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The female bishops pose for their group portrait. Photo: Neil Turner/The Lambeth Conference Source: Episcopal News Service |
Perhaps it is a generational thing but I have to admit that I am not a fan of Sandi Toksvig's brand of humour. Having watched bits of QI occasionally her success seems to me to be more to do with lesbianism than comedy.
An admitted humanist Ms Toksvig has written a 'Dear Justin' letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury telling him of his mistakes at the Lambeth Conference.
Before playing the usual victim card she writes:
"So, you and your other religious pals got together at the Lambeth Conference and the main take away seems to be that gay sex is a sin. It was a sin in 1998 and you just wanted to make it clear in 2022 that no-one in you finely frocked gang has moved on from that. Seriously, with the state the world is in, that is what you wanted to focus on? You didn't have other more pressing matters like, I don't know, war or poverty?..."
What the LGBTQ+ lobby fails to understand is it is not about sex it is about marriage.
Civil Partnerships were created for same-sex couples who were not legally allowed to marry. They have legally recognized unions with rights similar to those of marriage.
Having gained such acceptance the LGBTQ+ lobby are not satisfied. For them, marriage is the ultimate stamp of approval. For Christians marriage is the union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others.
But the activists stop at nothing. What we have is a re-run of the campaign for the ordination of women. Originally they campaigned for deaconesses to be ordained deacons. Step by step they succeeded in advancing to the priesthood and the episcopate using the same strategy of stealth and deception.
The result of their efforts can be seen in the women only photograph taken at this year's Lambeth Conference. The number of women bishops attending has grown to 97 in 2022 from 11 in 1998. "We’ve increased exponentially," said Michigan Bishop Bonnie Perry. So much for just wanting to be deacons.
Same sex relations are now characterised as 'Human Dignity', just one of the 'Calls' in the Lambeth Conference programme. The agenda includes much more but for bishops in the Church in Wales and other provinces that have decided by committee that same sex marriage is compatible with Christian teaching, it was the main item for them and they went to Lambeth determined to push their agenda regardless of the cost to the Anglican Communion.
Like TEC in the US the Scottish and Welsh provinces are comparatively wealthy but with steeply declining memberships. They are counted in thousands compared with much poorer, more orthodox provinces in the Global South where membership is counted in millions.
Many of the bishops from poorer areas came to Lambeth intent on upholding the sanctity of marriage. Much was done to thwart them but they continued to fight under Christ's banner as Christians promise in our baptism.
If the will of the Anglican Communion as a whole counted for anything the Welsh bishops and their like would be regarded as a tiny, unrepresentative minority and told where to go.
Instead, synodical processes are manipulated by liberal bishops to drive forward their own agendas. They influence public opinion by appealing to humanists and those who have no religion, increasing secular resentment then claim that the Church is out of step. It is not. They are.
This deception is exemplified by the primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church who tweeted "Tonight I feel a burden lifted of what might happen at this conference and determined that we continue to be an example of diversity, an example of enabling people with differing opinions to remain part of the same Church... 'love means love' to use the latest catch phrase. Watch this video clip in which the primus claims that nobody is to be thrown out of the Communion and that there will be no sanctions for what people do.
Complete garbage.
Whilst pandering to the LGBTWQ+ lobby, thousands of Anglicans who identify with the traditional, orthodox faith, as in the Global South, have been left with no spiritual home. They have effectively been expelled whilst those continuing to attend services are made complicit.
Similarly the archbishop of Wales tweeted "I welcome this afternoon's #LambethCall affirming of the dignity of all people". He was quickly followed by affirming underlings.
If only these idiots could leave Christian marriage alone there would be no problem.
There is a very good explanation of the term apostasy to be found here -
Having read the explanation it reminded me of the time that I heard bishop Penberthy giving her sermon in the Sunday service at Eisteddfod Môn in 2017, exactly five years ago.
I was shocked when I heard what she had to say because it was all about how badly the church had treated LGBTQ+ people in the past and how things should change in the church so that it welcomed them.
Not once did she mention repentance, forgiveness of sins, salvation, life everlasting or even Jesus Christ. Her excuse was that she had preached on what the people wanted to hear !
The following Saturday she led the gay pride event through Cardiff.
If ever there was an example of an apostate well she is it.
2 Corinthians 11:13–14
English Standard Version
13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Jude 4
English Standard Version
4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Titus 1:15–16
English Standard Version
15To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled. 16 They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.
Romans 6:1–2
English Standard Version
Dead to Sin, Alive to God
6 What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?
Sandi Toksvig has always been a self-serving publicity seeking b*tch.
