Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Morgan's organ

With apologies to Dylan Thomas, it's been organ, organ all the time with Morgan, they've been martyred to his music!

In a few day's time on 8th November, Llandaff Cathedral will echo to the sound of music played on the magnificent newly completed £1.5m Nicholson Organ. The timing is unfortunate. Just before the grand event a press release has announced that "The 'Dean' and Chapter are proposing slimming down the Cathedral Choir in order to save nearly £50,000 which would significantly cut down the anticipated deficit of £81,000. Seven men – five lay clerks, one choral scholar and the assistant organist– are at risk of redundancy and will be invited to take part in consultation meetings over the next few weeks." [Additional report here - Ed 6/11/2013]
Matthew 23:17 springs to mind!

The 'Dean' will be the Morgan Jackson duo. As former temp Dean and minder they have been busy papering over the cracks in Llandaff Cathedral in the hope of attracting another candidate to sort out the mess created by organ Morgan and his cronies - see comments under previous entries here, here, here and here among others.

From the Organ Appeal site:
"Music is an essential part of the worship at the Cathedral. Llandaff is the only Anglican Cathedral in Wales with a dedicated Choir School and a professional choir that consists purely of boys and men. The Cathedral Choir sings at six services each week during term time as well as at the Christmas and Easter services. The organ accompanies the choir and therefore needs to have the tonal variety and subtlety for this purpose. It is also essential that it can lead large congregations in the singing of hymns, as well as being flexible enough to allow the playing of a worldwide organ repertoire."

Some amendments required there! The organ project was a considerable act of faith. It was initiated in 2007 when Church in Wales average Sunday attendance figures had already slid by a third from over 60,000 in 1990 to under 40,000 in 2007 (see graph in earlier entry here). By the time the organ was completed sixteen years later in 2013, the CinW average Sunday attendance looks set to fall to below 30,000, a 50% drop on 1990 figures and representing a mere 1% of the population of Wales yet the Archbishop retains the title of Archbishop of Wales giving him the political clout he would not otherwise enjoy, rather like an unelected member of the House of Lords. In fact the Church in Wales has become Morgan's organ.

In his word "the Cathedral is the Bishop’s church, the place where he has his chair – the place, in other words, where he has his home but the place from which he exercises oversight over the wider diocesan family". Where music is an essential part of the worship in fact. There is no hint of contrition in the press release, just a spokesperson's "very heavy heart". Weighed down by guilt? 

Where else in public life would you find a Chief Executive or Overseer and board answerable only to themselves with a governing body stuffed with members who loudly applauded the planned demise of brothers and sisters in their midst? The Archbishop would do well to follow the example of the other Nicholson in the news, Sir David Nicholson, the man in charge of the NHS who also thought he was indispensable but is to be replaced by a well respected 'opposition' man. What an excellent idea! Dr Morgan is past retirement age. He has been Archbishop for 10 years and has overseen nothing but decline.

The Church in Wales should be looking outside Wales for an 'opposition' man without all the CinW political baggage to be the next Bishop of Llandaff and Archbishop of Wales. A bold decisive step is needed to save the Church in Wales. The rest of us are accountable for our failures, why not the Welsh bishops? 


  1. I would repeat what I wrote in the combox two posts down:

    Cathedrals are one of the few areas of growth in traditional 'expressions' of Church, largely due to the quality of music and worship. This action plan effectively destroys the daily pattern of choral worship and thereby removes much of what is distinctive about the cathedral. It will be technically a cathedral but effectively like any other parish church. It is possible to argue that £1.5 million was too much to spend on a new organ, and that they could have rehoused a redundant organ for a fraction of the cost. But the organ is now there and paid for, and if they could raise that amount for the organ, they can surely go further and raise enough to endow the lay clerks/choral scholars. Of course, this may be an attempt to panic people into doing just that.

    I have written to the Archbishop and other main protagonists in the same vein, although I wouldn't want to be identified with some of the very personal comments which have appeared on this blog!

    1. I say old chum, not wanting to be identified with common name calling ecclesiastical ruffians, how do you account for Cathedrals as 'few areas of growth due to the quality of worship'? What in your view is the reason therefore for the plummeting attendance of worshipers at Bangor Cathedral ? Poor choral tradition, or, Jezebel?

      Jezebel - it must be you!

