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Original source: Church in Wales |
All of us are migrants of one kind or another he said, even we Celts the original inhabitants of this island came from Northern Europe. "Not one of us is ethnically monochrome".
A predictably charitable sounding message which may appeal to many but it is far too simplistic. A more balanced view comes from US Air Force General Philip Breedlove, a top NATO commander in Europe with first hand knowledge of the problem:
Terrorists who pose a threat to Europe are arriving on the continent every day among waves of "legitimate" refugees fleeing war in Syria and Iraq. Islamic State militants are among those who are "taking advantage of paths of least resistance" to reach Europe alongside desperate refugees.
The extremist group is "spreading like cancer" and "threatening European nations" by joining the vast movement of refugees escaping conflict in the Middle East. Fears about IS fighters infiltrating Europe and the US have fuelled legislation to crack down on Syrian and Iraqi refugees seeking to enter the US.
Whether terrorists or refugees these migrants are not leaving their supremacist ideology behind them. Most are reading from the same book with many prepared to follow it to the letter. Even fellow refugees who have been identified as being Christian have been attacked and murdered by Muslim 'refugees'.
Countless men and women have not sacrificed their lives to defend these islands against aggressive ideologies for later generations to welcome a brutal alien culture with open arms. Had the fallen been pacifists instead of warriors for freedom, the Archbishop would not be free to preach as he does.
If monochrome Morgan possesses a filter to spot the difference between refugees and warriors for Islam he should let us and NATO into his secret.
Heard on radio 4 this morning that Austria,who are having to cope with many immigrants, are concerned because many cannot read or write,and have an ingrained appalling attitude to women and do not treat children well.
ReplyDeleteArchbishop Barry possesses naive altruism.
As a Bishop from Hungary remarked "it is a cultural invasion".
So His ++Irrelevance continues to prattle on about his liberal leftist point of view.
ReplyDeleteSo what?
I don't know anyone who pays any attention to him much less attaches any weight to his inane dribbling.
God willing, only 11 months before we see the back of him.
These sort of comments are meaningless. Our roads are at standstill, our hospitals in debt and teachers trying to cope with up 20 different languages in their classes.
ReplyDeleteIf people want to preach an "open door" policy, then tell us how it can work in practice.
In reality it can't and doesn't.
Only 20 different languages in one school? Try for over 50 in one elementary school in Los Angeles 40 years ago! I saw a poster in the hallway there displying them. I don't know if the teachers taught anything or if the students learned anything.
DeleteJim of Olym
This weekend's grumblings on The Green have started early.
ReplyDeleteIt appears that Gerwhine's sad squalid little empire is crumbling around his ears even faster than some of us imagined.
It is no wonder the number of communicants is no longer published in The Bell as it is reported that less than 70 people attended the 11am Eucharist.
If that wasn't bad enough it is also reported that the faux Cathedral Choir failed to successfully perform a piece of Plainsong.
So much for maintaining the 130 year old choral tradition!
The ears in the walls also report that following the Plainsong disaster the Head Steward took Gerwhine to task over the embarassing dismal standard of music.
DeleteGood for you madam. Well done.
Have you seen the glove puppet's latest new toy?
DeleteHe has a sparkly shiny new Cathedral website to play with. Very heavy on presentation, super-model thin on facts.
Anything to promote the charade "All is well, it's business as usual in Llandaff".
Still no sign of the important stuff like the Organ Appeal accounts, an Asbestos Survey, the hidden Health & Safety audit or the Quinquennial report.
Or the launch of a fund raising appeal.
To launch such an appeal, he would have to reveal the size of the problem and His ++Darkness would not sanction that!
So the little glove puppet has money to spend on a new website?
DeleteWhile the clerestory and lady chapel are allowed to fall into disrepair.
He won't be getting any money from me.
DeleteDon't forget the failure to produce the analysis of the pop up Cafe experiment for the £30k white elephant new kitchen.
Does it require such facilities to serve tea coffee and biscuits once a week?
The golden franchise opportunity in which absolutely nobody's interested.
DeleteAnd the professional fund raiser development manager post which Bazza's glove puppet claims is still "under consideration" along with all the other "suggestions" made by Eleri Jones.
