Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Welsh politics

To be brutally honest, Welsh Assembly Finance Secretary Mark Drakeford, the front runner in the Welsh Labour leadership race, reminds me of M. Hulot, a character far removed from his creator, the multi-talented Jacques Tati.

Drakeford said that if he wins he will not look forward to question time in the assembly or media interviews that are part of the job.

How refreshingly honest.

It has often been said that the last person to be a bishop is someone who wants to be a bishop. Looking at the parlous state of the Church in Wales that has become increasingly obvious.

Drakeford will be rubbished for his honesty but good luck to him.

More honesty and less ambition shouldn't go amiss.


  1. Les Vacances de M. Hulot, one of the greatest and funniest films ever made starring the inimitable Jacques Tati. Thanks for the wonderful clip. Another great actor - John le Mesurier had the theme tune from the film played at his funeral after he had "conked out"

  2. He won't look forward to the scrutiny principally because Welsh Labour have been an unmitigated disaster for nigh on 20 years.

  3. Welsh Labour and the Welsh Assembly are a failure. Nothing good can be shown which has been achieved through devolution - in fact we are behind England in many areas and would have been better off under previous Welsh Office arrangements.
    The only people benefiting from the Welsh Assembly are Welsh politicians, soon to have another pay rise.

  4. PP True, Stopitt. But with An Assembly, 22 Local Authorities, 5 health boards and other bureaucratic networks, no wonder, Health, Education and Social Care is appalling. Top heavy, too many salaries and not enough front line cash.

  5. PP - Your comment could apply equally well to the Church in Wales! That said I can not help but feel that Prof Drakeford, whose politics I do not share, would make a better leader than the present archbishop of the CiW in each sphere.

  6. Can we not have a “people’s vote” on the whole Welsh Assembly nonsense?