    2. Enforcer - you can stick your anonymous comments where the sun don't shine. I haven't a clue whether the things you are saying about Bangor are true, let alone what may or may not be going on there, as you neither reveal your sources nor support your authority by being prepared to stand by your assertions.

      Most of the cathedrals of southern England are more accessible from Abertillery than is Bangor. The statistics bear out the growth in number of worshippers at cathedrals, and the presence of high quality daily choral worship is stated to be a principal attraction. It is a USP of these foundations, along with their built heritage. It is obvious that where daily choral worship is either reduced or completely absent those people who would be attracted to take part actually stay away.

      If you - old chum - are happy to assassinate characters from the safety of a pseudonym, it isn't the way I was brought up to do things. I have made my views known directly to those involved, and I am happy to make the same comments here.

    3. And there's me thinking that 'Abervicar' was anonymous as well old sport. Well, so you are a real person just like me. Only it sounds as if you're having a bad hair day.

      So, ' Annwyl Ficeraber' (excuse my Welsh old chum chum), remember the 11th commandment - 'Keep taking the tablet',

  2. When you say that the Church in Wales should be looking outside Wales for an 'opposition man', I take it you mean a 'bishop' or 'archbishop'. To which I would strongly suggest that such would be akin to rearranging the furniture whilst the house is on fire. It would still be the same old cowboy outfit Ancient Briton - a gnostic Anglicanism.
    The Church in Wales is experiencing a modern day bondage. Dictators are always reluctant to go. Time now for Barry Wonga to take that long walk and for us to pray that God works the miracle of the new heart in his life - repentance of sin.

    As Hughie Green of 'Opportunity Knocks' would say : 'And I most sincerely mean it folks!'

    1. Yes Clifford, I mean a bishop. By 'opposition man' I mean someone with a new perspective as per the blog link. I cannot see an existing bishop in the Church in Wales fulfilling that role because they are all signed up to the managed decline plan. Dr Morgan happily looks outside Wales for Deans, Archdeacons and other clerics so why not a gifted, spiritual administrator from outside. Keeping the pot simmering until the Bench draw their pensions will do the Church in Wales no favours. Any ideas?

    2. Oh plenty father. But first, redundancy notices for at least five bench sitters. If the Catholic Church can do on two bishops, so can this useless money squandering bunch.

      'Stand by your beds and pick up your parrots and monkeys' Where on earth is Windsor Davies when you need him.

  3. What in God's name is wrong with 'society'.? There is no genuine shortage of money in this country: the Haloween industry is worth over £300 million! And Wales had a share in this. We cannot afford to pay for 6 pairs of vocal chords and an organists pair of hands. Our leader/overseer/chief executive has failed to evangelise the people. The decline in adherence to The Faith and a sense of priority in society arises because the population has no respect for 'church',and is that surprising when the Chapter or Morgan/Jackson twins show little respect for people trying to contribute their best to the growth of the Church ,albeit by making music.

  4. The present Dean of St. Albans, Dr. John - a homosexual (oh dear ....) but a welsh speaker and an author and, say some, quite an inspirational character. How would Ancient Briton feel about having a gifted queer on the throne at Llandaff? You said you were looking for someone outside of Wales - what about him? Or does that hit your other phobia - gays. You don't seem to like moslems, women so perhaps gays completes the trio.

    I hate this blog - and I think someone needs to state that. It's full of hate and such a personal attack on fellow christians. I hate it and its contents invariably make me mad.

  5. It may surprise you to know Anonymous that in my contact with Dr Jeffrey John I have found him very personable. Given his assurances I would not have had a problem with his election to the office of bishop. Your description of Jeffery as a 'gifted queer' is an unnecessary slur. I can understand your point without you feeling the need to be gratuitously offensive to someone I recognise as an honourable man even though I disagree with him on some issues.
    So far as 'attacks' on fellow Christians are concerned that is a bit rich given the treatment of traditionalists in Wales and in England.
    By the way, hate is not a Christian virtue.

  6. Impeach the Bishop now!!5 November 2013 at 19:36

    There is something horrid, nasty and very distasteful about the way this diocese and its cathedral are being run by the current administration. The top-heavy management style of the archdeacon and archbishop is accelerating the decline of the church. Time and time again it is the little people who are punished for the failures and abuse of power of those in positions of authority. Forget sacking a few lay clerks; it’s a couple of bishops, a few archdeacons and those ‘manager’ priests with no parishes but fancy, meaningless job titles, who need to be sacked. I urge the laity across the diocese to withhold your weekly giving until we see changes at the top. If you are not getting value for money, don’t pay. Don’t be the ones who foot the bill all the time for the failures of the archbishop and his senior management team.

