Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Easter message

Bishop's Pride involvement 'fantastic'                                                                              Source: BBC

From the bishop of St Davids' Easter message:

 "Many of us this year will have lived through pain and suffering that we did not
choose and could hardly bear, knowing that God walks with us, but also hardly
knowing how that is supposed to help. Holy Week, Good Friday and Holy
Saturday remind us that we are called to endure." 

How true. Not just this year but every year since women were ordained in the Church in Wales.

Orthodox Anglicans did not choose to be cut off from their Church but Barry Morgan and his band led by his embittered Archdeacon Peggy Jackson saw to that.   

Each year absence from the Triduum reminds us most strongly of what we have to endure for our faith. 

The bishops welcome all manner of allegedly persecuted minorities while rejecting Anglicans who remain faithful to the orthodox teachings of the Church. The 'inclusive' church has no time for orthodoxy.

No doubt there will be further dollops of hypocrisy from other bishops.

As the Archbishop of Wales told anyone who was prepared to listen at the Swansea and Brecon Chrism Mass: "Because one act of compassion, one act of gentleness, of kindness, of mercy, of forgiveness, of love, from one person to another, changes someone’s life. And if someone’s life is changed then, as imperceptibly as it may be, the world is changed for the better.”

There is no sign of life changing compassion for abandoned Anglicans.

In Monmouth the bishop is still absent. For Holy Week and Easter they have instead a guest preacher, the 'married' gay priest, the Revd Canon Jeremy Davies, former Precentor of Salisbury Cathedral, the old stomping ground of the bishop of Llandaff June Osborne.

It is more of the same and not just for Easter!


  1. Alwyn from Abertawe17 April 2019 at 10:54

    While Joanna, June and the rest of them churn out their passe platitudes for no-one to watch on youtube, it was interesting to see the Church in Wales well represented at the Bishop of Ebbsfleet's Chrism Mass in Bristol Cathedral. Whether the clergy present will be doing a 'double dose' in Llandaff, tomorrow, I know not.

    Which Bishop presided at the Chrism Mass in Monmouth, I wonder, when several clergy of that Diocese's were glad to be elsewhere?

    1. John Davies did Monmouth's Chrism Mass on Monday.

  2. Just stick to the faith once delivered to the saints. Just do that, don't think you know better that the Apostles who walked with Christ, heard him teach, received his call and witnessed his risen glory.

    Heterodox churches wither and die, no-one wants what they've got to offer - a religious social club with 'a form of godliness but denying the power thereof' (2 Tim 3:5). Look at liberal protestant non-conformism for irrefutable confirmation of this fact.

    Chrism Eucharists include a re-commitment and to ministry but the ministry of what and of whom is the question. Those who want to re-interpret the wisdom of ages may well want to reflect on this.

    At the end of the day, its quite simple, it ain't gonna work.

  3. PP Just seen this update on the CiW website. The AB meeting in Cardiff in May. The agenda is very interesting for Llandaff Cathedral management and for future ordination of those who don't accept being ordained by Lady Bishop's.proposer the Pilot!

    AB sorry to put this here, but there was nowhere else to alert your blog.

    1. Meeting in City Hall no less.....another expensive adventure and more hubris.

    2. Once again the archdeaconess is using the victim status to promote her selfish and one-sided views, She talks about mutual flourishing and the seeks to deny it by asking the bishops to refuse to ordain anyone who cannot accept her vision of the church in Wales. Peggy, your arguments are flawed, contradictory and will simply lead to a further diminution in those presenting themselves for ordination. Carry on, you're making a fine job of demolishing the church you claim to serve!

    3. The Pilate serves only herself Nemesis.
      Her retirement to La La land can't come soon enough.

    4. The seconder Dominic MacClean is an ordained Roman Catholic priest and part of the gay mafia running Bangor diocese. He is diocesan director of ordinands. His civil partner is also a former Roman Catholic priest employed by Bangor diocese

  4. What Chrism Mass in Brecon, AB? There was oil, for sure, but the oils were not blessed. The prayers again this year for the umpteenth time in Davies' episcopate asked that the Holy Sprit be sent to bless those who are anointed with this oil. Pope Leo XIII is spinning in his grave shouting "Form and Intention, you stupid man. How many more times have I got to say it?" I've given up going to this charade in Brecon.

  5. I wouldn't trust her to polish my shoes never mind wash my feet.

  6. I notice that GB members are being housed and fed in the Marriott Hotel. There must be millions sloshing around. I've stopped giving !

    1. There certainly are £10s millions sloshing around MO, there are so few Church in Wales Priests in post they're saving a fortune on stipends. So much so that She who must not be named has so much spare she can squander it on jollies to Spain and importing a Brompton transplant team.
      Pity all giving hasn't stopped.

  7. PP. Why couldn't they use St Mike's it's certainly big enough.
