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Friday 13 October 2023

'By their deeds you will know them'

Source: The New Humanitarian

While the Gaza/Israel conflict has dominated the news an estimated population of around 120,000 Armenian Christians have been expelled from their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh. In an act described as Cultural Genocide, one of the oldest Christian communities in the world has been destroyed.

It has been estimated that in the birthplace of Christianity, Christians now make up approximately 5% of the Middle Eastern population, down from 20% in the early 20th century.

Meanwhile Islam continues to expand. Cultural jihad has resulted in thousands of Muslims importing their ideology into the Western world. The consequences of multi-culturalism rather than assimilation  can be observed most spectacularly in France where Islam is now "the most practiced 'religion'."

Demonstrations in support of Hamas, a designated terrorist organisation by many Western Countries, have been witnessed in many major cities including ParisViennaNew York and in London where, at Speaker's Corner, Islamic ideology is made clear for all to hear while adherents do as they please

Civic and religious leaders in the West must take their share of  responsibility for this situation. For decades they have accepted assurances that Islam is a religion of peace without question.

Caught in the middle are the innocent. Among them those massacred by Hamas in Israel and the multi-faith civilians trapped in Gaza. 

God help them.


  1. Has the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of Wales said anything on this matter yet? Truly shameful if they haven’t. I attended the choir concert in Bangor Cathedral this evening and they sounded splendid. The Archbishop and his wife were there too. His wife looked so bored with a miserable look on her face as though she had something rotten under her nose. Shameful woman.

    Charlie (New to Bangor)

    1. Archbishop Welby's statement

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So much for the mythical notion of BBC impartiality.

  3. @ Charlie (New to Bangor) etc

    Welcome to Bangor and welcome to the AB site as a new contributor (unless like others, you have morphed from some other identity).

    Yes of course, good music - with the massive costs which go into it - is always a joy which is why I tend to go to Pontio (Bangor) or further afield like Liverpool or Manchester to hear performances. I go to church (it used to be Bangor cathedral) to pray and thank God for gifts of life etc ... not to be entertained. Unfortunately, Bangor cathedral for all the enjoyment it gives music audiences (and dosh it pays it student singers) seems to have distanced itself from the 'God' bit to become a concert hall ... and commercial venue as with this week for whisky and wine tasting sponsored by Majestic Wines. When it returns to a place of prayer and worship with some focus on parish and parochial care, please let us know. It wouldn't surprise me if the next wheeze of the actor ap Rhys will be to have an 'Ann Summers' lingerie catwalk night ... except of course, for LGBTQ+ pinkos of course.

    1. It’s already.begun with the new mink Mozzetta.


    2. Hello and thank you for the welcome and yes I am genuine.

      I appreciate your description and opinion of all that has happened at the cathedral. I do have to disagree with you regarding the Sub-Dean. From what I have seen and read from the past with the two previous Dean’s, the present Sub-Dean has brought the cathedral back from a point of no return. It’s worth attending services as there is more life in the cathedral , regardless of what has been spent and all the pomp and circumstance that goes on. You’re going to disagree with all that I say here, but the Sub-Dean has taken on a job that I don’t think anyone else could have done. It doesn’t matter about the new vestments, furry Mozzetta, payments to the cathedral choir, give the man some credit. I’m glad he’s at the helm.


    3. I agree but the pomp and the mink need to go. They’re a distraction and extravagance. He doesn’t need them.



    Anyone care to bet that plod have picked on the one white straight elderly gent present who was willing to call a spade a spade?


  5. @Minky
    MINK Mozzetta??? Surely not. More likely to be rat fur abandoned in Bangor cathedral's vestry by the ranks of decent clergy who have already scurried off this sinking ship since arrival of Capt'n Rudderless Andy who seems oblivious to the way the tide of opinion has drained an already shallow pond. Can any AB contributors of the diocese take a guess at just how many clergy have deserted Bangor since his arrival here? I lost count a couple of years ago when it was in excess of 40 - and most of them made good elsewhere. One, a highly popular parish priest, fled so far away from the poser that he ended up in New Zealand where he's now archdeacon; a former Bangor Dio. 'resigned' archdeacon is now Bishop in England. But Mink Mozzettas??? Pink-Mink I assume.

  6. Here's the difference.
    The idiots organise noisy violent nasty protests.
    The victims organise a silent respectful vigil.
    The comparison is stark.

    I stand with Israel 🇮🇱

    1. Yes. I too stand with Israel. 🇮🇱

    2. Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱

    3. OFCOM racist senior manager suspended.
      Outrageous situation.

  7. OFCOM's racist senior manager suspended.
    The rabid feminist decolonialist needs to be sacked and told to decolonise herself back to Zimbabwe.

    1. Her surname should be reduced to the first three letters.

    Has anyone here ever heard of "deadnaming" before?
    How can anyone be accused of something that doesn't even exist?
    Just what the hell is wrong with tribunal judges?

