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Sunday 6 November 2022

Pied Piper of Oxford

The bishop of Oxford, Dr Steven Croft, has decided to ditch his baptismal vows and turn from Christ following the example of the former archbishop of Wales.

Other bishops have swiftly followed. No doubt more will join them as they follow the herd listening to the simpering stories of 'suffering' peddled by Jayne Ozanne and the Ozanne Foundation.

The Church in Wales is a prime example of what happens when Anglicans abandon their baptismal vows. Blessings of same sex unions will soon be followed by marriage in church of same sex couples when the bishops have bent the minds of the puppets on the Governing Body. 

The Scottish Episcopal Church and the The Episcopal Church of the United States have trod the same path. All are in decline.

The revisionists could not care less for the pain and suffering of those, often cradle Anglicans, who have been effectively excluded from the church for keeping their baptismal vows.

Secularism is killing Anglicanism.


  1. Anglicanism in the UK is already dead from the neck down but parts of the corpse are still twitching at the extremities.

    1. I once heard it phrased, PM, that the wheel keeps spinning though the hamster has long since died?

  2. Spirituality has been superseded by Sexuality.

    1. Purge Menai Father - purge them of their hate towards your LGBT children - fill their heart with goodness and love - purge the evil they nurse in their soul and mind towards LGBT people - purge them to the core of their being.


    2. In the name of Beelzebub, b*gger off DD.

      Matthew 12:39.

  3. Baptist Trainfan6 November 2022 at 17:31

    Hmm ... I suspect that virtually all churches, even Catholics and Conservative Evangelicals, are in decline. And I suspect that there are two main reasons: one is that many people simply see no need for a religious faith, particularly of the organised kind; the other is that the many scandals (financial or abuse) which have come to light in recent years have diminished the public's trust in all churches (whether guilty or not).

    1. Once again the voice of reason Baptist. Thank you for that.

      AB and his crowd need their scapegoats just as Adam needed his. It’s always been so, but thank you for calling it out with your sensible and welcome post. And you do so graciously.


    2. BT

      Many are blinded for their need of Jesus and the resurrection - but they do practise faith - all of them.

      You use the number three. You can see three men, three desks and three pens.

      Yet you have not shook hands with the number three, nor heard 'him,' nor smelt 'him' - yet you presume 'he' exists.


    3. The Calvinist Methodist Tabernacle in Cardigan closed last week after 200 years. It's going to re-open as a poetry centre. Looking at the tiny congregation I doubt whether they would know what LGBT was all about let alone be for or against it. Obsessing over sexual morality is a great way to avoid the really hard questions about church decline. Thank you, Trainfan, for your frequent insights.

    4. Don't you believe it Teilo.
      When it comes to human nature, sin and the devil there is nothing new under the sun as the book of Proverbs demonstrates.
      That tiny little congregation will have seen it all, heard it all and probably done most of it years ago.

  4. Don't look for a rebuke from Welby the Weak.

  5. Sir

    It is written: A house divided cannot stand.

    In our national churches, we have two faiths attempting to occupy the same space.

    We have not had a great revival for at least 100 years. It may be that the time of the gentiles is complete - and the time for the Jews has begun.

    1. Are you referring to the muslim choir singing praises to Allah in Bradford Cathedral?


    3. No. Referring to liberal v. Orthodox.


      There was more than one revival but they all pre-date the existence of the Church in Wales which has essentially only overseen decline.

    5. I disagree DS.
      There is only one faith.
      The opponent is the LGBTQIA heresy of sin and perversity.

  6. House divided cannot stand etc I agree with and the C-in-W is most certainly split in two. But the Gentiles v Jews example is a poor one as many Jewish 'denominations' are also tolerant of LGBTQ practice and as a 'faith' they totally deny Christ as important to faith.

    Better perhaps would be the Moslem camp which is resonate against same-sex marriage, blessings of same-sex couples and who at least honour Christ as one of their revered Prophets. They even have place for Mary as Christ's mother to appease the Anglo-Catholics.

    But in answer to D Singh, we did have a great revival some 100 years ago: the C-in-W disestablishment and the split from Canterbury. And that's when the underpinning foundation stones began to wobble and dry-rot began to seep in.

    Old Bill

    1. Old Bill

      I was recalling Rom 11:25.

  7. I prayed for AB last night and for all supporters of this site. My prayer to the Lord Jesus was very specific “Lord, purge AB and his supporters of their hatred of LGBT people”. May that purge begin.


    1. Nobidy here hates any people.
      The sin of homosexuality is quite rightly despised.
      Your inability to detect or understand the difference is your problem.

    2. How did your invisible and imaginary friend answer your pleadings DD?
      My money is on you receiving static!

    3. Be Ye PURGED Dai of your lust for hating LGBT people - may your hate be cast into the abyss and may you know the healing that comes from knowing the love of Christ in your heart and soul and mind. Purge him Father - purge him to the core of his hate-filled soul and turn him to goodness.


    4. Sssssss.. crackle..... pop.... whistle..... buzz..... whoosh..... fizz.... snap..... ssssss... crackle.... pop... whistle..... buzz.... whoosh..... fizz.... snap.... sssssss......

  8. Bit futile praying to God on subject of LGBTQ+ and purging those who hold same-sex (or buggery if you wish) in distain. His thoughts on the subject are well documented in the Holy Bible and that's as good as it gets DD. Your prayers therefore are about as useless as feeding hay to a dead horse.

    Old Bill

  9. Purge Enoch, purge Dai, purge Old Bill O Lord of their hate-filled hearts towards LGBT people. Purge their hearts today. Amen.


    1. Raspberries for you, oaf!

    2. LGBT and DD depend on the myth that anyone against them is full of hatred for them. Without this their argument evaporates. DD demonstrates this so well.


    3. Couldn't agree more LW.
      Despicable Dunce needs to be praying for those dwelling in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah.


    4. We're all so hateful and in need of prayers from DD just because we don't agree with the lifestyle choices of the alphabet people, refuse to comply with their demands that we must accept their propaganda without question and don't want our children to be subjected to drag queen Jackanory fests?

      Deluded and Demented

  10. My Constant prayer today is that you will all be purged of your hate filled hearts and the Lord would remove from your eyes the deception that the views you hold are not hateful. Purge Lord the lips and the hearts of the deceitful ones.


    1. The deceitful ones are the Bishops of the Cult in Wales and those plonkers need all the help they can get.

  11. As a matter of curiosity DD might I enquire of what 'Christian' denomination are you? Obviously not mainstream Anglican or Catholic; Non-conformist is very doubtful, evangelical maybe or perhaps some other bizarre Faith ... perhaps even as with some US 'Bible-belt' churches, you've created your own? But for our better understanding of you as a regular AB blogger it would be nice to know which of God's many houses you come from ... not one I recognise for sure.

    1. The madhouse is the most likely.

  12. Cradle Anglican Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru - prayers of purging are a new departure for me - but this site needs purging of its vile homophobic views and the support it receives from the likes of those who have commented above. The views I find here are not far removed from those expressed in the Chechen Republic. Purge them Lord - purge out the homophobic hate we find expressed here on this site - purge it, remove it, cleanse O lord this site and all who lend their support to its views. Be Ye Purged.


  13. Perhaps rather than annoy God with your petitions, you might make an appointment to see a psychiatrist ... ?

    Old Bill (already purged thanks)

  14. So DD, everyone who disagrees with you is homophobic? Can anyone disagree and not be homophobic?
