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Church in Wales parish church of SS Andrew and Teilo, Woodville Road, Cathays, Cardiff. Source: Wikipedia |
The parish church of SS Andrew and Teilo has followed the revisionist path of the Church in Wales to the letter but that has not saved parishioners from being sacrificed by bishop June Osborne. Her latest strategy, presumably for growth, is to give away their church. Parishioners are far from pleased.
From their petition Save St Teilo's - Save Our Community:
"In March 2019 the members of St Teilo’s church have been informed that a decision has been made by the Bishop of Llandaff, June Osborne, to give their church away to an evangelical church called Holy Trinity Brompton. The decision was made with no consultation with the clergy or members of the congregation and wider community and she says the decision is final."
"In March 2019 the members of St Teilo’s church have been informed that a decision has been made by the Bishop of Llandaff, June Osborne, to give their church away to an evangelical church called Holy Trinity Brompton. The decision was made with no consultation with the clergy or members of the congregation and wider community and she says the decision is final."
Popularly known as St. Teilo's, the parish church became St. Andrew and St. Teilo after the nearby St. Andrew's church was rededicated as Eglwys Dewi Sant.
Before its rededication St Andrew's was a chapel of ease to St John the Baptist Church, the civic church in the heart of Cardiff now dedicated to the advancement of transgenderism following the bishop's appointment of a transgender activist vicar.
Before its rededication St Andrew's was a chapel of ease to St John the Baptist Church, the civic church in the heart of Cardiff now dedicated to the advancement of transgenderism following the bishop's appointment of a transgender activist vicar.
Led by a female priest the parish of SS Andrew and Teilo has an "inclusive ethos" and is "formally associated with the Inclusive Church movement". They responded to the Church in Wales initiative taking up the Seven Sacred Spaces model to shape their mission life, something the former bishop of Llandaff, Archbishop Barry Morgan referred to as "places of pilgrimage", an unfortunate link in June Osborne's year of pilgrimage initiative as she prepares to fly her diocesan clergy much farther afield in her widely ridiculed Costa Compostela initiative.
Famed for its Alpha course, Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) describes itself as "a vibrant Anglican church in the heart of London, passionate about seeing lives changed in the name of Jesus." In 2017, the Church Revitalisation Trust (CRT) was established to help build on this momentum of church planting in strategic cities across the UK:
While the success of HTB is to be admired, it is no reason for the bishop's high handed action, destroying one congregation in the hope of starting another. That is not church planting.
"Church planting is a process that results in a new (local) Christian church being established. It should be distinguished from church development, where a new service, new worship center or fresh expression is created that is integrated into an already established congregation. For a local church to be planted, it must eventually have a separate life of its own and be able to function without its parent body, even if it continues to stay in relationship denominationally or through being part of a network." Wikipedia
Church of England Bishops set out principles for church planting.
Among their guiding principles [20 ii]:
"We expect those responsible for church plants to commit themselves to work
to the best of their ability in cooperation with the other churches in the local
area, including the church in whose parish the new church plant is located, as
an integrated part of deanery and diocesan structures. They should aim to use
some of their resources to support the mission of their neighbours and expect
to make regular financial contributions to the diocese, as an expression of the
mutual responsibilities that are a normal part of church life."
Church in Wales bishops have been resolute in refusing permission for orthodox bishops to cross the border. HTB plants have their own bishop for church plants, the Bishop of Islington. There is no indication how this would work in Wales.
We have been here before.
Revisionist bishops have destroyed orthodox Anglicanism in Wales, sacrificing faithful worshippers in pursuit of their secularist agenda. If attempting to address the resulting decline with another experiment is June Osborne's answer parishioners is not taking it lying down.
You can sign their petition here.
Postscripts [22.03.2019]
Church Times: Church in Wales launches its first resource church
[25.03.2019] Anglican Unscripted coverage:
For iconic priesthood, read worldly pique and ambition.
ReplyDeleteChange insightfully caring to pruriently intrusive.
Delete chastened and humbled. Insert humiliated.
Interpret slain in the spirit as browbeaten to exhaustion ... Geoffrey Hill
HTB Resource Churches are supposed to deliver new congregations, not obliterate existing ones. What actually happens more often than not is that they draw like-minded people from a wide catchment and leave other churches hamstrung in trying to achieve growth. In this diocese (which is why I wish to remain anonymous) that is exactly what has happened, and we are paying up to £4 million from precious diocesan funds to support it while struggling to allocate stipends to growing churches elsewhere. They present an exciting prospect of vibrant growth but the reality is very different.
