Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Laid bare

Ancient stone carving with apple
 ‘We asked for bread but you gave us stones‘ became a familiar cry from the movement for the ordination of women.

What has been revealed since they achieved their objectives is that they have hearts of stone.

Provisions made for orthodox 'traditionalist' Anglicans to ensure the successful passage of their 'equality' legislation have been gradually eroded.

Alternative episcopal oversight was cruelly withdrawn by archbishop Barry Morgan after bishop David Thomas retired.

The axe is hovering again, waiting to strike the final blow against orthodoxy. A blow by Morgan's hatchet woman that will change the Church in Wales forever, turning it into a feminist sect on the outer fringes of Anglicanism.

Following the Canon to enable the Ordination of Women as Bishops a Code of Practice in relation to the Ministry of Bishops was added.

There was a nod towards the Code of Practice adopted by the Church of England but it was twisted by the Jackson/Wigley amendment to ensure that there would be no similar structure to provide alternative episcopal oversight in Wales:

[4.] "Within the Church in Wales, those who on grounds of theological conviction and conscience are unable to receive the sacramental ministry of women bishops or priests continue to be within the spectrum of teaching and tradition of the Anglican Communion. The Church in Wales therefore remains committed to enabling all its members to flourish within its life and structures as accepted and valued. Appropriate provision for them will be made in a way intended to maintain the highest possible degree of communion and contributes to mutual flourishing across the whole Church in Wales."

Another paragraph was added:

[5.] " Since the Code of Practice needs to be both strong and flexible enough to respond to a changing situation in the future, and since the Governing Body has entrusted the Bench of Bishops with the task of agreeing a Code which commits the Bench to making provisions for all the members of the Church in Wales, the Bench reserves the right to amend the provisions of this Code as may be necessary in the future."

The sting was in the tail. Jackson's strategy is laid bare. Unless it is voted down the final blow will be delivered at the next meeting of the Governing Body (GB) of the Church in Wales.

An alleged "changing situation" private member Motion submitted by Archdeacon Peggy Jackson reveals her original intent. 

It seeks to remove any provision for conscience in the Church in Wales:

"the Bishops should not in future allow conscience provisions to be extended towards anyone who seeks ordination from this point on; nor should they be prepared to consider for ordination in the Church in Wales anyone, who intends from the very outset of their ministry, to restrict the exercise of that ministry, by their reliance upon conscience provisions."

Archdeacon Peggy Jackson's Motion:

"That this Governing Body rejoices that the Church in Wales has now received the consecration of two Bishops who are women, and: 

1. requests that all Bishops, consonant with previous undertakings, agree not to hold in future separate ordination services for any candidates, on the grounds of the candidates’ views on gender. 

2. calls on the Bench of Bishops to resile from paragraph 5 of the Explanatory Note to their 2014 Code of Practice, and cease to ordain those who, refusing the sacramental ministry of women, expect to rely upon the conscience clauses of the Code."

Code of Practice procedures which were designed to allow those who 'on grounds of theological conviction and conscience are unable to receive the sacramental ministry of women bishops or priests' to continue have been gradually eroded. 

In her final blow Jackson seeks to renege on a Church in Wales commitment designed to enable all its members to flourish within its life and structures.

In her explanatory note Jackson writes: 

"The purpose [of the Code of Practice] was to  recognise and honour the long allegiance and service many such people had given to the Church in Wales, and to mitigate as far as possible any feelings of rejection that they might otherwise experience, by the enactment of this doctrinal change. The provisions were never intended to maintain within the Church in Wales a parallel, or alternative, doctrinal tradition to that which had been decided by Governing Body; nor were they intended to uphold, or sustain on behalf of others, different doctrinal traditions belonging to other provinces of the Anglican Communion, with whom the Church in Wales has chosen to disagree."

