Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Joanna's US training jolly

Joanne with TEC friends of St Davids                                                            Source: Church in Wales

Another episcopal jolly, again to the United States where Joanna, bishop of St Davids, attended the Living our Vows conference in Richmond, Virginia as part of a three-year programme for newly appointed bishops, run and sponsored by the Episcopal Church of America (TEC). - From Pobl Dewi, September 2019.


TEC is a failed institution. Dominated by feminized men then by presiding bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Barry Morgan's heretical mentor, under the current presiding bishop, Michael Curry, it is all about love, a euphemism for liberality.

Despite TEC's record of failure, the Church in Wales and the Church of England continue to look to TEC for inspiration as if they have a death wish.

Decline continues apace as the Anglican Church here and in the US insists on making itself relevant to society, abandoning 'otherness' in the process when society couldn't give a fig for the Church.

Joanna and June need no lessons in becoming relevant to society.

Already leaders in promoting fashionable causes one wonders what TEC could possibly teach them other than fulfilling their archbishop's promise of 'more of the same - but faster'.

Katharine Jefferts Schori, former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
(TEC), acting as mentor to @BishopJuno and Bishop Joanna.      Source: Twitter


  1. Getting advice from the TEC on how to be a Bishop is like asking Fred Goodwin how to run a bank. it is obvious to me that they don't really go to take advice, but for 'the craic'.

    Sadly, these two bishops were bad appointments because they were done for the wrong reasons. Firstly, +Joanna was appointed simply because she was a woman. Secondly, +June because after the Jeffrey John debacle, the bench wanted to punish the Llandaff malcontents with a woman bishop.

    I think their record shows them to be less than competent with scandals such as the misandry of retired clergy in St. David's, the profligacy of the so-called pilgrimage/clergy school in Llandaff apart from the shameless promotion of their heterodox views.

  2. Are the pew sitters paying, again, for this jolly?

  3. That's like taking navigation lessons from the captain of the Titanic.

  4. A 'three year programme for newly appointed bishops?' It gets more and more silly and contrary to a serving Christian ministry. They are self-serving and imagining themselves as corporate business managers. This ranks alongside Compostela and 'leading us in pilgrimage, for stupidity.

    1. 'Corporate business managers' is, I suspect, exactly how they do see themselves, and indeed have been mentored to see themselves.

      This goes back a long way; I recall a friend of mine who was a member of the C of E's general synod back in the early 1990s with utter incredulity telling me that the then Archbishop Carey had depicted the bishop's role in exactly those terms in some general synod gathering.

  5. Thomas Cromwell sent eminent ecclesiastics to Zurich to study reformed heresy. The "bishops "from Wales are following in a great tradition.

  6. I have to write it: dear Joanna is being carried away by her imagined authority in her special message on the St Davids' website. '...I require that' (appears twice). Do bishops still address their clergy thus? Well, one does. How to set people's backs up!
