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The Bishop of St Davids, Joanna Penberthy Source: Western Telegraph |
A statement posted on 31 August 2022 sent to all clergy in the diocese of St Davids announced that bishop Joanna is currently on sick leave. The three territorial archdeacons of St Davids, Carmarthen and Cardigan have been appointed by the bishop as her Commissaries. It is not clear whether her sick leave is related to her previous absence.
In June 2021 a call was made by a Conservative MP for her resignation over her 'divisive views'.
The bishop was earlier signed off on sick leave after apologising for a much criticised tweet that she had posted in which she had urged: “Never, never, never trust a Tory.”
Presumably she will miss the next meeting of the Governing Body of the Church in Wales which is to be held on Wednesday and Thursday 7 and 8 September 2022 at ICC-Wales, Newport.
The Agenda and papers can be found here but say little.
Rather than tell us when she is off, it might easier for us if she tells us in advance which days she will be working next year.
Hopefully the answer will be "None".
DeleteI don't these days follow the domestic affairs of the Anglican province of Wales especially closely, but she seems to be ill and on sick leave rather often.
DeleteThough it doesn't seem to be just a female thing; Bishop Pain, formerly of Monmouth, appeared to be ill for an unusually protracted period of time before he eventually resigned. If there was any explanation of what lay behind that, I never saw any suggestion as to what it was.
Whereas in earlier days, when bishops sadly fell ill, at least we were all made aware of what the issue was. As, for instance, with Glyn Simon of Llandaff with his tragic affliction of Parkinson's disease.
Haven't you seen the Pain/Monmouth report John?
DeleteThe heavy drinking and swearing culture?
It's not just a bishop thing either.
DeleteThe Capon in Llandaff got away with swinging the lead for over two years and according to the ears in the walls still walked away with a big payoff.
@ Subversive Canon:
DeleteNo, I've no knowledge whatever of the background of Pain's predicament; as I say, I've been rather distanced from the Church in Wales for quite a long time - since the mid-80s, in fact.
Though I do have some acquaintance with stories around his tenure of a parish in Monmouth diocese, prior to his elevation to the episcopate. An odd saga, even then.
Full details were all over this blog like a rash not too many moons ago.
DeleteOh well, looks like another large 6 figure settlement is on the cards. How will history record the ministry of Wales' first female Bishop I wonder?
A settlement for what?
DeleteDodoJo should have been summarily dismissed on the spot!
Just imagine the furore if she'd written "Never never never trust a Lesbian".
I could not believe it when I read she was getting £226k! How do they decide on these figures? Answers on a postcard please
Its not just that certain wommin senior priests appear to contract long-term illnesses (or 'sickies') they actually spread them. Think of the two 'beloved' former deans of Bangor Cathedral, Susan Jones and Kathy Jones respectively. Under one's bullying, the Rev. Canon David Fisher had to be signed off 'sick' suffering mental health stress traumas and under the other, Car-crash Kathy, the Rev Canon Philip Barratt suffers and still suffers (although he fled the diocese) similar; not to the surprise of many colleagues and congregants. The caring, healing Church?
ReplyDeleteSeems some just can't swallow their own medicine. Truly pathetic.
Ad Clerum
Meanwhile the church turns against one of its own ministers for preaching his religious and philosophical beliefs.
ReplyDelete`A school chaplain claims he was ‘betrayed’ by the Church of England after it branded him a safeguarding risk to children for giving a sermon on identity politics.You are a danger to children, Church of England tells school chaplain who said pupils could disagree with woke dogma: A sinister twist in Rev Bernard Randall's fight for his career after he was reported to an anti-terror unit by his bosses`.
That is just about the most disgusting story, even by the utterly dismal standards of the Church of England.
DeleteDoes anyone know how to get details of this to Kevin and George at Anglican Unscripted?
We should pray for him that he wins the case. We live, in this country, with the belief that we have free speech, but that is not the case. This chaplain had the right to tell these children that they don't have to fall in line with the woke, snowflake culture. The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, the Most Rev'd Jose Gomez, in a recent speech, described this culture as nothing less than atheistic. What does it say about the Church of England and the Cult in Wales that they have bought into it lock, stock, and barrel?
That seems to me to be a truly outrageous story even by the appalling present-day standards of the Church of England.
DeleteDoes anyone know how to get the details of it to Kevin and George at Anglican Unscripted?
