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Ddetail from Sermons and Deeds of the Antichrist, Luca Signorelli, WikipediA |
Lambeth 2022 has come and gone. Most of the bishops will have returned to their dioceses.
To make sense of the mixed messages coming out of Canterbury readers can watch Anglican Unscripted 752 - Walking Apart for a well informed commentary on the proceedings and likely outcomes.
Despite the claims of revisionists to have won the day, the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches which represents the vast majority of Anglicans held firm. Their willingness as orthodox Bishops to attend the Conference did not mean that they have agreed to 'walk together' with the revisionist Primates and Bishops in the Anglican Communion.
Those who break with Lambeth 1.10 teaching on human sexuality are 'false teachers'.
The actions of the Episcopal Church (TEC) and Others [including the Church in Wales which has just a few thousand members remaining] "undermine the clarity and authority of Holy Scripture" but the Global South will not be forced out of the Anglican fellowship. They will bond together with other like-minded Anglicans, not with those who have broken God's laws.
The Anglican Communion is done. It has become a federation of churches but they are not walking together. They are walking in different directions. Satan has invaded the Church, using false teachers who are teaching doctrine unknown to the saints.
It is unlikely that the bishops of the Church in Wales were listening. They along with other make-belief Anglicans, the even smaller Episcopal Church of Scotland, TEC and a few other provinces will carry on blindly, interpreting the Bible to suit themselves until there are no more pew-sitters and the money runs out.
As for 'walking together', Christian Today puts it this way: "It is, in effect, unity at the expense of Anglicans whose only fault, it seems, is to have remained faithful to Scripture. Is that really a price worth paying?"
That should resonate throughout the Church in Wales and other recalcitrant provinces as they fall apart.
Postscript [12.08.2022]
From The Christian Institute: Over 120 Anglican bishops affirm ‘one man, one woman marriage’
ReplyDeleteReally AB?
Surely not!
The make-believe plankers are a small minority representing an even smaller minority.
The time has come to walk away and let the Cult in Wales implode.
DeleteEx Llandaff 9o'clocker
DeleteThe time has come.
@ Harold Darke:
DeleteI'd say the time came long ago. EWay back, I saw the writing on the wall and departed; I've never for a moment regretted it.
Already done long ago.
Delete@John Ellis
DeleteIn fairness John, anyone with any intelligence realised the Church in Wales was doomed from the moment Byzantine --Barry became Archbishop.
I think it is equally fair to say that it has been a much harder decision to walk away for those born and brought up as orthodox anglo catholics.
ReplyDeleteThis is the way it will all be going soon enough.
Community centres in rural areas.
Or Mosques in the cities and larger towns.
Which of God’s laws?
ReplyDeleteWhich indeed?
DeleteI can't remember the exact quote and it's not mine but: Shepherds should be feeding their flocks but now we have clowns entertaining goats.
ReplyDeleteUnison Off
The goats are the ones in the Pulpit!
DeleteEspecially in Llandaff and Bangor.
By what subterfuge did these tossers get so far into the core of the apple?
The biggest worm and a prize winning maggot is the Dark --Lord, the Byzantine bully boy Barry Morgan.
DeleteWhoever voted for him to become Bishop of Bangor and subsequently translated him to Llandaff should be condemned to the ninth ring of hell, along with Morgan for company.
The Communion is no union. It is not a federation. Once the Global South walks out, the revisionists will make up a confederacy of dunces.
ReplyDeleteLlandaff has been full of dunces for decades.
DeleteNothing has changed despite the fact that Capon has finally buggered off.
Dean Rogers certainly was NOT a dunce!
DeleteHow long will it be before the alphabet people start to re write the Bible ? I can imagine them twisting the story of Joseph and his multi coloured coat to mean something that would suit their narrative, they have already stolen God`s emblem of the rainbow for their gay pride and the CinW have shamelessly used this flag to promote LGBT instead of reminding people of the true nature of the rainbow which shows God`s common Grace and the restraining of his wrath.
ReplyDeleteGod delayed his anger against sin so that the Gospel could be proclaimed and deal with it through his Son Jesus Christ. He provided a way of Salvation but if we are to be saved we must recognize that we have sinned.
Do you follow the Bible to the letter?
