Friday, 22 January 2016

A Tonic

A tonic for the weekend against the miseries that new Anglicanism has afflicted upon the faithful.


  1. Beautiful liturgical music from a church that still values its traditions. Thank you Ancient Briton.

    Meanwhile at Llandaff, rumours abound of a new organ voluntary. Doubtless a backing group of virgers will boogie along to this one!

    1. Stop the Abuse of Office23 January 2016 at 08:56

      One hears that's the Capon's favourite song.

    2. The real joke is the rapidly declining numbers at Llandaff's Sunday services. The fall-off correlates with the arrival of the Capon and that elevation of that popular figure Mr Toad.

      Grumbles on the Green also suggest these are reflected in the state of this year's accounts.

    3. Here's some light reading for those claiming they are protecting the musical tradition at Llandaff Cathedral.

    4. Harold, you surely jest.
      Protecting the musical tradition at Llandaff?
      The latest music schedules confirm the boys now only sing two days a week on Thursdays and Sundays while the Friday evensong has quietly disappeared.

    5. I hear the boy choristers continue to receive a 66% discount on their school fees while the girl choristers receive only a 25% discount.
      Surely the value of the boys' scholarships should be reduced accordingly?

    6. Llandaff Pewster26 January 2016 at 13:15

      @Bjorn Again
      Today's grumblings on The Green concern yesterday's meeting of the Council of The Friends of Llandaff Cathedral.
      It seems that Gerwhine the Capon made repeated demands for the recent £400k bequest to be handed over with no strings attached or any information concerning the use to which it would be put.
      The glove puppet refused to provide any details how it would be spent and refused to agree for the money to be put to any specific project (like the Clerestory or the Lady Chapel East wall).
      Suspicions were quickly aroused that the young apprentice and the Dark ++Lord are in desperate need of large sums to plug the hole in the annual accounts to prevent the auditors qualifying them.

    7. Cheering for Bill Barlow26 January 2016 at 21:24

      The ears in the walls report the glove puppet has been overheard seeking legal advice on how to overrule the Friends' Council or reduce them in number and disposing of those opposing his demands.

    8. @Harold Darke
      Thank you Harold, interesting reading.
      Since the glove puppet sacked Bielby, one can't help wondering if any of the Council of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral thought to enquire when and on what their last £25k donation was spent?

    9. Llandaff Pewster29 January 2016 at 17:03

      An excellent point LET.
      From The Bell, November 2015
      Page 14

      As most people are no doubt aware, one of the main declared objects of
      the Friends is
      “…to make grants …to the Dean and Chapter….towards the restoration,
      maintenance, repair and improvement of the fabric…of the Cathedral
      Church and the appurtenances thereof..”.
      At the last meeting of the Council of the Friends on Monday 28th September, it was asked to consider making grants for the following work, some of which had already been carried out and others of which remained to be done:
      i) The overhaul of the security system
      - £15,000
      ii) The overhaul of the fire detection system
      - £10,000
      iii) Emergency work on the stonework of the clerestory
      - £4,500
      iv) Work on the electrical wiring of the Chapter House and Archive Room
      - £1,200.
      v) Supplementary lighting for the Choir stalls
      - £1,200
      vi) Redecoration of the Lower Room in the Prebendal House
      - £1,500
      vii) Redecoration of the Upper Room and vestibule of the Prebendal House
      - £1,800
      Another object of the Friends is
      “..the maintenance of public worship…”.
      Under this heading, the Council was asked to make a grant of £25,000 towards the music in the Cathedral.
      The Council agreed to all these requests, making a total grant of £60,200.
      Arthur C.Impey - Secretary

      Having conned The Friends out of £25k for music in September, Bielby departs in October!

      What have you done with the money Gerwhine?

    10. Has anyone seen "Supplementary lighting for the Choir stalls" appear in the choir stalls yet?
      What have you done with the money Capon?
      The Friends should demand refunds.

    11. Cheering for Bill Barlow29 January 2016 at 18:58

      "Overhaul" of the security and fire detection systems £25,000?

      I've just run those numbers by a pal of mine who does such work.

      He reckons they could have just about bought complete new systems for that sort of money!

      Arthur Impey should demand the Friends are provided with the invoices for inspection.

    12. @Llandaff Pewster

      Wouldn't the Cathedral's Insurer's have covered the cost of £4,500 for "Emergency work on the stonework of the clerestory"?
      Are the Friends certain that this work needed to be paid for?
      The Dean and the Chapter are not to be trusted.
      The Friends should ask to see every invoice for every piece of work that have funded over the last 4 years.
      It is most peculiar that every single item listed by Arthur Impey is a nice round number ending in 00 or 000, a text book sign of fraud.

    13. @Llandaff Pewster
      The ears in the walls of the Cathedral song room claim that Gerwhine has been laughing all the way to the bank since Bielby's October departure and the Friends' latest grant of £25,000.
      They allege that Timothy Hill has not been paid a penny for taking over as "Acting Director of the Cathedral Choristers".

