Tuesday, 11 April 2023

No male

Source: Twitter

MartineOborne @WATCHChair tweeted:

"Lovely photo of our amazing @bishopSarahM giving the dismissal after Maundy Thursday Chrism Mass at St Paul’s cathedral. How can anyone in ⁦@churchofengland ⁩doubt she is truly called to be a leader and bishop in God’s church? In Christ there is no male & female.."

Quite easily for anyone who can tell the difference between feminism and faith. 

Leicester Cathedral is celebrating a 'Landmark moment' - having a "fully female clergy team in what it believes might be a first for England." Its team consists of five women, including the acting dean, Reverend Canon Karen Rooms. She said: "While women are increasingly well represented in leadership roles in the church, governance changes... are giving us further opportunities to make sure our cathedral leaders fully represent our diverse congregations and the wider society we serve."

If feminists had it their way there would be no male in Christ, only female. See An emasculate conception.


  1. Who's she dismissing?
    There doesn't seem to be anyone there!

    1. The all female photograph at Leicester seems to suggest that the Chapter doesn't embrace the ideas of equality and diversity! SD

    2. Perhaps they might do us all a favour and offer DodoJo a job?
      St. Davids would be eternally grateful.

  2. Too many cooks in the kitchen. It won't be long before they are at each other's throats.

  3. Does it really matter, or was Christ wrong in his preaching of love and respect

    1. Cymro, I voted for female clergy when this matter was voted on in the Parishes back in the early 1990s. Looking at it now, I realize that I was naive. I knew women who I believe genuinely had a vocation, and I could see God calling them. They have since been ordained, and the only thing they are concerned with is being faithful parish clergy. What I could not see at the time was the militant feminism and episcopal shenanigans which would come with that vote.
      Here in Wales, the bishops promised my traditionalist brothers and sisters protection through an assistant bishop who would look after them. When the militant feminists and the bishops got their way, all protection was removed.
      We have seen a female archdeacon try to put barriers in the way of ordination of any male who cannot accept 'in conscience' the ordination of a woman. Her ruse at Governing Body failed.
      Your question then: "Does it really matter?" has a simple answer - Yes, it does matter. The bishops are supposed to be the Chief Shepherds in their dioceses, yet instead of looking after the flock, they are happy to inflict wounds on the Body of Christ. There isn't just one 'mea culpa' on the part of the bishops, there is a catalogue of them, and they continue.
      A friend of mine, who like many others, is fed up with the Church in Wales decided to throw his lot in with the Roman Catholics. On his first visit to his nearest Catholic Church, he found a number of other disaffected Anglicans who have already jumped ship. Every single one of them has left because they are p***ed off with the way the bishops and the Governing Body behave.

    2. I was recently speaking with a bishopess. She was being very polite. I told her I was on a journey and would be received into The Church soon. She asked me why I was 'leaving' The Church in Wales. I replied 'because it's not inclusive' . She was a little surprised at my reply, and told me that The CiW was very inclusive, 'we welcome anybody'. 'Except' I replied, faithful Orthodox Anglicans. She turned and walked away.

    3. Name names MO.
      Let her be known by her works!

      Was Christ wrong in his decision to commission 12 men as apostles?

    4. There are plenty of churches you can attend that are anti-women and orthodox. St Martin's Roath for example. The bishopess was right.

      Bishops Ally

    5. That's one Church in the entire Diocese. Can you name another?

    6. Thankfully I can't name many. They do exist, but the nature of the stance they take is such that they're a dying off.

      Bishops Ally.

    7. St Elvan's, Aberdare. St. Theodore, Port Talbot. Holy Trinity, Ystrad Mynach. All of the other former bastions are now Aff Caff churches. They do what the vicar likes, not what the church instructs.

    8. The entire Cult in Wales is dying off and the sooner the better if the Bishop's A**e kisser is typical of the few remaining gullible pew sitters.

    9. Bishops Ally.
      What a creep.

    10. Jesus was always about patriarchy. Patriarchy is rather wonderful, because it is natural.

    11. God the Father isn't called God the Father for nothing.

    12. Peggy the Pilate and her ilk (Bishops Ally, TP, untRuthy et al) would prefer Goddess the Mother, Her Daughter and the unholy Spiritesse.
      To go with the Priestesses, Archdeaconeses and Bishopettes.
      All they need now are Cardinalesses and a Popesse!

    13. Enoch, I wouldn't joke about Cardinalesses and Popesses. If the German bishops have their way at the Synodal Way Bishops' Synod in October, female clergy could well be on the way to the Catholic Church.
      Francis has said that he cannot see why women could not be made Cardinals, and has appointed a few women to run Vatican Dicasteries, which usually carry with it a red hat. Under Roman Catholic Canon Law, Cardinals have to be in the Order of Bishops, unless the Pope grants an exemption.
      If the Synod decided that women priests are the future of the Roman Catholic Church, as sure as night follows day, women bishops and archbishops will be next, and at some point in the future, a woman could be navigating the barque of St Peter.

    14. The feminists (and they are ALL that) couldn't be clearer. The wresting of control of the Christian church away from men.

  4. Bishops Ally - ah where should I put the apostrophe ? - The stance of The Bunch of 'bishops' is killing off the Cult in Wales.

  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-65274794

    Plod in the Met down to their usual dismal standards again.

    1. The filth proving they're filth.
      What's new?

    2. You're not kidding!
      Sergeant charged with rape of woman while on duty in Plymouth

  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-65266627
    Cathedrals, museums and stadiums all promoting the spread of Islam while Christianity is all but dead.

  7. It doesn't particularly bother me because the very last person(s) I hope ever to need to phone for 'help' might be a priest of the Diocese of Bangor, but has anyone else noticed that the entire ensemble of sub-Dean, canons, the canon secondus etc. have ALL removed their telephone numbers from listings ... even from the rear of the weekly St Deiniol's cathedral newsheet to the reducing faithful flock of that congregation. How desperately coward of them. Long gone the 'pastoral' care of this once great diocese, now its priests will only accept e.mails ... no personal calls. ABSOLUTELY SHAMEFUL. What are they hiding from? The fear of some distressed person wanting to talk to a priest; some poor person wanting a prayer whispered down a telephone because he or she is too afraid to meet in church. OUTRAGEOUS! Perhaps that if the 'vicarage' telephone were to ring they'd either have no clue how to respond to the caller's dire plight or that it might challenge their abilities ... so best not answer it.

    Not everyone, the suicidals, the distressed, the bereaved, the 'at risk', the vulnerable have immediate access to e.mails - even if you assume the sub-Dean or clergy answer e.mails. Direct your calls to the Diocesan Office on a Monday morning for response ... eh? Is there anyone even there to answer post all the quittings? Certainly not the supposed full time diocesan secretary (head of switchboard) who is now doubling up as Dean of Bangor so never available to answer calls from the 'Plebs'

    What a disgrace. What a lack of Christ's hope that Christianity is a Mission.

    Ad Clerum

  8. Think you'll find there is just the church landline number listed these days. The problem being that if a priest gets a harrowing phone call and is dealing with it, or on his way to deal with it, what does he do if a second harrowing call from someone else comes through...
