Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Dumbed-down, dressed down, let down

The Church of England at Synod

Who needs scripture, tradition or reason when a few dozen like-minded people can gather together in His name to make up the rules as they go along?

The headline in Plant Transgender after the transgender blessing debate was 'Church of England votes to bless transgender lives'. This is the attitude the Church has validated and sums up the current trajectory of the Church of England as progressives pander to lobbyists who seek to make the church more relevant to society regardless of the evidence and views of the wider Christian Church:

  "Imagine awakening one Sunday morning joining with your family at church for a special service to celebrate your authentic gender?  A coming out like never before is taking place at the Church of England, the third largest Christian communion in the world. Blessed by your church you would find yourself confident, spiritually empowered and ready to face life as never before. A motion to make this a reality has been agreed on during the Church’s four-day general synod meeting in York which started on Friday. but may take three years to finalize."

As the Rev Peter Ould put it, 'T is for Tearing up the Rules of Anglicanism'. Listen to his excellent podcast on Radio Free Canterbury here.

On their web site the Church of England proclaims 'a Christian presence in every community'. That is a presence for all on equal terms but now there is a special welcome for LGB+T people who claim they want to be treated the same as everyone else while demanding special treatment.

Also, clergy are to be allowed to ditch their robes in a 'further sign of dress-down Britain'. This is likely to result in some bizarre sights removing any semblance of the 'otherness' as mystery is replaced by the commonplace.

Again and again the bishops of an Anglican Church have let down those they are meant to guide.


  1. Going to church on a Sunday morning is not about celebrating ourselves or celebrating whatever gender we think we might like to be : going to church, which for many of us involves the celebration of Holy Communion, is about meeting Christ and humbly receiving Christ. It is not the place for a gay parade. It is not a matter for the church to become relevant to society, but by our example of the Christian way, we yearn for society to be more relevant to the church.
    The church is a sacred space. Can we not expect that the church is the one place where decorum may be found.
    It is incredible that Archbishop Justin Welby and his Bishops are fooled by the bluff of 'gender choice'.

  2. Dressing down Sundays for the clergy! What next? Cross dressing Sundays?

  3. What I found offensive was the strident female who referred to the "long grass" when she failed to get her way and then went on to present the bishops with an ultimatum.
    Just who is running this bloody church?
    Am I the only one who finds +Welby more insipid than +Runcie?

    1. No you're not but the problem is that the majority are just as insipid. The ones who are not are ostracised and side-lined.

    2. As we have recently witnessed re the treatment meted out to Philip North.
      AFTER weeks of protest at his appointment, the Bishop of Burnley, the Rt Revd Philip North, has decided he cannot be the next Bishop of Sheffield.

  4. This sounds very much like a doctrine of re-entry - "Marvell not, you must recreated", John 3: 16 ?
    Or to be "empowered to face life like never before"? By whom, Dr Spok of Cardiff University Hospital? What ever happened to Ephesians 3:19 " That you may be filled with all the the fulness of God"?

    We can be satisfied that this is hersey on a colossal scale. Darth Vader will love this.

  5. Heresy on a colossal scale is to be expected Enforcer when a bishop ordains his estranged wife in an ordination of convenience witnessed by Darth Vader thus reducing himself to the status of a mere hedge parson.

    1. Correction...Thus reducing all those present to the status of mere hedge parsons. Mea culpa.

    2. It was probably Darth Vader in one of His, I am so humble frame of mind, "Once a Deacon, always a Deacon".

  6. It seems like Tesco has jumped on the band wagon too, dumping a cancer charity for LGBT one.

  7. Danny,since the Dr Who character has, for almost 50 years,been played by a male actor ,are we to detect the transgender influence in the BBC appointment of the newly announced female Dr,?

    The recent warmth and enthusiasm of Dr Welby & Co towards LGBT might just tip the sacle for a transgendered 'Tree Eater'? or, worst still, a 'Darth Vadar', complete with wiggle, or, a low budget skin tight denim clad 'Clint Eastwood' lookalike - with lipstick of course? Shut that door.
