Saturday, 8 May 2021

Love is the way!


In retrospect, when watching the above video clip one can only speculate on what the actress may have said to the presiding bishop for him to be so gushing about love while the actress looks on, looking as demure as she possibly can.

In reality the presiding bishop's concept of love has proved to be just an act.

An article by David Virtue on his VirtueOnline blog, reveals how revisionist Episcopalians led by bishop Curry trash churches they leave behind after losing court cases while orthodox Anglicans clean and leave the keys under the door.

One commentator wrote in response to the blog entry: "Yep. TEC has become the epitome of vindictiveness and hypocrisy. No real love for God or for their neighbors."

On this side of the pond there are no similar arguments about property. In the Church of England orthodox Anglicans have The Society to look to with WATCH left to harry in the background. 

Orthodox Anglicans in the Church in Wales have been left with nothing. Archbishop Barry Morgan saw to that vowing that there would be alternative Episcopal oversight 'over his dead body'. A policy continued by his successor, the recently retired Archbishop of Wales, John Davies.

In a widely circulated retirement statement archbishop Davies said the pandemic had highlighted the "goodness, kindness and love" in communities. People's compassion towards others "must not vanish" after the coronavirus pandemic.

Archbishop Davies and his bench of bishops have shown no goodness, kindness or love towards orthodox Anglicans. Only to revisionists who, like themselves, have been prepared to 'go along to get on'.

We should not be surprised as the Church in Wales uses TEC as its model. They sent the first two Church in Wales women bishops to former TEC presiding bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, archbishop Morgan's heretical mentor as part of their training!

Love (charity) is the way. Sadly some do not know the meaning of love.


  1. Sentimental drivel from Curry, as from Tutu, who is also unsound on same sex issues.

  2. Thank you for posting this reminder of Curry's sermon - wasn't it beautiful. He talks about the redemptive power of love. I pray that that redemptive power of love might be real in the lives of those who own this site and those who are its contributors. May each one of you know God's redemptive love in your lives and may it shine through your words and actions. God bless you and God hold in those mighty hands of love.

    1. Pilgrimprogress, redemptive love is agape, not eros. It is a love which is sacrificial, and it is the very love which brought our Saviour, Jesus Christ, to the cross. Jesus said, "If anyone would be my disciple, they must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me." I don't see anyone in the gay lobby within the Church denying themselves anything; and they most certainly have no intention of enduring any crosses. Instead, it is a push for more acceptance of their way of life. The gutless bishops, here in Wales, haven't got the gumption to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which would reject the proposals of the gay lobby. At least Rome had the temerity to say that God does not approve of sin and he cannot bless it. The Welsh idiots who now form the bench would choke on those words before they could ever say them. For that reason, the Church in Wales is doomed and it has nothing left to say to the people of Wales. Hopefully, coronavirus will bring about its end; but if it limps along a little further, and the GB caves in to the bishops' wishes in September, I can see there being such an exodus from the pews that the Church will collapse financially. After all, with thirty years of liberal bishops, it has already collapsed spiritually.
      By the way, God's redemptive love in my life is shown by my loyalty to his Son, rather than jumping on bandwagons, or preaching the gospel of the "spirit of the age".


    2. I think you will find that the 'gay lobby' as you so put it, have suffered many crosses over time and in some countries, many still do. Take, for example, the recent beheading of the young (gay) guy in Iraq - crucified by his family. The 'gay lobby' are not pushing for 'a away of life' but rather the right to existentially exist and be accepted. I don't recognise anything of Christ to be honest in your blog entry - redemptive love is able to place itself in the shoes of the other and walk their walk. Christ did so and so must we and so must you, Seymour. May your heart be warmed.

    3. Pilgrimprogress, the God who meets us in Christ never leaves us as we are. The whole point of the Incarnation is that humanity can find a better way - Christ's way. St Paul's words to the Ephesians says it all: Renouncing your former way life, you must lay aside the old human nature which, deluded by its desires, is in the process of decay; you must be renewed in mind and spirit, and put on the new nature created in God's likeness, which shows itself in the upright and devout life called for by the truth." (Ephesians 4: 22-24)
      When Jesus encountered the rich young ruler, who wouldn't change his way of life and give up his wealth, Jesus didn't lower his standards to accommodate the man. Why then do you think that Jesus should lower his standards for you, or for me for that matter?

    4. Pilgrimprogress, your response to Seymour has been deleted because you persist in using inappropriate links to your pseudonym. Please follow the guidance in the Blog notes if you wish to continue sharing your opinions with others on this blog.

    5. Pilgrimprogress ... don't think I'll bother. Nothing but grumpy old gits on here.

    6. Seymour,
      I think you are one of the few clerics whose sermons I could listen to week by week if you were still ministering.