    1. You're right on target Impeach the Bishop now!!
      One outcome of the horrid, nasty and very distasteful regime you describe is that no-one being quoted in the media is willing to be identified.
      According to the anonymous, but misinformed, member of the congregation reported in todays Western Mail, the lay clerks are paid "about £5,000 a year". With one notable exception, a Llandaff lay clerk's salary for several years has been a paltry £3300 (that is, less than the Choral Scholars of the 'amatuer' Cathedral choir at St. David's who receive £3500 plus free accommodation - see the current advert in the Church Times). An alternative comparison is that lay clerks at Hereford Cathedral receive almost £9000 plus subsidised accommodation.
      The Llandaff choir has always been run on a shoestring budget which has been skewed by one individual being paid 8 times more than any other singer.
      If the Chapter at Llandaff were the least bit serious about keeping their 130 year old "choral tradition" alive they could easily do so by ending the rent free (and allegedly tax free) tenure of the neighbour of the Organist & Master of the Choristers. Of course this will not occur because the chapter would rather have disposable casual labourers with no employment contracts and no inconvenient employment rights who can be bullied or disposed of at whim.
      So the decision has, in all likelihood, already been made.
      The esteem in which the Llandaff Chapter truly hold their 'professional' choir is that they wish to treat them like burger flippers in a fast food franchise.

    2. Anonymous, with his ++Darkness at the helm of the floundering Llandaff hulk is it any wonder that clergy, congregation and staff want to remain anonymous? Following a blunt but honest and accurate report to the AGM of the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral (also quoted recently in the Western Mail), Rev Bill Barlow (a nicer man would be hard to find) received a standing ovation and enthusiastic round of applause from all those present, except of course Darth Insidious.
      Outraged at the candid assessment so publicly made, Rev Barlow's 'reward' was to be hauled before Bazza for a most severe dressing down and threatened with having his licence removed.

      In Llandaff it's bully boy Bazza's way or the highway.

    3. [Here are two Western Mail articles I have found relating to the subject - Ed.]



    4. Impeach the Bishop now!!7 November 2013 at 13:43

      Poor old Rev Bill Barlow should nail his licence to officiate to the cathedral door, dust off his shoes and walk away. Likewise in protest at the way the cathedral is being run the parishioners should pin their empty gift aid envelopes to the great west door. Give no more cash to the sinking ship.

    5. Have the long suffering pew sitters in Llandaff realised yet that Peggy the chartered accountant doesn't seem able to do her sums?
      It is claimed that £48k needs to be saved from the budget of the music department by making 5 lay clerks, 1 choral scholar and the assistant organist redundant.
      5 lay clerk salaries = £16500
      1 Choral Scholar salary = £3000
      Free house for one lay clerk = £20000 (approx loss of rental income)
      Add payments for the regular additional singers (the current zero hours burger flippers) = approx £6000
      Add payments for the occasional additional 'bumpers' for special occasions (Advent carol Service, 9 lessons & carols, Christmas eve 'midnight' mass, Christmas day mass, Easter eve mass, Easter Sunday mass etc) = approx £1000
      Add the bonus payments for extra or extended services (ordinations, confirmations, St John of Jerusalem, the Legal service, Remembrance Sunday etc) = approx £2000

      Grand total = £48500.

      Then you have to add to the equation the salary of, and Employers NI contributions for, the assistant organist.

    6. The lovely Rev Bill should have nailed his licence to Bazza's Ass.

      It's known as pin the tail on the donkey.

    7. Another aspect of the "horrid, nasty and very distasteful way this diocese and its cathedral are being run by the current administration", Impeach the Bishop now!!, is the blatant nepotism.
      One of the loyal local singers (and an ex boy chorister) was excluded from the recent Songs of Praise production. Originally invited to sing, he politely declined because he knew the rates of pay on offer were wrong.
      After the national media outrage, the correct fees magically became available.
      Another singer was shipped in from Kent who, it just so happens, is a relation of, yes you've guessed it, the Director of Music!
      Impossible for Bazza to do anything about it as he's giving jobs to his own family.

  7. Where is Guy Fawkes when you need him?!!

    BTW, it's a great blog - don't worry, prophets were never popular in their own country.

