Sunday, 19 March 2023

An ACE Bishop for Wales

                                                                                                                                           Source ACE

 From the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE)

In a service with a distinctive Welsh flavour, including harpists, songs, prayers and Bible readings in Welsh, Stuart Bell was consecrated on Saturday 18 March as bishop to serve within the Anglican Convocation in Europe.

Led by Archbishop Foley Beach representing the Gafcon Primates, and Bishop Andy Lines, the Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Network in Europe, the service marked a significant moment in the history of the Principality. 

Stuart will assist Bishop Andy Lines in providing support and encouragement, oversight and accountability for ACE clergy and congregations within Wales. His consecration  represents the continuing provision by the global Anglican family of a home for those seeking to remain faithful to the Biblical gospel of Jesus Christ and uphold historic, orthodox, biblical, confessional Anglicanism.

In his sermon, Archbishop Foley emphasised that the ministry of a bishop is to ensure the message of the church remains the message of Jesus, by teaching the Word of God, defending the faith and proclaiming Jesus boldly and unashamedly.

Asked about Stuart’s consecration, Archbishop Foley said, “It will now give the people of Wales a godly and faithful bishop who upholds the theology and moral teaching of the Bible and our Anglican tradition.”

Stuart himself reflected, “It seems to me that this a twofold testimony. A testimony as orthodox Anglicans in Wales to the Biblical gospel of Jesus Christ which is our responsibility to faithfully present to all who will receive it; and, sadly, a testimony specifically against the Church in Wales which has stepped away from that Biblical gospel.”

In his greeting to the congregation Stuart publicly re-affirmed three life-time commitments: “Firstly to Jesus Christ as my Lord and myself as his disciple. Secondly to the Scriptures as recorded in the Bible, to believe them, to trust them, to seek to live them, and to preach them faithfully. Thirdly, I re-affirm my commitment to Wales, to commend Christ to Wales and to seek to bring Wales to Christ… until my last breath.”

Postscript [21.03.2023]

From Christian Today: A godly faithful bishop for Wales

"Bishop Stuart's consecration represents the continuing provision, by the global Anglican family, of a home for those seeking to remain faithful to the Biblical gospel of Jesus Christ and uphold historic, orthodox, biblical, confessional Anglicanism."


  1. Laudable commitments, but what about to "Holy Church, as His creation/And her teachings as His own..."?

  2. Off topic I know but has anyone else noticed how the second actress in the TV ad for Jane Plan diet is a dead ringer for Dojo. Is she really on sick leave or just moonlighting? Hilarious.

  3. Matthew - you are quoting St John Henry Newman and we know what decision he made.

    1. I am indeed quoting St John Henry, but the inclusion of that hymn in numerous non-RC hymn books suggests that a "high" doctrine of the Church isn't a Roman Catholic prerogative.

    2. Indeed ,was it Calvin or Luther who said "He has not God for his Father who has not the Church for his Mother? However since when were hymn books included among official formularies of any church?

    3. Frederick Jones: an apt quote, for which many thanks. As for the hymn book question -- I believe our American cousins actually have an official one, as do the English Methodists, but episcopal approval of EH and A&M, both of which include these verses, is surely the next best thing. (Not, of course, that many of the ditties currently passing for hymns are worthy of inclusion in the liturgy, but that's another question.)

  4. Good to hear this news. Stuart was an outstanding rector of St Michael's Aberystwyth over many years, and was treated badly by the CiW hierarchy after his retirement.

    It's hard to think of a better person for this role, and his consecration adds huge credibility to the AME.

    Menai Bridger

    1. When will Bishop Stuart be coming to Llandaff Cathedral to turf out the heretics typhoid Mary and Dick the Dean?

    2. Ridding us of the chocolate teapot Randy Pandy in Bangor would be the best place to start.
      Cut the head off the snake.

    3. Llandaff Pewster20 March 2023 at 18:40

      Very sad to learn last week that the funeral of the last real Dean of Llandaff has taken place.
      Requiescat in pace John Rogers.

  5. I wish Stuart well as he joins this schismatic movement. I'm sure his heart is in the right place. Personnally, I've always found him a very intense character: he clearly believes all the right things, but I don't see the joy. Each to their own.

    I'm sure the Church in Wales pension isn't something he'll be turning his back on though. That would be taking your principles a step too far.


    1. Your principles or his?
      And why should he turn his back on his pension?
      I'm sure he has earned it, much more so than the likes of His --Darkness bully boy Bazza, Karl Cooper, Shirley Davies, the chocolate teapot, DodoJo or Caiaphas!

