Friday, 16 June 2023

Pain for the Ordinariate

Former bishops of Llandaff and of Monmouth in Grill the Bishops          Source :Church in Wales


 An announcement from CBCEW, one of many to cross my desk.

"The Right Revd Richard Pain, a former Bishop of Monmouth, will be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church within the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, on Sunday 2 July at St Basil & St Gwladys, Rogerstone Newport.  He will be received by The Rt Revd Keith Newton, Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.

"Monsignor Newton said: ’We are delighted that after much prayer Richard has asked to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church.  He will be the first bishop from the Anglican Church in Wales to be received into the Ordinariate since its creation in 2011. Richard has a long and distinguished ministry in the Church in Wales.  He has many gifts which he will continue to use to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Wales."

It is difficult to reconcile Monsignor Newton's fulsome welcome with previous events in the diocese of Monmouth but it would be churlish not to wish Fr Pain well as he abandons the ship he helped to sink.

One of the most bizarre of such cases involved the feminist campaigner and prominent activist in the movement for the ordination of women, Dr Una Kroll who died in 2017. 

She had been described as 'an inspirational woman famed for her humanitarian work'. She had been a doctor and nun who became a priest' but was to shock admirers and friends by publicly leaving the priesthood she had so long campaigned to be part of to become a Roman Catholic.

As I wrote at the time, "Many faithful Anglicans who showed charity in accommodating the desires of these women have since discovered to their cost, that their church has left them. This is particularly so in Wales where women were successful in ensuring that there will be no provision for alternative oversight. I have seen no evidence of a campaign for equality on behalf of the excluded."

As a bishop of the Church in Wales Richard Pain ordained women. Now he is being admitted to an organisation set up to accommodate those who were unable on grounds of conscience to receive the sacramental ministry of women, 

He leaves behind many abandoned Anglicans without any sacramental or pastoral ministry.

Postscript [22.06.2023]

Informative article from Martin Shipton, Associate Editor Nation Cymru:
Former Church in Wales Bishop to become a Catholic


  1. Hypocrisy neither knows nor respects borders.
    Has the Pope invited him in as a Trojan horse?

  2. Una was hopeful that women would one day be ordained priests in the RC Church.


  3. One must admit to being most happy to see Caiaphas grilled.

    1. Caiaphas must go!16 June 2023 at 20:02

      The cheesy grimace is not missed one bit.

  4. Abomination and another large nail in the coffin lid of the Church of England.
    From the church whose Bishops can't even provide us with the definition of a woman anymore.
    Yet more alphabet guff and fluff from the obnoxious Jayne Ozanne thrown in for good measure.

    1. Menai Straight17 June 2023 at 09:42

      The chocolate teapot will feel obliged to go one better, so what are the odds the next Bishop of St Davids will be trans?
      That would be his revenge on all those Conservatives down there daring to speak out and complain about DodoJo's twittering.

    2. God spare us.

    3. Faith Militant17 June 2023 at 14:43

      Did Mann (who was a man but now isn't a man, have I got that the right way round?) undergo a rebaptism when changing name?
      Churches in Bolton and Salford will be packing them in as a result of this announcement.

    4. A cock and balls story if ever I saw one.

    5. "So the Lord God caused the man, Adam, to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman, Eve, from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought Eve to Adam.
      But the serpent said unto them "God hath merely assigned your gender. Feel free to swap fig leaves and when Cain and Abel arriveth a drag queen shall teach them the ways of the earth and administer the puberty blockers and genital surgery. And a rainbow shall cover the earth.
      And the Lord looked upon what he had created and said -bring on another flood."

      Comment of the day, lifted from the Daily Telegraph readers responses.

    6. From a previous article.

      Mann still fancies women it seems.
      So does that make him a Lesbian?

    7. If the photo in the Telegraph is any means of judging, Mann is trying to make himself look like a stereotypical dyke.
      Can't see in the photo but he probably wears Dr Martens boots too.

    8. How can a bloke be a bloody lesbian?
      JK Rowling is right.
      And the Cult of England is screwed.
      🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    9. Faith Militant17 June 2023 at 18:24

      B*ll*cks to the LGBTQIA community!
      I mean, really.
      Just how the hell are Trans men (shemales) supposed to have periods?
      Being cancelled by Nottingham should be a badge of pride, with a small p.

