Thursday, 13 April 2017

Good Friday

The Crucifixion by Andrea Mantegna 1457–1459

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
Luke 23:34

Islam denies it, many ignore it but for Christians this is why.


  1. Off topic, so just read it, AB. Have you seen today's Mail on Line, which has a big splash article about the cringe-making reminiscences of the Ass Bishop? He was a pain in the neck at Helmsley, has been a pain in the neck in Wales, and has now gone back to publishing his ghastly books.

    1. Just seen it too.
      Not quite as stomach churning as seeing bully boy --Bazza, Bonaparte and Captain Peacock parading themselves around Llandaff Cathedral yesterday and the oily "sub-Dean" Mr Toad ensconcing himself in the Queen's chair behind Gerwhine.
      Come on +John Davies, in God's name and for Llandaff's sake give us a decision and a Bishop who will drain this stinking swamp.

    2. I thought The Archbishop promised to retire and not keep interfering. Why is he back in the Cathedral after only a few month? This is unfair to the next Bishop (if there ever is one!!) With any job you need to to step aside upon retirement and give the next person a chance. Shame he didn't build his house in the Monmouth part of Cardiff. We all know of ministries destroyed by the previous cleric refusing to budge.......

    3. Since when has anyone believed a word that comes from Barry Morgan?

    4. Vicious Viv Foull is still up to her tricks.
      The bells have been silent on all but three occasions since October after the Minster Chapter dismissed its 30-strong team of bell-ringers due to "safeguarding issues". But a number of volunteers offered their services to mark one of the most important days in the Christian calendar. The bells began to toll shortly before 09:00 BST for services.

    5. It's not only Llandaff and the Church in Wales with major problems ahead.
      The number of people who regularly attend church services in Scotland has fallen by more than half over the last 30 years, according to a new survey.

  2. If you didn't approve of the Good Friday service why on earth did you attend 1662 unless, of course, you were one of the clergy who should know better. The Cathedral can do without you and your vicious comments so get lost! I have spoken to one or two people since that service and we all agreed that it was a very reverend service, conducted well and obviously appropriate for the occasion. With any luck the so-called "stinking swamp" will suck you under.

    1. Well said Barry. As if you took those brilliant words out of my mouth. You probably did.

    2. @Parishioner
      Did you fail your English Comprehension CSE?
      I didn't comment on the service, merely some of the donkeys in attendance again.

    3. @Parishioner

    4. Just such a shame the music was so poor.

    5. One attends on Good Friday because of the crucifixion of Our Lord, regardless of the dolts who claim to represent Him. I see it as part of my Christian duty to be there.

      If I'm repelled by the self-promoting clique that has run Llandaff over the past fifteen years, parading around as if they owned the place, then I see it as part of my Christian duty to comment on this too.

      They are repugnant little caricatures of clergy, from the ex-Archbishop downwards.

    6. So you have spoken to "One or two people"?
      Try speaking to the silent majority Einstein.

    7. I quite agree Bjorn Again.
      Repugnant is too kind a word for the LGBT cabal in Llandaff Cathedral.
      And as for the crowd of dimwits who virtually bankrupted us, the sooner they go, the better.

    8. Well this morning's service was ruined by the distraction of a photographer wandering around willy nilly constantly taking snapshots of all and sundry.
      I thought photography is banned during religious ceremonies in the Cathedral.
      Just how many pictures of donkeys are needed for the twitter feed anyway?

  3. Thank you, LBS, for your warm assessment of my ministry and my writing. I was surprised but heartened by the Daily Mail extract, because I was commissioned to write Shepherd of Another Flock, to champion the unsung heroes of WWI and WWII, and those in Europe who bravely stood against Nazi tyranny and sought sanctuary in the UK. I caught them just in time in my early years in Helmsley, because a few years later the majority would sadly have been no longer with us.

    The full article is at:

    Ancient Briton, could I take this opportunity of wishing you and all your readers a very blessed and holy Easter, humbly praying that the light of the risen Christ may dawn in all our darkness.