ReplyDeleteSigned: Anonymous HTB Sceptic
I certainly read some years ago a well-researched analysis of St. Michael-le-Belfrey in the centre York (not part of HTB!) which suggested exactly what you are saying. It sought to compare York to cities of similar size and demographic and concluded that the surrounding "inner city" parishes were doing disproportionately badly. It couldn't definitely prove cause and effect, but the results were - ahem! - intriguing. Contrast this to a visiting preacher (former Assistant Minister) I once heard in a large Glasgow city-centre church which drew from a wide area, saying that he hoped half the congregation wouldn't be there in the future as, having been well fed spiritually over the years, they would now be supporting the churches they'd passed on their way into town.
DeleteI couldn't, wouldn't, worship Alpha style, which I regard as psychologically unhealthy. Worship drifting into entertainment, also somewhat man-centred, with twanging guitars, shallow choruses and animal grovelling in the aisles (yes, I know about Wesley's experiences).
ReplyDeleteHowever, Holy Trinity, Brompton, is not known for the advanced ethics promoted by Wales' fema!e bishops. There is likely to be a conflict as some stage, AB, don't you think?
Which Parish will be next?
ReplyDeleteEvery single Parish in Llandaff and Wales should withold their Parish shares until they receive written confirmation (that is legally binding) that they won't be the next to be royally screwed over.
A very good question, Teilo. Why is it that June would pick on a reasonably functional parish instead of (say) taking over a recently closed church in a good state of repair?
DeleteSt Teilos should call an emergency meeting of their PCC and have the churchwardens withhold all funds intended for the diocese like the Parish Share. Also any parish fundraising for specific goals (e.g. their organ) should cease forthwith. They need to set up a restricted fund for their own objectives and if the congregation is forced out by HTB, take it with them when they leave.
There's something really insidious about this "church planting" business where a semi-autonomous group from elsewhere takes it upon themselves to insert their agents in your congregation. The effects are divisive and even if the result is a "megachurch" of American-style Christian Rock, complete with a charismatic pastor, it's a million miles away from my type of church.
ReplyDeleteAs HTB Sceptic says above, the big Brompton-style model actually cannibalises funds and worshippers from other places in the diocese. And where do the proceeds from the megachurch go? Back to HTB maybe?
My experience of this type of church is that they'll exclude everyone who doesn't fully buy into the HTB experience. A community parish this is not. From what I know of St Teilo's - whatever one thinks of its approach - it is very embedded in its community. For June to rip this out of the heart of Cardiff speaks volumes about her leadership and, dare I say, her desperation to get a result.
Remind you of any other female leaders at the moment?
PP Technically as the Church pays all the upkeep bills and the parish share, the building belongs to its parish, not the diocese. Also the church trust deed, or foundation document would give perhaps a clause that thwarts this transfer. If I were on the PCC I would be seeking legal advice now from an independent source. Cardiff Uni School of Law, maybe.
ReplyDeletePP, I think you are spot on. How many bishops over the years have said that they cannot close a church; because that has to be the decision of the PCC? Barry Morgan most certainly said that in our Parish, to our PCC. The PCC is a legal body in its own right, which is why the Parish insurance policy is not in the name of the Bishop or the Diocese, but in the name of the PCC and the Incumbent. As for the Bishop's remarks that the Diocesan Conference voted for this move; perhaps the Parish Treasurer should send all Parish bills to the Diocesan Conference for payment. What the hell does the Bishop think the Diocesan Conference is? We don't live in a dictatorship. If the Parish is expected to foot its own bills, and the Parish is not happy with the proposed plan, the Parish's word should be final.
DeletePerhaps members of the Electoral College will think twice before handing over the reigns of selection to the Bench of Bishops in future. Otherwise we will end up with even more of these numpties on the Bench, who overstep the mark.
From what I hear, Llanishen will be next!
ReplyDeleteThis is just another sign of the institutional crisis facing the Church in Wales, and the crass insensitivity of a bishop who is insensitive to the distinctive culture and history of the Province. She thinks Cardiff is just another part of 'Britain' like Wolverhampton or Croydon. So she doesn't care that the God Squad from HTB will come in, impose their one-size-fits-all solution, do very little listening, and (possibly) put a few extra bums on seats in the short term. I'll put good money on it, St Andrew & St Teilo will be closed in five years time. You first read it here. If students want formulaic HTB religion, they will join the Christian Union and worship at the City Temple. Now there's even one less place in Cardiff where thoughtful, intelligent and transformative worship can be found. It's just a relief that St Martin's, Roath, is not too far a walk from Cathays Park. That's the 'real' resource parish that's attracting students. Not that June would ever admit, of course. Like Mrs May, she's becoming evermore desperate and delusional.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, yes, Alwyn, I hear that she was told to stuff her threats to a priest in Llanishen. If I were a worshipper in that parish, I would be encouraging the PPCC to withhold their parish share as a consequence of losing their excellent Vicar.