    10. Allegedly Cardiffs biggest parade of deviants, misfits, exhibitionists and queens ever.
      Flossie Sunshine.
      The House of Deviant.
      Mark Drakeford.
      But mercifully no mention of the "faith" tent, the chocolate teapot, typhoid Mary or the abomination in St. John's church.

    11. Never never never trust a Rabbi17 June 2023 at 19:57

      Chief Rabbi says "Don't tell parents".
      The one headline I never thought I'd read.
      The trans sickness is more contagious than Covid.

    12. Now the chief Rabbi?
      What happened to the fifth Commandment?
      Will there be no end to this immoral filth?
      Would he recommend the parents be kept in the dark if their kids are caught eating pork scratchings and shellfish in the pub over a couple of pints of non-kosher beer?

    13. Faith Militant17 June 2023 at 20:55
      Four LGBTQIA road crossings in Hounslow cost the tax payer almost £50k.
      Anyone might think there aren't homeless veterans to worry about..... 😡 😡 😡

    14. Did Hounslow seek and obtain planning permission for those absurd and expensive crossings?
      But just wait for the first traffic accident to occur on them, then the fun and games will really start!
      "Why didn't you stop at the pedestrian crossing, sir?"
      "What pedestrian crossing, officer?"
      "The one being used by the two gays walking hand in hand, before you knocked them over, sir"
      "I see no pedestrian crossing at this junction, officer"
      "Come, come now sir, you know I refer to the brightly painted multi-coloured rainbow 🌈 stripes the Council have had installed at your expense, sir"
      "Please can you show me any such pedestrian crossing in the Highway Code, officer?"
      (Into walkie-talkie to Chief plod) "I think we have a bit of a problem here, sir"

    15. This will hardly come as a surprise.
      Not only is it a Church of England school, but for standing up for the patently bloody obvious truth, a schoolgirl who refuses to accept the "teachers" point of view is called despicable, told she should go to another school and reported to senior staff.
      What are the odds on the "teacher" being of the woke alphabet persuasion?

    16. Lux Et Veritas19 June 2023 at 07:27

      The religion of peace is hard at work still.

    17. Caught between the devil and the devil19 June 2023 at 20:00

      Stuck between the woke gay trans cabal and muslim anti gay religion.
      Funny as 😂 😂
      Mayor of Keighley steps down after apologising for attending a ceremony raising the alphabet rainbow flag.
      What was that about no man can serve two masters?

    18. Faith Militant20 June 2023 at 05:56

      Well, who'd have guessed?
      There's a whole community of "furries" out there, to whom we are now required to pander.
      Not forgetting the saurians and the celestial bodies wearing a Harry Potter cloak.
      The right place for these fools isn't school but a padded cell, with the dopey teacher in the adjoining one.

    19. Jasmine says she feels like an experiment gone wrong.
      Very sad but hardly surprising.
      This is the likely outcome when the responsible adults (parents, teachers and doctors) prove to be anything but responsible or adult.
      Having had both breasts surgically removed (no doubt by the NHS at taxpayers expense) this poor young woman is going to have to live with her regrets and her mutilated body.
      What the hell happened to "First, do no harm"?


    20. Faith Militant20 June 2023 at 08:33

      That sad story, along with every other one just like it, should be compulsory reading for every parent or guardian who has a child with mental issues manifesting as gender dysphoria/confusion.
      The last thing the children need is adults pandering to their latest whim or indulging their deluded fantasies.
      And at all costs keep woke teachers, social workers, Tavistock and GIDS well away from the children.

    21. Asking for a friend20 June 2023 at 12:43

      As the cat girl attends Church of England school, rather than a Cattery, are the Church of England bishops able to provide us with the definition of a cat please?
      Or will they prove themselves as incapable of that as they are of defining a woman?

    22. Rough sex, fetishes and genders.
      Mother fighting to see the content of sex education lessons thwarted by Judge on grounds of "commercial confidentiality".
      And the sex education provider is a "third party" charity approved by Stonewall.
      Well what could possibly go wrong?
      Every parent and grandparent in the land should be concerned about this!