    2. Just find it interesting that he draws a pension from an insitution he believes is unbiblical. Doesn't sit well.


    3. I think you have it back to front. It is far more interesting to me that an institution claiming to be Biblical is paying out pensions to individuals who are heretics and/or adulterers who have done everything they possibly could to ruin the institution.

    4. It's not just the pensions though, the cult in Wales is employing, paying and housing so many heretical deviants and false prophets

  6. Fantastic choice...... someone who knows how to build The Church and make disciples.

  7. Stuart Bell seems to prefer spectacles on a chain rather than a pectoral cross.

    1. Isn’t that Andy Lines?

  8. You are right, thanks for the correction. Stuart Bell is the tall one in the middle. I wonder how many congregations will now look to him for oversight?

  9. And while all this is going on might we wonder when ++Andrew is going to announce that his long-suffering archdeacon of Meirioneth has thrown in his towel and QUIT. Not just 'resigned' or 'retired' but quit with immediate effect. Not a mention of it in church announcements. By my reckoning, the Ven. Andrew Jones's walk-out is Andrew John's fifth archdeacon to quit since 'planking' himself into the Diocese of Bangor. Goodness only knows the full number of 'clergy' who have deserted the gormless man.

    Perhaps other AB correspondents can add meat to the bone? (With +Mary's move to Llandaff that's two archdeacons ++Andrew needs to find. Scope there for Master Sion ap Rhys to assume more power over his bishop).

    Old Bill

  10. Not that 'Old Bill' was ever a policeman but if he were, his Copper's Nose - as my local enquiries have established since he last posted - will show that the Ven Andrew Jones, archdeacon of Meirionedd resigned as Director from three key financial administratios just weeks before apparently 'quitting' the Diocese of Bangor. Between February 23 and 24, he resigned from the Bangor Diocesan Board of Finance, the Bangor Diocesan Trust and the C-in-W Widows and Orphans Dependants Society.

    Time perhaps for the C-in-W Press Office and/or ++ Andy John to 'come clean' on this latest defection.

    Ad Clerum

    1. When has Anna Morrell 'come clean' over anything on behalf of the cult in Wales?

  11. My old chum Ad Clerum's right. I've never been a policeman ... but in continued silence from the Diocese of Bangor reference the shock announcement of popular Archdeacon Andrew Jones's immediate 'quitting' some detective-sleuthing has produced more to confirm the 'rumour'.

    The website Who's Who of the Bishop's Council has suddenly deleted the Ven. Andrew Jones's name from the listing and the www. site for Llanbedrog Info - Andrew Jones's 'parish' area - now enters: 'Retired 2023'. Retired? Oh hardly. He's QUIT!!

    Shame that all this after a mounting series of desertions, early retirements, transfers to England, resignations and one excellent priest travelling as far away as he could from Andrew (failed) John to become archdeacon in New Zealand isn't Llandaff diocese news otherwise Ancient Briton's pages would be full. No, its the lame-duck Diocese of Bangor (again) where such resignations and despair are expected and so thus 'non-news'.

    It will be interesting to know when Andrew John and his PR machine might - if ever - announce it.

    Old Bill

  12. Addendum to the Archdeacon Jones line. My hearing is that yet again Diocese of Bangor is briefing lawyers in anticipation that like so many other costly 'settlement' claims this one too will head to the 'courts'. Apparently there's a 'crisis' archdeaconary Synod this week. And to stay in line with AB conditions, yes, one of Bangor's deserted 'I Quit' archdeacons quit to move on to the European ACE diocese ... as archdeacon.


  13. So interesting about Archdeacon Andrew Jones suddenly quitting. I always assumed he was the one with fiercest loyalty to the (Arch)Bishop. Please post any updates.

    And a former Bangor Archdeacon left to join the ACE? Who was that?

    Menai Bridger

  14. @ Menai Bridger

    One would hope (or assume) that any updates SHOULD come from the Bishop's Office so who knows?!

    Bangor archdeacon who quit and then later reappeared on the European diocese team was predecessor to Ven Paul Davies (who quit to go to Guildford Dioc). Can't remember his name though ... just too many clerics of yore to keep up with


  15. My apologies AB that this update seems to appeal only to readers of the trivial diocese of Bangor although it should demonstrate to all just what a shower of manure heads up the entire C-in-W. I refer to the still 'secret' quitting of Ven Andrew Jones.

    Curious that the Merionnedd archdeaconary Synod is/was listed to have the Archbishop of Wales attend ... presumably with some secret to share - but no such attendances listed for the Bangor or Anglesey Synods where presumably there are no current scandals.

