Friday, 16 June 2017

Fasting with friends

Preparing for ordination to the Deaconate by fasting with Muslims         CinW

Tomorrow, Church in Wales ordinand Sara Roberts will spend the day at Bangor Islamic Centre, before joining with the Iftar, the meal which Muslims share to break/end their day time fast during Ramadan, according to a Diocesan press release from Bangor.

If her face looks familiar she previously appeared on this blog as a member of the Diocese of Bangor’s new LGBT+ Chaplaincy Team. You have to wonder what the local Imam makes of that given Islam's absolute rejection of homosexuality.

Presumably the bishop of Bangor is content with this arrangement which makes it all the more worrying. Perhaps the Dean of Bangor facilitated the visit given her Muslim links. But the Iftar is not a first. Archbishop Justin Welby has already been 'honoured' in joining Muslims breaking their daily Ramadan fast.

As the church embraces Islam I am reminded of an earlier departure from accepted norms when a deacon down South proudly described herself as "Reiki Master, Feng Shui practitioner, Crystal Healer and Deacon".

No doubt these people have the best of intentions but for the Church? I am sure Ms Roberts means well but one has to wonder about the selection process for ordination in the Church on Wales. Islam and Christianity are at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to beliefs. 

Ms Roberts said, “There are many reasons why I am doing this: to show solidarity to our Muslim neighbours, to share in this powerful testament to faith, to contemplate my approaching ordination and what it means and to explore more deeply the relationship between food, prayer and connection to the Divine." What testament to faith? Islam or Christianity?

The problem is that Islam denies Christ died on the cross. Under Sharia Christians are given the options of convert to Islam, pay the dhimmi jizya tax or die. As pleasant as her Muslim neighbours may be, that is what they are taught. As they grow in numbers their demands increase. If the diocese of Bangor needs any proof they should just look beyond our borders at Islamic states abroad.

One hopes that Ms Roberts will feel able to preach the Gospel without fear of offending her Muslim friends. Christ died on the cross. He is the only way to the Father


  1. Has Ms. Roberts been to Theological College? There seems to be no understanding of Christianity. She states she wishes to show solidarity with 'our Muslim neighbours'? Surely Ms.Roberts' calling and duty in (allegedly)becoming part of the threefold ministry is to teach and spread Christianity?
    Her quest to support Islam will expand into combined services. How confusing and such erroneous teaching for both children and adults.
    The Muslim centre she is supporting is hoping for a coup in her conversion to Islam.
    The persecuted Christians in Egypt ,Iraq,Syria ,Pakistan ,Indonesia -need I continue- must fear betrayal by this woman ; well,I feel betrayed on their behalf.
    This person is a danger to Christianity, and her action is a denial of her faith.

  2. If she's a betrayal of the faith then so is the bishop whose ordaining her. And what have the diddy Bench zitters to say about this? Come on AB,time to go, its either the Anglican Catholic Church or Rome. Andy Crap and his former wife are the giddy limit.

  3. I can confirm she did not attend a theological collage. She studied (very) part time at St. Padarn's Mickey Mouse institution. A fine example of yet another member of the 'Clergy' who fail to understand doctrine and think that it is made up as you go along. Just like her Bishop really.

    Borderland Fencesitter

  4. North of the Dyfi17 June 2017 at 12:57

    Looks like Gareth James will have to lodge two objections next Saturday. By the way, I wonder if the attendance at said ordination will be as abysmal as it has been over the past two years? Come to think of it, Andy Crap will need to get a move on with the service, because the hard-working (not) 'Dean Kathy' will need to shut shop at 12.30pm (or preferably earlier) so she can get on with the rest of her life.

    1. How I remember a certain archdeacon spending his retreat playing golf in Portmadoc in preparation for his consecration as bishop of Bangor. Now what was his name? No..... wasn't Cledan! Neither, erm......was it, erm... Saunders? Do you know something....its gone..... he couldn't have been that important.Right pompous litte bastard he was though.So full of his own self importance.


    2. I have it on good authority that someone fitting your description intends travelling North for Saturday's ordination service in Bangor. May jolt your memory cachmeddal.

    3. I just knew that Popeye and Bluto would try and spoil the day for 'Olive oil'.


  5. I was listening to the hymn "all for Jesus" yesterday and reflecting on how the CiW has lost the plot! This confirms it.