  8. "gifted queer" is not in any way a slur - queers (like myself) have reclaimed the term into a positive self-description. It's the true genuis of us homosexuals to take an insult and redeem it into a label of self-idenitification (something almost Christian there). I'd be happy if someone called me a "gifted queer".

  9. Churches in the Llandaff Diocese are touting for weddings at a Wedding Fayre next weekend with a DVD and wedding chocolates used as bribes to hire a church. http://llandaff.churchinwales.org.uk/news/2013/10/pulpits-to-be-swopped-for-stand-at-wedding-fayre-by-clergy/
    When the Diocesan Communications Officer refers to the initiator as "Revd Komor" it begs the question whether any of Barry's minions has any connection with the faith as it has been received.

  10. Impeach the Bishop now!!6 November 2013 at 23:05

    Things must be desperate for the poor old CinW if they have to tart for wedding business. Last year the CinW performed only 3,500 weddings – in the good old days a former Rector of Caerphilly could knock that number out on a average summer’s Saturday afternoon!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Following swiftly on from the recent farce "Finance: What’s Faith got to do with it? – Ethical investment conference" hosted by +Swansea & Brecon (see http://www.churchinwales.org.uk/news/2013/10/finance-whats-faith-got-to-do-with-it-ethical-investment-conference/), his ++Irrelevance is now busy dabbling elsewhere in the financial jungle "Archbishop and Communities Minister warn of dangers of payday loans" (http://www.churchinwales.org.uk/news/2013/11/archbishop-and-communities-minister-warn-of-dangers-of-payday-loans/).

    Bully boy Bazza can't even manage to run the finances at his own Cathedral and even the little scriptwriter in his Cathedral choir couldn't have conjured it up.

  13. The bishops of Wales are telling the MOD how to run their affairs over recruiting 16 and 17 year olds?
    Their business should be the 16 and 17 year olds not attending their empty Cathedrals and Churches.

    1. Impeach the Bishop now!!8 November 2013 at 23:17

      Just watched the BBC Wales News – what on earth was the Bishop of Swansea and Brecon going on about? Better that those 16 and 17 year old kids are finding a vocation in the armed forces rather than falling through the school system and ending up unemployed. What is the track record for the Church of Wales of recruiting vocations at that age? What is the average age of the ordinands currently at St Michael’s College?

  14. Taken from the
    "Llandaff has received FCM grants of £24,000 since 1990. The last grant, of £15,000 was paid out three years ago..."
    So where did the £15,000 grant go Bazza?
    Produce the receipts.

    1. Exactly anonymous. An important question and long overdue. Where there is doubt, call the fraud squad, where there is despair then make a complaint to the relevant authority.

      In matters of discipline they are safely placed within private domestic law like that of a club. Regardless their boast of 'eminent silks' among its ranks, there is no limitation of time in criminal law and they are subject to the rule of law like the rest of us, with the exception of a 'D' notice or similar gag of course.

    2. The bugs in the walls around Llandaff have confirmed that the FCM grant of £15k paid out three years ago was used to cover the first years salary of the previous full time assistant organist following the retirement of his long serving part time predecessor.
      No plan for the long term funding of a full time assistant organist was put in place which in turn has led to further increases in the annual deficits in following years.
      Another fine Moorhouse mess.

  15. I was very despondent yesterday when told of a conversation between a priest in the south of the province and an acquaintance of his which happened a month or so ago. This is an excellent priest who has given his life to the Church in Wales with almost 30 years service. He should be one of the senior team in his diocese but of course too popular for that bishop to choose. In this conversation he expressed his regret at ever being ordained!!!!.. Think this is very sad for our church.

    1. Impeach the Bishop now!!8 November 2013 at 23:40

      That humble priest shouldn’t be despondent, he should remember that sh*t always floats to the top. For the sake of the Kingdom, his sanity, the purity of is soul and the good of those in his care he is probably in the best place. What joy, glory or kudos is there in being associated with the complete and utter incompetents who rank themselves as the Senior Management Team of our church?

