Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Two wrongs!

 A 'non-white' Jesus in a boat with 'refugees'. St Mary Redcliffe church, Bristol                                Source: Wales Online

A Bristol church has taken the Colston statue toppling a step further by replacing a stained glass window depicting slave trader Edward Colston with a window showing a "multi-racial Jesus in boat with refugees" as our "neighbours".

The message appears to be that Jesus Christ identifies primarily with the illegal traffic of refugees/asylum seekers/economic migrants who choose to leave one safe country for another.

Neighbourliness did not extend to Christians when Muslim migrants allegedly 'threw Christians overboard during row on a boat sailing from Libya to Italy'. Police said that fifteen people had been arrested on suspicion of multiple homicide aggravated by religious hatred.

That is not to say that all boat people are Muslims. The mistake is to regard other faiths as the same as Christianity. 

In Pakistan Christians and other religious minorities are struggling to survive barbaric persecution as they face 'abductions, indentured servitude and state-sanctioned execution'.

Today, 14 Nigerians will be killed for being Christians

There is much more. See 2022 Persecutor of the Year Report

The pre-woke message was much easier to understand:

The Good Samaritan helping the beaten man and paying for his stay at the inn.



Intersociety Petitions 29 World Leaders To Intervene On Behalf Of ‘Persecuted Christians In Nigeria’, End Imo Killings
...“This is to the extent over 2,300 defenseless Christians have been hacked to death by the Jihadists under the first six months of 2023 (Jan-June); over 31,000 slaughtered since June 2015 and 53,000 since the 2009 Boko Haram uprising; over 18,000 churches and 2,200 Christian schools burned down or wantonly destroyed, 1000 Christian communities sacked, 50m Christians uprooted and 15m Christian IDPs generated; out of which Benue State accounts for more than 2.5m Christian IDPs alone.”


  1. Has the Dean & Chapter of Bristol Cathedral returned all the endowments (the hard cash) left to them by Edward Colston?

    Didn't think so!
    Hypocritical scumbags.

  2. Typical Church of England under that complete numpty Welby.
    All political correctness, no common sense and definitely no God.
    Utterly pathetic.

  3. Mea culpa.
    Mea maxima culpa.
    Now retire and go forth into the sunset.
    Join bully boy --Bazza on one of his saga cruises.

    1. Since the dope has publicly accepted he is to blame, may he also publicly accept responsibility and accountability by resigning.
      Without his pension, as penance for his years of failure.

  4. Bristol Cathedral.
    Virtue signalling at its worst.
    Truly satanic and utterly beneath contempt.

  5. It’s very hard for us to move towards being a post-colonial church. I can understand why many here are reluctant to let go of the power structures epitomised by Colston and captured in the rhetoric of turning back the boats, but can I remind readers that Christ came to preach good news to the poor and to let the oppressed go free. Colston preached only devastating news and oppressed the poor, and quite literally sold them off into slavery. His was the antithesis of the Gospel. And to draw on Ruth ‘s words, this was clearly Satanic Well done Bristol st Mary’s for removing his image.


    1. As accurate as your distorted version of the Alan Turing story.

    2. The Church is 2,000 years old.
      How would a loser like LG have described it in pre-colonial times?
      To which colonial era does s/he/they/it refer?
      Spain and Portugal in south America?
      Rome in Britain.
      The Normans in Britain?
      The Vikings?
      Or is it just the British Empire that attracts such approbrium?

    3. Faith Militant13 June 2023 at 19:28

      Not to mention the Barbary pirates, the Arabs, the muslims and the blacks selling their own into slavery.
      LG is probably taking the knee right now.

    4. @LG
      About as truthful as your claims of hundreds of people attending Llandaff Cathedral at Sunday services.
      I watched the 11am video from last Sunday and counted 45 in the congregation.
      Admittedly, the camera angles don't cover the entire Nave, so let's be generous and double that number to 90.
      Still a pathetic turnout for the choral eucharist in the Cathedral of the capital city with a population knocking on half a million.
      And by the by, in the background I could see the table laid out in the Lady Chapel for slippery Dick's post service sherry fest.
      Two bottles of sherry, two bottles of Schloer and about sixty wine glasses.
      Hardly catering for the feeding of the five thousand, eh?