DeleteI don't know if you missed it on the CinW website, but there is the statement and signatories of a letter - STATEMENT FROM ANGLICAN BISHOPS AND PRIMATES WHO ARE KEEN TO AFFIRM AND CELEBRATE LGBT+ PEOPLE. Not surprisingly, the chocolate teapot signed it, along with the tree-eater of St Asaph, and Minus Monmouth. Juno has signed it along with DodoJo. However, the new boy at S&B has not signed it. They must be wondering what kind of reprobate they have allowed into their unholy club. No doubt, Andy Pandy will want the next GB to give him pleniary powers to discipline those plankers who do not dance to his tune. What out John, he will have you in his sights. Hell has no fury as an archbishop scorned.
Well done +John.
Is it me or have some comments disappeared?
ReplyDeleteFollowing on from a remark concerning girls High School education in Afghanistan, I saw this.
Even a Muslim immam/cleric who supports girls education gets murdered by a suicide bomber.
Some religion of peace!
I believe that you are correct Ruth.
DeleteI am certain that my previous comment attracted replies from Ad Clerum and Faith Militant.
Has censorship taken place or has Ancient Briton's blog been hacked and edited by Trolls from the IT department in the Penthouse suite at Callaghan Square?
Most worrying in either case!
DeleteHere's the latest from Afghanistan.
Some of the women are braver than the men.
Ruth, some comments which included what was considered to be inflammatory language were removed following objections as they were not strictly on topic.
ReplyDeleteSome commentators seem to delight in abusing the freedom of expression granted to them to allow for diversity of opinion.
More comments have not been published which is the likely fate of others if they continue to abuse the freedom granted.
What's the point in allowing such comments (off topic or otherwise) to appear in the first place, only to remove them because of anonymous complaints?
DeleteWhy not publish the complaints and allow an open debate?
As it happens I read both comments Gabriel mentions and thought they were both relevant. I'd go so far as to say the response from Faith Militant was factually correct although a tad brusque.
The "freedom granted" is no such thing if sincerely held beliefs and factually accurate comments are simply removed without explanation due to unknown complaints from anonymous sources!
DeleteIf the evil of the plankers is to be fought and defeated then the time for mincing one's words is gone.
Anything less is futile and you may as well just roll over and be shafted.
"not strictly on topic".
DeleteIn which case probably 90% of comments over the last decade will face being removed and this blog is in danger of becoming as irrelevant as the Cult in Wales.
That would not only be a great shame but of onsiderable comfort to Barry Morgan and the current plankers.
Time to gird your loins AB and to hell with the whinging woke snowflake complainers.
The comment moderation process varies according to time available so some comments are inevitably reviewed after publication. The subject is closed.
ReplyDeleteThe gay capital of England is in trouble
Sodom and Gomorrah version 2.0?
Sadly, AB, 120 Bishops affirmed "one man, one woman marriage", 176 signed up for anything goes. The rest couldn't make their mind up.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt, the Cult in Wales will be promoting marriage for pets shortly. Any combination of genders will be OK. There will be an alphabet board at the church door, and depending on your cats', dogs', budgies', goldfishes' feelings that morning, they can choose a letter on the way in.
ReplyDeleteSomeone is looking to claim the $3 million reward.
The religion of peace hard at work once more.
DeleteThe woke loony left are rank amateurs when it comes to being "triggered"!
It's most peculiar that prayers are being asked for the atheist.
DeleteTo which god will the prayers be directed?
I must dig out my copy of Satanic Verses and re-read it.
DeleteI recall thinking it was all a lot of fuss over nothing.
Most protestors burned the book before they read it.
ReplyDeleteThe drag queen "story telkers" have arrived in Cowbridge and Cardiff.
What a disgrace!
So much for safeguarding children.
They're being deliberately exposed to the queering tactics.
Another one that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children.
DeleteAnd where are the priests and bishops? Probably applauding from the sidelines.
Utterly shameless and sickening.
Hopefully very few children will show up, preferably zero.
It's almost certainly only a matter of time before the Cult in Wales posts pictures and an accompanying piece of dross on one of its websites of one of its "priests" preaching from a pulpit, reading from a Lectern or even teaching Sunday school dressed as a drag queen.
DeleteFor the sake of the children don't give the morons any more bright ideas.
DeleteHumble apologies G, you're quite right. But I wonder how long it will be before a drag queen will be allowed to conduct Holy Eucharist.
DeleteThere's already the trans vicaresse flouncing around in St. John's Cardiff so it's surely only a matter of time.