    2. It must be obvious now to all those who take an interest in such matters.
      His ++ Irrelevance spends only he knows how much on engaging one of his Professor pals from the Taffia to produce a questionnaire (appalling grammar included for free) asking the long-suffering pew sitters of Llandaff for their opinions.
      And guess what?
      The majority of respondents praise the work and commitment of the Canon in Residence proposing that he should become the next Dean of Llandaff.
      But what does bully boy ++Bazza do?
      Firstly, he refuses to publish the Professor's report.
      Then he ignores the responses received, cheeses off every senior cleric in the Diocese and the Province by bringing in an outsider who lasts a mere 9 weeks and effectively leaves Llandaff without a Dean for 18 months whilst expecting the quota continue to be paid.
      If the Llandaff shambles is to be sorted out, ++Bazza needs to be told to push off now.

  16. Impeach the Bishop - you make an excellent point - and I was minded of the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer:

    "It is not simply to be taken for granted that the Christian has the privilege of living among other Christians. Jesus Christ lived in the mists of his enemies. At the end all his disciples had deserted him. On the Cross he was utterly alone, surrounded by evildoers and mockers. For this cause he had come, to bring peace to the enemies of God. So the Christian, too, belongs not in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the thick of foes. There is his commission, his work." (Bonhoeffer, 1954, p1.)

    The enemy often comes from within - no priest should give in to the sin of despair - KBO as Churchill would say!


  17. At the beginning of this this blog I read "In a few day's time on 8th November, Llandaff Cathedral will echo to the sound of music played on the magnificent newly completed £1.5m Nicholson Organ."
    I have found no reference to a review. Did anyone attend?

    Looking at the Church in Wales site I see that there is news of a biker returning to Wales, poor soul, and a couple of old biddies 'being one' in Baglan.
    Other than that I found a picture of the Llandaff Cathedral 'choir', a trio including a former Dean whose father as a former Vicar of Baglan. He must be turning in his grave.

    1. The organ recital to celebrate the completion of Morgan's Organ went ahead but was overshadowed by more bad PR for Bazza and his shambles of a chapter.



      Moorhouse showed up with four of his minions in tow (all described as Lay Clerks when in reality 1 is a Lay Clerk who only joined the choir two months ago, 2 are Choral Scholars (read apprentices, also recent additions) and the last an occasional burger flipper brought in to fill gaps on foreign tours) robed in their shiny new cassocks as part of his desperate propaganda drive to save his squalid cabal and little empire. In the meantime he is understood to be conducting a witch hunt for whomsoever 'leaked' the existence of the Landaft Script.

      Who needs satire when the reality is so much more fascinating?

    2. That's the same behaviour exhibited by Moorhouse over the Songs of Praise incident.
      Instead of dealing with the disgraceful way his singers were being mistreated by Avanti and the Cathedral, his first reaction was to ring around trying to discover which of the lay clerks had 'betrayed' him by joining Equity.
      How dare they try to protect their right to be paid properly rather than accept his bullsh*t that 'the BBC rarely pay well'!
      How dare they join a union!
      How dare they spoil the harmony of his little fiefdom!
      Bazza is not the only one that should be told to push off now.

    3. Anonymous (November 10), oh yes, Friday nights' theatrics were worthy of the West End.
      By curtain up on Friday evening, Moorhouse had received a bollocking from his ++Darkness and had been told in no uncertain terms that his ++Darkness did not appreciate being compared with 'Hannibal the Cannibal'. Moorhouse imposed a three line whip and arranged the stage managed appearance of the "Lay Clerks" at the Organ recital whilst carefully making sure that none of those implicated in the "Landaft" scandal were in robes, avoiding the possibility of embarrassing questions being posed to them by offended and outraged pew-sitters.

  18. A witch hunt? 'Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names'. That's 'Barry Wonga' alright!

    1. Has anyone else noticed how his ++Darkness has been trying to flood the media with his 'good news' stories over the last week? There's been a flurry of press release activity on the RB and Llandaff Diocese websites and his propaganda machine has been working overtime.
      The trouble is that news of his nasty little regime is sticking like dog doo to a picnic blanket.

    2. Enforcer, it's not only 'Barry Wonga' but Peggy the Pilot too.
      The word on the High Street for many months has been that she's running around the Cathedral desperately trying to work out how all the little secrets are seeping out of the leaky cauldron.

      Walls have ears in Llandaff!

    3. At the 'Provincial Court' 1997 in Caernarfon the witness room for the defendant didn't have ears - it was bugged instead by private detectives. Cost of those proceedings?. A mere £305,000

      Are you sure Peggy Pilot might not be wondering if the verger is at again, bugging the vestment drawer?