  6. Colonialism isn’t exclusively a British socio-political paradigm, of course. But In what way have distorted Christ’s call to preach good news to the poor and let the oppressed go free? To what extent was Colston motivated by that same Gospel imperative?


    1. Remind us, genius.
      What did Christ have to say about the role of slaves?
      You know.
      In the Bible.

    2. @LG
      Have you forgotten the role of Great Britain in stopping slavery, not to mention the Royal Navy patrolling the high seas to put an end to it?
      Let's pull down all the historical monuments and statues in Rome built by slaves, many of whom were British, and chuck them all in the Tiber.
      Yeah, right.
      Didn't think so.

    3. Can I remind LG that the gospel imperative of which he talks contradicts his LGBT sympathies and ss activities within the Church, bringing it to its present parlous state. As the poet said 'slowly the poison the whole bloodstream fills'.

    4. Contradicts? How so? I’d say oppression of LGBT people is contrary to the Gospel imperative aforementioned. No?


    5. Menai Straight13 June 2023 at 21:28

      Reminding you that homosexual acts are sinful and imperil your eternal soul is an act of kindness, not oppression.
      Your inability to see that reflects on your desire to go on sinning with your "husband".
      Which part of "Your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more" is unclear to you?

  7. Searching the sermon on the mount for an answer to that one. I’ll let you reach your own conclusion as to where my answer lies. Doesn’t take a genius on this one.


    1. Just as well, you're certainly no genius.
      Take your time, I predict you're going to need it.

  8. So, no answer as usual.
    How typical.

  9. @2020 Division. I’d much prefer to site abolitionists like Olaudah Equiano than refer to Great Britain generically as having ended slavery. You white wash history.


    1. Try cite.

    2. Faith Militant13 June 2023 at 21:31

      And Alan Turing committed suicide as a result of depression you diagnosed due to "chemical castration" he finished a year previously.
      🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    3. On which site are you planning to place them?

  10. @Teilo. A Christ who overturned the tables of the oppressors and cast them out of the temple, would sure be the first to take a hammer to the Colston stature and the same to the Colston window. Just saying.


    1. Is "opressors" the woke way of spelling money changers now?
      Cry me a river.

    2. In the matter of dealing with those in a position of authority, the man actually said "Render unto Ceasar what is Caesar's".

    3. Jesus didn’t just drive out those who were selling (who were cheating the poor), but also those who were buying (the poor themselves). @LG, there’s more going on in the cleansing of the temple than you know, because you don’t know Jesus.


    4. 👆
      👏 👏 👏
      But there's none so deaf as those not wanting to listen.

  11. I see no repression of LGBT people, certainly not CinW clergy. Assimilation is only harmed by rainbow flag waving and pride events which set them apart. Own goal.

    1. One understands the Diocesan Pride tent will be taking centre stage at the gay/lesbian/drag queen/trans exhibitionist's spectacle in Cardiff this weekend.
      Another cess pit of filth to be avoided, but inevitably the woke virtue signallers will be there with their children to demonstrate their credentials as the Guardian reading liberal elite.


    2. My understanding is that it’s a small stand inside the faith tent not a full on diocesan tent. Better not to exaggerate bewildered. Honest representations please.


  12. Did Christ own his own inflatable dinghy or did he get his disciples to have a whip around and buy it from the local Philistine people smugglers?

    1. I don’t think Christ would’ve been on the side of the people smugglers; they are the modern day equivalent of the money to changers in the temple - exploiting the poor and the dispossessed. Don’t you agree?


    2. Certainly not.
      It was the temple priests and Caiaphas that were doing the exploiting.
      Plus ca change?
      From where have you obtained your information about their customers?
      Jackanory again?

