Saturday, 24 August 2019

God of pride

The Golden Calf, with apologies to Poussin

Like it or not the Diocese of Llandaff is gearing up to celebrate Pride with the LGBT+ community this August Bank Holiday. That is according to a Llandaff diocesan press release.

The diocese will once again be partnering with The Gathering, the Cardiff LGBT+ worship group, to host the Faith Tent at Pride Cymru today, Saturday 24 August. They will also be marching in the parade with 'supporters from our many churches'.

In October 2017 I referred to an impending LGBTQI+ takeover. Today politics, the media, commerce and even parts of the Church are obsessed with waving the LGBTQI+ flag. Squalid attempts by political parties to gain votes have become as normal as waving the gay flag. Businesses looking for custom to add to their profits is no surprise but for the Church to become so passionate about distorting the truth is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

According to the diocesan press release, "the Right Revd June Osborne, Bishop of Llandaff, is proud to celebrate Pride. She says, 'It’s a privilege once again to be supporting Pride Cymru. The Faith Tent seeks to celebrate the spirit of acceptance I can think of no better context than Pride Cymru to show our LGBT sisters and brothers that they are truly loved'.”

There is no evidence that LGBTQI+ is putting bums on seats. On the contrary, given the level of support, the campaign appears to have more to do with accepting bums already on seats as if gay people were not previously accepted.

The Church in Wales is becoming a national scandal.

From God of pride in Christian Concern:

"While English cathedrals host helter skelters and bishops fail to defend the unborn, we can rejoice that the Church of England has not yet sunk to the depth of the Church in Wales (which, though disestablished is also a member of the Anglican communion).

"The Diocese of Llandaff is throwing its weight behind this year's Pride Cymru, which takes place in Cardiff this weekend - the latest in a seemingly never-ending series of LGBT+ Pride events around the UK."

Orthodox Anglicans will find the article truly shocking but that will not be a problem for the Church in Wales today since they count for nothing so far as the bench of bishops is concerned.

Llandaff diocese press release readers are invited to follow events on Twitter #WhereLoveMatters. Surely Where sex matters would be more accurate.

Postscript [29.08.2019]

Soapbox trans activist speaks for many of her colleagues about the "democracted values we have cherished for so long". Can't be the Church in Wales then!


  1. When I was at school we studied the spectrum caused by the separation of white light as it passed through a prism, similar to how a rainbow is formed in the atmosphere. Now it means acceptance of LGBT practices. Deep shame on the Church and the Bishop of Llandaff for this pressure on the innocence of our children.

  2. They are accepted and loved and as they are - but and crucially so, not for what they do. This is the malaise in this dystopian 'Christianity' of Osborne, Penberthy, ex-evangelical Andy John et al. To them acceptance means anything goes within a criterion of love (which they themselves don't hold to viz. polyamory, bigamy etc.) It is a deeply flawed 'theology' in defiance of the Spirit.

    The true Gospel accepts that all are worthy of invitation to receive the good news of repentance. As Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, "Woman where are your accusers?" and then, "Go, and leave your life of sin." No-one can even begin to argue that the Lord did not support a traditional view of family life though they dare to try.

    Love the sinner, hate the sin. How have we come to this position where we can't understand this anymore?

  3. I rarely go into Cardiff city centre nowadays but did so early this morning in need of a few bits and pieces without realising it was the annual gay day parade.
    I couldn't get out quick enough.
    What a sad spectacle.
    S&M leather bondage gear and utterly ridiculous transvestites weren't the half of it.
    The majority of those wending their way to the City Hall seemed to be heterosexuals cynically desperate to demonstrate their liberal credentials, right think and being "woke". The number of young children being subjected to this exercise in normalisation of the deviant and perverse was sickenening.
    Equally cynical was the number of retail outlets and businesses of all sorts displaying rainbow flags, arches of balloons, T-shirts etc to attract their share of the pink £s.
    That the Church in Wales was to be seen in the thick of it should surprise no-one.

