Wednesday, 8 February 2023


Transgender couple who expect to welcome their baby soon,                               Source: BBC News 

She wants to be 'he'. He wants to be 'she'. He and she want a baby but 'she' doesn't have a womb so he ('she') has to carry the baby.

One would have thought the pickle the Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, found herself in before deciding that a female prison wasn't the ideal location for a transgender rapist would have put the breaks on accepting individual whims. 

Not in Wales. The Welsh government has unveiled new proposals to follow Scotland and make it simpler for someone legally to change their gender.

The chaos is set to continue as Church of England bishops announce that they are launching a major 'project on gendered language' so that God could be referred to in 'non-gendered' terms in Church of England services, for example, 'Our non-gendered parent who art in heaven', the sort of language favoured by feminists in Women and the Church (WATCH) who have welcomed the start of "another project in the Church of England to look at the development of more inclusive language in our authorised liturgy."

Also back in the ring is patron of Humanists UK, Sandy Toksvig, who says, "I can't let the Church of England hurt LGBT people". She told the BBC: "Here's the thing about 'equality', it is not a word that you qualify, you either have it or you don't have it."

Whilst it is understandable that feminists in the Church will seek to bend scripture and twist theology for their own ends, non-believers such as humanists who have no interest in theology or the Church should mind their own business. 

Bishops of the Church must stand firm as doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving themselves.


  1. Glad to see you pick up on this story AB but I would prefer to see someone putting the brakes on such absurd individual whims rather than giving them a break. 😉

  2. It isn't understandable and neither is it acceptable for anyone to be bending scripture or twisting theology.
    One might as well say it was understandable that Hitler should do so in pursuit of his dystopian aryan nightmare so that all Wermacht soldiers could wear "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles!

    1. Thank you Faith Militant. I hadn't intended to convey that meaning, only that I understood but disagreed with feminists such as WATCH and their motives.

    2. I'm afraid I can't understand them at all.
      The Feminazis like Toksvig have far more in common with Adolf than Yehoshua of Nazareth.

    3. The experts in bending scripture and twisting theology are the partnered homosexual Bishops, Deans and clergy.

    4. Not forgetting the odd gender bender here and there, like St. John's Cardiff.

  3. Can one have equality between radically different entities?

    1. One might as well ask if Holy Matrimony between a man and a woman is the same as a "marriage" between two men or two women.
      According to scripture, the Bible and 2,000 years of tradition and orthodoxy the answer is No.
      But then again, Sandy Toksvig the humanist dyke insists "she" knows better and must Impose her point of view on anyone who disagrees.

    Another waste of tax payer's money and failed Government policy.
    About as much use as Plod.

  5. Equality is NOT the same as being identical,

    "I'm not ducking the issue" claims Justin Welby as he ducks the issue.
    Utterly spineless contemptible apologist busy appeasing Jayne Ozanne and Peter Tatchell by giving them the thin end of the wedge.

    1. Welby is so despicable precisely because he ducks the issues, tries to be all things to all men, is a politician not a leader, and then reveals himself to be a complete hypocrite.
      Little wonder the Church of England is in such disrepute and the Anglican Communion on the point of collapse.

    Transgender prisoners to be placed in Prisons according to their birth gender.
    What a novel idea!

    1. Sturgeon won't be happy.


      She definitely won't be, especially with Alex Salmond telling her what to do once more.