Her duplicity is clear. Jackson portrays women as victims deserving sympathy despite having no sympathy whatsoever for the many women and men she has successfully shut out from her 'inclusive' Church:

"The Code of Practice set out, as a priority, its intention to promote as far as possible the mutual flourishing of all within the Church in Wales, and made provisions accordingly.  The cost of these provisions has been borne, at times painfully, by many people across the Church in Wales, but most specifically, and constantly, by women who serve the church: women ordinands who have been obliged to train alongside other ordinands who, with impunity, have been allowed to question and deny the validity of their vocations; women clergy who have been made to feel, in the context of some clergy gatherings where shared communion is impaired, that they are the ‘problem’, or who have been asked to tolerate the public  rejection of their ministry by fellow clergy, in the name of ‘tradition’ or ‘conscience’;  women exploring their vocations, who have had to overcome additional hurdles in discernment, over and above their male counterparts, because of a prevailing attitude among some influential people, that their vocations were somehow questionable.  A survey undertaken in 2017 indicated that, four years after the passing of the legislation on women bishops, women were still disproportionately being subject to these experiences."

It is difficult to see why anyone would believe the archdeacon after the lies, distortion and duplicity used by the women's movement when mere differences of opinion are deliberately exaggerated and represented as prejudice.

The women who are suffering are not those exploring their vocations but those with conscientious beliefs who have been shut out of their own Church. 

Conscience is not something to be turned off like a tap however Jackson wraps it up.

When she was a member of the Church of England Jackson is on record as saying that anyone who could not accept the new order would have to make their own arrangements. It is as if she was talking about changing social clubs:

"New individuals with conscientious difficulties over women’s ministry will simply have to make personal decisions and individual choices, to find accommodation as best they can – just as many already have to do over a host of other current issues, some very uncomfortable, where people find themselves representative of a view which is not that sanctioned by the ‘church’ as a whole, and upheld through Synod and Parliament." - Canon Jackson in a GRAS Newsletter.

On the contrary, it is Jackson's view that is "not that sanctioned by the ‘church’ as a whole, and upheld through Synod and Parliament."
The Church in Wales is not a world leader in Anglicanism. It is a tiny Province which, thanks to Barry Morgan and Peggy Jackson, chooses to disagree with orthodox doctrinal traditions in the Anglican Communion and beyond. But it still represents the Anglican Communion in Wales. 

Faithful Anglicans who have had unorthodox doctrines imposed on them have no choice but to leave or be accused of hypocrisy. That there is nowhere else to go within the Communion is of no concern to Jackson and those sharing her views. 

Many have left, hence the dramatic fall in attendance leaving mainly elderly people with something to do on a Sunday as the Archbishop of Wales succinctly commented in an ITV interview.  

Average Sunday attendance in 2017 was 27,359 representing 0.8% of the population of Wales. A dismal figure which would cause many to stop and think but not those determined to pursue their own agenda at any cost.

Few elderly people are involved in Church politics. Under their noses the Church in Wales is being changed into a feminist cult using the hash tag #lovewins. It does not. More accurately #sex triumphs, now with the aid of the two women bishop activists glorified by Jackson in her Motion.

This callous disregard of faithful Anglicans by feminist entryists is un-Christian. It lacks even the slightest semblance of fair play. 

The faith held by the overwhelming majority of Christians has served the Church for two thousand years. A late convert, Peggy Jackson's approach to Anglicanism is warped in favour of her personal preferences as if she knows better than the Apostles and even Christ Himself.

She does not represent the majority of Christian women, only a certain type of woman. One standing naked in the garden tempting others with an apple. 

If the bench associate themselves with Jackson's motion they will deserve their share of odium that should be deservedly heaped on the archdeacon for dishonouring the Church with her blatant misandry.

Her Motion has to be rejected if the Church in Wales is to retain any shred of credibility.


  1. Perhaps we should be grateful that General Jackson is not sending such theological dissenters to the firing squad or at least excommunicating them!
    If so she would be rejecting St Paul and the apostles, the Apostolic Fathers and early Apologists, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Newman and virtually anyone who matters. But the Peggy has spoken: thus spake Zarathustra! Hers appears to be a Do It Yourself faith, make it up as you go along. Amend it as you like - here a little, there a little.
    Yet, it is Christ's Church not hers. 'I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received...'
    Either the universal Church has been deluded over 2000 years or she is. Is she the Montanist prophet of this age?

  2. It surely has to be time to consider true alternative provision, such as the Ordinariate.

    1. Quite.Let us be thankful to Pope Benedict.

    2. Are you sure you want to join the followers of the Hippy Pope?

    3. Caiaphas must go!26 April 2019 at 00:22

      Better the hippy Pope than the drippy Dope in Llys Esgobette.