@ Faith Militant
ReplyDeleteAs the New Testament screams out examples of God's unreserved, indiscriminate compassion for 'mankind' as a whole I wonder where in your twisted 'militant' theology you get the idea that He's unprepared to receive players for 'atheists' whether or not they are renounced Moslem Kashmiris. I'd be interested to know which denomination of Christianity you affiliate with. The one that assumes we ought not to bother God with the unwashed or that His Son, Christ, would have looked the other way. Sensible reply please?
Ad Clerum
You might get a "sensible reply" had you asked a sensible question.
DeleteAt no point have I made any reference to the willingness, or otherwise, of any god or deity to "receive prayers" for or on behalf of anyone for any reason.
I find it ironic that prayers for an atheist are asked for whilst prayers for homosexuals and Trans people are not merely labelled as change therapy but are increasingly considered to be offensive and possibly even to be made illegal.
A committed atheist, it seems to me that Mr Rushdie might well object to any prayers to any god on his behalf and find any such efforts both presumptive and offensive.
My question remains.
I posted you a reply some time ago but it hasn't yet appeared. I don't know why!
DeleteTo receive "God's unreserved, indiscriminate compassion" I was taught one first has to repent of one's sins and then seek it.
DeleteIt seems most unlikely that an atheist would do so.
Change therapy?
DeleteConversion therapy.
Predictive texting Doh!
It is news to me that the New Testament "screams out" anything at anyone.
DeleteIf you're referring to Jesus flinging out the money changers in the Temple, that's what needs doing to the plankers of the Cult in Wales.
But who is going to do it?
Curious too - in her skewed ethos - that Faith Militant in her previous submissions chastised AB for what she claimed was AB's frustrating of 'freedom of speech' etc., and yet now appears to have no care, concern or Christian prayer for Sir Salman Rushdie who was knighted and globally acclaimed for his brave championing of Free Speech.
ReplyDeleteIf there was one true, dedicated champion of Free Speech - and the courage to promote it - then Salman Rushdie should be commended unless of course your are a fanatical Fundamentalist. Perhaps Faith Militant is. She should research the subjects of her outbursts better.
Old Bill
Luke 16, 27-31
DeleteSkewed ethos? Where?
Delete🤣 🤣 🤣
Presumption on your part.
Where did I mention "Christian" prayer?
Where did I criticise Mr Rushdie for anything, much less his right to freedom of speech?
"your are" should read "you're" or "you are" - are you really TP pretending to be someone else once more?
You didn't indeed question whether God would receive our prayers. Quite correct. You simply suggested your theory that we oughtn't to submit them for 'the Atheist' (Rushdie) in the first place. You now suggest that critically ill Sir Salman may not wish our prayers to be delivered so let's not bother. Can God be the judge of that please?
ReplyDeleteAs for atheists not wanting God's interventions, try and grasp any opportunity to talk with a hospital chaplain with experience of the dying. You'd be very, very surprised how many lifelong atheists suddenly finding themselves in the shadow of death or with life-expectancy counted in days or weeks find genuine 'faith'. I can't remember a single case of the reverse; a committed Christian converting to Atheism as the eyelids close.
And where on earth, FM, did you dig up the idea that homosexuals and Trans are not prayed for and that soon prayers for LGBTQ+ might become 'illegal'. Are you bonkers?
The fast increasing majority of priests (Anglican particularly) are 'queer'. Are you suggesting they don't pray for each other? Many of us of a particular age had friends dying or dead of HIV/AIDS. Are you suggesting they weren't prayed for by their hetrosexual families and friends? The question I asked of you for 'sensible' reply was of what Christian denomination are you that feeds you these odd-ball ideas? Its none that I'll probably know of. And though I can't speak for him, I'm sure 'Old Bill' is equally keen for your response to his curiosity regarding 'Freedom of Speech' too. At least 'TP' would occasionally check the air-flow before peeing against the wind.
Ad Clerum
I didn't suggest a theory either.
DeleteI merely stated that I, me, personally found it peculiar.
Did you ever manage to pass your O level English comprehension?
My question still stands, to which god should prayers be directed for an atheist who believes in none of them?
DeleteStart here and follow a few links.
You must be joking AC.
DeleteWhen did you last see a Hospital Chaplain?
Several of my less fortunate elderly friends have been in UHW, St. David's and Llandough Hospitals in the last five or six years and never saw a single one.
The Hospital Chapels have been converted into multi-faith spaces and the only sign of any Hospital Chaplain is the sign on the notice board outside the hospital multi-faith space with phone numbers to call.