    4. Ah,ah,ah .....Rev Anonymous from the archives once again. Glad to be of assistance to you. Look forward to the book launch in Cardiff and Bangor.

      As a form of courtesy, and avoidance to further covert protocol expense for 'His Registry', invites for His Grace Barry Wonga, (or should it be Plonker), Peggy Pilot, Gower Investigations Ltd and Eversheds is recommended.

    5. The ears in the walls at Llandaff indicate that his ++Darkness is being sued by his favourite ex Dean for a considerable amount of his wonga and his new (but as yet unannounced) Diocesan Registrar Hilary is greatly concerned at the prospect of his wallet being considerably thinner as a result.
      Bully boy Bazza faces quite a conundrum - he doesn't want it to go to a hearing because the reasons for Janet's premature departure would become public but equally he doesn't want to have to pay her off and face a retirement involving considerably fewer rounds of golf than he'd anticipated.

      Matthew 6, 34 - Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

      Suck it up Bazza.

  19. Have you all noticed that the posting of the Landaft Script on this blog has been removed?
    His ++Darkness at work once more methinks.

    1. I plead guilty to that having read that a former member of Llandaff Cathedral Choir claimed he had been subjected to homophobic bullying by former colleagues involved in putting together a spoof script.
      Perhaps I was too sensitive to the bullying allegation having just written about the subject in my Queer bashing entry but readers should find the WalesOnline article more informative, especially this comment on the issue:
      "The Dean and Chapter are responsible for the running of the Cathedral, not the Archbishop of Wales, nor the other Welsh bishops.” Nothing to do with His ++Darkness then!

    2. Ancient Briton, might I respectfully suggest that you've missed the best bit, that is the horns of the dilemma upon which his ++Darkness now finds his backside well and truly impaled up to the hilt.
      The press statement published at
      on 31st August 2013 has surely come back to haunt his ++Insidiousness.

      Archbishop of Wales backs Cardiff Mardi Gras.
      Cardiff-Wales LGBT Mardi Gras has officially been given support this year from the Archbishop of Wales.
      Much like the PM, the Most Rev’d Dr Barry Morgan also believes that regardless of sexual orientation, everybody should be treated as equals:
      “Sadly the church has not always treated lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people with the respect they deserve, as people are made in the image of God. Any event, such as Cardiff-Wales LGBT Mardi Gras, that breaks down barriers of prejudice and treats people as the individuals they are, with respect and dignity, has my full support”.

      As ever, some are more equal than others at Llandaff Cathedral and all bully boy Bazza can do is play his favourite party game of pass the buck with Peggy (or should that be Clarissa?) the Pilot.

      Bazza (or should that be Anthony) must rue the day he appointed Peggy (Clarissa) the chartered accountant 'to have necessary oversight of the Cathedral' and she must rue the day she accepted the poisoned chalice landing herself in a post that is clearly way beyond her limited abilities.
      Meanwhile, back in the Dales, ex Dean Janet Henderson must surely be patting herself on the back for getting out of Llandaff as soon as she did.

      PS, please do repost the posting of the "Landaft" letter. As anonymous wrote, the reality is so much more fascinating than the satire.

  20. Bazza's PR machine continues to crank out the 'good news' rubbish and his pals in the Taffia at S4C are doing their best to help him out. See http://www.churchinwales.org.uk/news/2013/11/archbishop-presents-tv-worship-programme/

    This one is truly a corker, there won't be a dry leg tonight in the hostelries of Llandaff following choir rehearsal.
    “I would go to the chapel in the morning and then in the evening. I’d attend Llanfair Church, Cwmgors where I learnt to play the organ and sang in the choir and became involved with the Church in Wales,” he explains.
    One hopes his organ playing is better than his insipid warbling of plainsong at Eucharist services - in his case, Tonus Peregrinus applies but is certainly not a compliment!
    And then there's his grand finale : “I’m deeply aware that I’m following in a line of some of the giants of the Christian faith – people such as the translator of the Bible to Welsh, William Morgan, Alfred Oliver, Joshua Hughes and Richard Lewis and that makes me feel very humble.”
    No giant of christian faith and no sign of humility.

    Curiously, there's no mention of the most recent edition of the Llandaff Songs of Praise Trilogy (broadcast on 3rd November as what's left of the Cathedral Choir were being told to expect the P45s for Christmas).
    It provided another fine opportunity to play that game "Spot the regular Llandaff Cathedral-goer in the audience". You wouldn't have needed your second hand to help you keep count and his soon to be defunct Cathedral Choir didn't even show up for any of the hymns, their contribution being limited to that fine traditional Anglican anthem, the Vicar of Dibley theme.
    Worth every penny of their £600 fees.