    23. One wonders why the relevant authorities both within and without the Church of England aren't screaming blue murder over this LGBTQIA infiltration of our schools.
      Then one reminded oneself of the infiltration of the Church by the same LGBTQIA cabal and the spineless Archbishops of Canterbury and York who are both complicit.
      The ninth ring of hell will be too good for them.

    24. When it comes to that fool Welby, the question has to be asked.
      Has the cat got his tongue?

    25. Having seen the direction the vast majority of public opinion is going on this, fishy Rishi finally decides to jump.
      But where is that tw*t in Lambeth, not to mention the berk in Bangor?

    26. Were "catgirl" ever to find herself a boyfriend, following on from the all encompassing sex education lessons provided by the "charity", were they to actually get around to having sex, will the unfortunate lad be charged with bestiality?

      I shall be warning my grandsons tomorrow when they come for tea.

      Is it possible that the Government is finally waking up to the danger of the deviants?

    28. God help us.
      In the 1960s and 1970s they were known as the bearded weirdies.
      Now they're just known as the weirdies.
      In fact, the chances are that the "women" are more likely to have the beards.

    29. Rye College is facing a Government investigation and not before time.
      Dear God, what is there to investigate?
      A tape recording exists of a "teacher" being verbally abusive towards two 13.year-old girls for speaking the common sense the Department of Education claims it expects from teachers.
      The wretched teacher should be sacked immediately followed by the headteacher for colluding with the abuse.
      The idiots demanding "guidance" from the Department of Education because they don't know how to deal with these situations should be shown the door too, and good riddance.

    30. A very worrying development.
      The lunatics from the discredited Tavistock clinic have set themselves up as a private company.
      These abusers should be struck off. Now.

    31. Menai Straight21 June 2023 at 08:39

      On the other hand, maybe some common sense is finally being brought to bear on these idiotic woke affirming alphabet fools.

    32. Here's a link to a copy of the recording.

      The teacher behaves like a petulant spoilt brat and should be dismissed on the spot and permanently barred from teaching.
      As for the two girls who stood up for their points of view, they should be on the next King's honours list for services to common sense.

    33. Bravo to the children, especially the one sharp enough to press the record ⏺ button on their mobile phone.
      I'd bet my mortgage the next thing Headteachers across the land will do is attempt to ban all mobile phones in classrooms.
      Good luck with that though.
      🤣 🤣 🤣

    34. Never never never trust a Bishop21 June 2023 at 10:29

      Never underestimate the power of a discreet tape recorder/dictaphone.
      Reminds me of that meeting of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral a few years ago when His --Darkness spouted off that the Organ appeal had cost the Cathedral £750,000 and was challenged by David Jones.
      No sooner had the Dark one started to lie his way out of the pickle, the full transcript of his statement appeared here, courtesy of Ancient Briton.

    35. With reference to the story of school children pretending to be cats, dogs and dinosaurs, which stripes on the rainbow 🌈 alphabet flag represents them?
      Or is it that the rainbow flag will need yet more revisions to include stripes of fur (in various colours and textures), stripes of scaly skin in various colours and textures)?
      And how will the mermaids, unicorns and moons be represented for inclusion?

      Regrettably, we have the same woke cultural and LGBTQIA marxism BS battles going on here in Northern Ireland too, but at least some of our church leaders are putting up a fight.

    37. Menai Straight21 June 2023 at 18:49

      Sir Kneel realises (a bit late) that he needs to jump on the bandwagon now it's well and truly rolling.
      What an ass.

    38. Germaine Greer wades in as a Cocker Spaniel
      😂 😂 😂

    39. Dear Lord, what a load of B*ll*cks.
      Whoever these dozy people are, they need to be sacked on the spot!

    40. The countries strictest head teacher joins the debate.
      Apparently there's now a boy who identifies as a gay hologram!


    41. A pubescent male gay hologram?
      Nice try sonny but Katherine Birbalsingh will see right through that little stunt.
      🤣 🤣 🤣

    42. Brilliant LG.

      More BBC trans BS stories.
      Stop paying for a TV licence.

