Sunday, 5 September 2021

The reckoning

The Rt Rev Jonathan Goodall (left), Bishop of Ebbsfleet and Tantur International Advisory Board Member, with the Anglican delegation for the canonization
  of  Oscar Romero, led by Archbishop Emeritus of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, fourth from left.                           Photo  Anglican Communion News Service.

The well connected Bishop of Ebbsfleet is stepping down in order to be received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church

Anglican bishop of Ebbsfleet resigns to join Roman Catholic church announced the Guardian before adding: "An Anglican bishop opposed to the ordination of women has resigned to join the Roman Catholic church" as if opposition to the ordination of women is somehow reprehensible.

The secular press is not interested in theological explanations. Why should it be? Many Anglican provinces are no longer interested in theology and differ little from secular organisations but the reckoning is nigh. 

THE COUNTERFEIT "GOSPEL" OF AFFIRMING CATHOLICISM By David W. Virtue, DD, says it as it is. A story of betrayal: "It has been slowly dawning on me that Satan's real work of destroying and deconstructing the Christian Faith in the Anglican Communion is not the obvious or bald-faced lie. Christians can easily spot it and mercifully reject it. Tens of millions of Anglicans, mostly from Africa, Asia and South America have seen through the lie of homosexuality. But what Satan is masterful at is the half-truth, the counterfeit lie and "Did God say"?

ANGLICAN PRELATE FLEES GAY GHETTO FOR ROME shouts Church Militant: "A prominent Anglican bishop is quitting the Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church of England, which is dominated by homosexual clergy, to embrace the Roman Catholic Church." Out of the frying pan into the fire?

Of course there are homosexual clergy. The difference for Anglicans in the West is that the Church is desperate to make it normal, particularly in the Church in Wales where homosexuals are especially welcome while those who keep the faith are rejected.

Clergy unable to accept the ordination of women on theological grounds have been forced to travel to England for the Chrism Mass because the mean-minded bench of bishops would not allow Provincial Episcopal Visitors to celebrate in Wales. 

There was an exception in 2017. The Requiem Mass for Bishop David Thomas. The Principal Celebrant was the Right Reverend Jonathan Goodall, Bishop of Ebbsfleet.

Bishop Thomas was Wales' first and last Provincial Assistant Bishop, an office scrapped by archbishop Barry Morgan, despite promises to the contrary, as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

The venue for the Requiem Mass was St Mary’s Priory Church where Bishop David held most of his Ordination Services and Chrism Mass. 

Bishop Jonathan was denied the opportunity of continuing that tradition. I am sure readers will join me in wishing him well.


  1. I don't think Bishop Jonathan Goodall will be the only one heading down the path to Rome if the Governing Body votes with the bishops tomorrow. This could be the decisive moment. The courts have already ruled that there is no such things as Christian conscience. A baker in Northern Ireland and a couple in Devon lost their cases when they tried to rely on Christian conscience as a defence for their actions. The only way to protect clergy from a possible prosecution is to reject the bishop's bill and to affirm the teachings of Christ, and the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. If the GB are duped into voting for it, tomorrow the Church in Wales becomes the Apostate Church in Wales, led by its five apostate bishops.

  2. There's no need to dupe the Governing Body, I predict they will go for it willingly and enthusiastically as well as unanimously.

    1. Not unanimously. I know one person who will vote against.

  3. Exodus- if they do that, they will prove for once and for all that they really are not fit for purpose.

    1. They've been doing that very successfully for the last 25 years or so.


      Bishops unanimous as predicted.
      The majority of the rest are just poodles.

      Darth --Insidious will be delighted.

  4. Osborne speaking a few moments ago in the GB debate quoted the New Testament - where we are told there is no male or female etc. How misleading can she be? How to twist a text to her own purpose! Far from abolishing sex, God established it and created the differences. What a heretic she is! How much more evidence is needed to demonstrate the hurtful folly of female ordination?
    The Bishop of St Asaph gave a better argued speech, but he failed to support the order of creation. How very sad!

    1. Satan's imps still hard at work then.

  5. Another loss to Orthodoxy: two thirds of the GB in favour of this Bill. More and more, we traditional Anglicans are being disenfranchised, despite the gays claiming they have the hard time. From his point of view, the Bishop of St Asaph spoke persuasively at the beginning, but boringly at the end (is he the next archbishop?). The anti speeches were unimpressive and weak. Only a couple of speakers presented anything like a good case. We needed you AB. Where are the arguments based on the natural order the creator made? The sentimentality and self-pitying speeches of several gays was pathetic. Stephen Kirk always delivers his views effectively, however.
    Where does this leave us? It is just a matter of time before gay marriages are sanctioned, a wicked innovation that will strip the CinWs of any remaining credibility.
    It is not simply a matter of asking God to bless the companionshp of faithful friends but of ubnderwriting what goes with it!

    1. We need you AB ... like a hole in the head !

  6. Woe to those who call evil good,and good evil.

  7. So God was wrong after all, he had no intention of creating male and female to have sex but for mm and ff to be just as valid in what they do together. In the mm case we know what that is and now the CinW condones it. Unbelievable. This is far from what we are commanded 'to love one another', but the Welsh Bishops don't seem to understand the difference. We now wait to see the churches full of LGBTs who have so long been neglected and rejected until now.

    1. They're already in the Church and many of them are wearing dog collars.