  21. Good Lord! Peggy (Clarissa) the Pilot is finally going to do her job?
    Call me Thomas if you will, but seeing is believing.



    1. Thomas, I doubt the "majority of choir members" were given permission by the Dean (his ++Darkness) & Chapter to issue a public statement.
      The ears in the Cathedral walls report that Moorhouse was at the "meeting in the Cathedral over the weekend" and now we discover what they were concocting.

    2. I doubt they've had permission to splash their public statement all over Facebook either.
      His ++Darkness will now have lots more "consultancy" work to pass onto his daughter Lucy, starting with a Social Media policy for Cathedral employees.

  22. So much for a united front.
    The bugs in the walls at St. Michael's college report that only 50% of the current members of the Llandaff Cathedral Choir bothered to show up for their consultation meetings with Peggy the Pilot.
    Perhaps the missing members have finally worked out that they are being asked to save the job of one individual paid 8 times more than them.
    The rumour is that the only serious proposal put forward is that of evicting the Director of Music and his neighbour to bring in paying tenants.
    That is, if anyone really wants to save the Cathedral Choir!

  23. From the December 2013 edition of The Bell:


    "There have been many tales and rumours as to the cost of the new organ and therefore the time is right to set out the history of the appeal, the cost of the new organ and the funds that have been raised by the organ appeal committee."

    "In 2008, the Cathedral Executive decided that there would be insufficient money from the appeal fund to complete the full organ and, in agreement with Nicholsons, the building of the solo organ and five pedal stops was deferred, thus saving £109,000."

    "In the absence of a separate itemised account for the first phase of the organ, overall figures supplied to the Cathedral’s auditors put the cost at £1,384,890."

    "An individual separate account has not been produced for the first phase of the organ appeal and Chapter, in reply to a request for an account, believe that to extract the information from the Cathedral’s main account would not justify the time and resources needed."

    "From 2012 fund raising was focused on completing the organ project by the installation of the solo organ and the five missing pedal stops. A business plan to accommodate the completion was devised by the appeal committee and approved by Chapter. The cost to build and install the solo organ and the five missing pedal stops had now risen to a total of £190,000, but such was the success of the fund raising programme, the target was exceeded by £26,000."

    So to save £109,000 in 2008, the sum of £190,000 had to be spent in 2013 - a stroke of genius by the bean counters!
    Lo and behold - an individual separate account was not produced for the first phase and no surprise to discover that the Chapter (in reply to a request for such an account) refuse to produce one with the excuse that they "believe that to extract the information from the Cathedral’s main account would not justify the time and resources needed".
    How convenient.
    A separate account should have been kept from the outset.

    Now the Laurel & Hardy duo of his ++Darkness and Peggy the chartered accountant are appealing to the pew-sitters to dig even deeper to save their cathedral choir?

    "Landaft" indeed!

    1. So, it now comes to light that "an individual separate account has not been produced for the first phase of the organ appeal".
      But isn't Peggy the Pilot supposed to be a chartered accountant?
      This seems to be a text book example of code for another Chapter cover up.

      Rev John Baldwin sent out the following statement recently.

      "You will see that, as 'Gift Aid Secretary', I have been asked to ensure that you receive the enclosed letter (prepared by the Archdeacon of Llandaff in the role of acting incumbent in the absence at present of a Dean of Llandaff) regarding the forthcoming cessation of the usage of the 'fund' L057R through which you have kindly been making gifts to our funds over recent years. The primary destination for that income has, far and away, been towards the installation of the new Nicholson Organ and which I am pleased to tell you, should you not already be aware, is due for final completion in the next few weeks."

      The "primary destination" has "far and away, been towards the installation of the new Nicholson Organ"?
      It remains to be seen if the Secretary to the Organ Appeal Committee can explain what is meant by the above.
      All such donated monies should have been put to one purpose only.
      To have done otherwise without asking and getting the permission of those making the donations would be fraudulent.
      What amounts were directed to secondary destinations and for what purposes?

      And why didn't the Treasurer to the Organ Appeal Committee write the report published in The Bell?

