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The King and Queen Consort sign the visitors’ book in Llandaff Cathedral Source: Anglican Ink |
The shock of the Queen's death was quickly followed by a stream of well rehearsed state events culminating in her late Majesty's state funeral yesterday. It has been history in the making.
Deserving of special praise for their 'flawless' professionalism were the young guardsmen who carried the Queen's coffin.
Nearly everything went as planned. Even the Archbishop of Canterbury did well, concentrating in his funeral service sermon on the Queen's faith and the place of Jesus Christ in her life, an example for our woke Anglican bishops to follow but hardly likely.
It fell to Wales narrowly to avoid disaster. Visiting Llandaff Cathedral on his tour of the four nations of the United Kingdom HM King Charles III with his Queen Consort visited Llandaff Cathedral for a service of prayer and reflection for Queen Elizabeth II.
As the King and Queen processed up the aisle to sign the visitors book, Camilla made an expert recovery after her heel became stuck in one of the cracks not covered over. The bishop of Llandaff looked unconcerned as she smiled and nodded to members of the congregation as she processed behind His Majesty.
Fortunately Camilla grabbed the King's arm to steady herself before freeing her shoe. One can only speculate on the consequences if the Queen Consort had fallen, possibly breaking an ankle or worse.
June has appointed a new Dean of Llandaff, the Reverend Canon Richard Peers. He will need our prayers. He is currently Sub Dean at Christ Church Oxford and 'lives with his partner Jim, a garden writer, and their dog Teilo'.
Although I have not seen the announcement I hear that June will retire in December following the installation of the new dean. She leaves behind her a string of vanity projects, examples here and here, while her cathedral crumbles.
One would have thought that the bishop would have left the appointment to her successor but there is no honour among a bench who have robbed the Church in Wales of its heritage.
More Rum pansies and pink Gins to look forward to in the Llandaff Deanery then.
ReplyDeleteOn the bright side, if Caiaphas is going in December it might actually be a happy new year!
One wonders what Professor Martyn Percy might have to tell us about the new Dean elect?
DeleteTwo gay men living together in the Llandaff Deanery. Are there no Welsh clergy prepared to oppose?
Let's face it LW, it will hardly be the first time in Llandaff and it is well known the vast majority of the clergy are cowards.
ReplyDeleteLooks like he's a hypocrite carrying a lot of baggage with him.
Why would a Sodality worry about Priestesses at all and why would they be willing to have an openly gay priest as their Superior in the first place?
DeleteSounds altogether very dodgy.
Who or what are the grand total of sixty globally spread Sodomites of Mary the mother of Priests (she must have been a busy girl!) and what do they need a Posterior?
DeleteWhy does the Church in Wales now seem to routinely recruit from England to fulfil these senior roles? Is there no longer clergy of experience and talent within Wales to undertake these tasks, as once there used to be?
ReplyDeleteOne of the besetting problems of the Church in Wales was and continues to be its insularity. Over time, this has produced a rather inward-looking and self-perpetuating clique. Nowadays, ordinands are seldom graduates before beginning vicaring studies at St Padarn's (which, I have no doubt, is a very good institution). Bringing people in from outside the Province is no bad thing - not a fail-safe for producing the best, of course; but better than unrelenting 'incest' of Archdeacons appointing from their own number.
DeleteI take your point on that; I recall, back in the 1960s, that the diocese of Swansea and Brecon seemed to have a particular preponderance of clergy who had never moved out of the diocese; and, indeed, a remarkable number who were themselves sons of the parsonage, so that wits occasionally alluded to its 'levitical priesthood. Even its bishop at that time had served his entire ministry in S & B, and maybe it was no coincidence that the same wits described it as 'the dead see'!
DeleteI'm sure that some movement between dioceses and provinces will indeed 'improve the clerical bloodline', so to speak. But these days the appointment of clergy from outside Wales to the episcopate seems closer to being the rule rather than the exception, however welcome some exceptions might arguably be.
And virtually invariably they seem to be recruited from England, and from nowhere else in the Anglican communion; not even from Ireland or Scotland. I live in one of those areas of Wales where, historically, 'chapel' used to predominate and the Church in Wales even now tends to be viewed as the church of the 'cracach' and of English migrants! A bench of bishops largely composed of non-Welsh speaking 'blow-ins' from England seems to me quite likely to reinforce that impression.
Fr Peers is a Welsh speaker at least.
DeleteOxford Anglican
Oh, well, that will make all the difference!
DeleteInteresting that's the only positive you have to offer as consolation.
I have never knowingly met the man and know regrettably little about the Church in Wales so can offer nothing more substantive in the way of either consolation, clarification or condemnation than the fact that he can speak Welsh, I'm afraid.
DeleteBest stick to Oxford then, eh?
DeleteFormer Dean Bonaparte was a welsh speaker.
So too was former Dean Janet Henderson, I believe.