    1. Could you enlighten us all on the darkness that fell over our curate Ceirion Gilbert please +David?

    2. Llandaff Pewster15 April 2017 at 18:05

      Good question Ruth and good for you for posing it.
      When will you write your book, +David, about the unsung heroes who stood against the --Barry Morgan tyranny?
      The ears in the walls have reported you compiling a "dodgy dossier" on Gerwhine so when and where will that be published?

    3. Thank you +David and felix Pascha to you. I for one appreciate your hard work in this diocese and am certain that you did not find it easy considering the personalities you had to deal with.

      Rest assured that your time here was welcomed by many who were otherwise dismayed by the senior clergy of the Llandaff diocese over the past decade.

  4. Thank you Father. Many readers will be looking forward with eager anticipation to you lightening the darkness with your Llandaff memoirs even if others in higher places blanch at the prospect.

    1. I sincerely hope that someone is pretending to be Assistant Bishop David on this website. If Assistant Bishop David is actually contributing to the reprehensible conversations taking place here, I fear for his immortal soul. The lies and slander occurring here, as well as the criminal homophobia and lack of respect for our appointed leaders are surely the work of the father of lies.
      Dean Gerwyn is a gift to the people of Llandaff Cathedral and he has enriched our lives with wise sermons and Christ-centred teaching. His stewardship will ensure that Christian witness survives in Llandaff when this has been in doubt in recent years. Sadly, few of our priests seem to believe the Faith, and fewer live it. The Dean and the retired Archbishop are wonderful Christians carrying great responsibilities.
      The Dean is financially savvy and socially inclusive as well as tremendously hard working. He is a credit to the priesthood. Archbishop Barry is a rare and kind leader with vision and has been the making of the Church in Wales. We will not see his like again, to our great loss.
      The unkind comments about Cathedral staff are shameful. Their talents, ministry and contributions to cathedral and parish life are under-esteemed.
      The anonymity of contributors to the comment section of this blog is cowardly. Regular worshippers at the cathedral will know who I am. If your opinions and complaints have merit, why don't you overtly identify yourselves?
      Whatever we may feel about the contribution of Assistant Bishop David, it is sad that he was unable to ensure his place at the heart of Llandaff as Diocesan Bishop.
      Happy Easter.
      Glory to God.
      Richard S

    2. Lies and slander?
      Put up or shut up Dick.

    3. I have a good idea who you are Richard Server and couldn't agree more. The Dean is a credit to the Cathedral and very hard working. He could knock any of these cowardly hypocrites into touch. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

    4. @Dick the Server.
      The father of lies is Byzantine bully boy --Bazza and we are well rid of him. I pray we won't see his like again, ever.
      As for the dud in the Deanery, you need to pull the other one.
      You and your boyfriends haven't been around Llandaff long enough to know the difference but some of us have been. There are even a few left who remember Glyn Simon and have therefore known 7 Deans, 2 of whom were responsibile for rebuilding the Cathedral after the war damage.
      Without a doubt Gerwhine is the worst in living memory and the only reason he will be remembered is his poison pen letters to elderly ladies.

    5. Come on Mary, full credit where it's due.
      He will also be remembered for losing 4 Directors of Music in 3 years and losing his Catholic curate in 3 months.
      Where was Gerwhine's social inclusivity when he banished Cerion Gilbert?

    6. Mary- you are a pleasant and venerable one, aren't you? Your homophobic comments are noted.
      Shame on you.
      It must be foolish of me to hope that in my advancing years I might actually become more wise and charitable. Such a pity that a goal like this is not achievable for all of us.
      Ceirion and past Deans are not any of my concern. All I can see is the talent, growth and cohesion which is blossoming at Llandaff Cathedral. And this is despite you and your efforts.
      Thank the Lord!
      Richard S

    7. Richard you claim . "Archbishop Barry is a rare and kind leader with vision and has been the making of the Church in Wales."
      In all due respect since his reign the CiW has fallen apart number wise. No one is seeking ordination which surely speaks of spirituality declining. We have become bishop-centric, where everything (including ministry areas) is simply handed down from on high. The so called consultation about Gay Marriage was a stitch up and most people had no say in it. Clergy moral has never been so low. Many of us have left the CiW, feeling we no longer have a home.
      How is this the "making of the CiW"

    8. "Ceirion.... not any of my concern".
      That's a theme I've read about somewhere.
      Ah, yes. Luke 10, 30–37
      Tricky Dicky the Levite.