    2. So who the hell is running Llandaff Cathedral?
      The "Cathedral Executive", The Dean & Chapter, bully boy Bazza or no-one in particular?

      So let's get this straight - the good and generous people of Llandaff donate £1,384,890, the auditor doesn't ask to see a separate itemised account (might that be because the auditor is related to the Cathedral accountant?) and to cap it all the Chapter can't "justify the time and resources needed" to draw up proper accounts.
      What arrogance!
      Is this really the behaviour of an organisation worthy of obtaining charitable status?

      Have I missed anything here?

    3. It is not all bad news, Llandaff Cathedral has raised a massive 23p through the 'click' scheme. That should help to pay for a stamp on a letter to the Charity Commission.

    4. "An individual separate account has not been produced for the first phase of the organ appeal and Chapter, in reply to a request for an account, believe that to extract the information from the Cathedral’s main account would not justify the time and resources needed."

      Obviously his ++Darkness and his cathedral coven don't want anyone to know what's really been going on behind closed doors.
      What excuse would they produce if a couple of volunteers came forward and offered the resources of their "time and talents" to produce a separate account?

      Strange that David Jones and the Organ appeal committee seem willing to swallow this bullshit.
      If bully boy Bazza won't produce the accounts why aren't they calling in the Police fraud squad?

    5. So the "Chapter" decided that it would be too much trouble to produce proper accounts for the Organ appeal?
      If he had the bottle, David Jones would challenge the "Chapter" to produce the minutes of the Chapter meeting at which the subject was discussed and the decision allegedly made.
      The ears in the walls of the Chapter House suggest no such thing has ever occurred!

    6. The fund used for general purposes at Llandaff is known as L057.
      Rev John Baldwin's letter quoted above clearly indicates that fund L057R is ceasing to be used due to the completion of the Organ appeal.
      So there are obviously two separate funds through which the different types of income were fed.
      The evidence suggests that either David Jones has been misled or he is now part of the cover up.
      Has ++Darth Insidious bought off some or all of the Organ Appeal Committee?

  24. Last Saturday, two basses and a tenor (all at risk of redundancy) were busy earning fees singing at a Handel concert in Monmouth.
    Meanwhile, the scheduled Evensong in Llandaff was cancelled unexpectedly.

    True priorities revealed?

    1. I think that you will find it was due to the Choristers being involved in the Cathedral School's 'St Cecilia Concert'. Even people who haven't sung in the Cathedral Choir since Christmas 2012 will know that the 16th was always going to be said. Please read your diary (sent out months in advance) Anonymous.

    2. I don't know anything about a diary Anonymous but perhaps you do?
      If so, might one assume you are one of the Cathedral choir?
      Either way, the ears in Landaft report that Moorhouse and his minions were paid for having the night off and the gullible pew sitters in Landaft foot the bill once more.
      Nice work if you can get it.
      Care to comment further?

  25. 'Far and away' is a curious term to use, and in the absence of an explanation raises a certain amount of suspicion. One would normally have no doubt about the financial probity of Cathedral management, but in the light of present events, etc....
    It is clear that the CinW is in dire straits, and despite his obvious sincerity, diligence and integrity the Archbishop must now resign.

    1. Anonymous, how can you seriously include the words "sincerity" and "integrity" in the same sentence as "Archbishop"?
      Financial probity and management at Llandaff? Surely you jest!
      His ++Irrelevance is a disgrace and utterly without conscience or morals.
      You're asking a turkey to vote for Christmas.

  26. Moorhouse and his moron minions are now so desperate that they've launched a campaign to save his little fiefdom. Desperation indeed. Three weeks after the announcement of possible redundancies not one cheque has been received!
    The people of Llandaff are not going to be taken in any more.

    1. It's not only the people of "Landaft" who have seen through Moorhouse, there's been no cheques forthcoming from anyone, anywhere.
      The best plan the current choir burger flippers have come up with is to invite the Chapter to attend the two Christmas fund raising events organised by the boy chorister parents.
      The first is a black tie ball in the banqueting hall at Caerphilly Castle.
      Fund raising to save the choir?
      No! It's to send their privately educated children on their next foreign concert tour.

  27. The Archbishop has failed in the proper management of the Cathedral (yes he is responsible), culminating now in the lack of funding for the choir, reduced congregations, no office manager recruitment, no Dean and no money.
    Surely he should resign, and if he won't he must be removed to allow someone more competent to take over before it's too late.