As was former Dean Gerwhine Capon.
As was former acting Dean --Darth Insidious, Archhypocrite Morgan the Malignant.
Each and every one a complete disaster for Llandaff Cathedral.
I'm reasonably certain that Eryl Thomas was a Welsh speaker too since he came from Anglesey in the North.
DeleteLlandaff has never really recovered from the damage he did.
So precisely what do you think you have added to this thread or discussion Oxford Anglican?
DeleteThis dyslexic believes in Dog, all I was pointing out was that, in response to a comment in John Ellis's post which referenced non Welsh speaking English blow ins, Fr Peers actually speaks Welsh.
DeleteI may not know Fr Peers or the CinW but I do know Wales, having lived there for some years and being of Welsh stock, and, actually, as a Welsh learner I think Welsh speaking clergy in Wales a good thing.
The facts listed by Lux Et Veritas and Llandaff Pewster demonstrate you have no idea what you're talking about.
DeleteFor the last fifty years or so, the Taffia have consistently been a disaster for the anglo catholic tradition. If you were a local you would know this.
I feel sure that there suitable candidates for these posts within Wales; perhaps they are heterosexual and therefore do not qualify.
ReplyDeleteAccording to this link, Richard Peers is/was the subject of a recent CDM as a result of his involvement in the Christ Church affair.
Has the disciplinary measure been resolved and with what outcome?
Thanks Lux Et Veritas for throwing some light on Richard Peers' activities at Christ Church. In the article this caught my eye:
Delete"Graham Ward …. Canon Richard Peers …Both these individuals have subsequently played major roles in opposing and undermining Percy. In the case of Peers, a CDM was eventually taken out against him because of his many alleged malign statements against Percy."
I have no axe to grind regarding Percy. However, considering he was at Christ Church for barely 2 years, Peers didn't waste any time in getting involved with the Percy affair. It begs the question, was he brought in to help force Percy out?
I'd wondered why Peers was clearing out of Oxford after such a short time. This article filled in some important gaps. It's not surprising, as Oxford colleges are deeply partisan, highly political and full of personalities liable to take offence. Maybe the anti-Percy crowd saw some advantage in bringing Peers into Christ Church.
Such controversies seem rather reminiscent of Lister Tongue, both before and during his time as Dean of St Woolos!
The terms "many alleged malign statements" suggest Dick the new Dean will slip effortlessly into and immerse himself completely in the Llandaff midden.
DeleteJust how poor / unsuitable / inappropriate / disliked can the other applicants have been?
That's a good point 2020.
DeleteWho were the other applicants?
And there's more... He was the headmaster of a secondary school in Lewisham that failed its OFSTED inspection and was placed into special measures, only for Peers to fall upwards and be appointed Diocesan Director of Education in Liverpool. But, as we know, Liverpool has form when it comes to taking in refugees who've failed the grade elsewhere to its senior ranks. Just look at who's dean of their cathedral!
DeleteHow long do we give him? A year? Eighteen months? I'm told there are skeletons rattling around the cupboards in Tom Quad that will eventually see the light of day.
ReplyDeleteObviously another one of the LGBTQIA+-#&@% alphabet people shipped in by Caiaphas to help with the forced introduction of gay "marriage" in the next couple of years.
June really has been a disaster throughout. If you are a woman and a Dean of a significant Medieval Cathedral for 15 years in the CofE and not being offered purple that should've told the CinW everything it needed to know.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I'm reading here, due diligence is sadly lacking once again in this appointment. The whole Percy affair was a disaster and those involved should've come with a massive 'buyer beware' sign glued to their forehead. It's like June wants to throw a grenade into the mix and walk away into the sunset. Time will tell if this is yet another own goal.
By comparison with Caiaphas and with the benefit of hindsight maybe Jeffrey John would have been a safer pair of hands.
DeleteBut either way, it seems there's no escaping the gay cabal, their familiars and fag hags.
Just remember the abject failure of the last Llandaff Electoral College and that Caiaphas was the choice of the other plonkers on the bench.
I shudder to even think about the possible outcome of the next Llandaff Electoral College.
I understood the search for a new Dean (to replace the complete disaster, --Bazza's glove puppet, the Capon) was to take into account the wishes and feelings of members of the Cathedral congregation following an in-depth and extensive consultation.
DeleteAm I wrong?
Did the long-suffering pewsters in Llandaff really indicate that they wanted another highly controversial openly active homosexual dragging with him a scandal and reputation for throwing his weight around in Oxford?
Either Caiaphas has lost the plot entirely or this is her parting gesture (a Harvey Smith two-fingered salute) of "Thanks" to the Cathedral for her shitty five years here.
Of course, she will forget the inconvenient truths that she is the author of her own difficulties. Had she listened to wiser Counsel who repeatedly warned her that Capon and the slimy Mr Toad were entirely untrustworthy, things might have turned out differently.