Might I suggest to readers that you shouldn't mention Parish's by name where good worship is to be found. They will probably be next on her hit list. Using reverse psychology, simply praise all those places you wouldn't mind seeing on the hit list. From previous threads, you could begin with the Cathedral!
PP. Thank you Seymour for expressing agreement I note this situation is announced in the Church Times page 9. So it's firmly in the public domain.
ReplyDeleteWhat on earth is going on in the CinW? It's becoming very toxic, what with the Monmouth saga unresolved, this situation and others I'm sure. Where next, it beggars belief.
Becoming toxic?
DeleteAre you joking?
The CinW has been toxic for years, since at least when His --Darkness first arrived in Llandaff.
Now the spendthrift Caiaphas is ensconced in Llys Esgobette it is just more of the same.
I am reliably informed that, when the Mighty June was told by the aforementioned priest that he would not be going on her wasteful charabanc to Sunny Spain, she told him she had the power to revoke his Licence and was minded to do so. He told her where to shove her Licence. Then, in a characteristic act of pastoral concern, Peggy the Pilate got on the blower and tried to tell the priest he couldn't live in his own property in the next door parish. History doesn't record the priest's response; but I am told he is continuing with his original plans!
ReplyDeleteSo one law for His Darkness moving all of a mile or so away in retirement and remaining in his former diocese
DeleteAnd another for “little people”
The ears in the walls report the presence of the malodorous stink of l'eau de --Bazza at Gerwhine's private little coffee morning last Sunday.
DeleteThank goodness for a priest who stands up for his beliefs. More should follow his example and let the bishopette know that she just can't bully her way forward. As for Peggy, what can one say? It is certainly no business of hers where a retired priest decides to live These women would be better occupied in following the vocation they claim to hold but the trouble is that they don't understand what that entails! At this rate, the C in W will collapse even sooner than is predicted.
How typical of the of the obsequious Anglican University Chaplain to support a scheme that deflects attention from the failings of his own outfit. He has often accepted hospitality from the good people of SS Andrew & Teilo. And now he stabs them in the back. Totally dishonourable. Never trust a turncoat liberal in a hurry.
1549, the University Chaplain wants HTB to do all the work with students, leaving him to sit back and relax in his study.
DeleteThis reminds me of an incident when I was at university. A friend had gone fully into HTB-type worship after attending the Alpha course and we used to discuss various religious topics. One evening I was talking in his room and noticed a list on his desk, partly hidden under a book. I took a closer look and saw it contained the names of his friends divided into two columns: "Christian" and "Non-Christian".
The latter column included my name, several other Anglicans, plus some Catholics. I took him to task about this and he opined that we deserved the label as we didn't do things the HTB way. I was furious and harsh words were exchanged...
If that's how HTB sees other sincere Christians, pity help the Church.
If that's how HTB sees other Christians, pity HTB.
DeleteBugger the "Church".
The "Church" in Wales doesn't give a damn about anyone.
As so many have discovered for themselves the hard way and left, once you've served their purpose or as soon as your money has run out or as soon as you start to ask difficult questions or as soon as you start to oppose --Bazza's coven or his gay cabal, you're labelled subversive and shown the door.
The people of St. Teilo's are just discovering for themselves the worth the "Church" attaches to themselves and their feelings or opinions.
The "Church" views each and every one of you as a cash cow to be milked, a commodity to be used and easily disposable.
Welcome to the cult of Caiaphas.
Doesn’t HTB believe in a literal interpretation of the Gospels? Not much room for women priests there?
ReplyDeleteAnd that homosexuality is a sin which can be cured by Conversion Therapy?
All very curious unless Juno thinks it will accelerate the destruction of the C in W
Conversion therapy would be a nice change to the LGBTQIA+#-&@%£* Perversion Therapy drivel promoted by Joanna and Juno.
DeleteThe eminent Anglican theologian, Professor John Milbank (at whose marriage Rowan Williams preached) tweeted "Anglicans should rally to support the successful ‘liberal Catholic’ (in an older sense) Anglican Church of St Teilo in Cardiff against the attempt by the Bishop of Llanduff to impose an evangelical Calvinist HTB type vicar in order supposedly to ‘appeal to young people.'"
ReplyDeleteThere follows an interesting thread to which a certain Sion Rhys Evans has contributed. Twice. He's pontificating about being "attentive to context, detail and episcopacy" (well he would be attentive to the latter wouldn't he?), and then accuses Professor Milbank of a "blunt application of a simplistic frame to something which I know to be more nuanced and contextualized that you presuppose." Uncharacteristically big words from the Bangor Diocesan Secretary, which makes me wonder what the parishioner of Llanberis will make of his claims to be attentive when he's heading towards their church with a bulldozer and all for the lack of £20K for structural repairs. I wonder what the poor bl**dy infantry, who are the remnants of the parish clergy in Bangor, will make of his his pleas for 'nuance' when he sits in senior staff meetings (sorry, Bishop's Council) unleashing his contemptuous venom about clergy who are barely able to cope after he manifestly failed to be 'attentive to context' and imposed these hopeless Mission Areas which are escalating the decline and increasing the workload.
As the late-lamented Anthony Howard once said of Winston Churchill, 'Some people have inconsistency hard-wired into their DNA.' I think that's a polite way to put it. Don't you?
What is the difference between letting HTB loose in Cardiff on a permanent basis from another Anglican Province, but not, by the same token, allowing a ‘flying bishop’ from the same Province to fly in and out?
The necessary "wink, nudge & nod" Pegasus.
DeleteEspecially when the Bishop(ette) of Lancaster is an Associate Bishop of St Asaph
DeleteChurch Times research seems to suggest that few neighbouring parishes are likely to lose many congregants:
Do my eyes deceive me - or have we all been comprehensively deceived? The Church Times article about this takeover by the Momentum branch of Anglicanism tells us that this HTB plant has the full support of the Cardiff Deanery. Really? When were we consulted? I am in a position to know if any form consultation was carried out, and can state absolutely that neither clerical or lay representatives from parishes in the Cardiff Deanery were consulted. Looks like Anna Morrell and Barry the Golfer are back in charge of the C in W spin machine.
ReplyDeleteWhy do senior clergy believe it is acceptable to lie in order to get their own way? Do they live in some kind of self-made fantasy world where they imagine no-one can see through their dissembling deception? It didn't take June long to go native, did it? Or may be this is her natural metier?
In answer to your last two questions Ephraim, June found a diocese where her natural metier fitted the existing modus operandi.
DeleteShe also suffers from similar delusions of grandeur - and importance - as her predecessor did.
Back in the 1980s, the Doyen of the World Council of Churches (now, sadly in a theological cul-de-sac), Hans Rudi Weber, wrote a compelling (and, as it turns out, prophetic) account of church planting as it was beginning to emerge in the States and Australia. It was called 'God's Arithmetic.' He thesis was that church planting actually produced scant numbers of genuinely new Christians. All it did was move the pieces around the chess board, taking people from one ecclesiastical affiliation to another. So those students that already belong to the so-called 'Community' churches might dip their toe into St Andrew and St Teilo after HTB ride into town; and those who have had enough of St Mark's, Gabalfa, might be tempted to give it a go; as well as those who've fallen out with one of the more evangelical free churches. But, in terms of drawing people who are currently sceptical about the Christian faith, or who have been repelled by its easy answers, its sickly clubableness, and lack of intellectual rigour, HTB will make absolutely no impact. I agree. Give it five years. This is about numbers and, morelikely, money. No need to guess whether Andy Crap of Bangor has been asked to write a cheque from his £10m pocket money for this ruse.
ReplyDeleteHTB plants work in London and other metropolitan centres. It's an Anglo-American brand. It does not work in places with a clear Celtic identity. June should have talked to her old mate, Tim Thornton, who tried it and failed abysmally in Truro (which is why he's been 'kicked upstairs' to Lambeth after the Diocese showed signs of serious haemorrhaging). This is just another example of a failure to understand the context and history (sociology degree or not). Having people around her who will challenge her and enable her to see the situation differently is not June's style.
HTB plants may work in London. But has anyone done any serious analysis of how good they are at attracting people through the front door, but equally effective in pushing them out through the back door? That's when parishes like mine find themselves tending the wounds of the large number of casualties that are a consequence of the fundamentalist fantasies, the 'heavy shepherding' and other psychological bullying, and the arrogant assumption that they (and only they) have the right answer. It's just another form of religious sickness.