On one single occasion, a friend was approached by a Lay Visitor and asked if she would like to receive a visit from a Chaplain. She replied that indeed she would but could it please be a proper male Chaplain who'd been ordained by a proper male Bishop?
She was still waiting seven weeks later when she was discharged!
If lifelong faithful regular communicant former Church warden church goers can't get to see a Chaplain (much less receive Holy Communion once in fourteen weeks) why should the bloody humanists/atheists?
Hospital Chaplains?
Delete🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Rarer than Rocking Horse sh*t.
If you've seen Hospital Chaplains in Ysbyty Gwynedd recently it must be the only department in Betsi Cadwalladr that's functioning correctly!!
DeleteSome years ago, a priest friend of mine was admitted to Llandough hospital. He was there for two weeks including two Sundays. The hospital chaplain visited on day two and asked my friend if he would like 'The Eucharist' brought to him on Sunday A time was agreed. Of course, nobody turned up and the chaplain was not seen again. Barry Morgan did not make an appearance but David Thomas travelled up from Swansea and spent an hour with the patient. I visited the chapel one day - well, I found the door, but there there were around 20 folding chairs in front of the door and the chapel was inaccessible .
DeleteUnison Off.
Communion in hospital?
DeleteDon't make me laugh.
One widowed friend in her nineties (a former Church Warden in Llandough) hasn't had a single phone call or home visit, never mind Holy Communion, in the five years since she lost her husband (another Church Warden).
Another friend, despite being the widow of a former parish priest who gave almost forty years service to the Llandaff Diocese, is still waiting for her Easter communion to be brought to her.
To all intents and purposes, pastoral care is non-existent in the Llandaff Diocese.
But there's always time, money and resources available to promote the LGBTQIA agenda or pet project of Caiaphas.
Speaking of her pet (vanity) projects, the ears in the walls report that the Holy Trinity Brompton group planted at St. Teilo's in Cathays have already run out of money and are asking Caiaphas for a lot more.
DeleteThat would hardly be surprising.
They've got more staff than Llandaff Cathedral.
I seem to remember them being given a significant chunk of the £10 million giveaway pot that some fool put Randy Pandy in charge of but I don't remember just how much it was.
Does anyone else remember?
I can't be entirely certain but I seem to remember the sum of £1.25 million.
DeleteAt £20 for a white t-shirt and £55 for a sweat shirt I doubt many students will be purchasing the tat from their shop.
Whatever the amount, it was too much and the original congregation could have kept on going for a fraction of the cost.
DeleteBut that's vanity projects for you.
The real question is how many new congregants will have been attracted for the expenditure?
I think George Conger on Anglican Unscripted might have suggested something like one new congregant for every £100,000 spent.
To conceal the disaster that was Capon, Mr Toad and the gay cabal, Llandaff Cathedral hasn't published its communicant numbers since December 2015.
DeleteIf the planting church experiment was a success you'd think they'd be shouting about it.
Draw your own conclusions.
@Unison Off
DeleteThere hasn't been a regular hospital chaplain in Llandough for twenty years or more and the shambles you describe would certainly not happened during the years Rev Fred Mudge fulfilled the role.
The grumblings on The Green suggest Juno's HTB planting church in Woodville Road are after another £1million, but Randy Pandy's £10 million giveaway pot is exhausted and even her unaudited discretionary funds won't cover that.
DeleteHaving checked the Charity Commissioners website, the plants haven't filed any accounts yet but they will have to soon enough.
It is reported that another £10 million is soon to be forthcoming from the RB for the plankers' pet projects - sorry, I meant to write evangelism projects. No doubt, Juno will have her begging bowl at the ready.
If the RB has that kind of money sloshing around and burning a hole in their pockets, Llandaff Cathedral could do with a few million to get up to date with all the maintenance work that Capon didn't do, as listed in the Quinquennial reports that remain hidden from the pew sitters.
Delete1662, come on. You don't expect maintenance grants from the RB, do you? With the closure and sale of delapidated buildings, the plankers will get even more money to spend on vanity projects. Misery areas have far too many buildings. COVID and its effects on finances have been a God-send to the RB and the plankers. It has given them a golden opportunity to reduce the buildings in each misery area. Ideally, there will only be one stipend, and the pewsitters can do the work. It is high time the pewsitters realized the "softly, softly, catch the monkey" approach that is being adopted, and rebelled.
You're not wrong there Seymour, I expect absolutely nothing from the RB and neither should anyone else.