  6. Here's an idea. Why doesn't the Dean (who has yet to surprise the Bishop) open the Cathedral on Saturday afternoons when Bangor is buzzing with shoppers and visitors, and get that useless excuse of a 'High Street Chaplain' to man the fort? The laziest clergyman in the Church in Wales (even more than his Dean - and that's saying something), even the combined forces of Tony Crockett and Alun Hawkins couldn't get him to extract his digit. He was allowed to train at the prestigious Westcott House, despite being over 60, costing the C in W an arm and a leg. And what have we got in return? Sweet tiddly squat.

    1. "The laziest clergyman in the Church in Wales"?

      If that was a competition there'd be some serious contenders from Llandaff Diocese, all quite senior!

    2. I disagree, they are not all senior. There are some very lazy ones at parish level. Look no further than several in the suburbs of Cardiff.

    3. I have Good News. In less than a month, June Osborne will take possession of the spiritualities of the Diocese of Llandaff. She might not be acceptable to every section of the Church, but one thing is certain. The days of sleeping on the job or knocking off early will come to a swift and sudden end. As a (soon to be be) former Dean, she will also be taking a keen interest in what is happening, both in her own Cathedral and in others around the Province. I can't see her keeping quiet once she gets the gist of the travesty in Bangor, can you?

  7. At the Reader licensing service when my licence was transferred to CinW by Bishop Wynn of St David's I was licensed along with a the rest who were being licensed for the first time.

    The point is that the first point in the licensing service is that all Readers swear an oath before everyone that the Bible is the primary authority (NOT the secondary or tertiary, but the primary authority) and that Jesus Christ is Lord over us.

    To me swearing an oath is absolute. There can be no ifs or buts about it.

    I recently received notes on the requirements for a Bishop from the Reader officer in which neither Jesus Christ as Lord not the Bible is mentioned, and reading this web article now I am left wondering firstly how this "Reader" can do the same and secondly, and more importantly, do any of the Bishops and clergy make any such oath or is this just hypocrisy?

    1. Swearing an oath, and licencing to preach? What a load of cods wallop. Sounds more like an MI5 appointment. This is really hilarious. No wonder folk call me cachumeddal.

    2. Dear Anonymous or Cachumeddal,

      Readers take services as well - a lot of services: Funerals, morning prayer, evening prayer and so on ... It's not just preaching.

    3. You miss the point. The term licence is grossly miseading to describe any christian ministry. It is a term from a gone by age . However, bishops still need to feel important in 2017. Truth is they are not, and are most irrelevant within Welsh and English society, where the imagery is often one of comedy. Just consider the present Bangor nightmare.

  8. I don't understand these vain attempts by people who claim to be Christians to participate in Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Wiccan, or New Age rituals. I'll join in a Inftar when the Imam joins me in a Eucharist.

    1. Perhaps Sara's muslim friends and neighbours have already joined in her fast for Lent. Perhaps they joined her in breaking that fast - at the Holy Eucharist to celebrate the crucified and risen Christ on Easter Day morn.

    2. Interestingly the CiW has a track record of working with Muslims but not Jews.At least we have more in common with Jews............

  9. Better, perhaps, that she fast with them, rather than drives a van in to them.

  10. It is tragic to see such an ancient Church so rich in faith, order and liturgy reduced to this.
    The errors emanating from the ordination of feminist agitators have been compounded daily these past 20 years.
    As Bishop JJA Thomas predicted the CiW's candle has been removed from its' place.
    The depth of faith ,of ancient origin,in Jesus Christ which bound us all together has been repudiated and the sacraments which nourished the faithful have been invalidated.
    All that we are left with is an empty charade which produces counterfeit holy orders until the money runs out.

  11. I can understand simply sharing a meal with a non-Christian in tolerance and respect but to 'syncretise' Muslim and Christian prayer and fasting or giving that appearance is sending the wrong message. I'm not sure that a simple refusal to go to a meal is the best witness though. Discuss?

  12. We may now all feast 'with friends' and join in the Ramadam Iftar on Friday night in front of the City Hall!
    "Bind us together Lord
    Deck me in hijab Lord "
    Will the Christians be required to join in the sunnah prayers expounding the teachings of Muhammad?
    Christians should politely decline the invitation to this 'party' which has been posted on the CiW website.

  13. What would Jesus say?21 June 2017 at 06:18

    The Imams have more idea about Proseletisation than our Bishops.

  14. What a total mosquerade this woman took part in. John Roberts could hardly shut her up on Radio Cymru this morning. Silly drivel about laughing her way through the masquerade in Bangor and looking forward to becoming a "proper minister" next year with heavy hints of synchretism !
    God save us from our own kind.
