Saturday, 20 April 2019

Easter 2019

The Resurrection of Christ, Tintoretto

Wishing all a Happy and Blessed Easter


  1. Max Boyce's Third Cousin29 April 2019 at 12:01

    Christos anesti to you, too, AB, and to all our Orthodox friends celebrating this week.

    Did you notice that the BBC were unable to get a serving senior cleric from the Church in Wales to talk on the radio on Easter Day about the resurrection? Very telling, I thought.

    It was made worse by the fact that Bwrw Golwg, on Radio Cymru, got the former Archdeacon of Bangor (and now Archdeacon of France) to speak about Easter, before throwing a crumb to Andy Crap who got a few seconds at the end to talk about another ill-fated 2020 initiative. Interestingly, the Archdeacon of France focused on themes in Patristic theology about the renewal of creation, and the symbolism of fire at the Easter Vigil (very apt after the tragedy at Notre Dame). It's obvious why he would never be considered suitable episcopal material in the intellectually lightweight C in W of today.

    On BBC Radio Wales, Rowan Williams was his usual articulate self, speaking with insight and imagination, and showing that academic theologians can connect with the world outside the church.

    Meanwhile, the bench-sitters and their stooges were churning out their usual thin gruel to any who were brave enough to join the dwindling throng inside the churches.
