Thursday, 1 April 2021

Woke Britain


Rubbish on the steps of the Senedd in Cardiff                                                                                                                             Source: WalesOnline/(Image: UGC)

Revellers packed into Cannon Hill Park in Birmingham on Tuesday                                                                                          Source: Independent/(SnapperSK)

Hundreds of revellers flocked to the 'rave' in Manchester City centre                                                                                                  Source Mirror/(Image: ASP)

A few of images of woke Britain's regard for others. 

The Mirror headline puts it thus as 'rule of six' partygoers trash our parks: Britain 'facing litter epidemic' as lockdown louts dump 'tsunami of rubbish'

Contempt for authority and for others is illustrated widely across the Britain. 

Hundreds of people defied Covid restrictions and turned up at Clapham Common on 13 March for the Sarah Everard vigil despite the Reclaim These Streets group asking them not to after the planned official event was called off. Some police actions were portrayed as being heavy-handed.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) which oversees the police complaints system in England and Wales found that the Metropolitan Police acted "appropriately". Organisers of the vigil described the report "disappointing".

Similarly when The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities reported that family structure and social class had a bigger impact than race on how people's lives turned out, that was not good enough for critics in the wake of the Black Lives Matter anti-racism protests.

Woke Britain!


  1. Lux Et Veritas1 April 2021 at 15:58

    Rubbish outside the Assembly exceeded only by the rubbish inside the assembly.

  2. 'Similarly when The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities reported that family structure and social class had a bigger impact than race on how people's lives turned out ...'

    My difficulty with that, AB, is that now I'd no longer rule out the possibility that (a) the commission was very carefully hand-picked and that (b) it might have been well briefed on the broad outlines of the report which the government expected it to produce.

    And that's something which only a very few years ago - despite my considerable cynicism, born of a quarter of a century's active involvement in municipal and constituency politics, as to what some politicians are capable of - I'd have dismissed as utterly implausible.

    But now my sense is that we're in a wholly different political era.

    1. You are correct, Mr Sewell was saying the same thing 10 years ago as Ms Minura was saying the same thing in 2017. The report gives the impression of being written before it was drafted. Some of those cited say that their research has been misrepresented. It is a shame as the recommendations are almost all entirely sensible

  3. Indeed. The liberal open-minded elite woke snowflakes who are going to save our planet.

  4. So are you saying that only "woke" people drop litter? What is your evidence for that?

    What is "woke" anyway? AIR its original meaning was "alert to injustices in society", surely a Christian virtue.

    Given that our current PM is a mendacious, sexually incontinent buffoon who looks like a hungover tramp, can't string a sentence together and shovels taxpayers' money to his incompetent chums, it is hardly a great surprise that contempt for authority is widespread in Britain today. The recent commission "report" on racism is nothing but gaslighting on an epic scale.

    1. Isn't it peculiar that Greta Thunberg is so strangely silent over her own generation trashing the environment?
      Parks in Nottingham, moors in Leeds and the docks in Cardiff Bay all littered by the young generation.
      Anyone would think they'd never had a single lesson on the environment or recycling.

    2. The images and video footage speak for themselves. The same woke mob of illiterati that tip statues into docks, 'cancel' others who might disagree with them and believe there's over a hundred genders.

    3. Your point is solid and salient.

      But given that Greta Sundberg is Swedish rather than British, and therefore might not be entirely clued up on the minutiae of things which occur in the UK, perhaps it's not entirely surprising if she's not wholly up to date on what's happening here.

      After all, the UK isn't these days the centre of the global scene, as it quite arguably was in the middle of the 19th century.

    4. My impression is that the virtue signalling brat finds the time and means of sticking her nose into everyone else's lifestyle but selectively.
      Her generation is the one that feels it necessary to upgrade to the latest Galaxy or iPhone annually and obtain the latest "must have" fad every Christmas like the electrically powered scooters that are illegally speeding around the roads and pavements ridden recklessly by feral masked and hooded youths.

    5. The crowds in Cardiff Bay last night and the tons of litter being cleared this morning are a disgrace as are the Police who have clearly surrendered control of the streets to the mindless selfish scum whose only consideration is their 'rights'.
      Brain dead, definitely.

    6. I regularly pass through Cardiff Bay on my evening exercise, and throughout the last year it has been a refuge for those in our city with limited access to outdoor space. At weekends and bank holidays in fine weather, crowds tend to gather. They're not all young, I can assure you of that. The litter is awful, but no worse than what occurs during officially promoted festivals, of which there have been none during the last year. People need to let off steam and have something resembling a good time; this is probably higher on many people's priorities than environmental concerns right now. Safer to do it outdoors than in virus-incubating pubs and clubs. Judging by the crude banter being exchanged, I doubt many of those present would consider themselves "woke", or have a very PC attitude to gender.

      @Enoch - precisely one statue has been tipped into a dock. As a sometime resident of Bristol, I was a little shocked that the statue of Colston was still standing. It had long been regarded as a grotesque insult to the many black citizens of that fine city. After legal attempts to have it removed were frustrated, people took the law into their own hands - and they will answer for that under existing, non-statue-related legislation.

    7. After 'letting off steam':

    8. @Martin
      That was one statue too many.
      Vandalism,pure and simple, aided and abetted by a pathetic Avon & Somerset police force that spinelessly stood back because the mob turned up with "the right tools for the job".
      The only tools present that day were the Police!

    9. Avon & Somerset's Chief Constable is stepping down it seems. No loss.

  5. Baptist Trainfan3 April 2021 at 11:37

    AB: It's easy to say that the folk gathering are the product of "woke" thinking.

    One might however equally assert that they are the product of Thatcherite "There is no such thing as society" individualism.

    1. Stating the bloody obvious3 April 2021 at 17:03

      Except for the small inconvenience of them being born this century rather than the last.

  6. Baptist Trainfan3 April 2021 at 17:21

    Some - possibly most - were over 21, I think. More to the point, this is an ideology which has taken it's time to seep down the generations; I didn't mean that they had necessarily heard Thatcher say it (though it's been repeated on the media countless times).

    1. The schools will no doubt have "cancelled" Maggie regardless other than left wing militant teachers referring to the Miner's strike and the "Poll" tax or deliberately misinterpreting her quotes, including that of "There is no such thing as society."

    2. Lux Et Veritas3 April 2021 at 18:25

      More to the point, the same morons unable to exercise personal responsibility and self-discipline in Cardiff Bay will also be able to vote in the local elections on 6th May which will go some way to explaining how the next lot of chimps will be elected to the Welsh Assembly Government.

  7. Illegal partygoers in Cardiff Bay 'urinated on Merchant Seaman's Memorial'

    1. And where were our politically correct Police while this desecration was taking place?
      Standing back and observing the woke Tide-pod-eating little darlings exercise their human rights to be disrespectful little shits?

  8. Dreadful twee Songs of Praise from Llandaff today.
    As usual the BBC are pushing the women priests agenda and Canon Preece hardly featured.
    Thank God I no longer pay for a TV licence.

  9. PP. Songs of Praise was bland to say the least. Strange into to "cathedral clergy" and yet no Mr Dean! Or has the new Chapter made the role defacto ex officio?

    1. 'Songs of Praise' has always been bland, ever since its inception. The only difference has been the aspect of the blandness, which has varied over the decades according to the fashion of the time.

  10. Baptist Trainfan5 April 2021 at 10:07

    I can't comment on the Llandaff clergy ... but I thought SoP was a bit of a mixed bag. The opening and closing choral hymns were a bit on the "restrained" side for me, "See what a morning" was great, not too keen on the Gospel singer's voice, and we thought that Bryn's song was dreadful. But I suppose it comes down to personal preference, really, The personal testimony of the "rough diamond" Vicar was good, and we enjoyed the section about making the Easter candle,

  11. Baptist Trainfan5 April 2021 at 12:40

    PS I liked the setting of "This joyful Eastertide".

  12. PP. I know this is not inline with the subject in general but, it is Llandaff related.

    In the Church Times, I find the Cathedral seeking new recruits, a "Chief Executive/Chapter Clerk and an "Assistant Musical Director".
    Forgive me for my misunderstanding,but I thought the role of Dean was the CEO? Begs the question why does a small Welsh cathedral need a CEO?
    Then after dissolving the Choir back in the Pilate's regime, suddenly a Choir is resurrected, a musical director appointed and a deputy sought.
    Has Llandaff come into a sizeable legacy? With all the recent lay appointments to the diocese the poor congregation and parishes must still be reeling from Clergy School and now this! Is Llandaff becoming a Salisbury or is someone eying up the double ++?

    1. Llandaff Pewster10 April 2021 at 07:16

      Gerwhine has been absent without explanation for over a year but there has been no advert for a replacement.
      The ears in the walls report rumours of claims of bullying and harassment from him against Caiaphas along with a victory for the Capon in the first part of some dispute process.
      Watch this space.

  13. By disappearing during the most testing year for the Church in modern times, Gerwhine has unwittingly demonstrated how superfluous he is at Llandaff.

    By all accounts the two Canons have worked hard to keep everything going at the Cathedral. Many parishioners have remarked on the improved atmosphere and sense of community.

    If Capon comes swanning back after a year away, he'll have a lot of explaining to do. Starting with that £60K hole in the accounts from 2019.

    1. I am still awaiting the publication of the 2020 accounts MM. I anticipate multiple revaluations of the few remaining properties to again try and paper over the size of the problems.