    9. Danny Jones- you make some valid points. My opinion is only an offering from my perspective. I can understand that the Archbishop's leadership may not have suited everyone. I do feel for Christians who feel spiritually homeless but this is where we need open and constructive debate rather than underground, anonymous and hateful opinions which verge on defamation.
      Richard S

    10. Ruth- Ceirion had the best of welcomes at Llandaff. Sadly he was not a success from my perspective but I don't wish him ill. I think his rapid exit might indicate that something significant had become an issue. Because I am unable to provide specifics, it was not something I was planning (or able) to comment on.
      If you can enlighten us, please do so. Unless you can substantiate your conjecture (AKA gossip), kindly desist. Comparing me to the Levite is foolish.
      Coward. Name yourself.
      Richard S

  5. Richard, I do not publish lies and slander. As stated in the introduction in the RH Col comments are accepted on trust as being factual and will be removed on receipt of evidence to the contrary. Please substantiate your charges.

  6. Comments on this blog assert that the Archbishop has used funds in a way other than what is appropriate. This is ridiculous because this would never get past the accountants, even if the Archbishop were so inclined. I do not doubt his probity.
    They also refer to him as "his ++Darkness". This is unwarranted and unchristian. It flies in the face of what we believe as Anglicans.
    Comments on this blog also express homophobia. I do not doubt that people are entitled to their own opinions, however, to express such homophobic opinions in a blog purporting to base itself around Godly discourse, is quite embarrassing.
    It is sheer lunacy to refer to The Dean's tenure at Llandaff Cathedral as anything other than a triumph. The community has benefited enormously from his teaching, fellowship and management. His contribution to the liturgy has likewise enriched us. He is a heavyweight priest whose personal belief and extraordinary communication skills are showing their worth in the ever-increasing numbers attending.
    My accusations are clearly based in what I have read on this blog.
    Richard S

    1. Too late little one, he is losing his grip as well as his sanity. Perhaps 'Richard the Sycophant' might be more in tune. And yes, please substantiate your claims. You little ecclesiastical clown.

    2. The only comments I have seen on this blog have asked questions about the need for Morgan's unaudited discretionary slush fund and on what it has been spent. No allegations have been made, just entirely proper questions asked. Without reply.

    3. I read all about the glove puppet's "teaching, fellowship and management" and "extraordinary communication skills" in his letter to Mrs X.
      The man is a complete prat.
      And you might just as well be a pox doctor's Clerk.

    4. Subversive Canon16 April 2017 at 22:39

      A "heavyweight".
      He's an intellectual and liturgical featherweight promoted WAY beyond his abilities, training and experience.
      To suggest otherwise is utter drivel and delusional.

  7. Dick Pickles- thank you for your sagacious contribution.
    Richard S

  8. What would Jesus say?16 April 2017 at 22:17

    Ever increasing numbers?
    So why has he stopped publishing the communicant numbers in The Bell?
    Why do the accounts show the Parish share reducing year on year?
    Why is the RB having to increase its subsidy to the Cathedral? This year by more than £20k?

  9. Carla- your contribution betrays your quality. Sycophant? I call it living in community with my fellow Christians. And appreciating the blessings God has given us.
    Cheap insults? Coward. Name yourself.
    Richard S

    1. Richard darling - time for you to catch an early train home.

  10. WWJS- talk is cheap- my Jesus is a man of action. Shame on you!
    I see the numbers of communicants weekly and the numbers speak for themselves. Yearly increases are obvious. Murmurings after services and sermons reveal the quality of the offering at the Cathedral.
    I have never read The Bell. I'm sure I must be missing out.
    The Dean is increasing event income, limiting costs, where possible and is developing a strategy for increasing giving via the PCC. The fruits of this will be seen in the future. The cathedral is cleaner and in better repair than ever.
    The liturgy is dynamic and meaningful, facilitating worship and prayerful engagement with the living God.
    The music is better than ever.
    For now we will have to make do with substantial increases in surplus in the cathedral accounts- all thanks to wise and Godly stewardship.
    By yours deeds shall you be known?
    Coward- name yourself.
    Richard S

    1. Never read The Bell?
      How convenient.
      But your boyfriend's boyfriend is a regular contributor!
      So why would you not read it, unless you already know it's full of bull.
      The Cathedral in better repair than ever?
      So prove it and publish the Quinquennial report.
      The music better than ever?
      If you were a musician you would know better.
      Pox doctor's Clerk indeed.