  13. Cite, of course, foolish of me. In all the comments above it seems the majority of you would have been anti-abolitionists back in the day. It doesn’t surprise me that we can now add racism to the misogynistic, colonialist, homophobic, trans-phobic, Islamophobic, and every other phobia to the list of things you stand for. What’s worse is you all feel so proud to defend your prejudices. It’s very sad.


    1. You've put the ball into your own net again LG.

  14. Never never never trust a Bishop14 June 2023 at 08:42

    Anglesey Councillor does a DodoJo.
    "all Tories should be shot"

  15. Baptist Trainfan14 June 2023 at 11:20

    I note that you have entitled the first picture "A 'non-white' Jesus ...".

    TBH I'm not quite sure which figure is supposed to be Jesus - but, of course, Jesus was NOT white, at least in the "white British" sense. As a Palestinian Jew he was presumably "swarthy" of countenance - certainly not the golden-haired blue-eyed pastel-palefigure of those old Sunday School pictures (which IMO make him look as if he should be a member of Abba).

    Jesus as a man had to be born in a specific place and time, and possess a specific ethnicity. Having said that, we'd all agree that he is a universal Saviour. So, while it's clearly historically inaccurate to portray him as a black African or someone indigenous to the Andes, there may be merit in sometimes employing such representations (with necessary caveats) to indicate to people that he can be "their" Saviour.

    1. How on earth do you reckon he was Palestinian?
      The state of Palestine didn't come into existence until 1947!
      As a son of the house of David, he was a member of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
      Jewish and Israeli, yes.
      Palestinian, no.
      And his name was Yeshua or Yehoshua.

    2. I know many Jews who don't have a "swarthy countenance" BT, some of whom live in Israel.
      Your point is invalid and bordering on racist.

    3. Baptist Trainfan, the caption was taken from the illustration source which goes on to explain that "A church's stained glass window of slave trader Edward Colston is to be replaced with one featuring Jesus ‘in multiple ethnicities’ and refugees in a boat."
      Unlike the the stained glass depiction of the Good Samaritan, the 'non-white' Jesus in a boat with 'refugees' raises too many political questions.
      Meanwhile another 14 Nigerians will die today for being Christians. In Pakistan a Christian is to hang for ‘blasphemous’ WhatsApp images sent by Muslim.

    4. Good to have Baptist back. Voice of compassion and reason in a sea of phobic bile.


    5. It is perfectly in order for Baptist Trainfan to refer to Jesus as a Palestinian Jew. Palestine is a recognised geographical term for a wide region and is in common use when referring to that area historically. It does not have to refer to a modern political unit, far less to any controversial political claim.

    6. Baptist Trainfan14 June 2023 at 16:30

      Yes, I wasn't referring to any modern political entity, but a historical geographical area - it was perfectly normal to talk of Jesus "walking the highways and byways of Palestine" in my long-distant Sunday School days.

      And, while I take Enoch's point about Jewish people who aren't swarthy (which in fact includes myself!), I was most certainly not intending to be racist and apologise profusely if that is how my comment came across.

    7. Cobblers.
      He's known as Jesus of Nazareth not Jesus of Palestine.
      Next you'll be claiming Sunday is the Sabbath Day.

    8. Would the terms "Palestine" or "Palestinian" (or the Aramaic / Hebrew equivalents) have existed around 30AD?
      Would Christ have recognised the term and agreed with being included in any such ethnic group?
      Methinks not.
      The Romans referred to it as Judea, did they not?

    9. Your reference to Palestine, of course, made absolute sense, take no notice of the idiotic responses you’ve received.


    10. Faith Militant14 June 2023 at 18:16

      Silly Willy.
      Where in the old or the new Testaments is Palestine mentioned?
      Philistia. Judea, Samaria and Jordan.
      Corinth, Ehesus, Rome, Damascus, Jerusalem (the Israeli capital thousands of years before the muslim invaders arrived).
      But Palestine?
      🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
      Rewriting history like LG re Alan Turing.

