Friday, 17 November 2023

C of E agrees to bless sin on trial basis

General Synod November 2023                             Source: Church of England

Despite the Church of England's belief that marriage is between one man and one woman, its General Synod has agreed that special services of prayer and dedication asking for God’s blessing for same-sex couples should be introduced on a trial basis.

The religious service could follow a civil wedding ceremony with readings and prayers, music, flowers and confetti, giving the appearance of a wedding in all but name.

The Church of England Evangelical Council said the decision "will tear local parish congregations apart, damage the relationship between large numbers of clergy and their bishops and cause churches across the dioceses to feel as though their shepherds have abandoned them."

Sadly, most of the bishops of the Church of England could not care less, as in the Church in Wales, where many faithful Anglicans have already been abandoned for keeping the faith.


  1. This step done, and we all know what the next step will be.

  2. But how can the Church of England maintain its definition of Marriage as being "between one man and one woman" when it's Bishops cannot even provide a definition of a woman?

  3. I didn't ask for a divorce. I didn't want a divorce but 18 years ago my wife having found a wealthier, younger guy, won in the divorce process. But God was kind to me. Within months I too met a younger, loving and rather pretty new partner and we've been delightfully happy ever since.
    But we're hetrosexual - Christian, church-going, hetrosexuals. Our Anglican church refuses to marry us because I am a (reluctant, defeated) divorcee and we 'live in sin' together. Technically speaking - I am told - I am not even supposed to receive the Holy Communion as a divorcee living 'in sin' with my new partner of 17 years loving (although I wonder how Archbishop John got round this in the period after divorcing wife #1 and marrying #2)
    Isn't it ridiculous. The church bending over backwards (no pun intended) to appease the LGBTQ+ flock while shunting or shafting the 'traditionalists'. Perhaps ++Andrew might like to explain the theology. (Silly thought. He hasn't a clue).

    Old Bill

  4. Some excellent news today.
    Jayne Ozanne has resigned from the synod of the Church of England.
    🤣 🤣 🤣

    1. Hardly a loss to anyone.
      She always looks as grim as a blind cobbler's thumb.

    2. Inbreeding in Bradford in decline.

  5. Word of God condemns all forms of sexual immorality....including remarriage if divorcees...

  6. Dear Richard White. Just as well that I didn't remarry after my wife divorced me then! Phew. I'd hate to meet up with your heartless God. But I wonder how the Archbishop of Wales feels; he having divorced his wife and then walked straight into condemnation by re-marrying: double condemnation as his second wife, a priest, was also divorced. Why anyone would want to worship God is beyond me if that's his way of things..... tut tut. Sounds all very Jehovah Witness'ish to me.

  7. Human relationships can be equally tragic as they can be equally majestic. I’m glad you found love old Bill, truly I am


  8. The ears in the walls report Slippery Dick the Sherry has been signed off on the sick for the rest of the year.
    Is Dominic Grieve's report imminent?

  9. And the curse of Llandaff continues!

    1. Which particular curse?
      There have been so many.
      🤣 🤣

  10. Some excellent news today from Russia for a change.
    If only HM Government would do away with the likes of Tavistock, mermaids and stonewall in the UK.

  11. We’re having our sin blessed Christmas Eve. Be grateful for your prayers. Over twenty years together.


    1. God doesn't bless sin so whatever you're planning to contrive will be another sham.

    2. Thank you Enoch. I agree entirely. Not sinful at all. Appreciate your good wishes for us as a couple.