  4. Observing from the detachment of an eighth floor balcony I could not help wondering what it was all about. Surely all the participants and the public and commercial bodies taking part could not really be advocating the homosexual lifestyle and its practices. What do the ‘Civil Service Union’, ‘GoCompare’, building societies, ‘National Health Wales’, ‘Tesco’, the ‘University of Cardiff’, etc., etc. gain from taking part? And all those families, some with little children in prams waving their flags, along with the unthinking al fresco diners along the route also waving the little flags that had been distributed to them. I can understand ‘St Augustine’s, Rumney’ (what would St Paul say about a vicar who gives up his wife to take up with a man?) and ‘The Gathering’ (seemingly the main point of Methodist Chaplain Delyth’s ministry) pleading their special cause . . . but the rest?

    Perhaps it has all become just a cheery summer day out. I hope so. I can’t believe that the merry throng (it would be nice to be able to say ‘gay throng’ in its original meaning) really seek to promote an hedonistic exaltation of unbridled sexual activity and the abandonment of the Christian teaching on marriage and sex. That is why the support, involvement and promotion by ‘Jolly Mehefin Llandaff’ is so dangerous; she may speak for herself but she does not necessarily speak for all the people in her parishes. Yet again a pathetic CinW jumps on a popular bandwagon, contributes further to the disintegration of Christian teaching and alienates so many of its traditional loyal adherents.

    1. Merry thong would be closer to the mark.

    2. Have you seen the latest crap by the gay cabal in Llandaff in the latest edition of 'Majestas'?
      There's Mr Toad waxing lyrical on Spode and his boyfriend Dick the Server dribbling on about Pond Life.
      How appropriate.

    3. Can't the editor find anything better to publish than this verbiage?
      Fit only for compost!

    4. Cardiff, like so many other cities has become Sodom & Gomorrah.

    5. Evidently the job of Head Server at Llandaff has become rather lucrative, if he can pose as a connoisseur of Spode!

    6. So now we know how deep your ignorance runs. If the difference between the head Server and the head Verger is lost to you then little wonder you know so little about much else.
      Best stick to feeding the ducks at Roath Park.

    7. The Head Verger is an expert at posing.
      As a Head Verger.

    8. @Gabriel, there's not much difference between the Head Verger and the Head Server because at Llandaff all the jobs are done by at most 5 people.

      Not so long ago the same guy was Dean's Warden, Steward, Deputy Chapter Clerk, Administrator and on the Organ Committee. And we all know how that turned out! [I.e. he was an utter waste of space in every role]

      Llandaff is like one of those backward American states that allows people to marry their first cousins.

  5. Thank God this drivel is only being published every three months.
    The question is which mug is gullible enough to be subsidising such crap because one thing is for certain, the Cathedral can't afford to pay for it.

  6. "God loves us all the way we are... but he doesn't want us to stay that way." I remember hearing that as a very young lad and the import, challenge and sense of hope that it gave me then, remains. I don't know what this "PRIDE" business is all about but I do know it's not about equality or of the preciousness of each one of us in God's eyes. I know, love and respect several gay clergy who would make superb Bishops (but they are male and catholic - the ultimate sins); I am sure they would NOT parade around a city in full view of children, dressed in latex bondage gear. Where is the self-respect of those people who DO? Were heterosexuals to hold marches dressed in such kinky and revealing gear, then more people might see that this is more about sex than sexuality and maybe our "leaders" might offer a moral challenge to such behaviour rather than waving flags and proclaiming moral support for it.

    1. Were heterosexuala to hold marches dressed in suck kinky and revealing gear they would be arrested on the spot for outraging public decency.
      Because the gay "community" continue to play the victim card and the Police have a need to be seen to be politically correct, a blind eye is turned to the perversity of it all.

  7. I don't know if Paul Huxley of Christian Concern is an Anglican, and I don't know if he is ordained, but he is more orthodox than many who claim to be both. I propose him for Monmouth - that would upset the applecart when the Bench sitters meet.
    As for the police, yesterday I visited three police stations to report an incident. All three were closed and locked up. A PCSO leaving one of the stations told me that all his colleagues were in Cardiff at the pride event. Criminals of the world - fill your boots.