    11. Thanks for your view, Faith Militant. I should point out that Baptist and I aren't people who bruise easily. 'Silly Willy' sounds like the language a bully would use to try and get one over those who have the better of them; it has no traction with us. It's also quite clear you've googled 'Palestinian' in an attempt to appear something of a bright spark. We see through you (as does the plaigarism software).


    12. Faith Militant14 June 2023 at 22:12

      Just brighter than you cupcake.
      AB Inbev desperately need your pink £s

    13. Baptist Trainfan14 June 2023 at 22:42

      Might I adduce Encyclopedia Britannica to support my case?

    14. Faith Militant15 June 2023 at 08:10

      Adduce away.
      However, the secular Encyclopaedia is a contemporary publication using a contemporary name that helps you not a jot (cue LG weighing in with criticism for you using google, which naturally s/he/they/it failed to do before embarrassing themselves over Alan Turing).
      Where in the Bible is "Palestine" mentioned, or in any Roman records of the time?
      I'll see your busted flush and raise you Philistine invaders.

      "Philistia, an obvious gain in accuracy".
      "In the New Testament the name Palestine does not occur at all."

    15. In all fairness the encyclopedia Britannica is not Scripture..... Years of Christian anti semitism has given us a non Jewish, non Israeli Jesus. The Gospels use the term Israel, two references in Matthew 2. In the beatitudes Jesus quotes Psalm 37:11.....blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the land ( always refers to Israel)

    16. Continued criticism of Baptist Trainfan on this point is absurd. He has not claimed that “Palestinian” is a biblical term, and the fact that it is not does not make its usage wrong. As it happens, it is a standard word for a geographical region that incorporates Galilee, Judea, Samaria, and some places that were never within the historical kingdoms of Israel and Judah (neither of which had existed for centuries before Jesus’s birth).
      Some commentators on this site appear determined to be disagreeable to those whose outlook differs from their own, no matter how polite and reasonable those others (notably Baptist Trainfan) are.

    17. RB.... there's a massive difference between criticism and debate....I hope on this site we can politely debate issues...... I agree we should be courteous and respectful too. To call Jesus a "Palestinian Jew" however is alarming.... I don't believe it is unreasonable to debate that.

    18. The theologian Robert Beckford is excellent to read in this regard his books on Black Jesus are seminal. He refers to Christ as a Palestinian Jew - and dies so unapologetically as a black theologian


    19. Faith Militant15 June 2023 at 15:48

      The notion that Yeshua of Nazareth was Palestinian is laughable.
      Did Pilate have written
      "King of the Jews" or "King of the Palestinians"?
      There is no debate about it.

    20. Black Jesus.
      Enough said.
      Were you taking a knee while reading such drivel LG?

    21. I read his initial works many years ago Enoch, before the word 'woke' even existed and long before 'taking the knee' was a thing to dismiss, as you do. Robert Beckford is one of the foremost black theologians in the UK. His work is challenging, inspiring and well researched. As I say, 'seminal' and not easily dismissed by those with an ounce of intelligence and open mindedness. But enough said - that's rare on here!


    22. But it's quite clear that there is a debate, Faith Militant, so don't try and close it down with your blinkered and high-handed contributions. And watch your grammar whilst you're at it: 'Did Pilate have written'? Even a primary school child would spot the error there. That's lauaghable.


    23. Yes, Danny, debate is fine. Unfortunately, those who complain about the use of “Palestinian” in this context just display their ignorance of a perfectly ordinary usage, which includes accepted usage in Old Testament scholarship. The complaint is so lacking in merit that it it looks like an effort to pick a fight and avoid engagement with the points made by Baptist Trainfan.

    24. Thanks RB. You're another welcome voice of reason and informed scholarship on this 'pick-a-fight-avoid-real-engagement' blog. Baptist Trainfan has to be the calmest, most reasoned, and most astute contributor to this s(h)ite. He even outshines my own assumed genius.