Kevin and George of Anglican Unscripted discuss the church`s treatment of Rev Bernard Randall at about 11 minutes into the video,
Libby Lane is a disgrace.
DeleteIs there another election due?
ReplyDeleteThe madness continues as a Christian teacher who refused to use gender-neutral pronouns for a transgender student has been sent to Mountjoy prison for contempt of court.
It’s not quite as mad as you imply. He was not jailed for refusing to use gender-neutral pronouns. He was jailed for contempt of court by disobeying a court order requiring him to Stay away from the school during the disciplinary process.
The madness is that he was in court in the first place. What happened to freedom of speech ? Article 18 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that 'everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion'.
DeleteAgain, that rather misses the point. His suspension for refusing to use gender-neutral pronouns may have been mad (I rather think it was). But that’s not why he was in court. He was in court for insisting on turning up at school during his suspension despite an instruction not to do so. That is why an injunction was granted. And he did not obey the injunction. That is not a matter of freedom of expression. It is contempt of court and needlessly provocative and he has only himself to blame.
YOU miss the point entirely RB.
DeleteA Christian teacher's duty and loyalty is to God and Scripture, not the zeitgeist or some politically correct moron on the bench!
Wokeism is very real and very dangerous.
I see in today's news that adverts for meat are to be banned in Holland.
That dopey 17 year old Greta, who is most definitely "on the spectrum" is telling the rest of us what to think and what to eat.
To hell with that BS!
It would be more helpful - both to your underlying concerns and to careful thought on them - if you didn’t muddle the issues, Cymru’r Groes.
DeleteIt may well be that the teacher was justified in refusing to go along with the insistence on gender-neutral pronouns. But, when he had been suspended pending a disciplinary enquiry, it is hard to see how his duty to God required him to disobey an instruction to stay away from the school during the period of his suspension or to disobey a court order requiring him to stay away.
It is equally hard to see why you should call the judge a “politically correct moron”, when the injunction and the committal order were not based on any decision that the teacher ought to have used gender-neutral language. The implication that the court punished someone for upholding Christian values is false.
The mere fact that this issue was ever put before a Court in the first place suggests otherwise to me.
DeleteMore Transgender fascism in a Church school.
DeleteDon't the school or the Court have anything more important to be doing?
Thank you for the clarification, RB, without it this part of the thread would have been seriously misleading.
DeleteMeghan Markle would make an ideal new Bishop of St David's
ReplyDelete-world class public speaker
-large social media following
-passionate about climate change, social justice, and gender issues
.... I can imagine the dancing on the streets in South Africa when she is appointed
Target 🎯 practice.
DeleteI trust you jest. 😂 😂
DeleteThe real question tonight is which fool might have agreed to become the next Dean of Llandaff Cathedral and can they afford to pay the fuel bills for the Aga in the Deanery kitchen?
ReplyDeleteI fear the answer to that question is 'someone who hasn't been told the whole story.'
DeleteI am still astonished that, despite a commitment to consult widely and reflect on the sorry series of events that led to the resignation of the former Dean, the decanal appointment process seems rushed to the point of recklessness. An Interim Dean has been appointed and should have been allowed to steady the ship for at least 12 months. This is exactly the strategy adopted in the Diocese of Norwich after the incumbent of Wymondham Abbey resigned after a disastrous period in office. The Diocese of Winchester has completely paused the appointment of a new Bishop to allow a period of healing and reflection after the departure of the former bishop. Canterbury has an Interim Dean for 12 months. One can only conclude that June Osborne's haste is a sign of her determination to make an appointment before her retirement next year. If that is the case, it is depressingly (and characteristically) self-serving. It could also confirm several views I've heard expressed that she has had a candidate waiting in the wings from the beginning.
Anyone who doesn't know the whole story will only have themselves to blame.
DeleteThey could read this blog, read the Church Times, watch Anglican Unscripted, call Janet Henderson or call retired Canon Holcombe if they can be bothered.
Caveat emptor.
If you're suggesting Cymru'r Groes, that we all succumb to the laws of God as primate or scriptural laws passed down pre-AD and consider man-made laws to be 'moronic' then by same token, I assume you're content with Islamic Mad Mullahs Sharia law being passed down with their swift and barbaric punishments ... mainly against women.
ReplyDeleteOld Bill
I hope that during her sick leave Bishop Penberthy has time to contemplate this passage from the Bible -
ReplyDelete2 Corinthians 11:`I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.12 I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about. 13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve`.