    2. Cheering for Janet16 April 2017 at 23:24

      Why would anyone choose to name themselves? So the nasty little dud in the Deanery can write another one of his poison pen letters?

    3. Your Dean is full of it.
      As are you.
      Publish the numbers.

    4. Indeed Richard darling - by your deeds you shall be known. Which, in your case, is to hide behind low level news editors.What a silly prat you are, sweetie! Summarize more, you're writing too much, and so avoid detection. Start again. More effort and self control required pronto. Their Lordships appear nervous.

    5. Carla- Bless you! The idea that anyone is even bothered (never mind nervous) about anything these comments discuss is quite funny.
      The reality is that there are hundreds of Christian people who are benefiting from fellowship at Llandaff Cathedral.
      Despite the longevity of their involvement at the cathedral, many contributors to this blog seem to be making themselves less and less relevant as they whinge in secret shame.
      All you are achieving is to demonstrate the misery of sin-and to embarrass the name of Christians already living in a challenging world, when we should be free to represent Christ positively.
      Have the courage of your convictions and make yourselves known.
      Richard S

    6. What would Jesus say?17 April 2017 at 16:52

      Talk is certainly cheap and the communicant numbers do speak for themselves.
      Which is why the glove puppet stopped them being published in The Bell.
      If the numbers are increasing what is your explanation for the Parish share shrinking?
      Your claims don't tally with the numbers published in this years accounts.
      Not that I believe the accounts either.

  11. Simple Simon- it is a priest's duty to admonish wayward parishioners.
    I do not know the details of the incident you are referring to, however I trust that the Dean had reasonable cause to write to her in such a way.
    Coward- name yourself.
    Richard S

    1. Vicar of Dibley17 April 2017 at 19:29

      The Dean wrote the letter because of the the so called malicious gossip that was being said about him not only from her but from a little clique of gossiping women. He gave her a chance to apologise and she attends the Cathedral regularly so something good must have come of it. Her son also sings in the parish choir. The Dean was only standing up for himself and rightly so. I cannot praise him enough. Go for it Gerwyn!

  12. Subversive Cannon- there are sadly too few priests in our corner of Wales able to engage and enthrall a congregation with biblical discourse or theological argument. Among them in my opinion are Canon Mari Price, Canon John Rowlands, the Archbishop and indeed our heavyweight Dean. A previous Dean is also worthy of mention here.
    Other opinions are of course welcome, however, I suspect jealousy or sour grapes may be at play.
    Subversive Canon? Coward- name yourself.
    Richard S

  13. Deafening Silence16 April 2017 at 23:08

    Can't answer the questions?

  14. Episkopos- as I have mentioned, there can clearly be no irregularities in fund use or accountants or the charity commission would have investigated and found the culprit wanting. Your peddling of hearsay to create doubt is a sham.
    Coward. Name yourself.
    Richard S

    1. The "hearsay" to which you refer is the Llandaff DBF's own accounts.

    2. Please see

    3. @Richard Server, I find it curious how closely your responses mirror the Dean's statements in his various letters.

      There are indeed irregularities from start to finish in the Organ Appeal, not least the former Archbishop's recorded statements to the Friends AGM in 2015. Lest we forget, it was the transcript of these statements that set up the current situation.

      If there are facts to be checked, let us enquire of Nicholsons of Malvern how much they were actually paid for building the organ.