Breedlove may well bemoan the influx of refugees into Europe, but his high command, NATO, is partially responsible for this. if the US and its ilk had not promoted the 'upsets' in Libya, Iraq and Syria there would be no 'refugees' at all.
DeleteJim of Olym
Even the Cathedral School Headmaster has decided to abandon ship as bully boy Bazza's flagship gets nearer to capsizing
DeleteFor those of you previously expressing an interest (on the earlier thread 'The great energy rip-off' at http://ancientbritonpetros.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/the-great-energy-rip-off.html) in Gerwhine’s repeated Gollum-like attempts to sequester Diana Davies’ money she so generously left to the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral, here's the latest evidence of his avarice.
ReplyDeleteMinutes of the Meeting of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral held in the Prebendal House at 4 p.m on Monday 25th January 2016
The Chair was taken by the Very Revd Cerwyn Capon, Dean of Llandaff.
The following members were present:
Mr D.Collins, Dr A.Edwards, Mr G.Hardy, Canon G. Holcombe, Archdeacon P.Jackson, Mr N.James, Miss M.Jenkins, Mrs D.Lambert, Miss A.Lambert-Rogers, Mrs L.Quinn, Mr R.Render, Archdeacon C.Smith, Mr M.Turk, Canon Dr P.Ursell, Sir Donald Walters (Treasurer), Mr A.Impey (Secretary).
Apologies were received from the following:
Mrs E.Anderson-Reed, Dr J.Kenyon, Canon S.Kirk, Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards.
1. The Chairman opened the meeting with prayers.
2. The Minutes of the Meeting of 28th September were approved and signed.
3. Matters arising:
a) Minute 4(b): No tour had been arranged this year, but the Chairman said that he thought that it would be possible to have one as an annual event in future tears.
b) Minute 6: The Pilgrimage had taken place and had been enjoyed. Mrs Quinn said that she would investigate the possibility that the 2016 Pilgrimage might go to St David’s Cathedral.
c) Minute 9: The Chairman reported that some of the grants had been used. The others awaited decisions arising from the Quinennial Review. The Treasurer reported that work arising under item (d)had cost more than anticipated, and he asked the Council to increase the relevant grant by £1,000 to £5,500. The Council approved this.
4. Present Financial Position:
At the moment, c.£400,000 was being held on deposit and c.£35,700 was in the current account. Further detail would be available in the Annual Accounts due to be presented at the next Meeting. However, the Treasurer did remark that fewer new members had been recruited in 2015, and perhaps there should be a discussion on recruitment, though he did point out that it was most useful if such recruits joined as Life Members.
5. Elections:
Sir Donald Walters was re-elected as Treasurer for 2016 and Mr Arthur Impey as Secretary.
6. Chairman’s Remarks:
The Chairman said that the Quinennial Review, which was now being examined by the Chapter, had been most thorough, and had drawn attention to the need for extensive repairs with varying degrees of urgency. There was also the continuing need to put the funding of the provision of music in the Cathedral on a much more solid basis. With regard to the Fabric, if help is sought from outside bodies such as Cadw or the Heritage Lottery Fund, they always looked to the applicants’ ability and willingness to match outside aid by the use of inside resources. This suggested the need to launch a public appeal for the work on the Fabric. In the light of this, the Chairman referred to what had happened within the Friends of St David’s Cathedral, and he suggested that the Council might consider putting the Diana Davies legacy into a separate restricted fund and appointing a small Executive Committee composed of members of the Friends and the Chapter to control this. This would have the advantage of meeting more frequently and reaching more rapid decisions on the use of the Fund.
Page 1.
At the request of the Council, Mr David Collins, who is a member of the Council of the Friends of St David’s, gave a more detailed account of what happens there. There followed a general discussion.
ReplyDeleteIt was decided that a Committee consisting of the Chairman, Mr D.Collins, Mr G.Hardy, Mrs L.Quinn, and Canon S.Kirk should be set up and should meet at the initiative of the Chairman to look at the governance of the Council with a view to reform.