DeleteWith the state the world is in, the alphabet people still held their gay "Pride" month.
With the state the world is in, the alphabet people still seek to subvert the once a decade Lambeth Conference.
With the state the world is in the alphabet people still pursue their agenda of a hostile takeover of not just the Cult in Wales or the Church of England, but the entire Anglican Communion.
Agreed Enoch, but moreover, if Sandi Toksvig is a self confessed humanist (read atheist) then what business is it of hers what any Church does?
DeleteShe should be told to take a running jump!
Oi! My missus looks like Sandy Toksvig -show some respect
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteOf course, you were always a firm proposer of Civil Partnership before it became law weren’t you AB. Hypocrite.
Wrong. You always mention civil partnerships as if queer people should be content with what they have been given. Put up and shut up. But when civil partnerships were first discussed and then legislated for, you were not a supporter. You are now because it suits your argument.
Another unsubstantiated accusation Archer.
DeleteThe Civil Partnership Act 2004 was passed in November 2004, and came into effect on December 5th 2005. My first blog entry was in 2010.
In 2011 I wrote: " I regard civil partnerships as a sensible levelling for those in stable relationships outside marriage and to condemn them as the sexual apartheid of racists [quoting Peter Tatchell] is a new low in political correctness but they want it only their way, never mind the rest of us, including children used to looking forward to their Christmas stories."
Please find a different outlet for your canards.
It won't matter how many times untRuthy/TP/Archer change their nom-de-plume, the deviant perverse error-strewn factually incorrect bullsh#t remains the same, as do the dismal attempts at inferring obsessive behaviour to those who dare to speak out and challenge TPs distorted world view.
DeleteTruly Pathetic.
The ones obsessed with all things homosexual are the homosexuals, their familiars and the BBC.
Imputing their attitudes and conduct onto others should be listed as number 7 of the types of behaviour engaged in by the militant LGBTQIA cabal.
DeleteIf gay sex is upheld as a sin, why do we have a practising lesbian Bishop parading her girlfriend in front of God's altar ?
ReplyDeleteBecause their false "pride", hubris, and ego are THEIR unholy trinity.
DeleteTheir twisted reinterpretation of the word "gay" says it all in microcosm as so many are anything BUT carefree and truly happy.
She's not a real Bishop.
DeleteShe's a heretic imposter who likes dressing up and role play.
How do you know they have sexual relations?
DeleteTed, what she, or anyone else for that matter, gets up to in the bedroom is not of interest to this blog. That is a matter between them and the Almighty. To repeat what I wrote above, "What the LGBTQ+ lobby fails to understand is it is not about sex it is about marriage."
DeleteLW above
ReplyDelete2 Peter 2:20-22 ESV /
ReplyDeleteFor if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.”
2 Peter 3:17 ESV /
You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability.
Hebrews 6:4-8 ESV
For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. For land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed, and its end is to be burned.
Galatians 1:8-9 ESV /
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
Hebrews 10:26-29 ESV /
For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has spurned the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?
2 Timothy 4:3 ESV /
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
Matthew 24:11 ESV /
And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.
Ezekiel 18:24-26 ESV /
But when a righteous person turns away from his righteousness and does injustice and does the same abominations that the wicked person does, shall he live? None of the righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered; for the treachery of which he is guilty and the sin he has committed, for them he shall die. “Yet you say, ‘The way of the Lord is not just.’ Hear now, O house of Israel: Is my way not just? Is it not your ways that are not just? When a righteous person turns away from his righteousness and does injustice, he shall die for it; for the injustice that he has done he shall die.
With respect, ME, debate is healthy, but columns of random quotations from the Bible is akin to having the damn'd Jehovah's Witness on my doorstep ... no chance to draw breath that alone chip with with comment. But if you insist, can we extract from Hodder's Bible version: shorter and with more oooomph !
ReplyDeleteWith respect Ad Clerum, these are not random quotations from the Bible because they all refer to the apostatic. In my opinion it is best to fight evil with the living Word of God which will also educate anyone that has insufficient knowledge, doubts or rebels against God`s authority.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it is up to the blog administrator to decide on the published content.
Have to go as someone is at the door !
Regarding your 1st paragraph. It is unusual to be a comedian these days unless one is a member of the LGBTQ+ community, a Vegan or in a position to tick some other inclusivity box. To be honest, few current comedians make me laugh other than Milton Jones and a select few. BTW, this was a helpful post on the topic: thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you KR. Much appreciated.
DeleteI think I might as well just end it all, if I can’t find acceptance in any church.
ReplyDeleteIf "acceptance in church" is your goal, you're right.
DeleteIt's repentence and forgiveness from God leading to salvation for which you should be aiming.
Has God told you homosexuality is a sin? Has Jesus? What authority do you have to assert that?
DeleteWho mentioned homosexuality?
DeleteOnly you.
Guilty conscience pricking you?
Sought is the word you were seeking.
Try starting with Matthew 19, verses 4 - 6.
DeleteIt is so straightforward that even TP, PMoGS and Archer might understand.
When you're done with Matthew 19, refer yourself here.
Then you can ask Offa's trench how can she bear to be a member of the Cult in Wales, much less a Bishopette, in the face of the stark staringly obvious.
Hypocrisy writ large is the answer.
No, seeked was a choice. Spot of irreverence. No guilt whatsoever actually. You still have no authority to speak for God though - the invisible man in the sky.
DeleteNobody is claiming anything.
DeleteYou asked for information and have been directed to it.
Some cause for celebration however as we all note with considerable interest that
you accept God is a man!!
Progress indeed.
But the alphabet people and the feminazis will NEVER forgive you.
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Who here has claimed to speak for God or the authority to do so?
DeleteYou're dreaming, deluded or smoking some truly whacky baccy AS.
You've missed an S off the end of your pen name.
You're going straight to feminist hell for that one AS and no mistake.
DeleteDo not pass Go, do not collect £200.
Anyone got any idea what pecking order is at play here among the plankettes?
ReplyDeleteCaiaphas and her greasy grin are front and almost centre. DodoJo and Randy Pandy's footstool have been relegated to the back row while Offa's trench seems to be missing.
Minus Monmouth is on there. If you are seeking Minus Mary, she's only an assistant so she's not invited - I understand. Willing to be corrected though.
DeleteUnison Off
Even more bewildering is how many of them hit the ugly branch hard as they fell out of the tree.
DeleteHave the legendary Pontypool front row transitioned?
Can you even begin to imagine the conversations, wheeling and dealing going on over possible candidates for the Llandaff Deanery and even Juno's successor for when she retires next year?
DeleteTalk about a Game of Thrones!
The only good thing is that so many of them look as close to retirement as Caiaphas.
Delete😂 😂
DeleteThere's a few that look ready for "promotion to Glory" as they say in the USA. 😇
Via a burning 🔥 at the stake or three?
DeleteAlthough entirely deserved, such an outcome would be unacceptable for breaching the Lambeth "call" on the environment, pollution and climate change. 😂
DeleteOops. Sorry, just seen minus Mary. Can't understand why she was invited. That's another few grand for the pew sitters to pay out in hotel meals and accommodation and probably some fine vintage
ReplyDeleteWine too.
Unison Off
Minus Monmouth is on the left hand side towards the back.
ReplyDeleteUnison Off
That's the one looking like a blind cobbler's thumb 👍
Did God write the bible?
ReplyDeleteOf course not!
DeleteDid God write the Koran?
ReplyDeleteLambeth waffle fudge and fluff by Welby as the outcome of his typical politically correct manoeuvring.
He really is a most pathetic specimen and has proven that the removal of the leadership role of Anglicanism from Canterbury is long overdue.
For which Welby gets a whopping £85k salary plus benefits!
While the fool is trying to rescue his Lambeth "calls" the Church of England is facing the closure and loss of thousands of Churches.
Anglican Unscripted 750 - Extinction
DeleteWell worth watching.
There's no salvation in Canterbury but only four more years, maximum, for Welby.
A leader needed, not a figurehead (read dunderhead).
Assuming I have understood it correctly, Welby remains sat on the fence playing the politician trying to please everyone, they've reaffirmed Lambeth 98-1:10 but also agreed for the gay cabal to do pretty much what they like without any risk of sanction for spreading their heresy.
DeleteHave I missed anything?
Therefore, the Church of England gets to carry on with it's LLF charade, Scotland carries on as it is (seven bishops for seven thousand pew sitters) and the plankers are free to do what they like with the Cult in Wales (seven bishops for fourteen thousand pew sitters).
Sounds about right SN.
DeleteThere's one fool claiming that Welby has reaffirmed Lambeth 1:10 exists at the same time as saying that while it exists it can just be ignored.
Anglicanism is now reduced to being a branch of Woolworth's offering pick'n'mix for sale.
The Ten Commandments exist and were written in stone for very good reasons but according to the fools in Lambeth they can just be ignored at whim.
