Saturday, 24 June 2023

The Fall

Fall of the union flag                                                       Source: Twitter

Not to sully the display of gay pride flags the falling union flag can be seen thrown to the ground in this tweet

It is emblematic of the state the country finds itself in after the success of a strategy outlined in Life Site News in 2012, The six ways homosexual activists manipulate public opinion.

One of those strategies was to Confuse and neutralize the churches. 

So successful has this strategy been that the Anglican Church is in total disarray with same-sex partnered priests and bishops living openly together. Churches are being queered under the guise of equality and diversity with same-sex marriage on the horizon. 

Typical is St Mary's Priory Church in Abergavenny which is "Looking forward to welcoming @AbergavennyPri1 to @StMarysPriory for bigger, better Pride." 

They tweet, "We are an inclusive church where ALL Are welcome! Even our flowers welcoming everyone! Plz retwt 😊🏳️‍🌈". Happy to oblige here.

The same-sex partnered vicar is a regular worship leader at Governing Body previously queered St Augustine's, Rumney. 

The Church is not alone. The message of the First Minister of Wales to Pride Cymru last weekend was, "When we said that we wanted to make Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly place in Europe, we meant it.

He uses the words stigma, discrimination, barriers, abuse, liberation, equality, struggle, exclusion, bullying and erasure. 

That is another of the six strategies to Exploit the “victim” status.

Far better to have heard about the NHS victims who have been stuck for years on waiting lists as their pain intensifies and risk of death from cancer draws closer through lack of early diagnoses. 

Far better to have a sensible plan for tackling the traffic chaos that greets major events in the nations Capital city.

 The most worrying strategy is Intimidation which has grave consequences for the education our children.

 Numerous comments under previous threads express concern about gender identification issues, the most notorious recent example being Cat-Identity Clash

Many of these issues originated across the pond where Sexual indoctrination of kids continues. In Toronto Gender-neutral school washrooms only serve to humiliate students.

Intimidation is used to prevent critics for speaking out. If they do they are branded as homophobic for expressing a contrary opinion while silence is construed as consent. 

As indicated in the Life Site News article referred to above, homophile strategists are very adept at manipulating public opinion. Their agenda on reshaping traditional values has been remarkably successful. The indoctrination of our children is a step too far.



1. “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.

    Not if we have anything to say about it, you’re not. #LeaveOurKidsAlone ”

2. Another church for the bishop of Monmouth to tick off


+ Cherry Vann presides at Open Table      Source: Twitter

Queering the Lord's Table


  1. Faith Militant24 June 2023 at 12:16

    Not all are afraid of speaking out AB and will certainly not be silenced by the likes of LG!

  2. Please sign this petition without delay.

    Stop all LGBT content in schools immediately.


    1. This petition will only affect England as education is devolved.

    2. Got to start somewhere.
      Any "cat" girls attending the Bishop of Llandaff high school?

    3. Haven't heard anything about cat girls (yet!) but there's plenty of the alphabet occult among the staff.
      Mightily relieved my children are grown up, I wouldn't send them to the Bishop of Llandaff school for "education" or the Bishopesse of Llandaff for "confirmation" come to that.

    4. Plenty? I gather the Head is gay and an RE teacher, but does that constitute “plenty”. I think not.


    5. Faith Militant25 June 2023 at 16:01

      As I understand it, census figures indicate 1.5% of the population identify as gay or lesbian.
      According to Wikipedia, there are 75 teachers on the staff at the school.
      Even if there's only the two to whom you refer (and nobody would be in the least surprised if there were), 2 in 75 means they're over-represented by a significant margin.

    6. Baptist Trainfan26 June 2023 at 08:02

      That's bad statistics - the sample is far too small. You could possibly draw conclusions if it was 20 out of 750, or (better) 200 out of 7500, but your statistic is not significant as the addition or deduction of just 1 makes a big difference to the percentage.

    7. The numbers are plain enough and speak for themselves BT.
      As far as I am concerned, one in a school is one too many.
      And this is the entirely predictable outcome of letting the lunatic fringe into the classrooms.
      Is this a big enough sample to satisfy your criteria?


    8. @BT
      It would have been 2 in 76 if Ben hadn't been dismissed for his traditional orthodox views on marriage as per scripture and doctrine.

  3. Don't tell me Councils are short of money!
    How much was spent on at least three workers, a cherry picker, cones, tape and transport to throw a Union Jack on the floor?
    😡 😡 😡 🤬🤬🤬😤😤😤

    1. There's never a shortage of money to support the LGBTQIA alphabet cause.
      Just try getting a pot hole filled in your street though.

  4. The LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales makes encouraging reading. In short, its aim is to create an inclusive, tolerant society in which all can flourish. Nothing really to worry oneself over. Have a read of it.


    1. Faith Militant24 June 2023 at 18:00

      In short, it's grooming.
      Back again LG?
      So predictable.

    2. Why would anyone in their right mind want or need to read such a document?
      One man's "action plan" is another man's pro-gay Stonewall propaganda and it should be treated as such, preferably by incineration.


      The NSPCC has been captured by the trans lobby.

      Of course it has, best way to get at the children and groom them is to hide in plain sight.


  5. Soul Survivor Church.
    Tone deaf and gaslighting.
    Typical CofE, close ranks and business as usual.

  6. Weasel words from St. Paul's cathedral.
    More woke ideology and reinterpretation.
    The sooner the Church of England collapses the better.


