Saturday, 30 November 2019


 "The new bishop of Llandaff's first presidential address at a Llandaff diocesan conference makes informative reading. Strong on sociology but weak on theology and spirituality she should sit easily on a bench of bishops devoid of such talents.
Formerly five of the bishops in Wales held Oxford Firsts in Theology."
- From an entry 'Sociology replacing religion' in October 2017.

There was much hype about the former Dean of Salisbury beginning to transform Llandaff as soon as she crossed the Llys Esgob threshold.

She has - but not as one might have expected as the illustration shows.

In 2016 the Bishops of the Church in Wales wrote a Pastoral Letter to "all the faithful" concerning admission to Holy Communion of all the baptised "by virtue of their Baptism alone".  There were objections that the decision was based on dodgy legal advice,

In the rite of confirmation the Holy Spirit is invoked to come upon those who are to be confirmed.

At the Governing Body of the Church in Wales in September 2017 a private members’ motion asked for the time to consider in more detail documents prepared by the Bench of Bishops and for their period of introduction to be extended by a year to enable greater consideration of its implications. The Mover said "some people had theological objections to the change and their opinions should be heard."

The motion was carried. Discussed again in April 2018 at the  meeting of the Governing Body the bishop of St Asaph told delegates: "We are in the business of creating faithful disciples of Jesus Christ; enabling people to grow into a living faith." He added without any hint of irony: "We are a church which believes in theological debate and as a Bench of Bishop’s we are open to discussion."

There has been no meaningful debate with traditionalists but there was a brief nod to orthodoxy when a Confirmation service took place on 3 October in Llandaff Cathedral led by a Society bishop. Bishop Philip North was invited to celebrate and to confirm candidates.

I have seen no official report or photographs of the event. Some have suggested this was probably out of  official embarrassment due the numbers present. However, this is one report which appeared on Twitter: "Standing room only in the Cathedral for a Diocesan Confirmation @LlandaffDio and the most candidates I think I have ever seen. What utter joy. Thank you @BishopJuno and @BpBurnley. God is good!"

There is no such holding back in the Winter issue of Croeso in which the sacrament of Confirmation is subsumed under a story about same-sex marriage, the joys of the Gathering (an ecumenical LGBTQ+ safe space)! and a mini celebration in the candidate's local church with "flags and prayers for LGBTQ+ folks."

The liberal drift has indeed engulfed the Church in Wales.

From her gay friendly base in Llandaff, June Osbourne has followed the example of the bishop of St Davids, Joanna Penberthy in promoting the LGBTQ+ cause while the third woman bishop to be appointed, Cherry Vann, bishop elect of Monmouth confirms the priorities of women clergy with a talk at a Rochdale Pride event on 'the Church of England's Pastoral Principles for living well together'.

Sociology has replaced theology but it should come as no surprise.

Writing for Virtue Online, Biblical Anthropologist Alice C. Linsley who served as a priest in the Episcopal Church for 16 years addresses 'Ten reasonable objections to women in the priesthood':

1. The Church is not a democratic body.
2. Women's ordination is linked to homosexual activism.
3. Women's ordination is rooted in Feminist thought.
4. Women priests perpetuate confusion about gender.
5. Women priests represent rejection of the authority Scripture and Tradition
6. Women priests cause confusion about the Eucharist.
7. Women priests represent a denial of the Fathers' teaching.
8. Ordination of women to the priesthood undermines women's ministries.
9. The feminization of the clergy discourages men's participation in the church.
10. A female at the altar blurs the biblical distinction between life and death.

The paper is confirmation of how sociology has replaced religion in liberal Anglicanism.


  1. I suspect that in the months ahead each of the bishops will continue to push the LGBT+ cause. We will see the sacraments in the forefront of their campaign with LGBT+ individuals talking about how they came to faith through the sacraments in spite of their sexuality. It will be the softening up process to push a Bill through Governing Body. As Jesus pointed out many years ago: the devil is the father of all lies (and all deviousness.) As in the article shown above, each individual will have encountered opposition, overcame opposition by moving churches, etc. The Bishops will then guilt trip the Governing Body into voting their way.
    As for the article above: it claims there were 418 confirmations in total, but the figures underneath don't add up. 318 (under 18s) and 80 (over 18s) = 398. Are we now in a situation in Llandaff Diocese where 20 individuals can self-identify as neither? I am sure you realize that I am being facetious.

    1. 318 (under 18s) and 80 (over 18s) = 398 leaving 20 EXACTLY 18s?

    2. Baptist Trainfan2 December 2019 at 12:07

      More likely some who just forgot to mention their age (or didn't want to)!

    3. 318 is the number of persons in Abraham's household and so was widely believed to be the number of bishops at the Council of Nicaea, though Eusebius (who was there) puts the number at about 250 - either way it must have been worse than the Athenaeum on Boat Race Night.

  2. The head of the Sociology Department at the LSE was at one time Professor David Martin. He was also the Chairman of the Prayer Book Society. Sociology properly understood can lead to fairly traditionalist beliefs. Have these Welsh lady "bishops" any qualifications in Sociology?

  3. You mention The Society but I was nearly fooled by The Society of Catholic Priests, confusing the two. The latter is, it seems, a radical pro-gay organisation.