DeleteThey're hardly representative of anything or anyone and the vast majority of those on the Governing body are sycophants and poodles. Total wasters and have been for decades.
Fair Cop everyone. Being a fit and healthy sort with NASA heat-shielded organs, I've managed to avoid hospitals to date ... but I hope Faith Militant got the general gist.
ReplyDeleteBut to Menai Straight I add the following insight into BCUHB's Ysbyty Gwynedd chaplaincy. Only a few years ago, its excellent Anglican chaplain, the Rev. Wyn Roberts (British Empire Medal awarded for his work) went to Bishop +Bangor Andy John hoping to have him advertise through the diocese vacancies for Assistant Chaplains; one of which would succeed him on retirement. Wyn could have approached the Methodists, Catholics, Baptists but favoured the C-in-W. There were no applicants. Wynn was curious.
The reason? Bishop Andy stipulated that if any priest applied, then their additional NHS income be relinquished to the diocese as peripheral earnings to their parish stipend. Who in their right minds would put in the extra hours - often at night - with no benefit? Wyn plodded on even through his own significant fight with cancer. The same numbskull bishop of course ordaining and blessed his divorced wife's departure from Bangor to become a hospital chaplain in Cardiff ... and his failed Dean's move out of Bangor cathedral to a Hospice in Shropshire. But the point is that +Andy demonstrated no grace for the sick and the dying of his Diocese or for his own clergy to advance themselves.
And further knife in the back. Never, over the months of Rev Wyn Roberts' brave battle against a most aggressive cancer were prayers said for him in Bangor Cathedral. He may have been better off without them. Strength to Wyn was to continue working at Ysbyty Gwynedd throughout his own chemo and other cancer treatments. Brave man,
I was not subjected to a "general gist" from you and your pal Old Bill, but rather a tirade of unnecessary and unjustified abuse.
DeleteYou must be very proud of yourselves. I await your retractions and apologies.
If, as you state, Rev Wyn Roberts "may have been better off" without prayers said for him, so may Mr Rushdie.
Speaking only for myself once more, under no circumstances would I wish to be the subject of prayers from the hypocrite heretic chocolate teapot Randy Pandy, any of the plankers or their LGBTQIA rainbow cabal.
I am delighted to read in the media that Mr Rushdie is now conscious and able to speak. Hopefully he will make a full recovery.
Randy Pandy was full of crap.
DeleteBy what possible means would he have been able to get his hands on a Chaplain's NHS pay?
The NHS would have refused to even discuss the issue with him never mind divert someone's salary payments.
If he'd tried to deduct the amount from their Church in Wales stipend, for the same reasons the RB payroll team would have refused to discuss the matter with him.
And even if the RB payroll team did act on any such instructions, they would have been guilty of making illegal deductions of earnings.
The saddest aspect is that not one member of the Diocesan clergy had the balls to take him on, ignore his threats and call his bluff.
Then again, that's the very reason the Cult in Wales is in its death throes.
When Jesus was tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread, He responded, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:4). Note that Jesus said `on every word that comes from the mouth of God and not on the words of men and women. By ignoring the words of God and setting its own rules for example in employing gay priests, promoting LGBT and wanting to allow gay marriage then the Church in Wales is in direct opposition to God`s will. By following its own will and not following God`s will the church is in contempt, it has become disobedient and disrepectful of God`s law. By making its own rules and disregarding God`s rule the CinW has made itself utterly worthless and despicable.
ReplyDeleteYou don’t know what God’s law is - any rules/laws written in the Bible are entirely man-made!
DeleteYour statement shows how little you know about what is written in the Bible. Here are some examples for you from the Bible which show that God wrote the ten commandments and he passed on other laws to Moses and the prophets.
DeleteExodus 31
18 When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the covenant law, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.
Exodus 32
15 Moses turned and went down the mountain with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands. They were inscribed on both sides, front and back. 16 The tablets were the work of God; the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tablets.
Leviticus 18 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘I am the Lord your God. 3 You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices. 4 You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. I am the Lord your God. 5 Keep my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them will live by them. I am the Lord.
Nice story!
DeleteMost AB readers will have sensibly interpreted your comments and my retorts so, as AB says, 'subject closed'. By insinuation and innuendo, you've strutted your stuff and there will be neither retraction nor apology.
