Saturday, 22 September 2018

The hypocrisy of it

The Archbishop of Wales, the Most Revd John Davies, makes the case for changing the Church in
Wales’s position on same-sex relationships at the recent meeting of its Governing Body, in Lampeter
Source: Church Times/Picture credit Church in Wales

From Church Times

Addressing their Governing Body the Archbishop of Wales claimed that the status quo on same-sex relationships was unsustainable.

"For him and the bench, it was simply a question of 'justice', he said. 'We have people in our congregations in committed same-sex relationships who can be baptised, confirmed, admitted to holy communion, and even be ordained in the case of civil partnerships. To say to them that, when it comes to formally affirming [and] recognising your relationship in some form, we can’t do that, and you must retreat into the shadows at the moment. . . I don’t think it’s any longer fair or sustainable'."

The bench have traditionalists in their congregations who have been baptised, confirmed and admitted to holy communion but they are also committed to the teaching of Christ through scripture and tradition.

They have been rejected so are unlikely to be ordained despite pledges in the Code of Practice.

That is unsustainable by normal standards but acceptable in the Church in Wales.

The stench of hypocrisy is overwhelming.


  1. Satan's little imp is hard at work.

    1. And he has many little helpers in the Church in Wales.

    2. The Church in Wales has become Satan's whore.

  2. The old "justice" justification again... sigh.

  3. Evangelicals and Conservative Anglo Catholics need now to come together an agree their red lines. Maybe reaching out to GAFCON would now be in order?

  4. I watched the toe-curling interview between the former archbishop and the bishop of Bangor with a sense of incredulity. BM claimed that the clergy have the "theological resource" needed to support the laity. There are certainly many priests who have such a resource but it is totally absent from the bench of bishops. The current archbishop's speech(quoted above) shows clearly that their understanding of biblical and theological teaching is non existent. The church in my long experience is a welcoming institution where all can worship, irrespective of race, gender or sexual orientation. The Church's teaching on marriage, as enunciated clearly in biblical texts, is crystal clear but the bible has long since ceased to act as a guiding light to the C in W. In the recording, BM also claimed that the clergy should be "enablers" to support the laity in their christian lives. but he himself, through so many of his policies had been a "disabler" to so many parishioners - hence the continuing fall in numbers - and it's no good hiding behind the claim the people are "doing church differently". The GB obviously fell for the rather crude ploy of the bench in inviting the Scottish archbishop to speak (without the possibility of any contrary view being available) and then fell into line in answering the loaded question with which they were presented. Thank goodness there were some members present who had the courage to stand their ground and not be blackmailed by such unseemly strategy on the part of the bench. Carry on Bishops. You are doing a fine job in emptying the churches of Wales.

  5. It is forensically argued, as you might expect. Yet when something is plainly wrong, and fails to render God glory, it must be rejected, whatever current mores dictate. Seeing two men kissing on the lips makes most of us shiver with abhorrence.

  6. So sad from strict rules on divorce to less than 20 years.
