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Sunday, 26 August 2018

Jolly June's folly?

Source: Twitter

Last year the Pride Cymru Eucharist Service was celebrated by Joanna Penberthy, the first woman bishop in the Church in Wales. In another first, the Rev Sarah Jones, the first transgender priest in the Church of England, was chosen to celebrate Holy Eucharist in a move that could be regarded as a calculated snub to supporters of traditional marriage.

It is a mystery why someone who has complained about being "OUTed" (see the 3.45pm event, above) would want to attract so much publicity but the Rev'd Sarah Jones is not shy when it comes to preaching about same sex marriage:

From her own website: "Before ordination Sarah played on the UK acoustic music scene...Sarah also speaks to conferences and groups on a range of topics including sex and gender, social influence, leadership and diversity."

Currently Rector of St Mary’s Ross-on-Wye, St Michael’s Walford and St Michael’s Brampton Abbotts, Sara Jones has been appointed to the post of Priest in Charge of The City Parish of St John The Baptist, Cardiff, described as being at the heart of Cardiff City Centre and a significant post in the Diocese of Llandaff.

From St John's website:
"The City Parish of St John the Baptist is among the oldest in Cardiff. The church is next to city centre's covered market, and is the oldest remaining mediaeval building in the city after Cardiff Castle, dating from the 12th century.

"Cardiff University Chaplaincy and its main campus are within the City Parish."

I have found no obvious explanation for this import from the Church of England to be vicar of the capital's civic church so unless she was the only applicant it appears to be yet another case of Church in Wales politics which saw the first woman bishop appointed.

The bishop of Llandaff was appointed by the bench of bishops after the rejection of Dean Jeffrey John's candidature. Undoubtedly better qualified than the current bench, Jeffrey John's promotion of the LGBT agenda was too much for many. He also came Out4Marriage.

Barry Morgan and his bench sitters failed in their bid to get the Church in Wales to accept same sex marriage but the bishop of Llandaff has appointed an advocate of that policy to one of the most significant posts in the Diocese of Llandaff in a move that appears to be a calculated thumbing of the nose to those who believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, to the exclusion of all others and for life, the official position of the Church in Wales.


  1. Subtlety is not June's strong suit obviously. This is the road to folly and a brazen embracing of heterodoxy. Their inclusion is also their exclusion of Christians who believe what was always believed.

    Do they really think all the great teachers and theologians over nearly two millennia have got it wrong on this matter?

    It's time for the faithful to plan their departure from this awful mess.

    1. The faithful departed long since.

    2. Caiaphas must go!28 August 2018 at 08:11

      Christianity is not June's strong suit Whamab.

    3. A dreadful mess indeed. If the Bishop can appoint a strident gay marriage advocate we know where her sympathies lie, and she acts without regard to those who hold different views. She will fail.


  2. Alwyn from Abertawe27 August 2018 at 10:29

    One thing fascinates me. The Rev'd Sarah Jones is not yet Licensed in the Diocese of Llandaff and the Benefice of Central Cardiff (now rebranded 'Cardiff City Church'). Leaving aside the wisdom of allowing a not-yet-instituted priest to officiate in the parish to which s/he has been appointed, ahead of the formalities, was she given a one-off PTO for this event? If not, was the Diocese (and the Bishop) satisfied that the necessary safeguarding provisions were in place? I do hope June has not left herself wide open to disciplinary proceedings for failing to have the necessary paperwork in place.

    Otherwise, it seems there is one rule for everyone else, and one rule for the 'celebrities'!

    By the way, I am relived and delighted for the Vicar of Milford Haven for having landed the Walsingham job. Yet another gifted and intelligent Welsh-speaking priest lost to the CinW as a consequence of Barry's self-serving agenda. At least Dr Williams can now safely invite a bishop into his future parish to celebrate the sacraments.

  3. 'Cardiff City (what) Church'? The Cardiff Evangelical, Baptist, Methodist, Catholic or the apostate 'Cardiff City "Church" in Wales'?

    Abergwili vicar

  4. What a disaster these people are for the Church in Wales.


    1. Correction Cromarty. Disaster arrived in the person of His Darkness.
      Gregorius Maximus

  5. How very misjudged for a waining church. Perhaps the clear name should be "At John's Anglican church" as there is already one very active city church and a city temple church. This new label by CinW will added to confusion. As for the Incumbent Designate, if reports on her ministry so far are to be believed, she may be a plus for Cardiff's Civic Church. Time will tell. PP.

  6. There's very little inclusive about Bangor Cathedral these days it seems. Four members of clergy have left (or are leaving) this summer. Meaning that only the Dean is left as a stipendiary clergy.

    Bullying has been muttered. But surely this can't be happening again? Not four years have passed since the previous team left.

    Interestingly, the Canon Precentor had a farewell mass in Llandygai Church - outside of the Bro Deiniol Ministry Area. How odd!

    Spinning Wheel

    1. Nothing 'odd ' at all Spinning Wheel', Llandegai lies within the city of Bangor. No Ministry Area will change that.What is odd is that a previous, and still legally married, lady Vicar of Betws y Coed was photographed emerging from her lovers house on two consecutive mornings when he was curate of Blaenau Festiniog. 'How odd', don't you think, that she should slam the door of the Vicarage when the News of the World called for a chat concerning her covert behavior. Look where she is today.