ReplyDeleteBut to issue to BCUHB/NHS Trust and hospital chaplains - and I might be wrong here - my understanding was that it came at the time when +Bangor calculated that by upping the general expenses of clergy plus some other 'stipend/pension' perks, they could fairly be expected to 'donate' their peripheral earnings back to his coffers. This, apparently, to include certain fees they'd receive as part of parish work. An obligation rather than contract. He pushed it too far by extending this to 'second jobs' such as hospital pastoral care and it backfired not on him of course, but on the Anglican church and the patients of Ysbyty Gwynedd. It is sufficient to say - without breaching any confidences - that the Rev. Wyn Roberts and his bishop hardly ever spoke thereafter: if at all. Those who know Wyn Roberts will know the rift went much much deeper and not just over this issue.
And to Exodus (above). Yep. Agreed - on this and almost every other aspect of diocesan mismanagement from his appointment of three duff Deans to his failings of his own Vows. But with so many of his clergy now of the LGBTQ+ fraternity, I guess 'no balls' is the way of things.
Ad Clerum
That's most unfair and self-serving. The only insinuation and innuendo I have seen came from you and Old Bill, but were initiated by you.
DeleteIn stark contrast, the comments and questions from FM have been crystal clear.
Very surprising, most ungentlemanly and most unChristian.
You'll know the tree by its fruit Martha.
DeleteTough-titty Martha. Tough-titty.
ReplyDeleteMale chauvinist pig!
DeleteThe Church in Wales has shot itself in the foot time and time again with regard to hospital chaplaincy. It has not supported its chaplains only jealously looked at the extra pay chaplains received often for difficult on-call work. Instead of seeing the missional opportunity that Anglican chaplaincy brought to the Welsh NHS, these petty concerns and lack of imagination have caused a collapse in numbers of Anglican chaplains. I predicted about 6 years ago now that C-i-W chaplains in NHS Wales would be extinct in the next 10. Sadly, my prediction seems to be coming true. Just another own goal in the list of many.
@ Unison Off (sent 10:49 hrs)
ReplyDeleteOutrageous UO, but I might beat it in sheer, crass, bishop disrespect. For two at least decades I enjoyed the friendship and banter of one of Bangor's most loved priests 'Joe' who died a couple of years ago aged 99. Wales's then oldest and longest serving (licensed to officiate) clergymen with a massive listing of good works adding to his parish and Diocesan responsibilities. I knew him from his pioneering work with police and local authorities with drugs and alcohol abusers. As priest, he set up 'the Listeners' before the Samaritans were founded, he created a commercial skills company for adults with learning difficulties before REMPLOY, he was diocesan Adoption officer placing more than 600 infants into safe, Christian homes. Then came ill-health and off and on hospitalisation in Bangor over a few months. Was he visited by any of his clergy. No. (But I did hear he was somewhat relieved by that).
But then came death and his funeral. The C-in-W's oldest and longest-serving Vicar; a vicar who stepped in to assist as interregnum long after his 70th birthday and conducted parish funerals without charging fees until he was 96.
OK it could not POSSIBLY be expected that his Bishop, Andrew John would attend his funeral two miles away from Ty'r Esgob - I mean the man didn't even attend HM Queen's Westminster Abbey events - but surely a letter of condolence to his faithfully departed servant's family; a 70 pence 2nd class stamp perhaps? Not a flicker of sympathy or care. And this two-fingers to a priest, trained from schooldays, through Lampeter and still on his zimmer frame a Sunday congregant at the parish church he served for more than 37 years after minor canon at Bangor cathedral under beloved Bishop JC Jones, and curacy before that. Not even a telephone call to the family. There were cards from the Lord Lieutanant and High Sheriff; from the Deputy Chief Constable and the Arfon MP; his death was Page One reported in the Daily Post and broadcast on BBC Wales. But Bishop Andy? Pigs can fly.
I can't think of any other employment sector, Police, Army, British Rail, Co-Op, Royal Mail etc. who would so simply ignore with such rudeness the passing of one of their longest serving and loyal 'alumni' as Tosser Andy seems to think is normal behaviour.
I really do hope that Andrew John and those who advise him occasionally read the comments of Ancient Britain's contributors ... and takes the courage to answer for himself. Meanwhile, is his legacy already being written - in the dark bowels of ridicule.
Old Bill
Why on earth would you include the Royal Mail in your list above?
DeleteOne acquaintance of mine was subjected to the false allegations of fiddling their accounts when the real error lay with their new Japanese supplied accounts system.
Crap company run by crap management who knowingly and deliberately ruined hundreds and hundreds of lives.