7. Annual Festival 2016:
The Chairman reported that the Dean of Hereford, The Very Revd Michael Taylor, had agreed to give the Annual Lecture. It was agreed that the time-table used in 2015 should be followed. The Secretary asked whether there would be a Choral Evensong, and the Chairman said that he would consider the matter.
8. Annual Report 2016:
The Secretary reported that material was available. Mr Donald Buttress had promised to provide an article based on his Lecture. It was suggested that a suitable photograph for the cover show the Standing Stone commemorating the Bombing of 1941.
9. Meetings of the Council:
It was agreed that the Council should next meet at 4.00 p.m. on Monday 4th April.
It was also agreed that the Council would meet on Monday 3rd October and Monday 30th January 2017.
Page 2
You will also notice the proof of the attempt to “reform” the “governance of the council”.
Diana Davies left her money to the Friends for reasons best known to her.
DeleteHad she wished for the squalid little Dean & his Chapter to have control over it she could have gifted her money to the Cathedral directly.
Pharisee Morgan and Sadducee Capon have no business attempting to subvert Diana Davies' will or wishes.
The ears in the walls of the Chapter house have confirmed the Quinquennial report was not available to the members of Chapter in February.
DeleteHow was it possible for Gerwhine to state on January 25th that it was being "examined" by the Chapter?
Was he misleading the Friend's Council?
These minutes will need to be corrected.
The attempts by Darth ++Insidious and his glove puppet Capon to get their hands on the bequest left to the Friends are abhorrent.
DeleteThey are a disgrace to the clergy, cathedral, diocese, church in Wales and Christianity.
David Collins, Graham Hardy and Linda Quinn form the majority of the committee set up "at the initiative of the Chairman to look at the governance of the Council with a view to reform".
DeleteTheir first items of business should be to remove the Dean as Chairman of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral followed by the Bishop of Llandaff as President. Permanently.
Their conduct in this matter is stomach churning.
Second, all members of the Chapter should be removed from the Council of the Friends. Permanently.
A conflict of interest has become apparent but instead of doing the right thing by telling Gerwhine to wind his neck in and respect Diana Davies' wishes, they're all supine and spineless.
From page 14 of The Bell, November 2015
At the last meeting of the Council of the Friends on Monday 28th September, it was asked to consider making grants for the following work, some of which had already been carried out and others of which remained to be done:
i) The overhaul of the security system - £15,000
ii) The overhaul of the fire detection system - £10,000
iii)Emergency work on the stonework of the clerestory - £4,500
iv) Work on the electrical wiring of the Chapter House and Archive Room - £1,200.
v) Supplementary lighting for the Choir stalls - £1,200
vi) Redecoration of the Lower Room in the Prebendal House - £1,500
vii)Redecoration of the Upper Room and vestibule of the Prebendal House - £1,800
The Council was asked to make a grant of £25,000 towards the music in the Cathedral.
The Council agreed to all these requests, making a total grant of £60,200.
Arthur C.Impey - Secretary
Now is revealed
"The Chairman reported that some of the grants had been used."
"The others awaited decisions arising from the Quinennial Review."
"The Treasurer reported that work arising under item (d)had cost
more than anticipated, and he asked the Council to increase the
relevant grant by £1,000 to £5,500."
Some of the grants?
Awaiting decisions arising from the quinquennial report hidden from everyone including the Chapter?
Emergency work on the stonework of the clerestory costing more than "anticipated" so hand over another £1000?
Produce the receipts Gerwhine.
More statistics that will be withheld from the "From The Registers" page of The Bell?
Delete"fewer new members had been recruited in 2015, and perhaps there should be a discussion on recruitment".
"It was decided that a Committee consisting of the Chairman, Mr D.Collins, Mr G.Hardy, Mrs L.Quinn, and Canon S.Kirk should be set up and should meet at the initiative of the Chairman to look at the governance of the Council with a view to reform."
DeleteHow was it possible for Canon S.Kirk to agree to this when the minutes record his apology for absence?
The Friend's Council should be more concerned with the Members of the Cathedral Chapter who ARE present at their meetings but who don't correct the Dean's deceitful claims. The ears in the walls report there is still no sign of the Quinquennial report.
