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Friday 8 April 2022

Shame on Patriarch Kirill

Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian Orthodox Church has often been accused of serving the
interests of the State. Photo:   Source: Euromaidan Press  

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has suggested that the World Council of Churches (WCC) could be justified in expelling the Russian Orthodox Church over its failure to condemn the war in Ukraine. And rightly so.

Patriarch Kirill's support for Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine has been nothing short of shameful. 

The death and destruction witnessed through the media has been an abomination but the suffering will extend far beyond the borders of Ukraine as food shortages set in.

The Times of Israel reports on the Russian war against Ukraine in the ‘world’s breadbasket’ and how it may threaten global food supply and, consequently, millions of others: 

"Millions in Europe, Africa, Asia rely on fertile farmlands in Black Sea region; price of wheat surges by 55%; violence could create food insecurity, push more people into poverty."

Shame on you Patriarch Kirill. 

Prayer for Ukraine:


  1. What a fantastic piece of music and a fabulous performance.

    Glory to Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

  2. Baptist Trainfan9 April 2022 at 08:17

    Thank you AB and I couldn't agree more. Have you read Archbishop Kirill's recent sernon on the Archbishop Cranmer blog?

  3. The Reichbishop would have been be proud of Kirill’s sermon. What a tool.

    1. That's grossly unfair.
      At least a tool is useful for something!

  4. The Sunday programme on Radio 4 this morning investigated Patriarch Kiril's status as a KGB agent. This confirmed what I was told by a very old friend in the priesthood, a Russian Orthodox Archpriest, who said that the big question in his church, is not how many of the bishops and priests are gay, but how many of them are ex-KGB murderers. It's a tragic state of affairs.

    1. Wouldn't that depend on whether or not they were truly repentent reformed sinners?

      "There is more joy in heaven" etc.

    2. But reading AB's Blog, being gay is far worse than being a murderer.


    3. You have no evidence to substantiate that accusation Pewsitter. It is an unwarranted slur.

    4. Being gay and unrepentant or an adulterer and unrepentant is worse than being a murderer and repentant.

    5. This site is all the evidence that is needed. Vile homophobia day after day.


    6. Troll.
      Don't feed the Troll.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Do we know what the Ecumenical Patriarch has to say about Kirill and the horrendous situation in Ukraine?

  6. The Russian Orthodox church has in effect been an instrument of the state from its very beginning: after all, when he decided that the Rus ought to have a more sophisticated religion than that of their tribal steppes ancestors, it was Prince Vladimir in 988 who determined that the religion should be eastern Christianity rather than the Latin variety or Islam!

    But in reality, once secular rulers embraced Christianity it didn't take long before they were wont to try to direct and control it. As with England's own Henry VIII! One of the arguable advantages of the evolution of the western papacy was that it provided another, supra-national, locus of authority and jurisdiction to counterbalance the tendency, otherwise, for local churches to become the mere tools of secular rulers. Which Kiril appears to be.