      Michael Pritchard

    2. Having read all these comments one can't help wondering who will be the victim of the Dark one' distraction technique.
      Gregorius Maximus

    3. Now we know why the Diocese of Bangor had to sell off the Archdeaconry for over half a million quid. It needed to recoup the cost of the house they had to buy for 'Dean Cathy' when she refused point-blank to live in the Deanery in the Cathedral close. What was good enough for Ifor Rees, Trefor Evans, and even the grotesquely grand Alun Hawkins, is not good enough for someone who does as little work as possible, but wants to live among the lecturers and surgeons on the shores of the Menai Straights. My guess is that it will be an understaffed cathedral for a while now that word is out that Cathy is a long way from Bangor most weeks while she expects her subordinate clergy to chase around like souls possessed.

    4. Gareth (Outside Looking In)6 September 2018 at 12:51

      I think we've got a fair idea how much work the Dean is NOT doing from the service schedule this week. No Evening prayer on any day of the week (contrary to the requirements of the Constitution of the Church in Wales) but the Cathedral's closing times are given more prominence than the service times. Mind you, Cathy was never the most enthusiastic attender at the daily offices in her title parish, and had acquired an impressive repertoire of excuses for not being able to say her prayers. Whether she is back on speaking terms with God these days, I simply cannot say. It is beginning to make Alun Hawkins's well-documented and frequent 'inside of a week off' at his pied a terre in Cardiff's exclusive Bayside development look positively benign by comparison.

      Meanwhile, we should all be praying fervently, and reserving our pity, for poor Tracy Jones who will have to run as fast as her legs will take her when she arrives in October. 'Associate Vicar' sounds like a perfect euphemism for someone who is being sent to Bangor to relieve Cathy of any activity that remotely resembles work.

  7. The bishops are at it again! See item 9 of the agenda for the next meeting of the governing body on 12/13 September. Having been rebuffed by the GB previously on issues of same sex relationships, the bishops have now enlisted the aid of the Primus of the Church of Scotland to address the next meeting. In addition, members will be asked to answer, in a secret ballot, a loaded question which will allow the bishops to take matters forward in their own way. Nothing has changed since the departure of the former deluded archbishop - things just continue on their downward path. With so-called leaders such as we have on the bench in Wales, the future looks bleaker by the day. These rather unsubtle machinations, which are obviously designed to enable the bishops to impose their views on the church are unworthy of the office which they claim to hold. Come on GB, stand up for what is laid down in Christian teaching and don't be bullied by this bunch of autocrats.

    1. Extract from Governing Body Agendum 9 Same Gender Relationships

      Explanatory Memorandumand procedural note

      "The Bishops of the Church in Wales believe that it is pastorally unsustainable and unjust for the Church to continue to make no formal provision for those in committed same-gender relationships. We are keenly aware of the deep desire on the part of some for us to lead in a particular and very definite direction, but we are also equally aware of others for whom that would be deeply and profoundly disturbing for us to do so...
      This is not a motion. It will bind neither the Bench of Bishops nor the wider Church in Wales. It will not change the doctrine and practice of the Church in Wales on marriage. However, it will provide an important steer for the Bench in determining where to go next in exercising their ministry of leadership and pastoral care."

      I suspect many readers could tell the bench where to go.

  8. I maintain that the !aity of the CiWs have failed to exercise a restraining influence over the GB for decades - probably since Glyn Simon went. They might have stopped the rot instead of following the spirit of the age - a secular, ungodly spirit.

  9. The very fact this lot believe this should be reason enough to reject it. They have been successful in loading the bench with the like minded which is not the Anglican way. This has become the be all and end all which is extraordinary when it will aid growth in anyway whatsoever. This is not homophobia - it is a genuine belief that God does not sanction such relationships which is what the Church has ever believed. I find it mystifying that they think better of Christ's apostles, the church fathers and the great doctors and theologians of the church.

    I implore the GB to reject this. It is pastorally unsustainable to undermine traditional marriage this way - the great gift of the Christian Church to civil society. This is the thin end of the wedge and they will push and push and push until they demand we marry homosexual couples in church with no recourse to conscience. Look what happened with the provincial assistant Bishop if you don't believe me.

  10. ......and we know the pressure doesn't stop here.......then it will be my right to a threesome, my right to marry my dog in church....once we dump Scripture there is no point in getting out of bed on a Sunday morning.
    Sadly most lay people don't have a clue about what is happening at GB. How often do reps ask people their views? I wish GB members could not re-stand for election for a few years to allow new members in......many simply have the job for life.

    1. The Anglican Church claims to be built on three pillars - scripture, tradition and reason. Nowhere in scripture can you find this practice sanctioned. The tradition of the Universal Church for the last two millenia has been marriage is between one man and one woman for life. Reason dictates that if scripture forbids it and tradition has never allowed it; then quite clearly it is not possible.

      There is a tradition however, that bishops who fail to live up to their calling and high office have been sanctioned and dismissed from office. Perhaps the GB needs to take a vote on sanctioning the bench sitters - perhaps even a vote on removing them from office. That would clip the wings of future heretical bishops!

  11. As usual, a can of worms. The Church in Wales,is no longer part of the catholic tradition.The bench sitters, being a form of its little community of Chuckle Brothers impersonate the once held office of a bishop. This is an outfit which, theologically, has managed to depose itself. Hows that for a lifetime achievement.

    1. The CinW Bishops and many clergy have rendered themselves pointless by craven attachment to populist LGBT and gay marriage. Even now they don't seem to notice that few people find any reason to listen to them any more.


  12. Regarding the Governing Body , has anyone seen the last question of "Question Time" regarding the bishops' dictum on Same Sex Marriage?