DeletePlease note the end of Point 6, Chairman's Remarks (aka Ger's Whines)
ReplyDelete"[The Dean] suggested that the Council might consider putting the Diana Davies legacy into a separate restricted fund and appointing a small Executive Committee composed of members of the Friends and the Chapter to control this. This would have the advantage of meeting more frequently and reaching more rapid decisions on the use of the Fund."
Let's unpack that a little. The Dean does not specify the projects for which the £400K would be used, nor does he want to explain this to the Friends at large. Instead, he wants a sub-group to spend the money on whatever they see fit.
Where's the transparency in that? And why on earth should the Friends agree to this proposal when they've always had specific projects in the past? This is a desperate ploy.
What possible need could there be for "meeting more frequently and reaching more rapid decisions"?
DeleteThis from the same Dean that told Martin Shipton he had delayed the Quinquennial report because he wanted to appoint a new architect.
The same Dean that told Martin Shipton that the appointment of a professional Development Manager was still under consideration 3 years after Eleri Jones published her conclusion on the matter.
Gerwhine must believe everyone in Llandaff is as dimwitted as he is.
This week's grumblings on The Green concern the whereabouts of the little catholic curate who has reportedly 'disappeared' with suggestions of a big row between him and the oily amphibian Toad at the centre of it.
ReplyDeleteThe ears in the walls have confirmed that the little catholic curate has definitely gone, permanently.
DeleteIt seems there will be an announcement this weekend - when Gerwhine and bully boy ++Bazza have cooked up some bullshit explanation.
If there's any explanation at all.
Or will it be like the disappearances of Janet Henderson, Richard Moorhouse and Jonathan Bielby. No explanation at all!
Lots of questions about the missing catholic curate were heard being directed to the clergy and cathedral staff this morning but the usual MO of evasion, smoke and mirrors was in evidence. Llandaff watchers will not be surprised to learn that the official line being peddled is "extended leave".
DeleteThe grumblings on The Green now concern an immediate reductions of 33% in the Parish Quota to reflect the absence of the curate and a further 17% to reflect the small amount of time the glove puppet Capon spends in Llandaff.
One hears the current arrangements for the pitiful remnants of the Cathedral Choir are about to disintegrate with Tim Hill predicted to follow the Catholic curate through the door on Easter Sunday afternoon.
DeleteThere is a large poster displayed on the Cathedral school's fence adjacent to Cardiff Road that states they're celebrating 20 years of girl choristers.
DeleteFrom what you describe Harold they won't be celebrating 140 years of boy choristers.
Whispers of scandal surround the sudden disappearance of the former catholic curate but can't elaborate further due to possible legal proceedings.
Delete@Llandaff Pewster
DeleteThe few remaining gullible pew sitters daft enough to put anything on the collection plate should be demanding a 67% reduction in the quota. The only clergyman pulling his weight is Canon Holcombe but it's been like that since Bonaparte was wrecking the place.
If Holcombe decides to retire a large cowpat will hit the spreader.
@Simple Simon.
DeleteAllegedly there has been an almighty argument about the state of the cathedral choir and music, it is rumoured the arrangement with the Cathedral school over Tim Hill has broken down, that he is standing down and that he will be returning to St. Martin's in Roath.
One hears there will be more Llandaff people in Roath on Easter Sunday than Llandaff people in the Cathedral.
Surely you jest Harold!
DeleteEverything in the Llandaff Cathedral music department is just rosy and anywhere Gerwhine casts his gaze everything simply bursts into bloom.
It say's so the latest edition of "Cathedral Voice" and Christopher Gower is involved again so it must be true.
See page 6 of http://www.fcm.org.uk/Publications/Cathedral_Voice/CathedralVoiceCopies/CV_Feb_2016_tagged_version.pdf
At least Tim Hill has a real job and can go back to St. Martin's.
DeleteThe alternative might have been a Monkey Music franchise in Oxford.
A small reminder for the small dean.
08:56, 26 AUGUST 2015
Report on Llandaff Cathedral
“There are many positive initiatives taking shape in the cathedral that are bringing a renewed optimism; we hope to share the outcomes of these plans in the not-too-distant future.”