Almost as scummy as the Church in Wales!
You're misled and ill-informed AGAIN Faith Militant. I think you'll find that your acquaintance was wrongly accused of 'fiddling accounts' by Post Office Counters and NOT Royal Mail ... two totally separate commercial entities.
ReplyDeleteYou really ought to check facts. Is it that you are so keen to use AB's hosting of a blogsite to spit phlegm and venom against people you don't know - from the cowardism of anonymity - that triggers your militancy? Years ago, I met a few - at a distance because I have a sensitive odour-repelling nose - at Greenham Common. Self-promoting 'Wimmin' Militants. That's by-the-by. As noted from some of your earliers, check your facts .... or wind it in.
Old Bill.
DeleteThe issues at stake are all remarkably similar.
Royal Mail is hardly a reputable employer or famous for its good staff/industrial relations.
Your lack of charity towards those falsely accused by Post Office counters is duly noted.
If indeed you attended Sandhurst some decades ago and become an officer, there's little sign of you ever having been a gentleman.
And for the record, you certainly don't command here, so wind it in yourself.
Here here Ruth. The more I read Old Bill and his attempt to command this website over the last few weeks, the more I am persuaded that his career began and ended in some tiny village station where he reigned like a little mini Hitler. Know your place Old Bill.
Where on earth did I show lack of charity or even mention those accused under the Horizon fiasco? Get a grip woman.
ReplyDeleteSome blogs ago either you or of Ilk questioned how (if not with the nod of Freemason brotherhood) I had climbed the Police ranks as I - someone's opinion - had no 'O' level educatation (and that gives your elderly age away. How many decades ago was it that anyone sat GCE 'O' levels to trip off the tongue now?) Now the suggestion I might have passed-through (not 'attended') RMA Sandhurst.
Either way - and it's irrelevant - I well recall one instructor address us on the subject of 'gentlemen'. "Gentlemen," he announced, "are taught to wash their hands after going for a Pee-Wee. Correct?" Pause for thought. "Here, I am going to teach you not to piss on your hands in the first place". I've tended to follow that reasoning throughout life and its done me little harm. As a lady, don't forget to lift your lavatory seat after use. Its what well mannered ladies do, And can't Faith Militant speak for herself?
Old Gentlemanly Bill !
The version I was told concerned the time when there were two military academies for officer cadets, RMAS and Woolwich.
DeleteThe Sandhurst cadets needed to wash their hands.
Whilst I am all for good robust humour, you have become somewhat churlish of late William and it really isn't endearing you to anyone.
Ad Clerum speaks for you often enough.
DeleteYou don’t miss anything Ruth, you’d have made a good Chief Inspector; kept Old Bill in check.
I could never have been a Police officer of any rank, my parents were married.
DeleteWell said, priceless. 😂 😂
For everything else there's Misercard.
Quite correct Laughing Gas. I short-formed it for sake of bevity. RMAS was of course the Gentleman's establishment but the other wasn't Woolwich, it was the Mons Officer Cadet TU in Aldershot. I will, however, attempt to de-Churl, but not particularly for the sake of endearing myself.
ReplyDeleteOld Bill
ReplyDeleteThe politically correct are being triggered again.
Good for Graeme Souness, speaks his mind.
ReplyDeleteMonkeypox vaccine runs out.
"It's unconscionable".
Asking gay men to abstain from promiscuous unprotected sex for a few weeks apparently isn't an option.
Heavens to Betsy, of course not Z.
DeleteLifestyle choices and rights must never be questioned never mind overruled.
This country is going to the dogs.
ReplyDeleteThe Church of England (bishopette of London in particular) insists it is institutionally racist despite a coloured Ordinand (Calvin Robinson) stating the contrary.
Now it seems the RAF don't want to recruit young white men because it's more important to fill quotas than it is to have planes in the air!
And, to top it all, it's a female Group Captain that has allegedly resigned in protest at the potty recruitment policy.
🤣 🤣 🤣
You couldn't make it up.
But the real problem is that it's no laughing matter!
It isn't just the RAF. My contacts tell me the entire MOD is fixated on meeting diversity targets, far more so than wasting £3+ billion on Ajax armoured vehicles that are not fit for purpose.
DeletePriorities are totally FUBAR.
SNAFU then.
ReplyDeleteTwo gay men cohabiting in Paris have passed on Monkeypox to their Greyhound.
Whatever next?
DeleteVaccine shortage coincides with Gay pride this weekend in Cardiff.