    4. Simon Stylites- you are raking over old history. The organ appeal was before the current Dean's time in office. It has no current relevance and I have nothing to contribute on the matter.
      What a shame you persist in regurgitating the same old nonsense without evidence.
      Your continued anonymity is feeble.
      Coward. Name yourself.
      Richard S

  15. Cheering for Janet- Your unwillingness to open yourself up to real public debate where your views can be weighed by your peers is cowardly. You prefer to hide in the shadows and peddle your own poison.
    Coward- name yourself.
    Richard S

  16. 1662- if you were a Christian you would spend more time and effort on activities which enrich our common life and herald the Kingdom. You would seek to put others before yourself and be reconciled with your brothers and sisters in Christ and live as an example and witness to His glory.
    You would put your hand in your pocket and give generously in response to Christ's generosity towards you- a sinner.
    You prefer to spend your time undermining our leadership and anonymously crowing about your petty complaints. You make Christians out to be fools.
    Your homophobic assertions are abhorrent. Shame on you.
    If you all find life at Llandaff cathedral so difficult, why don't you find a church that suits you better?
    Coward- name yourself.
    Richard S

    1. "You would put your hand in your pocket and give generously"

      To Gerwyn's fund for a new office? To provide Mr Toad with the means to acquire more antiques? To the exclusive little gatherings after the 11 o'clock service to which no regular worshippers are invited?

      I've been at Llandaff a good deal longer than you have, "Richard Server", and I've never seen such a self-regarding little clique as we have now. What you are supporting isn't Christianity as I understand it - it's a sect where the primary focus of worship is a false god.

      Christianity is catholic, as in universal. It's not partial towards minorities and the Church should not be driven to abase herself to apologise for supposed 'homophobia'.

      On the contrary, what we now see it Llandaff is what happens when a minority takes control and it is not a happy state of affairs.

  17. Richard Server

    Thank you for your contributions to this blog. It's refreshing to see some honesty. Be prepared to get a lot of people insulting you for your honesty. I can see it's already happened - individuals failing to engage with that you are saying and resting to name calling instead.

    Let's allow Richard to raise the tone of debate and discussion here.

    Thank you.

    Scapegoat (sycophant - there, called myself it so as to rob the name calling of its power to demean)

    1. There he goes again folks! Capitalising on His position. Do you ever wonder if He has exaggerated His talents?

  18. Simon Stylites- the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. If you wanted to engage and become involved you would be welcomed with open arms. If you wanted to stop for a coffee with the workers after the 11 o'clock- roll your sleeves up and join us.
    If you wanted to start something like the parish breakfast after the 11 o'clock service, why don't you see about that?
    If you want to see Christian witness grow in Llandaff put your money where your mouth is.
    It is quite wrong to assert that funds gifted to the Cathedral would end up paying for antiques. It is offensive for you to refer to cathedral staff in such a derogatory way.
    I'm sorry that money will inevitably be spent on things of which you may not approve, however the Dean needs an appropriate work space and the renovation and optimisation of room usage has improved the place in my view. It is a reasonable development to make and has been executed beautifully on a shoe string!
    Giving in financial terms is a requirement of our faith and not to do so gladly and as far as we are able to do, is an issue. To deny God's church the means to survive as a witness is a grave error in any Christian's thinking. To do so on the grounds that you don't like the people making the decisions is flawed.
    I love the Anglican Church because of its great acceptance and inclusivity. Of course we are not all going to behave the same or even necessarily have the same outlook. We must however accept one another as Christ accepted us. To my mind that means more than not being derogatory or vituperative about people based on their race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
    Remember whom we are to imitate.
    I'm glad you've been around so long. I suspect the newcomers have made more of an imprint on cathedral and parish life in a short time than you will make in twice your lifetime.
    Every word you write here is your gracious legacy.
    Richard S

    1. Mr Server, I have no way of knowing that you are who you claim to be. Since you questioned whether or not +David previously contributed to this blog, I see no advantage in putting forth my real name.

      Clearly you set more store by names than facts in any case!

      I am curious to know what has prompted your splenetic outpourings, however.

      I remain, as ever, Simon Stylites.

    2. Ah yes, the Parish breakfasts, another Gerwhine/Toad success story.

    3. Simon Stylites- your logic is peculiar but your secrecy over your identity probably reflects your level of integrity.
      I'd be astounded if a bishop of the Church in Wales had contributed to this shameful sham, which is why my first comment raised the question of the authenticity of the posting.
      Despite the hate and vitriol expressed on these pages, the argument is quite addictive. One frustration is a singular failure to engage with me in discussing the points I have raised. Your little clique would rather offer personal insults than engage in worthy Christian discourse.
      Coward. Name yourself.
      Richard S

    4. Mr Server, your logic is at the level of "what I tell you three times must be true", i.e, an elementary fallacy. (I presume you read Lewis Carroll?)

