Friday, 26 August 2022

Road to hell

Hat tip to Orthodox Faith @since33                                                                            Source: Twitter

An interesting juxtaposition.

The above from Orthodox Faith and this pointer to a message from the Archbishop of Wales.


  1. Transgender vicar, Reverand Canon Sarah Jones, an Anglican, priest at St John's church in Cardiff, wins a pat on the back for apparently being `one of Wales` most influential people` by `making a difference to the lives of LGBT people in Wales`.
    See here

    Meanwhile - ‘People are freaking out, seeing young men with lesions all over their faces’: `the anxious wait for monkeypox vaccines`.
    See here -

    It`s time for people to heed the warnings in the Bible and not be fooled by the apostate priests.

    1. Sarah Jones isn't a Canon, a priest or a woman.
      Heretic, yes.
      Apostate, yes.


    2. "Sarah" is deluded.
      As is WalesOnline.
      Regardless of any service done to or for the alphabet crowd, a greater disservice has been done to them by misleading them.
      God does not bless sin.

    3. This weekend is almost certainly going to result in an explosion of Monkeypox.
      "Pride" in promiscuity and perversion.

    4. Wow! You’re saying God has sent monkey pox as a warning to transgender priests. What kind of warped religion is that? You’ll be advocating the ducking stool next.


    5. God will not bless people like yourselves - people full of hate.


    6. If your statement "God will not bless people like yourselves" applies to those seeking to adhere to the Ten Commandments and the teachings of the Bible, how much more will it apply to all those celebrating and revelling in their "lifestyle choices" willfully parading their disobedience of the word of God?

      Of the two groups, I know which should be the more worried.


    Is the chocolate teapot Randy Pandy just "Rainbow washing"?
    Unfortunately not.
    He and the other plankers are corrupting and perverting the word of God.
    Sacrilege is no more a sin than sex outside marriage, but Randy Pandy does that too so it shouldn't come as any surprise at all.


    Bishop Banat gets serious!
    Any chance he could put a curse on the plonkers in Wales?

    1. I don’t think even the supporters of this blog would incite physical violence and hatred towards LGBT young people and adults in the way that this “Bishop” does. He’s anti Christian in his message.


    2. I call Bullshit.
      There is no mention of "inciting physical violence or hatred towards LGBT young people or adults" anywhere in the quoted news article.
      Falsely playing the victim card again TP/DD.

      "Archbishop" Randy Pandy is most certainly anti-Christian in his recent message.

    3. Beware false prophets28 August 2022 at 05:54

      Apologies AB, the last response was from me. Forgot to add my name before hitting the publish button.

    4. Please do your research BFP. Bishop Bogunovic not only vowed to “curse” all those who attend the EuroPride, according to the Orthodox Times he went on to say “I can do so much. If I had a gun, I would use it, I would use this power if I had it, but I don’t have it.” Mind you, during the COVID pandemic he's the Bishop he told his people to avoid isolating and attend physical worship as that would be "the best hospital" for them. Clearly an unstable character, but if you want to quote him as your authority, go ahead, Crazy.


    5. Beware false prophets28 August 2022 at 10:07

      I didn't quote the Bishop.
      The BBC did, but you demonstrate your inability to tell the difference.
      I posted a link to a BBC article. That article made no mention of any firearm, much less a gun and power the Bishop states he DOESN'T HAVE.
      You're a professional victim sure enough.
      Try engaging brain before opening mouth/typing on keyboard .

    6. Read around a topic to gain a fully informed picture. You shot from the fingertip with that BBC article. Dear oh dear!


  4. Beware false prophets27 August 2022 at 21:12

    BBC queer agenda being pushed to the maximum again.
    The gullible just keep drinking the Koolade and falling for the "love" propaganda.
    The big surprise? No photos of the plonkers trying to increase their media presence to prove to prove to themselves how cool and relevant they are.

    1. The sun always shines for Pride in Cardiff. Should we read anything into that. Fabulous pictures - colourful and people have quite clearly had an amazing day. Not my cup of tea, but glad those who attended with family and friends have had such a wonderful day.


    2. It is nothing less than satanic and pure evil to take young children to such an event to teach them that the exhibitionist deviancy is normal and acceptable.
      The children need safeguarding from such filth, not being exposed to it deliberately.


    3. I bet you are fun at parties. Blimey


    4. Only parties where Monkeypox isn't prevalent and being shared freely.


    5. As with the majority of lgbt people - don’t paint all as promiscuous. That said, monkeypox is sad however it is contracted. Let’s not revisit the AIDS etc when seriously Ill people were treated as lepors.


    6. This dyslexic believes in Dog28 August 2022 at 15:29

      Definitely TP.