The Very Revd Gerwyn Capon
Dean of Llandaff, Cardiff
Minutes of the Llandaff Cathedral Parish Annual Vestry Meeting
Delete29th April 2014 at 7:30
4. Reports:
b) The Dean's Report.
"We were now heading in the right direction and would, if nothing else happens, break even this year."
Deficit of £29,271 even having sold off the Memorial Hall that year.
"It is right to be critical and be held to account, but alongside this must be positivity."
Health & Safety Audit.
Covered up.
Pop Up Tea Room/Cafe experiment analysis and franchise opportunity.
Covered up.
2014 Quinquennial Report.
Eighteen months late and still covered up.
"We have seen through the organ what we can achieve, and so over the next 6 months ideas for special projects will be proposed so people can get behind them."
Pop Up Tea Room/Cafe experiment.
Closed a month early.
Llandaff Festival.
Didn't happen.
This year's annual accounts and report will make fascinating reading.
"We hope to share the outcomes of these plans in the not-too-distant future.”
ReplyDeleteAs always, just like Bielby, the cafe, the fundraising position, the Appeal for the Fabric, the organ accounts, the Cathedral Executive group and all Gerwyn's other initiatives that fell flat on their faces.
Gerwyn's promises are entirely empty. He keeps flailing around shouting "I will do this, I will do that" and nothing happens. All the while Barry's time is running out.
Oh, and where are these "balanced accounts" that seem to require the continual attention of Peacock and Mr Williams? They're still hanging around the Office for some reason. I do wonder why.
Might it be that the accounts can't be balanced without the small matter of a transfer of £400,000?
DeleteDoesn't the glove puppet realise Diana Davies has already put her money into a restricted fund?
ReplyDeleteThat is, restricted from him!
More mysterious goings on have been reported by the ears in the walls.
ReplyDeleteSelf-important suits carrying smart briefcases have been wandering around the Cathedral this week.
Charity Commission inspectors?
Fraud detectives?
Health & Safety inspectors?
HMRC investigators?
Insurance assessors?
Structural Engineers?
Missing Curate Trackers?
Leak Pluggers?
Paranoia Sniffers?
Subversive Element Hunters?
The possibilities in Llandaff are almost endless.
Answers on a Postcard to Martin Shipton @ WalesOnline.
I believe I have an answer for you Fifth Columnist.
DeleteThe ears in the walls claim that large numbers of auditors have been swarming around the Cathedral for some time and this frenzied activity is the explanation for Alan Williams and Michael Turk spending so much time in the office recently.
One hears rumours of chickens coming home to roost.
So many chickens that the smart money on The Green is on Darth ++Insidious and Gerwhine refusing to publish annual accounts this year.
Yes readers, it is predicted to be that bad.
That would certainly explain the unseemly haste for and dubious means by which bully boy ++Bazza and his glove puppet have been trying to strong arm the Friends into handing over Diana Davies' bequest.
DeleteHis ++Darkness and the glove puppet may already be regretting having his Cathedral registered as a Charity.
Charity reporting and accounting: the essentials March 2015
Published 27 March 2015
3. Preparing the annual report and the accounts
All charities must maintain accounting records and prepare accounts. Registered charities must also prepare an annual report to accompany their accounts. This section explains the varying requirements for charities which fall within different bands of income. Where these documents are required to be submitted to the commission, this must be done within 10 months of the end of the financial year to which they refer, although the commission would encourage charities to file well before the deadline.
3.2 What are the requirements for all charities?
The short answer (legal requirement)
All charities must keep accounting records, and prepare annual accounts which must be made available to the public on request.
In more detail
All charities must:
keep accounting records - these records (eg cash books, invoices, receipts, Gift Aid records etc) must be retained for at least 6 years (or at least 3 years in the case of charitable companies) - where Gift Aid payments are received records will need to be maintained for 6 years with details of any substantial donors and to identify ‘tainted charity donations’ in accordance with HMRC guidance
make the accounts available to the public on request: this is important for public accountability, and must be complied with in all cases - it is open to trustees to make a reasonable charge to cover the costs of complying with the request (eg photocopying and postage)
make the annual report available to the public on request where one is required to be prepared
All charities unless exempt or excepted from registration must:
prepare an annual report and make it available to the public on request
All registered charities will be contacted by the commission, shortly after the end of their financial
year, and are required, depending on their income, to complete either a full annual return or to complete the relevant sections to update their details. All CIOs and all other registered charities with a gross income exceeding £10,000 are under a legal duty to complete and return the online annual return form to the commission.