She won't be missed.
@Father David Lloyd
DeleteVery sorry to hear that you didn't get the job after all.
However I am also relieved to hear that you won't be running the risk of being tainted by the stink of swamp gas.
SHE'S GOING! This afternoon June Osborne emailed the clergy of the Llandaff Diocese to say that she will resign at the end of 2022. She will announce to the Diocesan Conference this evening.
ReplyDeleteHip hip hooray and good bloody riddance.
DeleteBishopette "I am the accuser!" Caiaphas the Clarke's Pie muncher has been a complete disaster.
Is she going to retire to Santiago di Compostela?
Seems like she is in an unseemly haste to get out of Dodge as fast as possible after installing a new Dean.
DeleteDick the Dean elect should be hearing alarm bells ringing and seeing red lights flashing.
He'd be wise to get in touch with Janet Henderson before taking the plunge into the Llandaff midden.
Not before time.
DeleteDoes she know the skeletons in the cupboards are rattling and desperate to get out before she does?
As mentioned on a previous thread, Llandaff Cathedral needs a Fred.
DeleteWhat it has been given is a Freda and a Molly.
It's probably nothing short of a miracle that the Transexual from the city centre didn't get the Llandaff Deanery, although the forthcoming vacancy in Llys Esgobette is further cause for serious concern.
DeleteCalamity June is going.
DeleteShame it's about five years late.
What a disastrous Bishop, and now leaving Llandaff with a gay Dean and partner arriving in the Deanery. Destructive and Church destroyer to the end - go now.
ReplyDeleteDesmond Tutu's lesbian daughter banned by the Diocese of Hereford.
Well done Hereford.
Now watch the alphabet people pile in.
This is what you can look forward to now in Llandaff.
DeleteVirtue signalling and Wokeism alive and well in Cambridge.
Isn't it fascinating that among all the recommendations and proposals, the option of returning the endowments to the donors' families doesn't appear?
Is it true that every Odeon cinema in the Diocese of Llandaff is going to have a screening of the Wizard of Oz on 31 December 2022, and as the film comes to an end, the audience are going to be encouraged to join in a lively rendition of Ding, dong, the witch is dead? Just wondering. I'm sure there will plenty of Dorothy's friends to pack out a few cinemas.
Accepted, I'm off comment, there was a time when a personal friend of mine was denied "Purple" because he was a Divorcee. The person was the Late Bishop of Bangor, +Tony.,otherwise known as the Rt Reverend Anthony Crocket. +Tony would have been an ideal Bishop and Archbishop, his personal situation he was Divorced, hmm Archbishop. Eventually, the Church in Wales realised they had made a great mistake and +_Tony was Consecrated Bishop and then Enthrowned in the Bangor Diocese. Isn't it strange that we now have a Divorcee as Archbishop, a Lesbian as Bishop of Monmouth, and two women under scrutany as Bishops of St David and Llandaff.
ReplyDeleteUnder the rules of the Church in Wales, doctrine and Scripture, Tony Crockett should never have been Bishop.
DeleteThe fact that Wendy left him was one thing, but he also chose to remarry.
Just like the adulterous chocolate teapot in Bangor today.
Standards haven't just slipped, they've plummeted.
It does seem rather odd that Marriage after divorce is still a canonical impediment to ordination in the CinW, whereas any other arrangement these days is practically de rigueur.
DeleteIndeed, divorced ordinands are advised not to remarry until they've been ordained since they would need a dispensation from the Bench.
DeleteOnce ordained you can divorce and remarry to your heart's content. Just don't get caught having an affair in between.
Unless you're a former Bishop of St Davids.
DeleteThen you can keep shagging your Chaplain, lie through your teeth and count on your mate Morgan the Malignant of Llys Ego to hang on to your job as long as possible!
God forbid that morals or ethics should come into it.
Oh yes, if you are an Archbishop you can also make up your rules and, subject to a questionable investigation, carry on behaving as you see fit.
Depressing and predictable as AB subscribers' comments from Llandaff are, we up here in Gogledd-Land are somewhat envious. At least cousins in South Wales appear to have some remnants of despairing 'enthusiasm' left for their cathedral church and its future whereas in Bangor, all hope is now lost. Nothing confounds us any longer in the prostitution of St. Deiniol's by the little puppet Sion ap Rhys Evans installed by the failed Bishop Alice in Wonderland. There's to be a congregational meeting on Thursday. I can already predict it will be a sham. If not sham, then hopefully as entertaining as the Muppet Show with pink-pants Miss Piggy-Bank stamping more power to his/her own claim over goings-on.
ReplyDeleteAt least with failed deans Susan Jones and Kathy Jones the congregants had some small say in cathedral affairs. All's forgiven ladies.
Ad Clerum
ReplyDeleteThe gay bandwagon trundles on in communist Cuba.