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Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Bangor ditches Dean

Rev Siôn Rhys Evans Sub-Dean & Canon Treasurer

After a period of discernment following the departure of the Dean of Bangor, Kathy Jones, the Bishop of Bangor has decided to delay the appointment of a new Dean for 'a substantial period of time'.

Instead a new Sub-Dean & Canon Treasurer, the Revd Siôn Rhys Evans, is to lead the Cathedral’s ministry and mission. He is also to act as the senior priest in the Ministry Area of Bro Deiniol.

Other appointments announced are:

  • a new Director of Music, who will have a vital role in reenergizing the Cathedral’s worshipping life
  • a new Family Minister to enhance the Cathedral and the Ministry Area’s ministry to children, families and schools
  • new members of the Chapter to oversee the Cathedral’s common life, including new Canons from within and beyond our diocese, and, for the first time, two Lay Canons

Quite a list for a Vaccination Centre!


  1. As many parishes are left languishing with long interregnums it's only fitting that Cathedrals are as well; It might even be a blessing. Surely Chapters are an old fashioned thing which an up-to-the-minute go-ahead church should phase out

    1. Because of track and trace, and, following reported sightings of Peggy Pilot this morning, my Grandfather, the Enforcer, remains in hiding. He does however desperately wants me to congratulate Andy for such breath taking vision announced for Bangor earlier.

    2. So, this is Queenie then? The look of seemliness determination, beaming down a mouthful of laughing gas.
      Billy Pontin

  2. Yet another new Director of Music?

  3. Caiaphas is busy trying to achieve the same goal in Llandaff. Perhaps -Andy Pandy could give her some hints and tips?

  4. So it appears the newly-appointed Sub-Dean and Canon Treasurer of Bangor is somebody who

    • Was turned down for ordination by a Provincial Discernment Panel, with a damning report. This was overruled by +Andy, for reasons nobody can explain.

    • Has only been ordained two years, so is a curate. But now has authority over the Cathedral and its Canons, as well as being Diocesan Secretary.

    • Is routinely described as ‘evil’ by people across the Church in Wales, from a range of traditions.

    … appointed by a bishop who

    • Left his wife.

    • Had a hush-hush marriage to one of his own clergy in December.

    • Was romantically linked to the colleague who is now his wife for several years before his divorce.

    I say thank goodness we can trust the integrity of our bishops, and that words like ‘creepy’ and ‘corrupt’ need never pass our lips.

    Menai Bridger

    1. So -Andy Pandy is a complete and utter hypocrite?
      Quelle surprise!!!!!!

  5. So what news of DodoJo and her gardening leave?

  6. Clearly, St Davids does not need a full time bishop if it can manage well without one.

    1. Subversive Canon4 August 2021 at 14:27

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Choosing the next Archbishop must change with a proper election consisting of clergy and lay members. We just cannot see the church drift off into the night under +Andy. He has run Bangor into the ground, failed to act on Tweetgate and come up with this bizarre arrangement at the Cathedral. Furthermore, he believes he is a theologically qualified to gainsay c.2000 years of Christian teaching on marriage. The guy is just unsuitable to put it mildly.


  8. PP. But who would be an alternative candidate, should Andy not be selected in the college. If he was then he would be another long haul like +Baz. Can the Church not widen the selection net?

  9. We know what is happening here! In two years Sion will be made Dean and two years after that made Bishop

  10. Medwyn on the Menai27 August 2021 at 14:10

    Apologies for my rather belated contribution to this thread, necessitated by holidays.

    The method in the madness of leaving the Deanery of Bangor in abeyance is not only to blow smoke up a specific orifice of someone who, by common consent and the discernment processes of the Church, should never have even been ordained in the first place; but also to allow an elapse of time in order to implement a ruse cooked-up in consultation with Barry the Golfer. As with all machinations from the Golf Club, there is more than superficial involvement of the gay mafia.

    First, Andy Crap was determined that Car-Crash Cathy would not be succeeded by that other long-standing Bangor sycophant Bob the Builder. As has been frequently noted on this esteemed blog, Andy is an insecure personality and holds grudges for a long time. It was vouchsaved to him that Bob had expressed doubts about the wisdom of his election during the early days of the disaster and has never been forgiven. Hence his being moved around to various jobs that don't, in fact, amount to anything. Unlike many other Bangor clergy who had the good sense to get out and move to prestigious jobs in the Church of England, Bob would not be considered first division material by the sister Church beyond Offa's Dyke. Added to this is the long-standing animosity towards Bob by the Lavatory Attendant who (in a spectacular case of the pot calling the kettle balck) sought to block Bob's ordination when he was on the staff of St Michael's College, Llandaff (of blessed memory). Something to do with not being honest about his sexuality, and how that might lead to scandal in the opinion of the Lavatory Attendant, who was busy playing happy families with the frenetic erstwhile wife at that time.

    Second, Andy Crap's long-standing Overlord (Darth Insidious the Golfer), has let it be known that he is unhappy about the treatment of his former Caddy by his successor in the See of Llandaff. Anyone within earshot in the sacristy in Brecon Cathedral before the ordinations was treated to a no-holds barred airing of his views on the matter. Thus a plan has been hatched to keep Capon on sick leave for the next 19 months, until June Landav retires and heads off into the sunset beyond Offa's Dyke. Once she is out of the way, The Capon will make a spectacularly miraculous recovery, return from sick leave, and be announced as the next Dean of Bangor. This ruse, I am reliably informed, has the full approval of Rhys Evans and the Lavatory Attendant, without whom no staffing decisions can be made in Bangor Diocese. It will also mean Andy Crap can avoid the inevitable diplomatic fallout with (as she was recently described to me) 'a bulldog chewing a wasp'! I'm even told that the shadowy figure of Alun Hawkins has been making representations - and we all know how everything he touches turns into, well... waste material associated with the nomenclature of the Bishop of Bangor!

    And, before anyone rushes in to say 'don't be silly, we would know about something like this' just think back to all those other unexpected developments in Bangor that took you by surprise (e.g. how the erstwhile Mrs John was 'quietly' moved into a vicarage a few doors down from a former Archdeacon of Bangor without his knowledge - or even how a workshy hospital chaplain from Newcastle, who was widely mistrusted in Bangor Diocese, became the Dean!).

    Remind me in April 2023 that you first read of the appointment of the next Dean of Bangor here!