3.4 What goes into the annual report?
The short answer (legal requirement)
There are some basic contents of the annual report which are mandatory. Otherwise, what is required will depend on the size of the charity. The legal requirements are set out in section 7. To aid transparency and accountability, trustees are encouraged to adopt a spirit of full disclosure.
In more detail
The annual report is an important milestone in a charity’s life, a chance to take stock of how the year compared to the trustees’ plans and aspirations, a time to celebrate successes and achievements, and to reflect on difficulties and challenges. The annual report is also an opportunity to highlight the main activities or significant activities undertaken in order to carry out the charity’s purposes for the public benefit. The report’s audience is not just trustees and members, funders, donors and beneficiaries, but also the wider public who have an interest in what charities do and what they achieve.
Dear Clergy of Llandaff Diocese,
ReplyDeleteTomorrow is the day you are expected to show up at Llandaff Cathedral and repeat your vows of obedience to His ++Darkness to assuage his control freakery.
Is there any chance that even one of you gutless wonders could grow a pair and tell him where to go?
Or at least ask him publicly where his little catholic curate has gone?
And why he's gone?
Or ask to see the long overdue Quinquennial report?
Or maybe this year's Cathedral accounts?
Or is it that every single one of you is a coward, even now afraid to challenge the Arch Ego despite him approaching 70 and, God willing, his final cruise into the sunset with Swann Hellenic?
Subversive Steward, I share your sentiments but fear you're wasting your breath on the clergy.
DeleteJudging by the actions of the Cathedral Chapter, none of them will ever "man up" and say boo to the Bishop and his lackeys.
If the Chapter magically disappeared tomorrow, no-one at Llandaff would even notice. They have waved through so many disastrous decisions and asked no questions of any substance. Most of them care nothing for the Cathedral building that they've allowed to fall into such an appalling state. They are more concerned with swaggering around in their fur trimmed collars and congratulating each other on their "witty" remarks.
A case in point: they knew the replacement of the Cathedral's heating system would cost hundreds of thousands of pounds in mid-2015. Why didn't they immediately organise an appeal to replace it? Why don't we the pew sitters know about this sword of Damocles hanging over the finances? This liability alone makes a mockery of any attempt to "balance" the finances.
Or what about the cost of repairing the stone columns above the organ where the falling stones came from? The scaffolding alone isn't cheap nor the specialised masonry skills to do the repairs.
If they can't even keep the building in good shape, what hope for the finances or the pastoral wellbeing of its congregations?
I appreciate your frustrations Simon but Chapter members have very little authority and very often even less information about what goes on in Llandaff Cathedral. Indeed, many of us find out more about what is going on from reading this blog than we do from Dean Capon and the Archdeacons.
DeleteDeus Salva Nos
@Simon Stylites
DeleteThe ears in the walls are suggesting a price tag of approximately £700k for replacing the boilers and underfloor piping with a further £300k needed for clerestory repairs and hire of specialist scaffolding.
Is that from where Linda Quinn gets her figure of £1 million?
Llandaff Cathedral hits the headlines again, for all the wrong reasons of course.
The price of a cathedral – and how deans pay it
Entrance fees? Fashion shows? Corporate dinners? These days, nothing is ruled out.
"Cutting that would be unthinkable" - "Oh, that’s the Church in Wales".
DeleteAcross the UK, congregations sit shivering in coats and scarves for evensong because heating is unaffordable. Cathedrals rely increasingly on an army of saintly volunteers (about 15,000 of them across the country) who don’t even get their parking reimbursed.
In a sense, this is what makes British cathedrals so charmingly vibrant. The welcoming atmosphere comes from the fact that they’re looked after by volunteers, who arrange the gladioli themselves out of love for the place and who really enjoy collecting up the hymnbooks and prayer books and putting them into separate green and black piles.