    44. Menai Straight23 June 2023 at 07:37

      Rye College has now decided it needs to seek the views of parents on gender issues.
      All in the name of equity.
      What is there to discuss? There are two sexes, two genders, zero cats and dogs walking on two legs and some mental health issues being exacerbated by "charities" like Stonewall.
      The teacher needs to be sacked followed by the head teacher who is clearly incapable of providing any sort of leadership.
      No surprises that the school chaplain(s) and local Bishop are strangely silent on the matter either.

    45. Kemi Badenoch calls for a snap inspection.

      I call for some snap P45s to be handed out!

    46. Faith Militant23 June 2023 at 17:26

      Spot on.
      Some summary dismissals for the lunatic "teachers", especially the head.
      Lunatics all.

    47. Gender self-identity leaflets is propaganda aimed at children.
      Another two "teachers" of the Alphabet/grooming and perverted persuasions who need to be given the boot.

    48. Menai Straight24 June 2023 at 14:02

      Trans activist demonstrators at drag queen story-telling event in south London pub.
      Allegedly "fascist" counter demonstrators (presumably from the Nazi regime in Ukraine?) also show up resulting in some handbags!
      🤣 🤣 🤣
      Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

    49. Teenagers tell Education Secretary they are 'too frightened' to say there are only two sexes.
      In an open letter to Gillian Keegan, the pupils warn of 'ostracisation and bullying' at school if they challenge 'dogma'
      Teenagers have told the Education Secretary they are “too frightened” to tell their classmates that there are only two sexes.
      Two 14-year-old girls have written an open letter to Gillian Keegan, saying they want her to know “what it’s like in a school environment where dissenting voices are stifled” and “extreme ideologies are presented as fact”, ahead of the upcoming publication of transgender guidance in schools.
      The girls, who said they attended different secondary schools in England and who have published the letter anonymously, said: “There is a growing atmosphere of fear around this topic, and many students, including us, are frightened to speak out openly due to the threat of ostracisation and bullying from students who adopt the authoritarian dogma of gender ideology.”
      They said they have “both experienced times when biased teachers attempt to implicate gender ideology in innocuous topics, for instance claiming that Zeus, the Greek god, was ‘non-binary’, or that Lady Macbeth was ‘gender-fluid’.”
      They added: “There is immense pressure among students our age to conform to the popularly-held views that ‘trans women’ are women, and any opposition to this belief is considered ‘transphobic’ and unacceptable.
      “There have been many cases of students being bullied and ostracised for disagreeing with gender ideology, where gender-critical pupils are punished by teachers, excluded by students, and abandoned by friends.
      A lot of us are too afraid to speak out due to fear of the consequences, and this must change so that different opinions are allowed to be heard, even on divisive topics such as this one.”

      And in even better news...
      The Telegraph understands that the teacher at the centre of the “cat gender” row has been removed from the classroom all of this week, since the recording went viral last weekend.
      A parent at Rye College claimed that “the teacher has been in but not in lessons”. Aquinas, the Church of England trust which runs the school, refused to deny this three times.


    50. Honor Oak pub incident.
      One wonders why “Drag Queens” always seem to want to be involved with activities for children in schools, libraries or pubs.

      If it’s truly a case of waning to integrate themselves within the community why not Drag Queens’ Meals on Wheels or Drag Queens’ for Food Banks?
      What about Drag Queens Community Transport or Drag Queens Charity Shops?

    51. Please sign this petition immediately.

      Stop all LGBT content in schools.


    52. Tory backlash.
      Not before time either.

      The secretary of state for Education is just as bad as Justin Welby.

  5. The Ordinariate was not formed just for those who could not accept women "priests". It was an attempt by Pope Benedict to provide an anglican cultural environment for some seeking union with the Holy See. This had been foreshadowed by Dr Sheridan Gilley lecturing on "Prayer Book Catholicism" and Fr Aidan Nichols OP on "Anglican Uniatism". Anglicanorum Coetibus , the actual papal document setting up the Ordinariate , came in response to the Traditional Anglican Communion Bishops meeting in Portsmouth, accepting the Catholic Catechism, and formulating a petition asking for full dogmatic union.

  6. I just can't understand the attraction of Roman Catholicism. Pain has rejected the basis of his former ministry, since his new church teaches Anglican orders are null and utterly void. Presumably, every eucharist, every blessing, every ordination he now believes were unreal. How must many of the Monmouth clergy feel I wonder?