It seems to me that when it comes to getting themselves recognized and accepted in the church the alphabet people are full of
ReplyDeletesophism | ˈsɒfɪz(ə)m |
a clever but false argument, especially one used deliberately to deceive`.
Have a look at Bangor diocese lgbti+ chaplaincy facebook page here
Note what their poster says about growing the church through diversity here
and the twisting of a Bible story here
Good choice of analogy Enoch: even with pick'n'mix F W Woolworth's went bust.
ReplyDeleteWoolworth's pick'n'mix selection wasn't very tempting although as a child I enjoyed going in and asking for 6ds worth of broken biscuits.
DeleteThat's all Welby is offering now.
Broken biscuits.
But with no price reduction.
Oh dear
ReplyDeleteIn a world that needs mutual comprehension, this blog has gone out of its way to find conflict.
I have my views about gay marriage, as do many others who might disagree with me.
Nothing is to be gained by this crossfire.
My father was a staunch Socialist who encouraged his children to debate issues and to persuade or be persuaded. He remained a member of the Anglican Church to the end, even when his views were at odds with the prevailing wisdom.
Although my father would not have said it like this, if we believe in what Christ taught, we can surely find a way to live in peace and harmony.
Thank you for this. This blog courts conflict with every single one of its “discussions”. Your considered contribution is very welcome. It had become the very definition of an echo chamber.
The problem lies with those who DO NOT believe in what Christ taught and their unceasing efforts to mislead others into doing the same.
DeleteI agree. This blog site is so full of trolls and pedants. Never pick a battle with a pedant!
DeleteWhat a surprise.
Another unimaginative troll hitching on to someone else's name.
They just can't leave you alone AB, which means that your blog is extremely effective.
Imitation, the sincerest form of flattery 😂
Serious question Cymro.
DeleteWould your staunch Socialist father have been able to provide us with the definition of a woman, or would that have been up for debate?
Have to agree Menai Straight especially after the fiasco latter part of previous blog concerning Proud Mother of Gay Son and her cackle of bogus Mothers' Union and LGBTQ+ fictional friends. As he has with offensive language etc, I'm surprised that for the integrity of this site, AB hasn't installed identity-theft gate-keeper to prevent these irritating intrusions. He, like the rest of us, must identify them as bogus; he unlike we, has his finger on the 'delete' button.
ReplyDeleteOld Bill
I’m disappointed this blog is potentially becoming an echo chamber. It’s going downhill I’m afraid.
ReplyDeleteYet another supposed first time "contributor" spouting the same old same old.
DeleteUntRuthy/TP/Archer/New Bill/Anonymous/PMoGS/David
Seems there might be a schizophrenic at loose in the Blogosphere AB.
Not forgetting the invaluable contribution of "Up Yourselves".
DeleteA fine example of a Shining Wit.
I know that many commenters will strongly disagree with me but this is an extraordinary moment of achievement for feminism, in 20 years time, most mainline Protestant churches will be female-dominated, in all aspects - and transform into true feminist institutions for social justice and inclusion. Ultimately, this will benefit women, men and all genders as we will move past patriarchal structures, gender norms and white supremacy.
ReplyDeleteChristian Feminist
DeleteThe Cult in Wales won't last ten years, never mind twenty.
And tell us dear....., with what are you going to replace the word "Amen"?
Of course it's Hebrew for "so be it" deary, but it still contains that syllable you feminists can't bear to hear tickling your eardrums, so the question remains.
DeleteAnd judging by your response, you'll be choking yourselves on the Lord's Prayer and the Creeds too.
All those 150 BBC genders to work into the queered versions you'll have to write and all the pronouns to review and distort, not to mention getting approval from your Stonewall cronies.
Then there's all the statues and icons of the Son of Man to be removed, emasculated or Transitioned. 😂 😂 😂
Moving past patriarchal structures = scrapping the Holy Trinity.
DeleteChristian Feminist = contradiction in terms
The only feminist achievement of note was burning your brassieres some 60 years ago and 98% of the male species applauding.
DeleteThe other 2% don't like girls.
Franklin Graham wrote - “Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the Truth.”
ReplyDeleteSee more here https://decisionmagazine.com/franklin-graham-gods-word-is-always-true/
Always got an answer these people! 😂 They’ve thought of everything, except the fact that the church as an institution is founded upon utter fantasy.
ReplyDeleteOi, Claptrap, don't you dare tar us all with the same brush, I've been deriding the deluded over their invisible imaginary friend for months and months.
DeleteBugger off and find somewhere else to grind your axe.