But will the next generation be so willing to volunteer?
Like a great old family fallen on hard times, even the cathedrals that are struggling the most are good at keeping up appearances. So far, choirs have not been cut. The singing of sublime liturgical music by superb choirs is one of the miracles of English life, and it still carries on.
Cutting that would be unthinkable.
Or would it?
Last year, at Llandaff Cathedral, all seven adult choir members were made redundant straight after Christmas. The money raised from those seven redundancies made up £45,000 of the cathedral’s £81,000 shortfall — which shows how very little those lay clerks were being paid in the first place.
‘Oh, that’s the Church in Wales,’ one dean said to me.
‘Nothing as drastic as that has happened in an English cathedral. Choirs will be the very last thing to go.’
But the unthinkable is only unthinkable until somebody does it.
The unthinkable is an everyday occurrence in Llandaff!
The Quinquennial report is not only being hidden from members of the Llandaff Chapter but also from those Darth ++Insidious and the glove puppet expect to help them foot the bills.
ReplyDeleteFrom: Linda Quinn
To: Arthur Impey
17/02/2016 18:25
Dear Arthur
Thankyou for your emails and those from Diana and Nick concerning the discussion which took place under item 6, and the recording of the discussion in the minutes.
I believe comments would normally have been brought up at the next Council meeting, but, as a number of us believed action would be taken by the Dean and Chapter as a result of comments made on 25th January in time for the meeting on April 4th, it is reasonable to draw attention to this now.
The recommendation on January 25th was that the Members of the Friends Council meeting on April 4th would be provided with a list of projects already agreed by the Dean and Chapter, so that funding could be discusssed on April 4th,in time to be reported to the wider membership at the AGM.
I understand there is a Chapter meeting next week, and it would be helpful for the Chapter members of the Friends Council to draw their colleagues attention to this request.
As the agreed projects from Chapter may be recommended in the quinquennial report, it would be helpful for members of the Friends Council to have sight of this. Could you ask if it could be circulated to Council members, or is it available to read on the Cathedral website?
I would give notice that I will ask on April 4th for the following to be added to the minutes, in order to clarify, since it is important to many of us that projects agreed at Chapter meetings are progressed by the Council. This is supported by Nick James and Diana Lambert.
It was recommended that the Dean and Chapter provide the Friends Council with a costed list of prioritised fabric projects up to £1m total, for consideration at the April 2016 Council meeting.
The Friends agreement to support specific projects would be likely to be viewed favourably by outside bodies, when applying to them for funds.
Several Council members suggested repairs to the Lady Chapel be included, as this would be a major project.
Thankyou for your attention to this matter.
Best wishes
The Quinquennial report is not only being hidden from members of the Llandaff Chapter but also from those Darth ++Insidious and the glove puppet expect to help them foot the bills.
ReplyDeleteFrom: Linda Quinn
To: Arthur Impey
17/02/2016 18:25
Dear Arthur
Thankyou for your emails and those from Diana and Nick concerning the discussion which took place under item 6, and the recording of the discussion in the minutes.
I believe comments would normally have been brought up at the next Council meeting, but, as a number of us believed action would be taken by the Dean and Chapter as a result of comments made on 25th January in time for the meeting on April 4th, it is reasonable to draw attention to this now.
The recommendation on January 25th was that the Members of the Friends Council meeting on April 4th would be provided with a list of projects already agreed by the Dean and Chapter, so that funding could be discusssed on April 4th,in time to be reported to the wider membership at the AGM.
I understand there is a Chapter meeting next week, and it would be helpful for the Chapter members of the Friends Council to draw their colleagues attention to this request.
As the agreed projects from Chapter may be recommended in the quinquennial report, it would be helpful for members of the Friends Council to have sight of this. Could you ask if it could be circulated to Council members, or is it available to read on the Cathedral website?
I would give notice that I will ask on April 4th for the following to be added to the minutes, in order to clarify, since it is important to many of us that projects agreed at Chapter meetings are progressed by the Council. This is supported by Nick James and Diana Lambert.