    7. Keeping you on your tose Dyslexic


    8. Scientists have found that people who constantly get bothered by grammatical errors online have "less agreeable" personalities than those who just let them pass. Psychological testing reveals such individuals are generally less open, and also more likely to be very judgemental of others. Makes you think. Not a pleasant character trait.


    9. 😂 😂 😂 😂
      In my experience the only people who need Psychologists are Psychologists.
      How on earth did Mankind survive millions of years of evolution before Psychology was first thought of.

    10. Humankind please Sigmund !!! Dear oh dear. Much work to do!


    11. Definitely not.
      Don't do PC horseshit.
      Mankind was the original inclusive term that covers everyone.
      Surprised you don't insist on Folkkind.
      What a total berk.

    12. This dyslexic believes in Dog29 August 2022 at 09:29

      Which "Scientists"?
      Provide your proof.
      Would they know the difference between poor spelling and bad grammar?

    13. Maybe not, but they would know the difference between good manners and bad manners dyslexic.


    14. You can squirm and wriggle all you like but we're still waiting for you to meet the challenge of backing up your claims concerning the "Scientists" and the revelations arising from the "Psychological testing" to which you referred.

      The only inference to be drawn from your failure to provide details of their names and research (in particular the text from which you quote "less agreeable" and the subjective means by which they arrived at that conclusion ) is that they exist only in your imagination.

    15. Search for yourself and don't be so intellectually lazy CG, and whilst you're at it, learn some manners.


    16. This dyslexic believes in Dog30 August 2022 at 23:18

      Dear oh dear, manners are not the issue here TP/DD.

      What happened to your
      "Read around a topic to gain a
      fully informed picture"?
      Having declared yourself so knowledgeable about, and current with the "Scientists" and the "Psychological testing" you quoted, one expected you to have the relevant references at the end of those fingertips, you know, the ones from which you accuse others of shooting.

      I suggest the reality is that your "Scientists" don't actually exist which, unless you can produce any evidence to the contrary, makes you appear to be a complete fraud.

    17. Beware false prophets31 August 2022 at 06:42

      Despicably Deceitful.

    18. Lazy!


    19. This dyslexic believes in Dog31 August 2022 at 10:38

      There we go, that wasn't so hard after all, was it?
      Keeping u on your tose is fun two.
      American English is a dodgy place to start as its not centered right.

      I'll settle for curmudgeonly, it's much classier than merely "less agreeable".

    20. Too

      And of course “toes” I know that one too.


  5. `The Bible teaches that there are only two genders: male and female. From the very beginning, God’s design for humanity was for man and woman to be together in a marriage relationship (Genesis 2:18–24). In other words, heterosexuality is the only sexuality chosen by God. Eve was created by God as the “helper suitable” for Adam (Genesis 2:18). God did not make another man for Adam. He made a woman. This was His design.

    God is the Creator of human beings. All of humanity is His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10), and God knitted each of us in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13–16). God designed each of us how He wanted to, including the gender He assigned for each of us. Each person has meaning and worth, and God has a good and perfect will for each of us. Those who reject their God-given gender have committed sin against the very God who made them.

    Romans 1:24-27 In this Romans passage, homosexuality is described as “degrading,” “shameful”, “unnatural,” and an “error.” To imply that God makes a person to be homosexual would be to say that He acts contrary to His Word.

    Queer theory is ungodly in that it portrays sin, as defined in Scripture, as acceptable and even laudable. The current push to accept queer theory illustrates the words of Proverbs 14:12: “There is a way that appears to be right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” It may seem right to cast aside the “old” standards of morality and pursue what feels right, but in the end God’s Word will hold true`.

    1. Very poorly informed exegetically. God also prescribed a vegetarian diet for Adam and Eve. Do you advise we all refrain from eating meat?


    2. 😂 😂 😂
      Was that before or after the little incident with the apple from the tree of knowledge?

    3. In view of Genesis 9:3, DD’s choice of example might not be the best.

    4. A nice example of how the Bible shows disagreement even within its own pages - I love that about it - points us towards the impossibility of literalism. Also makes me very wary of those who claim to know, with incontrovertible certainty, what the Bible teaches.


    5. It has the added and huge advantage of demonstrating you to be an ignorant prat.

    6. This dyslexic believes in Dog28 August 2022 at 17:55

      If it looks like TP, sounds like TP, smells like TP, whinges like TP, stinks of manure like TP and is at least as ignorant as TP then it's definitely TP. 😂

    7. More Geese than Swans now live, more fools than wise.
      Orlando Gibbons.


    8. In further answer to DD: although I wouldn’t dispute that the Bible contains texts that disagree with each other (cp. Genesis 28:13 and Exodus 6:3), the change of dietary laws in the primeval history is neither an example of disagreement nor evidence of the need for non-literal interpretation. The text simply says that people initially were required to be vegetarian but subsequently were allowed to eat meat. That’s internally coherent and quite straightforward.