  3. Or even the Orthodox Church.

    1. Bishop David Thomas was a very good friend and guide to me. Please be assured that the welcome we ex-Episcopalians/Anglicans, now in the Ordinariate in Scotland, have received from the RC community here has been wonderful!

    2. Revd. J G Parry, ACC25 April 2019 at 23:14

      Or even the Anglican Catholic Church.

    3. The Anglican Catholic Church already has a presence in North Wales

  4. PP. What an excellent piece. Well said AB. Let's hope the motion is defeated. But, as the Church falls into this abyss, the traditionalists who have respected women in ministry, even though conscious may be different they should use that conscious to bring down this motion.
    What is sad is that the minority of those traditionalist who are brutal in there condemnation of women are not the minority of those who respect but don't agree. Unfortunately this motion will only serve to break a once glorious institution. Its a very sad, sad day for Anglicanism. Llandaff has become the danger zone for church men an women of conscious.

    1. Sleepers wake! The watch cry pealeth26 April 2019 at 09:44

      The "once glorious" institution to which you refer PP was never "glorious" and has been broken for years.
      Llandaff been a danger zone to anyone of good conscience for decades.

    2. Silent Majority29 April 2019 at 01:30

      Talking of Llandaff, the delayed Accounts will be presented at the delayed Easter Vestry meeting tonight (Monday). I'll leave the detailed analysis to others, suffice to say that the only thing keeping the place going is a substantial annual grant from the Representative Body.

      The accounts show a surplus of £8K but without the £67K largesse of the RB, plus another £22K from the Allchurches Trust, the place would be £81K in the red. As it would've been in 2017, 2016... all the way back to the £300K loss under former Dean John Lewis.

      Despite the cringeworthy obituary written by Capon in the 'Majestas' magazine (which is too shiny to use as toilet paper alas), John Lewis was without a doubt the worst dean ever to disgrace Llandaff, effectively bankrupting the place under his watch. Its lack of financial reserves is entirely the result of his laziness and turpitude. He wasn't fit to shine the shoes of any previous occupant of the Deanery. However, the current state of the Cathedral can be squarely blamed on his successor.

    3. Not forgetting the annual £25k donation towards the faux Cathedral choir and the £200k the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral gave towards paying for the Clerestory repairs.
      The idle dud in the Deanery has singularly failed to raise any money himself but like bully boy --Bazza he is very good at spending other people's money.

  5. Not entirely unexpected as once the snake has started to swallow the pig...…

  6. Mark Elliott Smith24 April 2019 at 10:58

    A great, but immensely sad piece of commentary on a truly ghastly state of affairs. Surely the time has come to ponder the alternatives. To stay in a withering parody of a serious Church will only embitter the soul. THe Ordinariate is waiting with open arms,as I am sure is Gafcon, or the Orthodox, depending on where on the ecclesial spectrum one is. In the meantime, prayers for all those who feel trapped in what looks like a very intolerant, very exclusive, and not terribly diverse church.

  7. I hear 'believers' even priests sometimes question the bodily resurrection, the atoning sacrificial death of the Lord in direct and clear contradiction of the 39 Articles and the Nicene Creed (despite vows to the contrary) and their consciences seem to be respected in these circumstances.

    No, this is a clear case of total hypocrisy and exclusivity. I thought Anglicanism was a broad church? Well it is as long EXCEPT if you disagree with women's ordination and soon enough it will be same-sex marriage. No in this dystopian church you can chuck out basic tenants of the faith with impunity but disagree with women's orders - you may as well paint a bulls-eye on your forehead. This will be the same for SSM, mark my words - conscience DENIED.

    Diversity, my glutes!I urge anyone right thinking member of the GB to vote this travesty down - and I have no theological objection to women's order if anyone is interested although these escapades are making me think twice!

  8. The lady has once again revealed her true colours. Do it my way or "find accommodation as best you can." So much for mutual flourishing! This is more like take it or leave it! It says much for her sense of charity and understanding that she ignores the two thousand years of teaching that has been handed down to us and preaches instead her gospel of division. Come on GB. Vote this down, respect the rights of conscience of those who hold to the true faith and reject such a blatant attempt to divide the church even further in a move which will once again lead to the exclusion of many who cannot stomach the manoeuvres of these people who claim to promote the faith while diluting it at every conceivable opportunity.