      I'm amused that you're getting so worked up about my presumed anonymity. For all you know, my name really is Simon Stylites.

      It is you who cannot answer simple questions. But you provide reams of confirmation for my thesis that the clique is both paranoid and - based on your level of argument - childish and egotistical in the extreme.

      Let's face it, if things were going well you wouldn't have to resort to a silly argument on a mere internet blog.

      Now why don't you scuttle off to the Heathcock to drown your sorrows? Ah, that's no longer possible because it shut down last month.

    5. What did you expect? You have not offered any "worthy Christian discourse".

      You referred to "The lies and slander occurring here" and have been repeatedly challenged to substantiate your claims not least of all by the blog owner.
      Suffice it to say all the challenges remain unmet.

      You also wrote "I sincerely hope that someone is pretending to be Assistant Bishop David on this website. If Assistant Bishop David is actually contributing to the reprehensible conversations taking place here, I fear for his immortal soul."

      As a Cathedral regular you will know what +David looks like and where he lives. Instead of making comments on here about him and telling us all "I'd be astounded if a bishop of the Church in Wales had contributed to this shameful sham", why don't you confront him and discuss with him directly your concerns for his immortal soul?

      Contributors wishing to remain anonymous are perfectly entitled to do so.
      No doubt those doing so have perfectly legitimate reasons and/or concerns for choosing to do so.
      Repeatedly calling them cowards and commanding them to name themselves is of itself bullying worthy of His --Darkness as you would know if you'd ever been on the receiving end of it.

      Heal thyself physician.

    6. Simon Stylites- we've avoided the place since we bumped into you last time. We had no idea of the clientele. No wonder it closed!
      There's no paranoia here, only sadness at "Christians" who anonymously try to undermine the legitimate leadership of the Church in Llandaff.
      Coward. Name yourself.
      Let the real debate begin.
      Richard S

  19. Richard, your posts make coming back to this site worth it.

    The light of honesty you are shedding on how things are at the Cathedral is refreshing.

    I have done my best over the last month or so to do the same, but it became so exhausting.

    It's good too that +David is making graceful contributions to this site and raising the tone of the debate.

    Contributors have hidden behind a cloak of anonymity too long here - making unchristian claims that have no foundation in truth.

    Well done you - I will shake your hand when next in the Cathedral so at least you know who I am and that you have my full support for this courageous step into unmasking the deceitful and hurtful lies that have been spread on these pages. Not to mention the homophobic comments trotted out on a. daily basis.

    Bravo. Keep the faith.

    1. And I, Your Most Honest, will also shake your hand, so that you will know there are two of us who remain in awe and trepidation of His Most Honest. There,there, that should provide a rise of some sort.

    2. Thanks Scapegoat. There are loads of us who are sick of hearing the pathetic grumbles expressed on this blog.
      If grown up discussion is wanted then the puerile jibes need to stop. The personal and vindictive remarks, comparisons and accusations make most people contributing here sound unhinged.
      If all the Christian people at the cathedral started commenting here, we'd drown out these few with chips on their shoulders. Not that I can recommend participation. It has been quite depressing!
      All I would add is that reconciliation is always possible as Christ suffices for all of us.
      Richard S

    3. Carla- that wins the prize for the most bizarre comment so far! Thank you for your wisdom.
      Richard S

    4. Vicar of Dibley17 April 2017 at 19:41

      I agree wholeheartedly with your comments Richard Server and will make myself known to you when we next meet.

  20. Well done Richard. You are a descent man with a Christian heart. There are so many of us who look at this drivel from time to time and we can only shake our heads with disappointment. It is time to make a stand against these vicious comments.
    I thank God that I am part of the thriving community that is Llandaff Cathedral and I also thank God for Gerwyn Capon as it's Dean.

  21. Don't congratulate yourselves to much Scapegoat and Server, as far as I can see the vitriol over several weeks has not been one sided. Many accusations and insults have been thrown out by both factions which have been pretty disgusting to be honest.

    Can I ask too AB, is this blog purely about the dis-functionality or otherwise of Llandaff cathedral? It's getting boring guys.

    Clerk in Holy Orders

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