  7. Whamab . Have a look at Pope Benedict's meeting with the then Bishop of Gibraltar Geoffrey Rowell.

  8. Am I imagining things in my dotage or are comments mysteriously and quietly just disappearing from recent threads?
    The comment counts normally go up but now they appear to go down too.

  9. Lux Et Veritas20 June 2023 at 23:09
    Church of England sets aside £150 million as compensation fund for survivors of abuse but admits it doesn't know how many claimants there might be.

  10. Llandaff Cathedral's new appointment.
    Anyone know the salary?
    Was he an "exceptional" candidate and offered the full £65k?

    1. Subversive Canon21 June 2023 at 16:58

      Assuming 200 people attend on Sunday mornings and contribute to the plate, then to pay a £65k salary each person has to give £6.50 per week.
      Just for him.
      If 400 people, then £3.25 per week, just for him.

    2. Subversive Canon21 June 2023 at 17:01

      Added to which will be employers NI and pension contributions on top of those numbers.

    3. Can't wait to see the next set of Cathedral accounts.
      Should be quite creative.
      🤣 🤣 🤣

    4. Llandaff Pewster21 June 2023 at 19:45

      That's a very good way of analysing the Cathedral's profligacy SC.
      Break it down so the elderly widows can see how their mites are being squandered on these management "consultants".
      I have no doubt that the Canons of the Cathedral, on half that salary, are p*ssed off to a mighty extent.
      Indeed, with a CEO on that kind of salary for a backwater cesspit like Llandaff, why the hell do we need a Chapter at all?

  11. Happy summer solstice everyone.
    ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀
    My favourite day of the year.

  12. Never never never trust a Bishop21 June 2023 at 23:57

    Justin Welby sacks his own "Independent" Safety Board after only 18 months.
    What is the Church of England trying to cover up this time?

    1. Bishopesse doesn't entirely trust the Church of England.
      Well shiver me timbers, no shit Sherlock.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Shame your comment has been removed QP but you do really need to back up such statements with hard evidence of some sort for it to remain on AB's blog.

    2. 1662, no doubt you will be able to recall my post which has been deleted. You wish me to back up my statement, certainly. Ever since the new Bishop was ordained she and spouse have travelled the Province together. One can make the natural tongue in cheek assumption who the new appointee will be.

    3. A bit too cryptic for most on here, me included sorry.

  14. Lux Et Veritas22 June 2023 at 18:17
    Welby busy virtue signalling once more.
    Does anyone know what fuel the boiler at Canterbury Cathedral uses?
    And the heating system at Lambeth Palace?

    1. Faith Militant22 June 2023 at 18:41

      Welby is a window-licking bed-wetter more suited to the arse end of a Pantomime horse.
      The hypocrite worked in the oil industry for eleven years.
      Has he handed back his shares and his pension in disgust?
      Does he eschew using his car without tyres and lubricants?
      Does he forego all plastics?
      FFS, Greta Thunberg might as well be the next ABC.
      Another fool bought into the net zero disaster.

    2. Welby is a cretin.
      The sooner he follows Barry Morgan and Caiaphas into the sunset, the better.

    3. Baptist Trainfan23 June 2023 at 11:45

      Apparently major refurbishments for Lambeth Palace are under way, or shortly will be. These will include measures to make the building more energy efficient and a renewed heating system: Canterbury Cathedral though is surely under the purview of the Dean rather than the Archbishop.

    4. Greta Thunderbird23 June 2023 at 16:00

      Even if that's the case, plastics, glues, resins, mastics and metals, all manufactured from or by using fossil fuels will be involved.
      How about the Church Commissioners using some of the £3billion they're sitting on to buy/protect /replant a few hundred thousand acres of rainforest?

    5. Baptist Trainfan23 June 2023 at 16:41

      Yes, indeed.

    6. Now that's what the whole human race could call "Mission and Ministry", which is precisely why it won't happen.
      All the Churches are a disgrace. Just big business and eff all to do with Yeshua and Christianity.

  15. Llandaff Pewster23 June 2023 at 18:25

    Hurrah for common sense in Paris.

    B*ll*cks to political correctness.
    If only just one of our Bishops in Wales had the balls to stand up and be safe counted.
    Not holding my breath.

  16. Perhaps of interest:
