Sunday, 5 April 2020

The selfless and the selfish

Source: BBC
Source: Express

Source: Independent

While NHS employees, numerous carers and many public servants are putting their lives on the line to care for the sick in the coronavirus pandemic, the selfish lie on their backs in the sun or chat idly, ignoring pleas to stay home.

These are the very people who are spreading the virus. They may even find themselves on their backs in hospital beds - if there are any left for them - having infected countless others.

Either they are deaf to the message or just couldn't care less - until it hits them.


  1. I have been hunkered down for the past three weeks, but
    I do live in the boondocks so I am able to go for walks in the woods or for a bicycle ride without encountering a soul. I love it! Those people ought to try it. They might like it.

  2. Baptist Trainfan6 April 2020 at 08:16

    I agree that some people have behaved selfishly and stupidly, there's no doubt about that. Conversely though we must spare a thought for those cooped up, possibly with small children, in tiny flats that have no access to a garden or even a balcony - they really do need to get outside but must act responsibly when they do. I am really concerned about peoples' mental health, and about their safety in situations of domestic abuse and violence.

    1. That is the best comment you, personally have ever posted, in my view. At what stage is the 'cure' worse than the disease?

  3. When are clergy going to take a voluntary 30% pay cut????
    Answers on a postcard please

    1. Baptist Trainfan6 April 2020 at 10:04

      I have actually suggested something along that line to my own church's Deacons (akin to Anglican PCC), who have robustly said, "No!"

    2. Caiaphas must go!6 April 2020 at 13:06

      I would be far more interested in Caiaphas taking a100% pay cut.

    3. And take us below minimum wage? I don't think that's legal Jon even now.

  4. Surely not entirely surprising; because the young who've never been confronted with the hard realities of death - and these days, when it's one of the few unspeakable taboos left, that's most of them - find it hard to really credit that it could happen to them.

    And given that we've just emerged from half a decade of being told that the political elite lie to you and that “people in this country have had enough of experts”, it's quite probable that a fair number of ordinary folk just aren't taking this pandemic seriously.

    Whatever goes around comes around.

  5. How many of you are going to heed the advice of the current (not for much longer) rector of St Fagans at 5.30a.m. on Easter Day by 'Join(ing) us by Opening [sic] your front door and ringing in Easter Day with bells, whistles and anything to make a joyful noise..'? Just asking.

  6. Baptist Trainfan7 April 2020 at 06:58

    I can't imagine that going down well with our neighbours!

    1. Agree. Arguably borderline anti-social behaviour!