    9. Bless you - still learning life from the Bible.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. DD and the LGBT assemblies can try as hard as they like but they will always be on the defensive. God's clear intent was man and woman, and while every person must be loved and respected there can be no acceptance of homosexual sex as normal, or, as the gay zealots want, comparable with heterosexual sex.
    The sadness is that the welsh bishops are too frightened to speak out, taking the church down and down to almost complete decline.


    1. I'm afraid I don't agree with you at all on your last point LW.
      On the contrary, the Welsh bishops are not frightened of speaking out at all.
      The problem is that the Welsh bishops are speaking out, not for God and the straight and narrow path, but for Satan and his highway to hell.
      Frightened? No. Shameless!

    2. Agreed Enoch.
      The plonkers have far too much to say for themselves and don't speak for God or Christianity.


    3. Never, never, never trust a Bishop30 August 2022 at 17:45

      You're not wrong Enoch.
      DodoJo had no hesitation in slagging off every Conservative in the country.
      So certain of herself was she that she even put it into writing.

    4. If only she'd taken a swipe at the ruling party in Moscow.
      Vladolf Putler would have had his mates call around to pay her a visit during her time on the sick.

    You couldn't make it up!
    The Lesbians are now being accused of being "haters" by the pro Trans activists.
    🤣 🤣 🤣

  9. @ DD and ME

    A curiosity only but as DD and M.Eithaf are so hell-bent on following the 'bible' to the letter with little or no appreciation that since the scrolls and texts were first written they have been revised, edited, censored, re-written, purged, adulterated, bastardised, translated (often very badly), politicised, revamped to suite Vatican whims so often that they are now almost defunct of either meaning or Scripture. If Ms DD and Ms ME take their bibles so seriously (as implied by their comments here and elsewhere) do they celebrate Christmas on December 25th or wait until March when the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus Christ was born .... All very well petitioning that we should all become vegetarian because Genesis instructs, but then opt for December when Turkeys are at their plumpest and roast chestnuts at their ripest. Follow the Word of God (Bible) and celebrate Christmas - the Nativity - in March. You can't cherry pick the Bible.

    Ad Clerum

    1. By what means did you arrive at March?
      Should one be using the Julian calendar or the Gregorian?
      Our Vicar taught us that the finest minds couldn't even pin it down to a specific year.

    2. I approach the Bible as I would a friend, namely to converse alongside, expect a dialogue with and a critical exchange of ideas. My approach to this sacred text is anything but hell-bent on following it to the letter. Mine is very much a hermeneutic of suspicion. Hope that clears that up!


    3. Quite right Episkopos. Ad Clerum just doing that clerical thing of assuming himself to be the fount of all wisdom and the last word on everything.


  10. Ad Clerum, I have every faith in what has been written in the Bible and if anyone wants to know more about the truths in the Bible look here -
    and here

    `The message, God's revelation—God's Word—is nourishment for our souls. As we begin the life of faith, we need the milk. As we grow, we transition to solid food. But if we do not partake of the food, we gain no nourishment, we languish, we deteriorate, we die`.

    I do enjoy my turkey on Christmas day but mostly for the rest of the time I prefer chicken, lamb, salmon and ham all with roasted veg.


    Evangelical school forced to "take the knee" in the face of the political power of the Pride movement and alleged thinly veiled implied threats from school inspectors.

  12. Were there none of the usual inane photographs of the plonkers in or next to their "faith" tent trying to appear trendy and with it?
    Was Randy Pandy there in person or did he send his side-kick Mary to represent him because he had bigger fish to fry in Bangor?

  13. In 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was killed in a Nazi concentration camp. His work "The Cost of Discipleship" gives this salutary warning.
    "Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of the Church. We are fighting today for costly grace.
    Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, communion without confession, absolution without personal confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living or incarnate.
    Costly grace is the treasure hidden in the field; for the sake of it a person will gladly go and sell all that he has. It is the pearl of great price. To buy it, the merchant will sell all his goods. It is the kingly rule of Christ, for whose sake a person will pluck out an eye, if it is the cause of stumbling. It is the call of Jesus Christ at which the disciple leaves boat and nets to follow him."
    Let the plankers take note.

    1. The plonkers are definitely cheap and they certainly won't take note.

  14. Simple Simon, you can't call the plankers cheap, they cost the Cult in Wales enough and they most certainly do not choose the cheap option!

    1. You misunderstand Seymour.
      They're profligate with other people's money but cheap in so many other ways.
