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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Positive intentionality and the C of E

Confused? Join the club. Googling "positive intentionality" throws up many images, including the Buddha shown above. Reading The Guardian online presents a more specific clue: "Church of England report calls for affirmative action on race".

The report produced ahead of the General Synod in York next month says that the Church of England needs to "embrace affirmative action to increase the number of priests from ethnic minorities and the number of non-white parishioners, both of which lag changes in the wider population." The key recommendation to address the racial imbalance is to introduce 'positive intentionality' – recognising there are 'missing faces and missing voices and actively seeking ways to enable them to be seen and heard'.

Probity prevents me from repeating the words of a traditional rugby song recalled from my youth which drew attention to various differences in colour and appearance but seriously, are so many people falling over themselves to be priests to require positive discrimination? Only a few weeks ago the Church in Wales begged people to write a postcard responding to the call if they, or anyone else they knew, would consider a career in the Church in Wales!

As numbers dwindle following the church's business approach to faith I would have thought any increase in congregations would be welcomed, ethnically diverse or otherwise, but for vocations to be determined by quota seems plain stupid.


  1. Affirmative Action itself is a racist program.

  2. This is just ridiculous. Ethnic minorities in total make up about 10% of the British population. Most are non-Christians and of those of us who are Christians, most aren't Anglican. I would say that we're represented just fine enough, thank you - there's no need for the church to trouble itself on our behalf. I'd think it has more pressing concerns.