ReplyDeleteThe only serious analysis we need worry about is that CiW is in critical decline and spends 4% of its yearly budget on mission. Maybe +June has had a whiff of the coffee? I wish the venture every success although the clumsy way its been implemented is another issue.
ReplyDeleteForget the + and the ++ The five of them should be - and the sixth - - 😣
ReplyDeleteMerthyr Organist has raised an interesting question. Where has this ++ designation come from? It strikes me as theologically illiterate.It's not used in the Roman Catholic or Orthodox churches. It's not even used in relation to the Pope. It suggests an archbishop has been consecrated twice, which is nonsense, as s/he is only doing a different kind of job as a bishop. There are only three orders of ministry, after all. The use of the cross before an episcopal signature (on Margaret Barker's reading) is to signify having been anointed ('tau' in the Old Hebrew alphabet was the figuration used for signing with oil in the pre-Exilic Temple and looks like a cross). On other readings (J.N.D. Kelly for example) it was a way of indicating 'humbly' in shorthand. Cardinal Basil Hume always signed his letters 'Yours devotedly' and never used a + in front of his name for that very reason.
ReplyDeleteNeither devotion nor humility are hallmarks of the Welsh bench posers.
DeleteWhy does this come as no surprise to me?
ReplyDeleteJoanna, Caiaphas and the gay cabal will be delighted with this free publicity for their 'liberal' church and agenda.
Sex education: Parents' right to withdraw children could go
Parents' right to remove children from sex and relationships education could be scrapped under reform plans.
The idea is being considered by the Welsh Government as part of its curriculum changes.
New Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is being introduced in primary and secondary schools.
Education Minister Kirsty Williams said she was considering whether allowing parents to remove pupils from the lessons was "still appropriate".
The consultation paper said arrangements had been unchanged for decades and it was "keen to explore potential approaches to modernise".
Ms Williams told Wales Live: "We don't give parents the right to withdraw from specific parts of the curriculum - maths or maybe science if somebody is concerned they don't believe the science around climate change - we don't give parents the right to withdraw children from those lessons.
"So it's about checking in to see if these rights are still appropriate as we move forward with our curriculum reform.
"We will do this sensitively and we will be listening to views and we're not charging ahead in a gung-ho fashion because we realise these are complex but highly important issues and that's why we're listening seriously to people's views."
Currently, Sex and Relationships Education must be taught in secondary schools, but is optional in primary schools - under the new curriculum RSE will also be taught in primary schools.
Government guidance said it should be "developmentally appropriate" and recognise the importance of "diversity and difference across a range of identities related to relationships, sex, gender, sexuality".
There have been protests by parents at a school in Birmingham as they feel classes about LGBT rights were age-inappropriate and incompatible with Islam.
Under the new curriculum, schools would be legally obliged to teach RSE, but the guidance on which areas schools should focus on would be advisory.
However, the Welsh Government said it "fully expects schools to be teaching RSE that is inclusive of LGBTQI+ learners".
Some religious groups, including the Christian Institute, Muslim Council of Wales and the Catholic Education Service, are opposed to the right of withdrawal being removed.
The National Association of Head Teachers said the decision "must continue to sit with parents and carers" although key elements relating to safeguarding must continue for all children.
But the Church in Wales, National Secular Society and Children's Commissioner have backed the idea. The Church in Wales said RSE helped young people "develop an understanding of tolerance and diversity" making it "fundamental to the core purposes of the new curriculum".
The consultation closed on Monday and the government will analyse responses before making a decision.
BBC Wales Live - BBC One Wales, 22:30 GMT, 27 March
The BBC are busy supporting the force-feeding of the Trans agenda to impressionable primary school children yet again.
Delete"Drag Queen Story Time: connecting kids with LGBTQ+ role models of colour"
"It's vital that children can see that people like me exist"
Vital to whom?
DeleteNot the children, certainly.
To get us back to the subject of this thread, have we all be reading the letters page of the Church Times? We should be. An incumbent in the Cardiff Deanery has written to flatly contradict the spin machine's claim that the Deanery of Cardiff was consulted over the importation of HTB. As someone else has already asked, why do our senior clergy think it is ever acceptable to lie in order to ride rough-shod over people who might ask difficult questions? God knows, we had enough of it from the Morgan/Morrell spin machine without June Osborne being parachuted in from the chalk streams of wealthy Wiltshire to continue the deceit. It's a policy that will backfire and compound the malaise. That's not leadership: it's dictatorship.
