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Tuesday 15 October 2024

Scottish Episcopal Church drops bullying tribunal against Scotland's first female bishop

Bishop Dyer was suspended in August 2022.                                                                                              Source: STV News

In 2024 it ws reported that bishop Anne Dyer was to face a disciplinary tribunal after being suspended in August 2022.

In a document outlining the reasons for the decision to drop the bullying tribunal, lawyer Paul Reid KC said: "It has become apparent that the prospect of giving evidence, and in particular facing cross-examination in a public forum, is a source of anxiety for a number of potential witnesses." He added: "Given the already difficult situation in the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney, a public trial very materially risks, whatever its outcome, of making an already difficult situation worse."

According to Mail Plus, angry parishioners in the Scottish Episcopal Church are threatening to leave while others have vowed to remove it from their wills after bullying complaints against its first female bishop were dropped.

In 2022 the bishop of Llandaff found herself in the clear after the Dean of Llandaff withdrew his charge of bullying following an extended period of sick leave. 

The Vicar of Radyr at the time resigned saying that she could no longer, with integrity, knowing the many things she knows, serve in the diocese where she believed a 'culture of fear' exists.

Then there were two! 


  1. Have witnesses been got at and knobbled?

  2. Odd isn't it that this story of Aberdeen and Orkney and 'Bewildered's' wondering that perhaps someone has been got at or knobbled, follows hard on AB's shut-down of the previous thread and unanswered question.

    Menai Strait (who is seldom shut down or 'knobbled' in his informed comments) has his comment quickly removed by the Blog Administrator with the usual 'This comment has been removed by the blog administrator', but not before Baptist Trainfan on 15 Oct wrote 'This is indeed a sad and sordid story ...'. But then the screen went blank!!!

    So, what was it. Why was Menai Strait blocked out? Why did Ancient Briton's blog administrator (if not he) shut the site down?

    But it seems it's OK for us to continue with conjecture about why other scandals are dropped by church lawyers in Aberdeen or Llandaff. Hopefully Menai Strait will be brave enough to have a second bash at informing us of this 'sad and sordid' story otherwise knobbled might be the obvious assumption.

    1. As frustrating as it can sometimes be to see contributions occasionally removed (especially before having seen them and taking a screenshot of particularly spicy comments), I am certainly not going to criticise AB for doing so.
      His blog, his rules, his judgement and his decision. The subject might well also have been deemed to be "off topic" but when breaking news occurs in current affairs, the only means of drawing it to AB's attention (possibly as a prompt that might lead to a whole new thread) is to append it to the latest thread, whether on or off topic.
      The pot luck approach.
      With apologies to AB if the expression in quotation marks is somehow unacceptable, if you are that desperate to know just Google "The crystal Methodist".

  3. This story is uncomfortable. I suspect it's because she's a woman that she's been misconstrued as a bully. When did we last hear of a male bishop being pursued with bullying claims? I bet she's just a woman, in a man's world, who has balls.