    But well done the Diocese. Venue for the Meirionedd synod was in Llan Ffestiniog! Now if you want to organise a church hall meeting that no one will attend in the middle of winter with no busses running, Llan Ffestiniog is just the place!!! Totally inhospitable and inaccessible. I assume that they had first thought of holding it in the telephone box in Cwm-y-Glo (Population: 5) but someone figured that you can maybe get up to three people into a Phone Box. That would be embarrassing. Presumably no G3 signal in Llan Ffestiniog either so as yet, no news of announcements or explainations.


  16. The plot thickens this morning. This from a letter sent to all clergy:

    Some of you will be aware that on Saturday, 18th March, the Rev Stuart Bell, former Rector of the Rectorial Benefice of Aberystwyth, accepted ordination to the episcopate from Archbishop Foley Beach of the Anglican Church of North America and others. While many of us have held Stuart in enormous respect for his ministry, the Bench of Bishops cannot receive or accept his episcopal ministry, founded, as it is, on a repudiation of the bishops' own ministry and a breaking of Communion with the Church in Wales. In these difficult circumstances, sadly there now exists some distance, not sought nor desired by the bishops of the Church in Wales, between us and the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACIE), which is the group to which Stuart is now affiliated.

    We understand that the issue over which Stuart has decided to take this action is the decision of the Governing Body of the Church in Wales to permit same-sex couples to have a blessing on their civil unions, and this step is characterised as a repudiation of Biblical authority. Naturally, this is not an interpretation which the bishops of the Church in Wales can accept, although we have been clear that clergy, leaders and members of the Church in Wales have a diversity of opinions on this matter, and have sought to provide space in our common life for freedom of conscience and difference.

    We have to be clear, therefore, about how relationships are changed with Bishop Stuart now and those who are members of the Anglican Convocation in Europe. A decision by members of ACiE to stand apart from the oversight of the bishops of the Church in Wales, and of the Churches of the Anglican Communion in communion with us, means that Church in Wales clergy should stand back from receiving communion at services held under the auspices of the ACiE. No ministers affiliated with the Anglican Convocation in Europe should exercise ministry or leadership in a Church in Wales context, unless the explicit written permission of the appropriate Church in Wales diocesan bishop has been given.

    We would like to be as generous and open in our relationship with former colleagues and brothers and sisters in Christ in the future but we have to recognise the reality of the step which has been taken. We will be happy to address any further questions or perspectives that arise in people's minds.


    1. Subversive Bishop23 March 2023 at 17:39

      If enough brave clergy tell the plonkers where to shove their ungracious letter, along with their licenses, the cult in Wales might collapse and implode within days, as it so richly deserves. 🖕


    2. Transgender athletes banned from women's competitions.
      Some more common sense breaking out but not in the Cult in Wales.

    3. Who do these arrogant fools think they are? Do they really think anyone gives a damn about what they can or cannot accept Bishop Bell's episcopal ministry?
      By far the vast majority of the people of Wales don't accept their ministries, as evidenced by the almost empty Churches and Cathedrals and the steady drift of clergy away from them.

    4. If only they could see and accept about how their own "relationships are changed " with the vast majority of orthodox traditionalist anglo-catholics, but the chocolate teapot was never one for engaging brain before opening mouth.

  17. Which Cult in Wales bishops put their name to this missive, AJ?

    1. I’m not sure, I’ve just heard it’s from the bench. Jo won’t have signed it as she’s on leave, so the bench would be the adulterer, the practicing homosexual, the big fella and John, with Mary awaiting consecration before she joins the crooked bench.


  18. Well for the sake of an old-fashioned 2nd Class stamp, why not the lot of us write to our individual Bishops and ask them directly. Don't ask: don't get. And while we're at it, ask too for some ounce of courteous disclosure ref Archdeacon Andrew Jones's reasons for his 'quitting' (not retirement). Put the blighters on the spot. Even better, throw in a 2nd class stamped addressed envelope so no excuses. Well worth the couple of quid postage ... and the fun you'll get from their squirming.

    Money where your mouths are chaps. Whack them off and report back to AB once their responses (denials) are received. Pointless otherwise all of us just whinging among each other on AB's blogsite which gets us no where.

    Ad Clerum (by postbox)

  19. Rather than wasting so much as 1p on writing to the plonkers, far better to write to Bishop Bell to find out when he's going to be in your area, then transfer your giving to ACIE to support his ministry.

  20. Some close to home wokeness for George and Kevin to discuss in their next episode of Anglican Unscripted?

    Head teacher resigned before being sacked over Michaelangelo sculptures.