    14. @Augustine
      May I request that you insert between points 9 and 10 of your previously published list these extra points please?
      9a. The Dean of Llandaff and Cathedral Treasurer be required to produce receipts/invoices for all the work carried out for which the sum of £60,200 was donated by the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral against each heading identified by Arthur Impey in his letter published in The Bell in November 2015;
      9b. That the Cathedral Treasurer be required to account for every last penny of the donated £60,200;
      9c. That Llandaff Cathedral be required to refund any and all money not identified in said receipts/invoices for work not carried out to the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral.
      Thank you.

    15. It is so sad for poor Llandaff.
      The way the bishop and dean are trying to do things is squalid.
      Poor Mrs Davies of Rhiwbina must be spinning in her grave bless her.
      If the Friend's are not careful there will be far fewer bequests in future.

    16. How right you are Esther.
      Our wills are being changed next week.

    17. @Simple Simon

      Items 9a, 9b and 9c inserted as suggested.

      Any more anyone?

  2. Perfect music for us snowbound souls.

  3. This is truly lovely.
    Thank you Ancient Briton.
    Just listen to that Oktavist bass.
    Unbelievably dignified, devotional and inspirational.
    Everything Llandaff has not been for some time.

  4. @Bjorn Again & Episkpoos.

    With reference to the post by Episkopos at 8:33 PM on January 18 2016 on the thread Decline and fall

    "I suppose it was only going to be a matter of time before it happened but has anyone else noticed that the monthly statistics for Communicants are no longer published in the "From The Registers" page of The Bell?
    (See page 25 of
    You see readers, hard facts are terribly inconvenient when they contradict ones claims."

    The ears in the walls of the Chapter House confirm that attendance and Communicant numbers have nose-dived, also that the missing figures are not the result of an oversight but another attempted sleight of hand by Gerwhine and his slimy amphibian Mr Toad.
    It is reported that Gerwhine has been bleating all week about his cunning cover up having been spotted. A hat tip to Episkopos, well done Sir/Madam.

    Print the numbers Capon you coward.

  5. From page 15 of The Bell in September 2015.

    The pilot scheme to have a Tea Room at the Cathedral ended on 8th August. The Dean made the following announcement:
    For the past 10 weeks, the catering staff of St Michael’s college have provided a “pop-up” tea room at the Prebendal House as a pilot to test the viability of a permanent Cathedral tea room. Now that the experiment has come to its close, there will be an analysis of the success of the project. On the strength of this the Cathedral will hopefully be in a position to offer a franchise to set the facility on a permanent basis.

    Where's the "analysis of the success of the project" Gerwhine?

    1. The Weekly Notes indicate Gerwhine is doing the square root of bugger all tomorrow so perhaps he's writing his reply to you Saul!

      But then again, perhaps not.

  6. Cash concerns for England's Anglican cathedrals

    42 Anglican cathedrals
    26 have bosses worried or very worried about funding within two years

    If Llandaff had been included in the survey the BBC would have needed to add at least one more category - "bosses terrified about funding within two months".

    1. Today's grumblings on The Green are all about the frenzied activity this week.
      Since Gerwhine ran from the Friend's Council meeting with his tail between his legs on Monday, the Cathedral Treasurer Williams and the crony Turk have been seen sweating in the office every day.
      The ears in the walls have suggested another cover up is being cooked up because the glove puppet failed to get the £400,000 needed to plug the hole in the finances.
      The suggestion of qualified accounts seems to have hit the bulls eye even if the auditor is the son-in-law of Treasurer Williams.

      No sign of the glove puppet today.
      It's business as usual in Llandaft.

    2. Numbers very low again at yesterday's 9am Eucharist.
      I think this is the third weekend Gerwhine has had off since Christmas.
      He may as well go permanently since hardly anyone would notice the difference.

  7. I failed to spot this quiet announcement a few weeks ago so apologies to anyone who considers this old news.

    St Padarn’s appoints first Principal

    "As an all-Wales institute, St Padarn’s will deliver courses at sites across the country. Its main hub and base for residential training will at St Michael’s Conference Centre, Llandaff."

    So the loss making Theological College has been relegated to being a mere "Conference Centre".
    The Dark ++Lord's MO is becoming predictable.
    It won't be too long (perhaps 18 months?) before it will be announced with "great regret" that the "Conference Centre" will close due to a lack of support from local businesses.
    Of course, since it has been subsumed by the RB, the predictably large losses will be hidden away in the RB accounts to avoid further embarrassment.

    1. The real scandal (which is hidden between the lines) is that virtually no-one wants to be a priest/ess in Bazzaland.
      Like so many churches before it, St Michelle's will close due to a lack of users.

  8. Llandaff Pewster6 February 2016 at 19:56

    Some interesting grumblings on The Green this weekend.
    The ears in the walls of the Prebendal House report the Llandaft ordure is about to start hitting the fan.
    Apparently the glove puppet thinks it's necessary to call a PCC meeting for Monday night at very short notice.
    The strange thing is that it is usually Gerwhine who cancels meetings at very short notice.

    1. He must be desperate.
      The Llandaff PCC hardly ever meet nowadays.

  9. Reading the comments about the, as yet to be fitted, supplementary lighting in the choir stalls, above, makes me think about the lighting in the stalls at St Deiniol's, which is now only used occasionally. Perhaps a deal could be done for these almost redundant lights; have a word with the Angler, or the 'lonely long distance runner', they seem to be financially well off at the moment, so it might be good time ask.