    25. Goodbye LG, you've outlived your welcome.

    26. How do you sleep at night, peddling this awful s(h)ite? All your content is plain nasty and phobic in every sense of the word. I wonder, what is the state of your soul? You're an old codger, you really do need to cultivate some kindness. Are you even at peace with yourself? I may have outlived your s(h)ite, but do reflect on the state of your soul. You've a few years to make it right with the Lord. Over and out. At least I have been a counter-voice for the intolerance and judgementalism you and your crowd represent.


    27. Your valedictory speaks for itself. Adieu

    28. Faith Militant15 June 2023 at 20:40

      Nothing wrong with my grammar.
      Do you think Pilate would have done his own menial secretarial work himself and risked soiling his hands with ink, or rather issued his instructions to one of his team of slaves/scribes to do it for him?
      When it came to business, the Roman high and mighty only did their own writing for personal correspondence by and large.

      Bravo Ancient Briton, good decision.
      On the alert now for the next incarnation of untRuthy/TP/Fart/LG although the timing and sudden appearance of "Billy" is strangely coincidental.

    29. The irony of a practising homosexual (boasting of a 'husband'), instructing you to "reflect on the state of your soul" AB, is hilarious.

    30. In fairness to Baptist Trainfan, it seems he isn't the only one geographically challenged over "Palestine" this week....
      You can always rely on Ryanair for an omnishamblesclusterf*%x from time to time.
      🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    31. Baptist Trainfan16 June 2023 at 17:39

      Now they got that really wrong, didn't they! Just wait for them to claim that Cardiff is in England (mind you, Ryanair don't come here any more).

    32. Faith Militant16 June 2023 at 18:09

      Is that a question or a statement BT?
      By the way, I apologise if I was short with you or rude towards you. I admit I get extremely frustrated with errors of fact, and the simpler they are the more frustrated I become.
      It has to be admitted that I have even less tolerance for fools like LG and their deliberately provocative and queered perspectives.
      Pax brother.

  16. off topic - Richard Pain formerly Bishop of Monmouth - has joined the Ordinariate.
    Cymraes yn Lloegr

    1. Good for him.
      However, I would have been far more impressed if he'd done while still Bishop on Monmouth. Now that would have been a story!

    2. Subversive Bishop14 June 2023 at 17:17

      Senior clergy heavy drinking and obscene language culture there too?
      🤣 🤣

    3. Do you mean he's been received into The Church! Along with Ali, a staunch supporter of the 'ordination' of women to the priesthood.

    4. No, he's not joined anything. He's been received into The Church, after confirmation. A former staunch supporter of the 'ordination' of women as priests.

    5. He hasn't yet joined the Ordinariate, merely announced his intention of doing so. RC sources give the date of his reception as 2 July.

  17. Prayers and good wishes for one who is joining what St John Henry Newman called "the one fold of the Redeemer".

  18. The Bollinger Bolshevik of Cardiff Bay proving once more that he couldn't run a tap.
    Taking a leaf from DodoJo's playbook.
    Who would want to kiss a jellied eel anyway?

  19. Prayers for Richard Pain. Not sure we can put '+' in front of it any longer, can we? But wish him well. A new beginning for him after a troubled few years.


  20. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/06/15/teacher-sacked-over-trans-pronouns-may-have-to-remortgage/

    The trans poison and vindictiveness continues to spread.
    An eight year-old confused child for crying out loud.

    1. Menai Straight16 June 2023 at 07:49

      Is it any wonder eight year-olds are confused?
      Imagine the furore if Boris had done this?

    2. Menai Straight16 June 2023 at 18:29

      Lots of reasons to avoid Cardiff this weekend.
      But the biggest of all is the gay "Pride" nonsense.
      Tesco pandering to the woke trans all-inclusive horse dung now means I shall be shopping in Lidl and Aldi and they can shove their Clubcard points where LG 🌈 would have his "husband".

    3. One wonders if slippery Dick the Sherry, his husband and Teilo the pooch will be involved in the gay faith tent this weekend?
      Along with the militant lesbians from the Diocese.
      Will Offa's trench make a grand appearance too?

    4. At least the golf caddie Capon and his £22k rainbow Aga won't be making an appearance this year!