ReplyDeleteTalking of which, in the same edition of the aforementioned Church Times there are three adverts for Top Brass in the Llandaff Diocese (Diocesan Secretary, Director of Ministry, and an all-sing, all-dancing spin doctor masquerading under the title of 'Communications and Strategy Director'). Clearly, the current arrangements aren't enough for June to drag the unwilling people of the Diocese deeper into her doomed vision. I ask you, how can you expect people to catch a vision, when the person delivering it has been caught out as a blatant liar?
Just more very well paid non-jobs with big job titles for self-important non-people with fragile egos.
DeleteSo Caiaphas is a liar?
DeleteWho'd have guessed?
It reminds me of that old adage- how does one know when a Bishop(ette) isn't lying?
Her lips aren't moving.
And what about THE petition I hear is doing the rounds? 1200 signatures I'm told. Objecting to June's heavy-handedness and... wait for it... lack of consultation. Chickens. Home. Roost. Three words that spring to mind.
DeleteZadok, did you mean to say 'overpaid' rather than 'very well paid'?
Apparently, Llys Esgob has gone into lockdown over the mishandling of the St Teilo's project. You know someone has lost it when they retreat into their bunker. I fear this stupid act of petty dishonesty and all-too-predictable high handedness (for those of us who know June of old) will prove to be her undoing. She can roll into as many parishes as she likes with her powerpoint presentation, and flog her vision to its last breaths, but she knows - and we know - that no-one trusts her anymore. It would be good if the Llandaff clergy grew a pair and told her so on their enforced and excessively expensive sojourn in Spain.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Peggy. Another fine mess you've got us in to. Waving the banner for the sisterhood and putting tribal loyalties before the common good. Ever thought of becoming Prime Minister?
Has Peggy the Pilate EVER thought?
DeleteOnly of herself Harold.
DeleteShe thinks very highly of herself.
If the bishopette insists that the deanery was consulted, she should publish the relevant minute from the meeting where the consultation took place. The absence of such a move would speak volumes! If she has deliberately misled the deanery, diocese and province she should resign immediately as such a flagrant act of dishonesty will tarnish her reputation permanently. If a humble parish priest acted in this way no doubt she would be "on the case" immediately - but, as we know, it's one law for the hierarchy and another for the minions. It's time for the priests themselves to take matters into their own hands, tell her some home truths and make it clear that she no longer has their confidence.
Caiaphas can't publish what has never existed Nemesis.
DeleteLots of good healthy activity at St Teilo's this morning along with appropriate plotting and scheming to foil her cunning plan.
The ears in the walls report Juno dancing a jig of fury over the letter in the Church Times and being very publicly revealed as completely deceitful. The letters author has reportedly been on the receiving end of her ire and is now officially considered to be another subversive.
Welcome to the club Dyfrig.
June's ire is what psychiatrists call 'Projection.' That is an impulsive defence mechanism in which the ego, sensing an attack, seeks to deflect unwelcome interventions that expose character flaws, by denying that they exist and, at the same time, attributing them to others, especially those who bring the weaknesses to light.
ReplyDeleteMore colloquially, we've seen it time and time again in weak leaders who resort to dictatorship. When you're covered in smear, pass it on to someone else. Except this time no-one is falling for it. June is a lair and can only achieve her ends by lying and diminishing those who speak the truth.
We've come to a pretty pass when someone is attacked for revealing the truth. The bishopette is clearly out of her depth and no number of tantrums can disguise the fact that she has been caught out. Come on clergy - tell her some home truths and make it clear that she no longer deserves your confidence. The diocesan conference would be a suitable opportunity - unless you're all going to fall the ploy of refreshments at Llys Esgob after the business part of the meeting.
The clergy are probably best placed to tell June the truth. They probably have her email address! Any of us lesser mortals wishing to contact our Bishop to express our dismay about her dishonesty will have to search very hard fro her contact details. The email addressed of the senior clergy are NOWHERE to be found on the Diocesan website. I eventually tracked one down under 'contacts' on the RB website. Clearly June doesn't want too many of the unwashed getting in touch, despite all her social justice credentials.
ReplyDeleteThat says a lot about the bunker mentality on The Green does it not?
How wonderful a thing it is to see no less than 1,748 people sticking two fingers up to Caiaphas on the St. Teilo's petition.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice to see it reach 2,000 now.
PP. This article about HTB and it take over of an historic church in London may be very interesting. It's worrying as the sale of very precious artifacts:Altar, communion rails etc is absolutely apporant