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Monday 23 March 2020

Lambeth Conference postponed

Lambeth Conference 2008                                                                     Source: Anglican Communion

An uncomfortable looking Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has announced that Lambeth 2020 has been rescheduled to the Summer of 2021. He must be relieved given all the angst that has preceded it.

His announcement follows his earlier underwhelming performance in his politically correct televised act of devotion on Mothering Sunday.

Perhaps following the Bishop of Monmouth and partner venture, Justin Welby, in his latest pronouncement sends his wife's greetings to all the spouses, presumably, therefore, including those in same sex partnerships who were told not to attend, before uttering his blessing from both of them. 

I am sure he means well but the trials that are likely to come reveal a sick political set up in the Church of England that leaves the faithful with little comfort in their hours of need.

1 comment:

  1. Subversive Canon23 March 2020 at 22:10

    What a shame.
    It would have provided the Holy Ghost with the ideal opportunity to thin the herd.
    Perhaps they don't believe painting the lintels with lambs blood would persuade the pestilence to pass them by.