Plankers in Wales read the Bible?
DeleteCome off it ME, you must surely know better than that by now.
God bless Her Majesty.
ReplyDeleteLong live the King.
Amen. God save the King.
Good to see a call for the Church in Wales to repent at GB, even if it came from a young lay member rather than anyone in authority.
Around 3:22:15
The Cult in Wales is already the subject of ridicule and dying.
DeleteHowever, that young man is not wrong and good for him for speaking out, but how can they hear when they're not listening, the ears of the Bishops are stone deaf.
Why is that young man even on the GB? He's moved to England where he is now employed as a youth worker. He should have the decency to resign from GB rather than appear and speak so offensively and rudely. There's something very unpleasant about every word he utters. I watched the recording and noted that he even objected to the Church in Wales' Dignity policy on the grounds that he wanted the freedom to speak offensively about others. What a complete jerk. Unpleasant young man.
Hi Druid, how you’ve made me smile! I’m on the GB because I was asked to be, which is why I was co-opted not elected. I’m going to see out my term and then I won’t be on it any longer. What I said about the dignity charter is that both Jesus and Paul used strong words when calling people to repentance and that this can be necessary, and also that the dignity charter could be used to stop people from giving biblical teaching that some may find offensive (for example, on sexuality). The dignity charter could have some really terrible consequences. You should note though that I did begin by saying that protecting human dignity is important. I didn’t speak rudely either time I spoke, but if you felt offended, maybe ask yourself why. I’m flattered you found me so memorable!
DeleteMy name’s Jon Sadler, what’s yours?
Take no notice of "Druid" whatsoever Jon.
DeleteThe distorted and perverse view expressed is textbook untRuthy/TP woke virtue-signalling snowflakeism and appears to be from someone deliberately looking to be offended by anyone holding views contrary to their own.
Your opinions are just as valid as anyone else's and I for one applaud you, agree with what you said and how you said it.
It's all too predictable that the GB will continue with the Cult in Wales on its path of terminal decline and you'll be better off well out of the swamp.
Jon. My apologies for publishing Druid's offensive comment. I have found the extract Dick referred to and fail to see how he found your contribution offensive or rude.
DeleteBravo! Pity there are not more like you on the GB to help save the Church in Wales from itself.
I'm glad you did publish Druid's twisted view of the world as I believe it's better to know your enemy and what they're thinking.
DeleteNo sane person could possibly interpret Jon's remarks in such a way but my fear is that the majority of poodles on the GB do so judging by the outcomes.
Has anyone asked how many converts resulted from spending the last £10 million?
Precisely what do GB think they're going to get for another £100 million?
Bewildered, the last Archplanker of Wales used to tell his parishes that if they kept on doing the same old thing, they will get the same old result. The GB have been doing the same old thing for the last thirty years - liberalism, secularism, and even more liberalism and secularism. What did they get for £10million? A shop in Wrexham, and that's about it. What will they get for £100 million? Ten more shops perhaps.
DeleteWith regard to Jon, I applaud him. He had the courage to stand up and tell the GB to repent, and that could not have been easy. All power to his elbow for doing so.
Jon, you will never know how many people around the principality were behind you 100%. Of course, the truth hurts; and those who are offended by your words are offended because you spoke the truth, and in the depths of their being they know that there is need for repentance. All you have done is to touch a raw nerve. Please carry on touching raw nerves. At least you are being faithful to your baptismal calling to fight against sin, the world, and the devil, and to remain Christ's faithful servant to your life's end.
Perhaps you would like to try a tactic from the Reverend Geoff Waggett. He used to take a Bible to Diocesan Conference and tear pages out of it and throw them away. That is exactly what the GB do when it comes to handling Scripture they don't like - they throw divinely inspired teaching away.
Save time and stick all 66 books of the Bible in the shredder at once.
DeleteThe attitude of the plonkers on the bench is that they've all moved on from that and it's just SO yesterday don't you know?
On Radio 4, on Sunday morning, the Archheretic and Apostate of Bangor claimed that the modern Church in Wales is a "vibrant" church.
ReplyDeleteI thought as I listened: So vibrant that it is rumoured that the Diocese of Monmouth is a few years away from bankruptcy; and the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon is not far from extinction. I wonder from where the Archheretic buys his rose-tinted spectacles? Does anyone know?
And what process of consultation, not to say legal scrutiny, has taken place to change the name of the Governing Body to 'General Assembly' as per the Church Times report, this morning?