  9. How very sad that Jo and June should shamelessly use their positions as a vehicle for promoting the LGBT agenda. Who asked for this? And typically of this movement anyone raising objections is painted a homophobe and worthy of derision. Could it be self justification and the working out of imposter syndrome?

  10. Compare & Contrast:

    Definitions of Church from dictionary.com: "1. a building for public Christian worship, 2. public worship of God or a religious service in such a building, 3. the whole body of Christian believers; Christendom, 4. any division of this body professing the same creed and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority; a Christian denomination

    Definitions of a Cult from oxforddictionaries.com: "1. A system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object. 1.1 A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members. 1.2 A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular thing. 2. A person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society"

  11. I have just had a look at the Report of the Working Group appointed by the Standing Committee to review Representation of Women in the Church in Wales 2018. Has a copy been sent to the Holy Spirit? SD

    1. Sadly SD the Representation of Women Report has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit. It is all about the spirit of the age.

      It calls on the Governing Body to "recognise that the equality agenda is the responsibility of the whole Church".

      'Equality' has replaced theology in the Church in Wales. From the Report's Conclusions:
      "Progress in the last 12 years has been encouraging in many areas but not been sufficient everywhere and it is still evident “that action is required over the next five years throughout the Church to devote energy and planning to achieving a Church able to fulfil its mission of enabling all of its members to fully acknowledge their gifts and duties and to exercise their unique talents and vocations as individuals”.

      That is, all of its members except those to be excluded by Peggy Jackson's Private Members Motion.

  12. As someone who feels, and has felt for many years, that God can call and does call women to his service, whether ordained or lay, I am utterly appalled by the Peggy Jackson move, and I am not alone. I have friends who have left the Church in Wales over women's ordination, and I know the pain which this issue has caused them. What is the point of the Church in Wales' £10 million mission fund - it is an absolute joke. If we cannot value those who are already in our pews, whether they agree with us or not, what chance do we have of ever winning other souls for Christ?
    The hierarchy are very good at trumpeting their "justice" credentials. Well, let us see the bishops slap down the "venerable" hypocrite in the Vale of Glamorgan in the name of the "justice" they purport to want to see prevail. I suspect Bishops Joanna and June will be the first to the podium to denounce this move. If the Bishops' are not prepared to order GB to vote this down, I think the Diocesan Conferences around Wales should have a vote of no confidence in the Bishops. They are supposedly the guardians of unity and good order, yet they are allowing tin pot dictator to govern the Church.

  13. Seymour, whatever makes you think that feminists Joanna and June will be the first to denounce the motion? Don't you mean support?

  14. AB BACH,
    Can I just day how much I have enjoyed the image on the top left. So accurate, too true. Talk about intimate knowledge and how do I know? Yew-hw. And how do you know? Yew-hw!!!
    I am splitting my stomach at this very moment. AB Bach you are bril.. The Devil hates being mocked. They think they have won but actually He and only He will not send them priests... as far as they are concerned none of them know that. Spiritually stupid they are.
    T...ing Ritz

  15. There is not one single example in the New Testament, or in the period before the conversion of Constantine, of bodies of believers being excluded or excommunicated. Okay, I know Peggy thinks that this is all probably irrelevant. However, it is is a significant factor that her so-called revisionist theology cannot escape. History - and the wider oecumene - will not judge this well. It also highlights the degree to which she is not only intellectually, but culturally and historically lightweight. Ministry for Peggy is... all about Peggy. The same could be said of her controlling and bullying bishop, too.

  16. PP. The goddess symbol of Paganism above shows the true picture. We frequently here about 'misogynistic' bias, but here in our church, we have 'femisynistic' bullying of the first order. Lightweight theology has become the norm, sadly at the behest of failed Church leadership. Will it change? If this GB motion is passed, rejoicing will be the anthem in this misplaced theological bias. If defeated, God hell us all, as the vibration will be "we are victims of... Whatever expression is in vogue at the time.
    If defeated, hellalujah, but the bench will need to show some leadership in expression of true Christian Church polity.
