Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Pray for Ukraine


Faith leaders are meeting in Ukraine today 12 April 2022

View the Live stream from Ukraine 15.00 London time 



  1. A collection of chocolate teapots.
    Speaking of which, did Randy Pandy go along with them?
    How many of them have taken any Ukrainian refugees into their homes?

    1. How many have you SS?


  2. One could ask how many empty Vicarages there are in Wales, but more particularly, how many four bedroomed C-in-W Vicarages/Rectories there are with only single-occupant resident clergy. The RB still insists that come what may Vicarages must be 4x bedroom minimum. Ridiculous.

    Ad Clerum

    1. The RB have issued guidance for the use of Vicarages for refugees. And it doesn’t matter how many vicarages have one person living in them, the next incumbent of that parish may be married with 6 children. Bad stewardship to downsize then have to buy again or are you saying that certain Parishes can always only have single clergy.


    2. The vicarage near here was sold for half a million and the money sent to Cardiff, whilst the parish struggles to pay its 'share'

  3. Even worse stewardship, CB, to enable both Dean and Canon to vacate their massive Deanery and Canonary to rehouse them in Bangor in new-purchase properties costing almost £1,000,000 while leaving their former homes empty for more than four years. And to further the point, let's audit the scores, upon scores of 'redundant' parsonages now rented out ... for profit! Profiting who? The coffers of the C-in-W and property portfolio or humanity and Christianity? Lastly, most parishes in Wales don't even have married incumbents that alone vicars with six kids. Let's not inquire why ... !!!

    Ad Clerum

    1. I disagree about most clergy in Wales being unmarried and without children. I think you’re delusional!

    2. Speaking of disastrous Stewardship, you could hardly do worse than starting with the big girl's blouse of an antiques dealing dud Capon who's still crowing from his dung heap on Llandaff Green.
      He's now been off "work" (not that he ever did very much of that!) for two years, warming his feet on the Aga in the Deanery kitchen, and entertaining the gay cabal and other associated cronies, all paid for by the gullible pew sitters of Llandaff Cathedral.
      Not forgetting the back handers to the slimy amphibian Mr Toad.
      All under the noses of his neighbours on The Green, Caiaphas and Elias QC.
      I wonder how many Ukrainian refugees the Capon has offered to host?

  4. You're right CB. I should have qualified my entry by including those many who are of 'same-sex' marriage inclination but who might find bearing children to fill the empty Vicarage bedrooms somewhat difficult. But dilusional? I think not. Statistics speak for themselves.

    Ad Clerum