      Today it's Horatio Nelson on the receiving end of the woke re-writing of history.
      What else is to be expected from the diocese of Sarah Mullaly?
      Time to disestablish and defund the Church of England.


  7. Churchill’s views on race would certainly attract attention were he alive and expressing them today. That said, it’s too easy a move to brand him a racist - paternalist, certainly - as for his white supremacy, his legacy in this area speaks for itself.


  8. As would Ghandi's views, of course.


    1. Indeed. One might also detect ethnic and cultural tensions in Jesus’ own rhetoric (see Matthew Chapter 10).


    999 call system in disarray.
    South Wales plod reportedly affected but will the public notice any difference in their response times? 😌 🤔

  10. Why is there so much homophobia in this group? It’s such a shame that there is a lot of hatred

    Fairy Princess

    1. Never never never trust Stonewall26 June 2023 at 14:24

      You're confused in more ways than one.
      There's no such thing as homophobia, it's an invented word.
      Just like transgender.
      I don't believe there's anyone here that hates homosexuals but I can imagine there are many who despise the practise of deviant (homo)sexual activities.
      Just because increasingly people are getting sick and tired of the LGBTQIA+- Stonewall propaganda/agenda and are prepared to speak out against it doesn't mean they have developed and irrational fear of anybody, you included.
      You're free to engage in any legal activity you like but, for everyone's sakes, best to stay well away from the children.

    2. It's been said before but it obviously needs repeating.
      You don't understand the difference between what you quite wrongly perceive as hate for the tiny homosexual and confused communities, the despair over their chosen deviant lifestyle choices and the concern for the care of their eternal souls.
      You want to be affirmed in your deviant choices and patted on the back whilst being reassured that all will be well come judgement day.
      Well guess what treacle, you can't have it both ways!
      Either repent of your wicked ways and turn to God's forgiveness, or carry on buggering your boyfriend but don't expect the rest of us to put up with you demanding that we have to affirm your deviancy and applaud.
      Now take off your imaginary tiara, tutu and ballet shoes and behave like an adult.

    3. You're biggest problem Fairy is your (plural) pathological need to claim you're all victims.
      It's pathetic.
      No doubt there have been injustices and unfairness.
      But tell me of any person who hasn't encountered such problems.
      Short people.
      Tall people.
      Bald people.
      Ginger people.
      People with very curly hair.
      People born with a "Roman" nose.
      People with big tits.
      People with small tits.
      People with a big willy.
      People with a little willy
      People with a missing limb.
      People in a wheelchair.
      People using a walking stick.
      Downs syndrome people.
      The elephant man.
      Elderly people.
      Need I go on?

      FFS, grow up.


    4. 🖕
      All of the above.
      Enough of those who are stupid enough to believe they are a Fairy Princess.

    Metropolitan plod cover themselves in glory once more.
    You couldn't make it up.

    1. Plod in further sh%t.

  12. The Catholic Catechism is full of good sense,while sticking to the traditional of the Church ragarding actions it wishes the people afflicted with same-sex attraction to be treated with " respect, compassion, and sensitivity."

    1. Menai Straight26 June 2023 at 19:16

      So why do the deviants claim victimhood?

    2. Menai Straight27 June 2023 at 06:14

      The same "respect, compassion and dignity" directed towards anyone who disagrees with the "Pride" zealots or refuses to accept the militant LGBTQIA/Stonewall dogma.

      Pale, male and stale.
      An endless list of ....isms,.... ists and phobias that grows by the week, along with over a hundred invented "genders" now crowned with the threat of "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children".
      Zero sympathy.
      Stonewall should be proscribed.

    3. You're spot on Frederick, it is indeed an affliction.
      I'm surprised to see you haven't been "called out" and labelled "homophobic" for daring to say so.
      The problem is those so afflicted claim it is their human right to take "Pride" in their affliction whilst insisting the rest of us do likewise.

      Arts Council England lose employment tribunal over woke trans row.

      Being "gender critical" is now not only a legally protected characteristic but slowly some case law (and common sense) is also now accumulating.


  13. Dressing-up-box Bangor sub-Dean Sion Dom Pope's limp reasoning for hoisting the Gay-LGBTQ+ gaudy flag above his cathedral is as 'apology' for past wrongs, ie of the sort when the church along with State, the Courts, all all sound-minded persons deemed the act of buggery (or sodomy) gross if not criminally indecent. That's his excuse: he hadn't raised the flag by way of promoting the queer-agenda, but just to apologise for past 'injustices'

    Better by far in amassing public support would be if he dragged it down again and instead hoisted the 'Skull and Crossbones' in recognition of the grave his church is digging itself (or has actually dug itself) into. And his LGBTQ+ cabal of lipsticks would surely support that. The Skull and Crossbones is better known as the 'Jolly Roger' and a jolly good rogering is what these deviants seem to enjoy.

    1. Such a sad statement Ad Clerum and full of hatred

      Fairy Princess

    2. Yes, I agree. No kindness. Sad indeed.


  14. Menai Straight27 June 2023 at 21:01

    The sickness spreads in Scotland.
    Headmaster Roffe should be sacked and treated as a paedophile grooming minors.
    All brought to you courtesy of the pro-trans stinking fish, Sturgeon.

  15. Only just noticed the most recent postscript about the deviant Open table corruption run by Cherry.
    Very pleasing to note so few attending, but even one would be one too many and the "priests" involved should be defrocked.
