known about. Yet, Dewi Bridges made him a Canon that year, and then appointed him to be Archdeacon of Gower in 1995.
DeleteThe question which needs to be answered is: Did the bishops who met in Sacred Synod to appoint Pierce Bishop of Swansea and Brecon know of his abuse? Was it made known to them before they approved his appointment?
If they did, then Rowan Williams who was the Principal Consecrator, has questions to answer, along with the other bishops who were co-Consecrators. How could they consecrate a man who was a known child abuser?
The Loose Canon
Perhaps the chocolate teapot might put those questions to Pierce during a visit while he's doing porridge at His Majesty's pleasure?
DeleteAstonishing to discover - if the sums add up - that when dear Ancient Briton decided to shut-shop the visitor count to his site stood at about 5,311,000 and today, another 19,945 hits suggesting that Ancient Briton maybe lost, but not forgotten.
ReplyDeleteSo to maintain the momentum, another curio to whet the whistle of Archbishop Andrew John's critics (of which there are larger numbers than Ancient Britain's followers).
We all know, of course, that the buffoon doesn't like mingling with common people otherwise known as congregants, C-in-W members, worshippers etc. and is seldom seen except for his vanity TV 'soundbites'. He's now taken this to extreme. Rather than be seen on days off or even Sundays worshipping in the pews at his Bangor cathedral or even some rural church, the recluse is spending thousands of pounds of diocesan or RB money erecting for his Bishop's Palace, Bangor, rolling gardens a bespoke, heritage-class and massive timber-structure which is being described as his 'Prayer Place'.
Not just massive as garden sheds go, but designed and constructed by artisan craftsmen from fine oak. A colossal cost ... from some budget or another. Its a permanent structure whether or not he got Planning Permission.
But the 'folly' here is that there was a perfectly functional 'private prayer' chapel in Ty'r Escob, Bangor, until he gutted it to make space for one of his other interests; a gym perhaps, a music room for his solo Saxophone jamming sessions on his own, a 'make up' room with mirror so he can practice his inane TV grimaces? Whatever. It's gone.
Then of course, ++Andy has almost abandoned his lavish Bangor 'Palace' to nest-egg it with his second wife in Anglesey. Why construct a private prayer emporium in his Bangor.
He might argue that there aren't that many churches in Bangor to pray at when one has that 3am urge in pyjamas and slippers to converse with God. Well his bloody fault: he shut them all down. St Mary's, St. David's, St. Peter's, even the University chaplaincy. St James's in Bangor was offloaded years ago ... but at least purchased by the Catholics and now a vibrant church.
So, among you AB loyalists, anyone know what he's up to. What's the cost? Was there planning permission. Who approved it? Please don't respond suggesting it was all the fault of 'Spend. Spend. Spend.' Sion ap-Rhys Evans. Perhaps the private prayer edifice is to be used to stash away all the valued artefacts illegally removed from Bangor churches and never explained other than 'oh, they must have been nicked'. Hummmm
A good place to start looking and "follow the money" will certainly be the Bangor Diocese accounts under Bishops "Discretionary" expenditure and income.
DeleteIf it proves to anything like that in Llandaff since the turn of the century, it should prove to be most enlightening ( see previous AB blog entries on the same).
ReplyDeleteNot before bloody time.
ReplyDeleteIf true then Hallelujah!!!
DeleteWonderful news if true ... but I doubt it. No other diocese in the world will want to employ him, no intellect so no chance of a job in academia, and with a dubious BA degree in law, no chance of a second career in that profession either. Maybe though, a stand-in lookalike double for comedian Rob Brydon but that's unlikely too as he lacks any sense of humour.
Delete'On Thursday February 20 a two-day meeting of the clerical group Grwp Cadfan begins at Caernarfon during which the Archbishop will join his fellow bishops in prostrating himself on the floor in a church ritual known as “an act of lament and confession”.' Is this a spoof, or did it actually happen? And if so, will it issue in any practical acts of amendment?
ReplyDeleteTen members of Clergy facing disciplinary measures including George Carey.
Couldn't possibly happen to a nicer bunch of hypocrites.
Well the Episcopal Visitation is well underway at St Davids Cathedral. Let’s see what that unearths there.
ReplyDeleteCanon Cymru
ReplyDeleteAbuse case reported to "senior figures" in the Church in Wales seventeen years before being passed on to south Wales police.
No cover up?
Why hasn't the paedophile Pierce been defrocked?
So, on the surface of it, it seems bully boy --Bazza would have known about it.
ReplyDeleteDon’t crow too early if ++Andy goes early. You may end up with a woman
DeletePerhaps this is the explanation behind the disappearance of the mincing sub Dean?
@ Menai Strait
ReplyDeleteCan't clock into the www.bbc etc you cite, but key to the welcome departure of the Weasel ap-Rhys will be found in the damning Inspection Report on the cathedral undertaken last year and kept sealed, locked and 100 years Official Secrets hidden in the plonker Andy John's safe. There was promise that content would be fully divulged before selection and appointment of a new Dean made ... but you know as well as I and others that the word of Alice in Wonderland and his Bangor archdeacon, the Mad Hatter, are as laughable and mad as a box of frogs.
Highlight the provided link, right click for a drop-down menu and then click on the "Open" option.
ReplyDeleteZero hours contracts to be banned.
Hopefully this will signal the end of the exploitative habits of the Church of England and the Cult in Wales towards so many of their poorest paid workers.
After all, Justine Welby called them out many years ago.
The latest trans scandal.
ReplyDeleteProtect you're children and grandchildren.
Nice discovery.
Surprised that the Church of England Commissioners haven't tried to claim it back.
Former Bishop jailed.
Pity the prisons don't have spaces available for all of them.