I often wondered where Elephantitis came from Zebedee. Monkeypox, Greyhounds, who knows ... ?
ReplyDeleteElderly William
Llandaff Pewster. I knew Freddie very well and dined with him on many an occasion. They don't make (ordain) 'em in that mould any more. As a certain orthodox priest stated, we now have 'hedgerow' priests (and esses).
ReplyDeleteUnison Off
Fred was one of, if not *the* most diligent parish priests I have ever met and his pastoral care was second to none.
DeleteHe was often described as the best Dean of Llandaff that Llandaff was never lucky enough to have.
That's a new one on me.
DeleteWhat's a 'hedgerow' priest?
You're not wrong there UO.
DeleteHow desperately Llandaff Cathedral needs a Fred right now.
We'll find out soon enough but the smart money on the Green suggests another imported Church of England third rater.
The ears in the walls report over a dozen applications have been submitted.
DeleteAm I the only one to find it truly staggering to think there's so many naiive fools still willing to sip from the poisoned chalice?
Have they not heard of the on-going Organ appeal and Charity Commissioners scandals, the Cathedral Choir scandals, the Janet Henderson resignation, the stones falling from the Clerestory during a funeral near miss, the concealed Communicant numbers and Quinquennial reports, the Aga saga and missing £70k scandals, the previous Dean missing for two years on the sick with stress scandal and the multiple bullying allegations against Caiaphas?
DeleteHave so many swallowed the line that all the above has just been a bit of turbulence?
Caiaphas will have rigged any shorlist and her chosen shoo-in will get to enjoy using the Capon's Aga.
DeleteThe question is who will be footing the fuel bill for it?
Realistically, who from within the Diocese would be mad enough to even consider applying, much less give Caiaphas an opportunity to turn them down?
DeleteIt will be very instructional to see how many of the diversuty/inclusivity boxes get ticked by the new appointee.
DeletePolitics will have to be anything but a Tory, but preferably a paid up member of Momentum or, even better, the Chinese Communist Party with a signed copy of Chairman Mao's little red book.
Must be able to swear like a f****n' trooper to fit in with the current bishops and senior clergy as per the recent Pain Monmouth report (standards have to be maintained don't ya know).
Preferably "on the spectrum" with ADHD being treated by aroma therapy and crystal healing but physical disability optional.
Any ethnic background except white English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh or anything else even remotely Anglo-Saxon (a DNA swab will be required before appointment to verify background) .
Preferably multilingual as long as it does not include Welsh (no Welsh hymns will be tolerated at the installation service) unless you're from Patagonia and tick *all* other boxes.
Any genders welcome except straight male and female, extra points for non-binary in polyamorous relationship(s).
Divorced multiple times no problem and children born out of wedlock, ditto.
Must drive a Citroën 2CV converted to run on LPG, plastered in stickers of flowers, unicorns and the latest version of the alphabet flag.
No Orthodoxy required or permitted but a "right-on" woke and easily triggered approach to life is a pre-requisite - the successful candidate will be provided with their own personal "safe-space" known as "The Deanery" to which retiring for weeks, months or even years on end on full pay (either without explanation, or under false pretenses of stress and being bullied) will be encouraged.
Exercising personal discretion will not be encouraged and using one's initiative will result in instant dismissal for attempting gross competence and embarrassing the fools by whom you will be surrounded at all times.
If you have any questions please don't worry your silly little head over anything like that, we'll get in touch with you.
DeleteFluent in Polari will be a pre-requisite not forgetting the ability to mix the perfect Rum Pansies and pink Gin cocktails, along with comprehensive collections of high heels, ball gowns, wigs, handbags and gloves for the newly inclusive Sunday School lessons in drag.
You guys are on good form tonight but have you seen Episode 748 of Anglican Unscripted?
Delete"Who will kiss Pope Justin's Ring?"
DeleteOne minor amendment.
Any genders welcome except straight males.
Of course, quite right, what was I thinking?
DeleteThanks for the suggestion.
ReplyDeleteThe alphabet people continue pushing their agenda. Now it's Singapore.
ReplyDeleteGay marriage, the "new front line".
ReplyDeleteThe weak minded snowflake generation now require "trigger" warnings prior to watching gory fantasy TV series.
How would the poor little daaahlings cope with the reality in eastern Ukraine?
I feel certain I read somewhere that Universities now feel it necessary to attach trigger warnings to hundreds and hundreds of books, including authors like Thomas Hardy.