It was recommended that the Dean and Chapter provide the Friends Council with a costed list of prioritised fabric projects up to £1m total, for consideration at the April 2016 Council meeting.
The Friends agreement to support specific projects would be likely to be viewed favourably by outside bodies, when applying to them for funds.
Several Council members suggested repairs to the Lady Chapel be included, as this would be a major project.
Thankyou for your attention to this matter.
Best wishes
Arthur Impey might be very busy this weekend re-writing the minutes in time for the meeting on 4th April.
DeleteIt could be the 'liveliest' meeting of the Friends' Council in decades and well worthy of a strategically placed tape recorder.
It could be a very good 'Fund-raiser' for the Cathedral too if they offered spectator tickets for sale!
Did Linda Quinn ever receive a reply?
ReplyDeleteYes CfJ, he did.
DeleteFrom: Arthur Impey
To: Linda Quinn
Cc : Dean ; Donald Walters
Subject: Your email of 17 Feb
18/02/2016 11:53
Dear Linda,
For some reason, your email did not reach me, but I have picked it up via John’s reply.
I note your comments, but I must make two main points
Firstly, the suggestion that the Chapter should provide the Friends with a costed list of projects was not discussed at any length at the Meeting, and there was certainly not any vote on it. It cannot be claimed that it was what the Council as a whole wanted. We do not know. Therefore it is entirely up to the Dean whether he wishes to take any further action on it.
I personally am a little at a loss to understand the talk of one million pounds, since the Friends do not anything like that sum and I am sure that the Council would not be prepared to spend all its resources at one go..
Secondly, the Friends has always proceeded on the basis of waiting for specific requests from the Dean and Chapter for assistance. The Council is free to make suggestions, express concern, draw attention to needs etc. and, of course, to decide whether to accept or reject requests from the Dean and Chapter. But it has no right to interfere in the running of the Cathedral and to demand access to documentation.
With all best wishes,
What a condescending response from the Secretary to one of his own Committee members who raised a very important point!
DeleteLinda Quinn was absolutely right to ask that "Dean and Chapter provide the Friends Council with a costed list of prioritised fabric projects up to £1m total, for consideration at the April 2016 Council meeting." How else could they make proper decisions?
In the whole history of the Friends, there has never been a time when they failed to help the Cathedral. But they were always given a list of specific projects to discuss. They were never asked "hand over £400K and we will use it for a general appeal." This is totally against their objectives.
We see here an excellent example of the way things are being done at Llandaff: instead of addressing the issues the debate is shut down with a snide comment and secrecy.
The Friends must keep asking questions about this amount and insist on seeing the Quinquennial report.
What a rude reply from a male chauvinist pig.
DeleteQuinn wrote "could you ask".
DeleteImpey replied "no right to interfere in the running" and "to demand access to documentation".
Would he have replied in such a manner if the questions had been raised by a male member of the Friend's Council?
It is most difficult to imagine many lay people have worked harder over such a long time for Llandaff Cathedral than Linda Quinn.
DeleteHer email is professional and courteous.
The response is anything but.
If this email is typical of the way such people are treated in Llandaff then it is little wonder communicant numbers and giving are in freefall.
Impey should apologise and resign.
Perhaps Arthur Impey can explain to all the Friends how the Chapter can possibly make specific requests when the Quinquennial report is being kept from them too?
DeleteI imagine Arthur won't have enjoyed his hot cross bun today.
One suspects the Glove puppet and his dark ++Lord are choking on their own hot cross buns.
ReplyDeleteIt couldn't happen to two nicer people.
The ears in the walls of the Chapter house have confirmed there is still no sign of either the Quinquennial report of the Cathedral accounts and annual report, despite there being a Chapter meeting scheduled for next Tuesday.
DeleteFollowing which there is an ideal opportunity for any Chapter members with a shred of decency to come clean with the Friends' Council the following Monday (April 4th).
If there's anyone left in Llandaff sufficiently gullible to believe a single word that proceedeth from the mouth of the Capon, many Quinquennial reports are public documents.
DeleteAt least at Churches and Cathedrals that have nothing to hide.
Here's a fine example provided by Google but dozens are readily available.