The cheek of some people!
Cheers Dai!
DeleteAnother Johnnycomelately Troll
I pray for you. You could be so much nicer Menai.
Delete@ Mary
ReplyDeleteThat Cymro was born and is alive and well suggests to me Mary that his Socialist, church-attending old dad at least knew the purpose and value of women whether or not he could 'define' the gender to Oxford Dictionary standards. I love lashings of Garam Masala with my chicken Murgha Musallam but wouldn't possibly be able to 'define' it. Yummie would be the closest within my vocabulary. Yummy too for most women so long as they are not hell-bent on ruling the world and spitting-fire.
And to Mathafarn Eithaf's quotations: here's another which sadly I can't attribute due to geriatric brain-cells: "Give a woman an inch and she thinks she's a ruler"!
Old Bill
What on earth must you have been like as a serving police officer. I can’t for one minute imagine you progressed far through the ranks with that kind of attitude towards women, or if you did, you must have been a Freemason. Awful. Truly awful.
DeleteChristian Feminister
I like lashings of chocolate sauce on my women and that makes them yummy. 😋
DeleteThe remedial class have been let out to play today.
DeleteThe difference between elderly William and The Old Bill is beyond the very limited abilities of the Christian Fe Minister.
Surely an IQ test with a pass mark of at least 30 is long overdue for introduction before contributors are permitted access Ancient Briton? 😌 🤔
ReplyDeleteTom now wants a "Pride House" at all future games.
Anyone know what a "Pride House" is?
A doll's house with a chilled safe space for snowflakes?
DeleteMainstream literature "cancelled" to protect students from "challenging" texts and "trigger warnings" attached to thousands of books.
Isn't the point of going to University to be challenged?
Academia has been infiltrated and overcome by the same absurd feminist namby-pambyism as the Church.
George Orwell's 1984 was a warning, not a guide on "How to" implement Newspeak!
Tom Daley is a rich white man telling the stupid black Africans how to behave. Maybe he thinks it's the 1750's rather than the 21st Century!
DeleteMaybe its a loaf of bread Zebedee, as in 'Home Pride'. Perhaps the archbishop of Wales might Bless it?
ReplyDeleteAd Clerum
The chocolate teapot is far too busy and important a personage to lower himself to such a menial task, but he might send along his deputy if she can tear herself away from Chumping at St. Dona's.
Did any of the church leaders ask the majority of church members if they were willing to go down this road to destruction of the church and the destruction of souls ?
ReplyDeleteBut, read 2 Peter 2 to see the warning to false teachers regarding their own destruction ! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Peter%202&version=NIV
Surely these false teachers know about the judgement that is to come to them and yet they recklessly carry on ?
Come on ME, hasn't the penny dropped yet?
DeleteThe plankers don't believe the Bible or the scriptures, they believe they know the will of God better than God himself!
Correction, BFP, the plankers believe that they are the will of God.
Do they even believe in a God?
DeleteSomehow I seriously doubt it.
Delete@ Bewildered
ReplyDeleteNo. Bangor's Demi-Bishop has decamped St. Dona's after that thwarted PR stunt and was last spotted whooping it up in Canterbury from where she's presumably dealing with the overload of those critical diocesan issues ++Andrew and his three archdeacons can't handle. She's already proving that there really wasn't much of a need for an Assistant Bishop in Bangor after all if she can swan off so often. Chelthenham Races next perhaps. I'm surprised she didn't also pop up on her old turf of Birmingham for the Commonweath Games: perhaps she did, but no one noticed.
Old Bill
Gay married folk are universally sexist! Sandi describes her spouse as her "wife", even though, historically, the spouse of a woman has been called a "husband". It seems that whilst a woman can be a jockey, a footballer, even a prime minister, she cannot be a husband! What hypocrisy!
ReplyDeleteSo, people have to be careful to say the right thing for fear of censure, but Sandi T can be given airtime and her own TV programme to talk openly about her 'wife'.
DeleteWhere is the Church?
Nowhere to be seen.
DeleteOr should that be "Up its own arse"?
Remember the BBC have almost unlimited resources to promote their LGBTQIA+-%=#@ agenda.
DeleteSo stop paying the TV licence tax.
For one of the pair to be a "husband" you'd need to be able to distinguish Arthur from Martha!
Delete(With sincere apologies to the contributor immediately above.)
ReplyDeleteIs common sense finally breaking out and taking hold?
Too much to hope for? 🤔
I'm afraid to say that one finds the problem with common sense is that it is far from common.
DeleteYou're not wrong there, friend.